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Effective control of raspberry spur blight (Didymella applanata) and increased crop yields in the following season were obtained in a plantation of cv. Mailing Jewel with a programme of four or five sprays commencing when the new canes first appeared. Treatments were applied at 14-day intervals and continued until c. 2 wk before harvest. Thiram (0.16% a.i), benomyl (0.025% a.i.), dichlofluanid (0.10% a.i.) and captan (0.10% a.i.) gave good control of the disease but as benomyl and dichlofluanid were also effective in controlling powdery mildew (Sphaero-theca macularis) and Botrytis cinerea on the berries these fungicides appear to be the most suitable.  相似文献   

Grey (Areolate) mildew (Ramularia areola) and Alternaria blight (Alternaria macrospora) are two important fungal foliar diseases affecting cotton in India. Both the diseases are polycyclic in nature. The primary inoculum for grey mildew is through conidia or ascospores from infected debris and/or perennial cottons and the secondary spread is through primarily infected leaves. Whereas for Alternaria blight the spread is initially from seed-borne inoculum (in Gossypium herbaceum and Gossypium arboreum cottons) and/or crop debris and the secondary spread is from sporulating lesions on older leaves. Both R. areola and A. macrospora require a temperature regime of 20–30?°C with prolonged high humidity (>80%) and frequent rains for infection and disease development. However, it has been observed that cool weather coupled with prolonged dewy periods in the absence of rains has also been found conducive for the development of both the diseases. So, suitable epidemiological tools and models are required to predict the disease development, spread and to design suitable management practices.  相似文献   

Effects of Sphaerotheca fuliginea were deduced from experiments in which cucumber foliage, exposed to naturally occurring inocula, was fungicidally sprayed. Yields increased as the incidence of mildew decreased but the relation was sometimes affected by differing amounts of phytotoxicity. The fungitoxicity and phytotoxicity of a range of chemicals applied as high-volume sprays, fumigants or soil drenches, were tested. Non-phytotoxic concentrations of some fungicides adequately protected cucumber foliage from subsequent attack but were often insufficient to eradicate established infections, the increased amounts needed for this being phytotoxic. Powdery mildew was controlled more effectively when drazoxolon and quinomethionate were applied as sprays with 0·1 and 0·02% a.i. respectively, than when used as fumigants at 2–4 and 1·3 g/28·3 m3(= 1000 ft3). Sprays of drazoxolon (0·1% a.i.) increased yields from 7·0 to 11·2 kg/ plant during 8 weeks picking and in another experiment weights of fruit were increased by applying quinomethionate (0·02% a.i.) from 10·8 to 52·2 kg/plot of four plants. In the former experiment appreciable amounts of phytotoxicity and infection were tolerated before yields decreased but, in the latter, yields were inversely proportional to numbers of dead leaves which were directly related to the incidence of mildew. Spraying with quinomethionate, or drazoxolon plus tetradifon (0·012% a.i.) increased numbers of female flowers from 59·5 in the mildewed controls to 93·0 and 142·8 per plant respectively, and of these 17·6, 32·8 and 16·2 % subsequently produced marketable cucumbers. In addition to decreasing yields, severe S. fuliginea infestations were associated with increased numbers of misshapen cucumbers. Increasing sulphur concentrations from 0·5 to 1·0g/28·3m3during nightly fumigations significantly decreased mildew incidence and increased (a) yields from 35·8 to 52·9 kg during 5 weeks picking, and (b) the proportion of high-quality cucumbers from 49 to 63 %. Similar trends occurred in another trial where sulphur concentrations were increased from 0·75 to 1·0 g/28·3 m3, but comparisons with fortnightly sprays of 0·1% drazoxolon suggest that these sulphur concentrations caused some damage.  相似文献   

Ascospores of Didymella applanata were released in rain and dew throughout the summer, the highest concentrations occurring in May when new raspberry canes were emerging. Infections on new canes did not develop until later in the season, when ascospore concentrations were low although pycnospores were present. Lesions first appeared near the base of the green canes just below the point of attachment of the petioles; they were not associated with obvious leaf, petiole or bud infections. Once maturation of the canes occurred, further infection was prevented.  相似文献   

A 3‐year field trial was conducted using established apple cv. Crown Gold and English oak (Quercus robur L.) to assess the efficacy of eight fungicides applied via microcapsule trunk injection against the foliar pathogens apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) and powdery mildew (Phyllactinia sp). In both apple cv. Crown Gold and English oak, the fungicide myclobutanil was not taken up when microcapsules were inserted into the tree vascular system at the root flare. Disease severity in injected trees, excluding myclobutanil, was lower over the following two growing seasons compared to water‐injected controls indicating seven of the eight fungicides used in this study provided a significant degree of protection against scab and powdery mildew infection. A difference in the magnitude of pathogen control achieved was recorded between fungicides. Of the fungicides tested, penconazole, pyrifenox and carbendazim significantly reduced disease severity and significantly increased leaf chlorophyll (Fv/Fm) and SPAD values as a measure of tree vitality and chlorophyll content, respectively, in both apple cv. Crown Gold and English oak over two growing seasons after microcapsule injection. Based on the results of this investigation, it is suggested that these three fungicides be used in preference to thiabendazole, fosetyl‐aluminium, triadimefon and propiconazole for the control of apple scab and powdery mildew where outbreaks of these foliar pathogens are problematic.  相似文献   

In examinations between September 1966 and December 1968 of 741 specimens of rose species and cultivars, cleistocarps of Sphaerotheca pannosa were found on thirty-two cultivars, mostly ramblers and old shrub roses, and on nine of these they were found in two or three successive seasons. On stem pieces placed on soil in each of the winters 1966-7, 1967-8 and 1968-9 the number of cleistocarps with asci and ascospores decreased during November and December and rose slightly in January, but none showed dehiscence. Cleistocarps on rose bushes examined during the winters of 1967-8 and 1968-9 showed a progressive degeneration of ascospores, and by December none was found. Perennation of S. pannosa in buds was demonstrated by field observations, by inducing bursting of dormant buds on surface-sterilized shoots and by dissection of dormant apical buds. In field studies in 1968 of the development of mildew, infected buds were noted on 22 March but secondary infections did not appear until 17 April, though viable conidia and susceptible leaf tissue were present during this period. Low temperatures appeared to be partly responsible for this lag. On detached leaves in the laboratory the fungus developed from germination to sporulation in 4 days at 20°, 7 days at 15°, 11 days at 10° and 28 days at 3°. Keeping inoculated detached leaves at 0° for 10 days apparently did not affect the viability of the conidia. In both 1967 and 1968 there were two host growth periods, each culminating in flowering, between May and September; mildew did not develop on the shoots until the second growth phase, then the disease increased logarithmically on shoots and blooms during August and September. The disease on the shoots was effectively controlled in the field during 1968 by applications of ‘Benlate’ (benomyl) or dinocap, but not by methy-rimol; these fungicides were less effective in controlling mildew on pedicels. Laboratory tests showed that ‘Benlate’ inhibited sporulation of S. pannosa by deforming the conidiophores.  相似文献   

Nodal lesions typical of natural infections of Didymella applanata were produced on young raspberry canes when wounded petioles were inoculated with mycelium. The buds which developed in the axils of these inoculated petioles were smaller and less likely to produce lateral shoots than those in the axils of delaminated or undamaged petioles, but only when the petioles were inoculated in the field before the end of July. This effect was more pronounced in cv. Mailing Jewel than in cv. Glen Clova which suggests that the latter is more tolerant of D. applanata. Sprays to control D. applanata in the cropping region of canes will probably be effective in Scotland only if applied before the end of July.  相似文献   

Raspberry flowers were inoculated in the glasshouse and field with dry conidia of Botrytis cinerea and the fruits derived from them subjected to post-harvest rot tests at c. 20°C and high humidity. Apparently healthy fully-ripe picked fruits derived from inoculated flowers developed grey mould faster than those from non-inoculated flowers in all tests. In the glasshouse experiments, fruits from inoculated tightly closed flower buds rotted more slowly than those from inoculated open flowers or those at later developmental stages. Fruits from inoculated whole flowers rotted more rapidly than those from emasculated flowers; the addition of pollen to emasculated flowers had little effect on post-harvest grey mould. In the dry summer of 1984 no fruits in the field from inoculated whole flowers rotted before ripening, but in the wet season of 1985 pre-harvest grey mould was common and the surviving healthy fruits rotted in c. 1 day after picking. Only minor differences were detected in host susceptibility to post-harvest grey mould in both glasshouse and field tests, the ranking of genotypes varied depending on whether or not flowers had been inoculated. The susceptibility of pistils of 40 Rubus genotypes to infection was examined 7 and 28 days after inoculation of stigmas with dry conidia. Conidia germinated on the stigmas and produced hyphae which grew through transmitting tissues of the styles to infect carpels symptomlessly in 17 red raspberries, one blackberry, two Rubus spp. and one hybrid. No germination occurred on stigmas of cv. Carnival and New York Selection 817.  相似文献   

Field experiments on sugar-beet powdery mildew, Erysiphe betae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sugar-beet powdery mildew, Erysiphe betae appeared in East Anglia in late July 1976 and became wide-spread in eastern England during August and September but was scarce in crops in the north and west of England. Fentinhydroxide, sulphur, benomyl and ethirimol controlled the disease but benomyl applied once only and ethirimol were less effective than the other materials. In heavily infected crops two sulphur sprays, the first applied at the onset of the mildew attack, increased sugar yield by 13%. A single early sulphur spray increased yield on average by 9% giving a return of six to seven times the cost of treatment. When the first spray was delayed, mildew control was less effective.  相似文献   

Mixtures of methyl esters of fatty acids (‘Off-Shoot O’) and mixtures of fatty alcohols (‘Off-Shoot T’), applied during the late autumn (November), eradicated apple powdery mildew (caused by Podosphaera leucotricha) from infected buds. Applications in the spring at bud-burst were less effective. The autumn sprays caused little damage to the cultivars Bramley's Seedling, Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious but on Worcester Pearmain 50% of the buds were killed by a 5% Off-Shoot O spray. The bud-burst sprays were damaging and reduced yield on the Cox and Bramley trees. A 5% a.i. mixture of nonanol/lissapol applied to a range of commercial cultivars was effective in eradicating powdery mildew but was more phytotoxic than the Off-Shoot compounds. Spraying Cox trees later in the winter failed to reduce the damage. Eradication of the overwintering stage of the disease resulted in low spore concentrations during the following spring and early summer, enabling some economies to be made in the summer mildew fungicide programme.  相似文献   

During the years 1998 and 1999, two field experiments were conducted at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, to test the effects of soil‐ and foliar‐applied sulphur (S) in spring wheat. S was applied at 0, 20, 40, 60 kg ha?1 in 1998 and at 60 kg ha?1 in 1999, using CaSO4 as a source for the soil application and micronised S (Thiovit, 80%), with and without an organosilicone adjuvant, as a source for the foliar application. Senescence was retarded and grain yield was increased in 1998, following application of foliar S in conjunction with the organosilicone adjuvant. Application of foliar S was associated with a reduction in the level of mildew (Erysiphe graminis) recorded on the upper leaves and ears of the canopy. In 1999, grain yield was unaffected by treatments. A low level of mildew in the crop, particularly on the ears, is thought to be the reason for the lack of response in spite of the fact that senescence was retarded with foliar S application. A combined application of foliar S and commercial fungicide (cyproconazole) to the crop appeared to be more effective at controlling mildew than either S or fungicide applied alone. The study shows that there may be a role for S in a low‐input/organic wheat production system, where there is a need to reduce artificial inputs.  相似文献   

The gynecium was selected for histological studies of infection of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) flowers in the laboratory because it is one of several possible infection sites leading to fruit grey mould. Infection of emasculated flowers occurred when dry conidia were dusted on to receptive stigmas. The conidia germinated in the stigmatic fluid of both non-pollinated flowers and flowers pollinated before inoculation, their germ tubes then penetrated the stigma and hyphae grew intercellularly through the transmitting tissues of the style to enter the carpel within 7 days. The possible roles of stylar infections and endophytic mycelium are discussed in the context of grey mould development.  相似文献   

Using hybrid analysis and test-clone method, 102 accessions of Triticum monococcum L. from the collection of the Vavilov All-Russia Institute of Plant Industry have been studied. This species of wheat has been found to by considerably polymorphic with respect to the resistance to the fungus Erysiphe graminis DC. f. sp. tritici Marchal. causing powdery mildew. The resistance of most accessions to the fungus population and clones is determined by dominant genes. In rare cases, the resistance was determined by recessive genes or one, two, or three oligogenes. A group of einkorn wheat accessions has been found in which the resistance to powdery mildew was determined by the same dominant factor or different but closely linked ones. Recessive resistance genes of T. monococcum differ from the recessive gene pm5 determining the resistance of T. aestivum plants. The genome of T. monococcum contains various genes of resistance to powdery mildew and is a potential source of effective genes to be used when selecting cultivated species of wheat for immunity.  相似文献   

Lebedeva TV  Peusha HO 《Genetika》2006,42(1):71-77
Using hybrid analysis and test-clone method, 102 accessions of Triticum monococcum L. from the collection of the Vavilov All-Russia Institute of Plant Industry have been studied. This species of wheat has been found to by considerably polymorphic with respect to the resistance to the fungus Erysiphe graminis DC. f. sp. tritici Marchal. causing powdery mildew. The resistance of most accessions to the fungus population and clones is determined by dominant genes. In rare cases, the resistance was determined by recessive genes or one, two, or three oligogenes. A group of einkorn wheat accessions has been found in which the resistance to powdery mildew was determined by the same dominant factor or different but closely linked ones. Recessive resistance genes of T. monococcum differ from the recessive gene pm5 determining the resistance of T. aestivum plants. The genome of T. monococcum contains various genes of resistance to powdery mildew and is a potential source of effective genes to be used when selecting cultivated species of wheat for immunity.  相似文献   

Three products based on compounds of biological origin were tested for their ability tocontrol the raspberry midge blight in theSiberian region of Russia. Bacillusthuringiensis subsp. israelensis(BACTICIDE®) and Streptomycesavermitilis metabolites (PHYTOVERM®) were used against Thomasiniana theobaldi (ageneral member of the midge blight) andCHITINASE was used against fungi (mainly Didymella applanata) associated with T. theobaldi. The BACTICIDE®(0.2%) and PHYTOVERM® (0.2%) sprays caused a 2-fold decrease in midge blight severity and the sameeffect was obtained with chemical insecticides.The CHITINASE (1%) spray caused a 4-folddecrease in the severity of midge blight. Inaddition, CHITINASE and PHYTOVERM®caused a significant suppression of theindependent spur blight. These studies form thebasis for further evaluation of ecologicallysafe control of the raspberry midge blight.  相似文献   

A ready-to-fog' formulation of iprodione applied with themal foging equipment was a satisfactory alternative to high-volume (HV) sparys of iprodione for the control ofnatural infecton with grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in an unheated tomato crop. There were no significant differences in numbers of droped fruit nor in the control of naturally-occurring lesions in stems or leaves, nor of ghost-spotting on fruit, between the HV sprays and fogs applied every fortnight. Except for ghost-spotting, control by fogs applied weekly was better than by eihter for nightly treatment. In contrast, the control of infection from B.cinerea inoculations on peitoles was significantly better by the fortnightly HV treatment than by either frequency of foging. Control of infection imporved with increase in the number of fungicide applications to the peitole before inoculation; two HV sprays gave complete control but six fog applications did not. The variation in the conrrol of infection by fogs and presumbly therefore in the distribution of fungicide within the 61 m2 glasshouse compartments was small. Application of the iprodione fogging formulation significantly reduced the number of fruits see by about 5% compared with the HV treatment.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic relationships among the powdery mildew fungi of some economically important tropical trees belonging to Oidium subgenus Pseudoidium, we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses using 30 DNA sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and 26 sequences of the domains D1 and D2 of the 28S rDNA obtained from the powdery mildews on Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree), Anacardium occidentale (cashew), Bixa orellana, Citrus spp., Mangifera indica (mango), and Acacia spp. The results indicate that the powdery mildew fungi isolated from these tropical trees are closely related to one another. These powdery mildews are also closely related to E. alphitoides (including Erysiphe sp. on Quercus phillyraeoides). Because of the obligate biotrophic nature of the powdery mildew fungi, the relationship between powdery mildews and their host plants is conservative. However, the present study suggests that a particular powdery mildew species has expanded its host ranges on a wide range of the tropical trees. This article also suggests that a powdery mildew fungus distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere expanded its host ranges onto tropical plants and may be a good example of how geographical and host range expansion has occurred in the Erysiphales.  相似文献   

Disease resistance is increasing in importance, as consumers require high-quality raspberry fruit at a time when chemical disease control is undesirable. Breeders have limited resources and rarely include a primary screen for each fungal disease. Marker-assisted breeding would facilitate the introduction of resistance into elite germplasm and breeding lines. An additional 20 simple sequence repeats have been added to the existing raspberry linkage map. Gene H, which determines cane pubescence (genotype HH or Hh), the recessive allele of which gives glabrous canes (genotype hh), has been mapped on to linkage group 2 and shown to be closely associated with resistance to cane botrytis and spur blight but not rust or cane spot. Other map regions on linkage groups 3, 5 and 6 associated with disease resistance are reported here. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

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