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Protease activities in the secreted saliva, salivary glands and midgut of the green mirid, Creontiades dilutus, were investigated. The saliva and salivary glands had more protease activity than the midgut, but no differences in protease activity levels were detected between male and female mirids, adult mirids and third instar nymphs, or between fed and starved mirids.In the salivary glands, chymotrypsin-like serine proteases predominated, as characterised by inhibitor specificity, basic pH optima, and hydrolysis of N-benzoyl-L-tyrosine p-nitroanilide and N-succinyl-ala-ala-pro-leu p-nitroanilide. The pH optimum of midgut extracts was acidic (pH 4), implying that acidic proteases predominate. However, protease activity was inhibited substantially by both aprotinin and E-64, suggesting the presence of both serine and cysteine proteases in the midgut of the green mirid.  相似文献   

Creontiades dilutus (Stål), the green mirid, is a polyphagous herbivorous insect endemic to Australia. Although common in the arid interior of Australia and found on several native host plants that are spatially and temporally ephemeral, green mirids also reach pest levels on several crops in eastern Australia. These host‐associated dynamics, distributed across a large geographic area, raise questions as to whether (1) seasonal fluctuations in population size result in genetic bottlenecks and drift, (2) arid and agricultural populations are genetically isolated, and (3) the use of different host plants results in genetic differentiation. We sequenced a mitochondrial COI fragment from individuals collected over 24 years and screened microsatellite variation from 32 populations across two seasons. The predominance of a single COI haplotype and negative Tajima D in samples from 2006/2007 fit with a population expansion model. In the older collections (1983 and 1993), a different haplotype is most prevalent, consistent with successive population contractions and expansions. Microsatellite data indicates recent migration between inland sites and coastal crops and admixture in several populations. Altogether, the data suggest that long‐distance dispersal occurs between arid and agricultural regions, and this, together with fluctuations in population size, leads to temporally dynamic patterns of genetic differentiation. Host‐associated differentiation is evident between mirids sampled from plants in the genus Cullen (Fabaceae), the primary host, and alternative host plant species growing nearby in arid regions. Our results highlight the importance of jointly assessing natural and agricultural environments in understanding the ecology of pest insects.  相似文献   

The egg and nymphal development, fecundity and survival of the green mirid, Creontiades dilutus were examined at a range of temperatures and a modified day-degree model fitted to the data. Day degree (DD) requirements for egg and nymphal development, and threshold temperatures were calculated from the fitted lines. Female fecundity and longevity, egg and nymphal development, and survival of C. dilutus were significantly influenced by temperature. Eggs and nymphs failed to complete development at temperatures below 17 and at 38°C. Females also failed to produce any eggs at 11 and 38°C. The optimum temperature range for female fecundity was found to be 26–32°C. The optimum temperature for the development of eggs was calculated from the model as 30.5°C and for nymphs as 31.5°C. The threshold temperature for development was 15.8°C for egg and 15.1°C for nymph; 69.4 and 156.7 DD were required for completing the egg and the nymphal development, respectively. At the optimum temperature, it was estimated that development from egg to adult took 15 days. Survival was highest at 26°C for eggs and at 30–32°C for nymphs.  相似文献   

Copy DNAs corresponding to a highly repetitive, proline-rich protein from maize have been cloned by differential screening of a coleoptile cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence contains a single repetitive element of carrot extensin (Ser-Pro-Pro-Pro-Pro). The related mRNAs have a defined distribution in tissues of the plant and are accumulated mainly in the coleoptile node and root tip. A peptide that corresponds to one of the repetitive elements of the protein has been synthesized and antisera have been obtained in rabbits. These antibodies react against crude preparations of coleoptile cell wall and against polypeptides extracted following the protocols described for the extraction of extensin. From these data it is concluded that the cDNAs correspond to a family of cell wall glycoproteins from maize.  相似文献   

Trypsin-like enzymes from the salivary gland complex (SGC) of Lygus hesperus Knight were partially purified by preparative isoelectric focusing (IEF). Enzyme active against Nalpha-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BApNA) focused at approximately pH 10 during IEF. This alkaline fraction gave a single activity band when analyzed with casein zymograms. The serine proteinase inhibitors, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and lima bean trypsin inhibitor, completely inhibited or suppressed the caseinolytic activity in the crude salivary gland extract as well as the IEF-purified sample. Chicken egg white trypsin inhibitor also inhibited the IEF-purified sample but was not effective against a major caseinolytic band in the crude salivary gland extract. These data indicated the presence of serine proteinases in the SGC of L. hesperus. Cloning and sequencing of a trypsin-like precursor cDNA provided additional direct evidence for serine proteinases in L. hesperus. The encoded trypsin-like protein included amino acid sequence motifs, which are conserved with five homologous serine proteinases from other insects. Typical features of the putative trypsin-like protein from L. hesperus included residues in the serine proteinase active site (His(89), Asp(139), Ser(229)), conserved cysteine residues for disulfide bridges, residues (Asp(223), Gly(252), Gly(262)) that determine trypsin specificity, and both zymogen signal and activation peptides.  相似文献   

To gain better knowledge of the variety of digestive enzymes in phytophagous coleopteran pests, a sequencing screen of 76 random cDNAs from a gut library from Phaedon cochleariae larvae was performed. The screen yielded 21 cDNAs encoding amino-acid sequences homologous to known digestive enzymes, most of them were cell wall-hydrolysing enzymes. The deduced protein sequences of 7 cDNAs encoding putative -amylase, cysteine proteinase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, cellulase, pectinase and xylanase display all the structural features that characterize these enzymes in other eukaryotic organisms. Except the -amylase and chymotrypsin cDNAs, the other cDNAs probably derive from multigene families. The distribution of the corresponding enzymatic activities at various developmental stages of P. cochleariae was examined. -amylase activity is present in guts of larvae and adults, proteinases are abundant in guts of larvae and adults, but scarce in eggs and larval carcasses, xylanases are present in the guts of larvae and adults, as well as in carcasses of larvae, whereas cellulase and pectinase activities are distributed in larval and adult guts, larval carcasses, and eggs. Only a minor fraction of the cellulases is secreted by microorganisms, suggesting that P. cochleariae synthesizes most of its own cell-wall hydrolysing enzymes. The physiological role of the enzymes is discussed, as well as the significance of these results for pest management strategies involving transgenic plants expressing enzyme inhibitors.  相似文献   

Pilophorus gallicus Remane (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a predatory mirid reported in deciduous trees in the western Mediterranean area. This work aimed to determine the biological and demographic parameters for this species at different temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C). Egg hatching times shortened from 57.8 days at 15°C to 9.2 days at 30°C, and nymphal development times declined from 62.8 days at 15°C to 11.1 days at 30°C. The hatching and nymphal survival rates were low at 15 and 30°C. The lower thermal thresholds for the egg and nymphal development were 12.4 and 12.0°C, respectively. These high thermal thresholds could be a safety mechanism to avoid the emergence of nymphs in the unfavorable winter period. Female weight increased between 15 and 25°C and decreased at 30°C. The fecundity increased from 70.2 eggs per female at 15°C to 212.4 eggs per female at 25°C, and decreased to 88.5 eggs per female at 30°C. Fertility ranged from 9.4% at 15°C to 40.9% at 25°C, being 24.9% at 30°C. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) rose from 0.001 to 0.081 between 15 and 25°C and decreased to 0.05 at 30°C. In summary, this species performs poorly at low temperatures and has a relative tolerance of high temperatures (30°C); its performance was best at 25°C. Knowledge of the variation in the biological parameters with temperature may be very useful for the understanding of its ecology and population dynamics.  相似文献   

The protein kinase C (PKC) family of enzymes is broadly distributed and has been implicated in a diverse array of cellular functions. Recent evidence supporting PKC involvement in the regulation of the Limulus choline cotransporter prompted us to clone PKC from a Limulus central nervous system (CNS) cDNA library. An Aplysia californica calcium independent PKC (Apl II) cDNA probe was used to screen the library and 5' RACE SMART PCR was used to obtain the full-length sequence. The resulting cDNA, which included 5' and 3' nontranslation regions, was 4675 bp. Analysis of the encoded peptide sequence using the Swiss-prot database revealed at least 58% identity to PKC epsilon. A commercial polyclonal antibody against PKC epsilon was used in Western blots to positively label a 30 kDa protein from Limulus CNS and the expressed fusion protein of the encoded sequence. These data support the presence of a newly identified PKC-like homolog in Limulus which likely represents a PKC epsilon equivalent.  相似文献   

The patterns of flight activity of adult Distantiella theobroma were recorded in an actograph placed in the field. Flight activity of virgin females showed a non-linear increase with age, was highest around mid-day and related to sex attraction behaviour. Mated females and males both showed sharp peaks of activity in the late afternoons. Male flight was depressed by low light intensities and all activity declined with falling light intensity in the evenings and ceased entirely during the hours of darkness.
Résumé Un appareil a été conçu pour enregistrer l'activité de vol dans les conditions naturelles et a été utilisé pour étudier le comportement des mâles et des femelles de D. theobroma, aux diverses phases de leur vie imaginale.L'activité de vol de D. theobroma eest exclusivement diurne. Les femelles restent relativement inactives pendant les premiers trois jours de leur vie imaginale. Après le début de maturité et bien que non encore accouplées, on note un accroissement de leur activité qui est maximum vers le milieu du jour, mais s'atténue pendant la fin de l'après-midi, alors qu'elles manifestent un comportement d'appel et se révèlent attractives pour les mâles.Les femelles qui se sont accouplées montrent un début d'activité tôt le matin et qui s'accroît pour atteindre un pic bien marqué en fin de l'après-midi, pour décliner ensuite avec la baisse de l'intensité lumineuse. L'activité des mâles commence plus tard et atteint son maximum vers 16h30. Ceci coïncide avec le moment où le plus grand nombre de femelles manifestent un comportement d'appel. Le vol des mâles n'apparaît qu'au-dessus d'un certain seuil d'intensité lumineuse et est inhibé par la pluie.Le changement avec l'âge de l'activité des femelles vierges présente des modalités caractéristiques qui se révèlent concorder avec les variations du nombre de mâles attirés par les femelles vierges de différents âges.

This work was done as part of the programme of the International Capsid Research Team which was sponsored by the International Office of Cocoa and Chocolate.  相似文献   

An earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus, produces alkaline trypsin-like proteases that are greater than trypsins in their stability and strong tolerance to organic solvents. cDNAs encoding strong fibrinolytic proteases (F-III-2 and F-III-1) in the six isozymes were cloned and sequenced to study their stability-structure relationship. The cDNAs of F-III-2 and F-III-1 comprised 1011 and 973 bp and included open reading frames that encode polypeptides of 245 and 246 amino acid residues, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences of F-III-2 and F-III-1 have 7 and 8 activation peptides in the N-termini respectively, indicating that they are translated as proenzymes and modified to active forms by posttranslational processing. They showed similarity to mammalian serine proteases and conserved the catalytic amino acid residues, however, neither arginine nor lysine residues were present in the autolysis region. The gene encoding the native form of F-III-2 was expressed in Pichia pastoris to produce and secrete the earthworm protease in the culture medium, which dissolves an artificial fibrin plate.  相似文献   

To gain better knowledge of the variety of digestive enzymes in phytophagous coleopteran pests, a sequencing screen of 76 random cDNAs from a gut library from Phaedon cochleariae larvae was performed. The screen yielded 21 cDNAs encoding amino-acid sequences homologous to known digestive enzymes, most of them were cell wall-hydrolysing enzymes. The deduced protein sequences of 7 cDNAs encoding putative α-amylase, cysteine proteinase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, cellulase, pectinase and xylanase display all the structural features that characterize these enzymes in other eukaryotic organisms. Except the α-amylase and chymotrypsin cDNAs, the other cDNAs probably derive from multigene families. The distribution of the corresponding enzymatic activities at various developmental stages of P. cochleariae was examined. α-amylase activity is present in guts of larvae and adults, proteinases are abundant in guts of larvae and adults, but scarce in eggs and larval carcasses, xylanases are present in the guts of larvae and adults, as well as in carcasses of larvae, whereas cellulase and pectinase activities are distributed in larval and adult guts, larval carcasses, and eggs. Only a minor fraction of the cellulases is secreted by microorganisms, suggesting that P. cochleariae synthesizes most of its own cell-wall hydrolysing enzymes. The physiological role of the enzymes is discussed, as well as the significance of these results for pest management strategies involving transgenic plants expressing enzyme inhibitors.  相似文献   

A cDNA, StEN1, encoding a potato (Solanum tuberosum) endonuclease was cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of this clone contains an open reading frame of 906 nucleotides encoding a protein of 302 amino acids, and with a calculated molecular mass of 34.4kDa and a Pi of 5.6. The deduced StEN1 protein contains a putative signal sequence of 25 amino acid residues. The StEN1 encoded protein shows substantial homology to both plant and fungal endonucleases isolated and cloned from other sources. The highest identity (73%) was observed with AgCEL I from celery, Apium graveolens, ZEN1 from Zinnia elegans (69%) and DSA6 from daylily, Hemerocallis (68%). RT-PCR expression analysis demonstrated that the potato StEN1 gene is constitutively expressed in potato, although minor differences in expression level in different tissues were observed.  相似文献   

We isolated three Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clones (ATMKK3, ATMKK4 and ATMKK5) encoding protein kinases with extensive homology to the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MAPKKs) of various organisms in the catalytic domain. ATMKK3 shows high homology (85% identity) to NPK2, a tobacco MAPKK homologue. ATMKK4 and 5 are closely related to each other (84% identity). Phylogenetic analysis showed that the plant MAPKKs constitute at least three subgroups. The recombinant ATMKK3 and ATMKK4 were expressed as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST) in Escherichia coli. Affinity purified GST-ATMKK3 and GST-ATMKK4 proteins contained phosphorylation activity, which shows that both the ATMKK3 and ATMKK4 genes encode functional protein kinases. Northern blot analysis revealed that the ATMKK3 gene expressed in all the organs. The levels of ATMKK4 and 5 mRNAs were relatively higher in steins and leaves than in flowers and roots. We determined the map positions of the ATMKK3, 4 and 5 genes on Arabidopsis chromosomes by RFLP mapping using P1 genomic clones.  相似文献   

The development and adoption of transgenic (Bt) crops that express the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin has reduced the use of synthetic insecticide on transgenic crops to target Helicoverpa spp., the major insect pest of cotton in Australia. However, it has also increased the threat posed by sucking pests, particularly Creontiades dilutus (green mirid), which are unaffected by the Bt toxins in transgenic cotton crops. Here we report the efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungus Aspergillus sp. (BC 639) in controlling the infestation of transgenic cotton crops by C. dilutus and promoting interactions of transgenic cotton with beneficial insects. The results showed that the number of C. dilutus adults and nymphs recorded on plots treated with 1000, 750, 500, 250 ml/ha BC 639 fungus formulation were the same as on plots treated with the recommended concentration of the commercial insecticide Fipronil. The fungus was found to have minimal effect on predatory insects compared with Fipronil and was most effective against C. dilutus when applied at the rate of 500 ml/ha (equivalent to 50 g spores/ha). At this rate, the fungus was as effective as Fipronil for controlling C. dilutus populations and ensured the survival of predatory beetles, lacewings and spiders compared with Fipronil treatment. The yield from fungus-treated plots was 5.24 bales per acre compared with 5.40 and 3.88 bales per acre for Fipronil-treated and unsprayed plots, respectively. The ability of the BC 639 strain to control C. dilutus infestations of transgenic cotton crops while conserving beneficial insect populations suggests its potential for supplementing integrated pest management programs to reduce the use of synthetic insecticides for transgenic cropping systems.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple method to test whether a hydrophobic segment near the N-terminus of a protein functions as a type II signal anchor (SA) in which the N-terminus faces the cytoplasm. A cDNA fragment containing the putative SA sequence of a target clone was fused in-frame to the 5' end of a cDNA fragment encoding the protease domain of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA). The resulting fused gene was expressed in COS7 cells. Fibrinolytic activity on the cell surface was measured by placing a fibrin sheet in contact with the transfected COS7 cells after removing the medium. When the cDNA fragment encoded a SA, the fibrin sheet was lysed by the u-PA expressed on the cell surface. The fibrinolytic activity was not detected in the culture medium, suggesting that the u-PA remains on the cell surface anchored via the SA in the membrane without being cleaved by signal peptidase. This fibrin sheet method was successfully applied to select five novel cDNA clones encoding putative type II membrane proteins from a human full-length cDNA bank.  相似文献   

Tanaka S  Nambu F  Nambu Z 《Gene》2001,268(1-2):53-58
SPARC (Secreted protein, acidic, rich in cysteine) is an extracellular matrix-associated and anti-adhesive glycoprotein extensively studied in vertebrates. Its presence among invertebrates has been reported in nematodes and flies. We cloned a cDNA containing a complete open reading frame for SPARC from the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana. The amino acid sequence identity between the Artemia and the fly SPARCs was 55%, whereas that of the Artemia and the nematode proteins was 45%. Artemia and vertebrates exhibited a sequence identity of 30% in the predicted aa sequences. The SPARC consisted of four domains commonly found among reported SPARCs. The protein comprised 291 amino acids, having a signal peptide, a follistatin-like domain, one N-glycosylation site and one calcium-binding EF-hand motif. Fourteen cysteine residues conserved among all the secreted forms of SPARCs were present in the Artemia SPARC, and four extra cysteine residues were also found in it. The extra residues were conserved among SPARCs of the arthropods and the nematode. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the sequences of SPARCs were grouped into those of vertebrates and invertebrates. Though the structural organization of SPARC was conserved among all the species studied, SPARC within a group was highly conserved within that group, but divergent between the two. Northern blots revealed the presence of a 1.1 kb mRNA, which was faintly expressed in embryos and considerably detected in prenauplii and nauplii. The isolation of a SPARC cDNA from Artemia franciscana provides intriguing features of the divergent protein, SPARC.  相似文献   

Using specific proteinase inhibitors, we demonstrated that serine proteinases in the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, are major proteinases in both salivary glands and gut tissues. Gut proteinases were less sensitive to inhibition than proteinases from the salivary glands. Up to 80% azocaseinase and 90% of BApNAse activities in the salivary glands were inhibited by aprotinin, benzamidine, and PMSF, whereas only 46% azocaseinase and 60% BApNAse activities in the gut were suppressed by benzamidine, leupeptin, and TLCK. The pH optima for azocaseinase activity in salivary glands ranged from 6.2 to 10.6, whereas the pH optima for gut proteinases was acidic for general and alkaline for tryptic proteinases. Zymogram analysis demonstrated that approximately 26-kDa proteinases from salivary glands were active against both gelatin and casein substrates. Three trypsin-like cDNAs, LlSgP2-4, and one trypsin-like cDNA, L1GtP1, were cloned from salivary glands and gut, respectively. Putative trypsin precursors from all cloned cDNAs contained a signal peptide, activation peptide, and conserved N-termini (IVGG). Other structural features included His, Asp, and Ser residues for the catalytic amino acid triad of serine proteinase active sites, residues for the binding pocket, and four pairs of cysteine residues for disulfide bridges. Deduced trypsin-like proteins from LlSgP2, LlSgP3, and LlGtP1 cDNAs shared 98-99% sequence identity with a previously reported trypsin-like precursor, whereas the trypsin-like protein of LlSgP4 shared only 44% sequence identity with all other trypsin-like proteins, indicating multi-trypsin forms are present in L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

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