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Primordial shoot explants excised from buds of one Larix decidua tree, about 30 years old, produced more adventitious buds, elongating into shoots, when grown on half strength Litvay medium than when grown on other basal media. Thidiazuron and N6-benzyladenine (BA) were equally effective in adventitious bud induction. In a comparative study of 30-year-old L. decidua, L. leptolepis, L. eurolepis, and L. laricina trees, explants from L. eurolepis and L. decidua produced a high number of cultures with adventitious buds that elongated into shoots; those from L. leptolepis were less productive, and those from L. laricina failed to form adventitious buds. The highest response was obtained with material collected in August and September, and in March and April; the lowest response occurred in explants from the October collection.  相似文献   

Summary Young trees of Larix decidua, in their 4th and 5th year of development, were permitted to photoassimilate a pulse of 14CO2 at different times throughout the growing season. After chase periods between 1 h and 7 days, the distribution of 14C in these plants was determined. CO2 fixation followed a maximum curve with highest rates of photosynthesis of 123 ± 4 mol CO2·h-1·mg chl-1 in June. Translocation of 14C assimilate was observed throughout the growing season. The main quantity of fixed 14C was always retained in the fed leaves. Radiocarbon moved basipetally into the roots at all times, particularly in spring and late summer. Sprouting young shoots and leaves at the stem apex attracted assimilate in spring. Incorporation of 14C into soluble low-molecular-weight substances prevailed; less radioactivity was incorporated into insoluble polymeric compounds. Distribution of 14C among the sugar, amino acid and organic acid fraction was determined. Labelled free sugars were analysed.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on the development of protocols for the clonal propagation, through somatic embryogenesis, of coconut have been reported for the past three decades, mostly using inflorescence explants, but with low reproducibility and efficiency. Recent improvements in these respects have been achieved using plumular explants. Here, we report a developmental study of embryogenesis in plumule explants using histological techniques in order to extend our understanding of this process. Coconut plumule explants consisted of the shoot meristem including leaf primordia. At day 15 of culture, the explants did not show any apparent growth; however, a transverse section showed noticeable growth of the plumular leaves forming a ring around the inner leaves and the shoot meristem, which did not show any apparent growth. At day 30, the shoot meristem started to grow and the plumular leaves continued growing., At day 45, the explants were still compact and white in color, but showed partial dedifferentiation and meristematic cell proliferation leading to the development of callus structures with a translucent appearance. After 60 d, these meristematic cells evolved into nodular structures. At day 75, the nodular structures became pearly globular structures on the surface of translucent structures, from which somatic embryos eventually formed and presented well-developed root and caulinar meristems. These results allow better insights and an integrated view into the somatic embryogenesis process in coconut plumule explants, which could be helpful for future studies that eventually could lead us to improved control of the process and greater efficiency of somatic embryo and plantlet formation.  相似文献   

Tested haploid embryogenic lines (n=12) of Larix dedicua Mill, initiated from megagametophyte tissue were maintained on half-strength LM medium without growth regulators. The cultures were analyzed for ploidy level after 1–9 years. All lines tested were found to have doubled (2n=24) their chromosome number at the end of the experiment, though there were a few lines that still gave occasional haploid counts. Flow cytometric data of embryogenic tissue confirmed these results. Protoplasts were stained in ethidium bromide, and cultured human leucocytes and chicken erythrocytes were used as internal standards. Haploid megagametophytes from immature seeds of L. decidua and known diploid culture lines of a related hybrid (L. x eurolepis) were also analyzed by flow cytometry. Haploid reference material had 12.3–13.6 pg DNA per cell, whereas formerly haploid callus lines had an average of 25.0 pg DNA per cell. The one exception was a known, genetically unstable line of L. decidua (34.8 pg DNA per cell). The diploid cell line of L. x eurolepis had 27.6 pg DNA per cell. The results show that spontaneous diploidization of megagametophyte lines is relatively rapid and that both haploid and dihaploid lines are embryogenic in larch.  相似文献   

The effect of various collection dates and nine different culture media on the formation of ‘embryo-like structures’ (ELS) in cultures derived from explants taken from a 42-year-old Larix decidua tree was studied. The best medium was AFC, a medium low in NH4, NO3 +, Mg2+ and SO42− but high in PO43− compared with the concentration of these elements in the other media. On AFC, ELS production reached a peak with collections made in late summer during the period when needle primordia are being initiated. For the other media, collection date had a lesser effect on ELS initiation.  相似文献   

A method for micropropagation ofDalbergia sissoo has been developed. Single node segments obtained from coppice shoots of a mature tree (20 – 25 year old) produced 3–4 shoots per explant on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 4.4 x 10−6 M benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 4.4 × 10−7 M of Β-naphthoxy acetic acid (NOA) (shoot multiplication medium) within 4 weeks. Thein vitro regenerated shoots were 3 – 4 cm in length and provided 2 to 3 culturable nodal segments which on shoot multiplication medium again produced 3–4 shoots. Following this procedure 18–24 shoots were produced from single nodal segment within 60 d. 80 % of the shoots directly produced five roots when they were firstly treated with MS medium supplemented with 10−5 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and subsequently transferred to half strength liquid MS medium containing 1 % activated charcoal followed by half strength liquid MS free hormones, vitamins and activated charcoal. Thein vitro raised plants were hardened for survival after transplantation to soil by exposing them to various humidity conditions, gradually from higher to low, with nearly 100 % transplant success. Acknowledgement: Authors are grateful to CSIR and DST, New Delhi for financial assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Proliferation of terminal and axillary buds of 20 yr-oldPinus caribaea andP. kesiya trees was obtained on half strength DCR medium supplemented with 0.5 mg·liter−1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). These sprouts further elongated with the formation of multiple shoots with the ratio of 1:3, on transfer to medium in which the 0.25 mg·liter−1 BA of the initiation medium was replaced by 0.25 mg·liter−1 kinetin. Rooting was obtained on the same medium. Plantlets thus formed were transferred to perlite:peat:vermiculite mixture (1:1:1) in polybags (10×5 cm) under 80±5% humidity in a polyhouse. Plantlets ofP. caribaea andP. kesiya were established with 72.5 and 83.3% survival, respectively.  相似文献   

Induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis was studied with hybridlarch (Larix x leptoeuropaea)cotyledonary somatic embryos obtained after 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks of culture on amaturation medium supplemented with abscisic acid. Almost all 3-week maturedcotyledonary somatic embryos can develop embryonal masses whereas only 78, 27and 12% of them are able to do so after 4, 5 and 6 weeks of maturation,respectively. During the first week of culture on the induction medium, somaticembryos with high embryogenic potential (i.e. 3-weekmatured) release little ethylene (less than 1.5 nL h–1g–1 FW), whereas those which have almost completelylosttheir ability to induce embryonal masses (i.e. 6-weekmatured) produce much more ethylene. Thereafter, ethylene production by bothtypes of embryos is very similar at around 5–6 nLh–1 g–1 FW. Enrichment of theatmosphere with ethylene, or addition of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid(ethephon)or ACC in the induction medium strongly reduced the induction of secondarysomatic embryogenesis. Moreover, inhibitors of ethylene action(AgNO3and 2,5-norbornadiene) improved the development of embryonal masses fromsomaticembryos, particularly from the 6-week maturated ones. The results obtainedclearly suggest that ethylene is involved in the regulation of somaticembryogenesis in hybrid larch. The possible relationship between somaticembryogenic potential and ethylene biosynthesis by the explants or sensitivityof the latter to ethylene is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes a protocol for plant regeneration from cultured seedling explants of Arctium lappa. Hypocotyls and cotyledons of A. lappa were induced to form callus by culturing on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2.0mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5–2.0 mg l−1 benzyladenine (BA). Formation of adventitious buds could be induced from calluses or explants directly by culturing on MS medium containing 1.0–2.0 mg l−1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.5–2.0 mg l−1 BA. These regenerated shoots were rooted on MS medium with 1.0 mg l−1 indole-3-butyric acid or indole-3-acetic acid in combination with 1.0 mgl−1 NAA. The regenerated plants acclimatized in soil were normal morphologically and in growth characters. They flowered and set seeds in the following year after acclimatization.  相似文献   

In vitro propagation protocols were established for two leguminous trees, Bauhinia variegata and Parkinsonia aculeata. In each case axillary shoot proliferation was achieved from nodal explants from mature (6-2-8 years) trees using Murashige & Skoog's medium supplemented with 2.22–31.1 M of 6-benzyladenine. Subsequent rooting of the regenerated shoots was achieved on medium containing 2.46–14.8 M of indole-3-butyric acid. Successful transfer of the regenerants to soil has been accomplished.  相似文献   

A wheat regeneration system was developed using mature embryos. Embryos were removed from surface-sterilised mature caryopses (winter wheat Odeon cultivar and spring wheat Minaret cultivar) and ground to pieces through a sterile nylon mesh. The fragments were characterised by means of the image analysis technique. They were 500 M mean diameter and most of them were elongated. They were used as explants to initiate embryogenic calli on solid medium supplemented with 10 M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The morphogenic pathway of the initiated calli was followed for a 40-day culture period. Active cellular division occurred within 24 hours of cultivation. Several hundred calli were produced from 100 fragmented embryos within 3 days. A 90% callus induction rate was achieved and proembryos appeared by the 8th day of culture. The highest embryogenic calli induction rate of 47% was obtained when 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was suppressed after a 3–4 week induction period. Two regeneration methods were finally compared. A total of 513 plantlets were produced. The optimal protocol produced 25–30 plants per 100 embryos. This regeneration method may be suitable for transformation applications.  相似文献   

Mature trees of European grey alder (Alnus incana) were micropropagated on a modified MS medium containing 2.5 M BA, 6.2 mM (500 mg l-1) NH4NO3 and 1.5% glucose. Prior to in vitro culture, mature scions were multiplied through grafting and cutting techniques. Shoot tips from cuttings were established in vitro. After six months of culture, shoots were rooted either in vitro or in vivo and plantlets were transferred to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Tamarix gallica L. was micropropagated from four-to six-node explants taken from mature trees. Shoot proliferation was induced on Linsmaier and Skoog medium containing 30 g l-1 sucrose, 7 g l-1 agar, 200 mg l-1 reduced glutathione (basal medium) and supplemented with 3.3 M benzyladenine. Adding 0.5 or 1.0 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) to the basal medium increased lateral shoot formation and ease of rooting. Microcuttings repeatedly subcultured on 1.0 M IBA produced well-developed roots, a high number of axillary shoots and could be acclimatized in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Megagametophytes of Abies alba containing the immature embryos were dissected from the seed coats and divided by longitudinal and transverse sections. They were placed with the cut surface down on modified Schenk & Hildebrandt medium containing 50 mgl-1 myo-inositol and 2% sucrose, supplemented with 1 mgl-1 N6-benzyladenine (BAP). An embryogenic type of callus proliferated after one month of culture. Closer examination revealed the presence of structures resembling early stages of embryogenesis as well as of single elongated, vacuolated cells and clusters of cells with dense cytoplasm. Under appropriate conditions, some of the somatic embryos elongated and formed cotyledons.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogeography of Larix sukaczewii and Larix sibirica using nucleotide variation at three following nuclear gene regions: 5.8 S rDNA including two internal transcribed spacers (ITS), cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), and phytochrome-O (PHYO). We also included sequences of the 4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene region obtained in our recent study. CAD and PHYO showed very low nucleotide variation, but ITS and 4CL had levels of variation similar to those reported for other conifers. Pleistocene refugia have been hypothesized to exist in the Southern Urals and South Central Siberia, where four out of nine of the investigated populations occur. We found moderate to high levels of population differentiation (F ST  = 0.115 – 0.531) in some pairwise comparisons suggesting limited gene flow and independent evolution of some refugial populations. In L. sukaczewii, low levels of differentiation were found among populations from areas glaciated during the Pleistocene, indicating their recent origin. Our results also suggest these populations were created by migrants from multiple, genetically distinct refugia. Furthermore, some haplotypes observed in populations from previously glaciated areas were not found in putative refugial populations, suggesting these populations might have contributed little to the extant populations created after the Last Glacial Maximum. Some authors regard L. sukaczewii and L. sibirica as a single species, while others consider them as separate species. The observed conspicuous differences in haplotype composition and distribution between L. sukaczewii and L. sibirica, together with high values of F ST between populations of the two species, appear to support the latter classification. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Ismael A. Khatab and Kariyawasam K.G.U. Hemamali contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure for the regeneration of cacao (Theobroma cacao) plants from staminode explants via somatic embryogenesis was developed. Rapidly growing calli were induced by culturing staminode explants on a DKW salts-based primary callus growth (PCG) medium supplemented with 20 g glucose per L, 9 μM 2,4-D, and thidiazuron (TDZ) at various concentrations. Calli were subcultured onto a WPM salts-based secondary callus growth medium supplemented with 20 g glucose per L, 9 μM 2,4-D, and 1.4 nM kinetin. Somatic embryos were formed from embryogenic calli following transfer to a hormone-free DKW salts-based embryo development medium containing sucrose. The concentration of TDZ used in PCG medium significantly affected the rate of callus growth, the frequency of embryogenesis, and the number of somatic embryos produced from each responsive explant. A TDZ concentration of 22.7 nM was found to be the optimal concentration for effective induction of somatic embryos from various cacao genotypes. Using this procedure, we recovered somatic embryos from all 19 tested cacao genotypes, representing three major genetic group types. However, among these genotypes, a wide range of variation was observed in both the frequency of embryogenesis, which ranged from 1 to 100%, and the average number of somatic embryos produced from each responsive explant, which ranged from 2 to 46. Two types of somatic embryos were identified on the basis of their visual appearance and growth behavior. A large number of cacao plants have been regenerated from somatic embryos and established in soil in a greenhouse. Plants showed morphological and growth characteristics similar to those of seed-derived plants. The described procedure may allow for the practical use of somatic embryogenesis for clonal propagation of elite cacao clones and other applications that require the production of a large number of plants from limited source materials.  相似文献   

Embryogenic tissues have been initiated on cotyledon explants dissected from seedlings or emblings of hybrid firs. Cotyledons of seedling origin (Abies alba x A. cephalonica) gave a relatively low initiation frequency (1.94 percnt;). In embling-derived cotyledons (Abies alba x A. cephalonica, Abies alba x A. numidica), the initiation was cell-line dependent and reached values between 1.25 and 24.28 percnt;. The established embryogenic cell lines are being maintained in long-term cultures.The origin and development of the somatic embryos have been traced histologically. The early stages of somatic embryo development have been characterised by cell division activity (predominantly periclinal) in the epidermal and subepidermal layers of cotyledons and subsequently by development of nodular structures. Further differentiation led to the formation and emergence of somatic embryos on the surface of cotyledons.Somatic embryo development and plantlet regeneration occurred from proliferating tissues initiated from cotyledons of embling as well as seedling origin.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of selected mature cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A transformation system for selected mature cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees using Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been established. Embryos obtained from recurrent proliferating embryogenic masses were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strains EHA105, LBA4404 or AGL1 harbouring the plasmid pBINUbiGUSint [carrying the neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) and -glucuronidase (uidA) genes]. The highest transformation efficiency (4%) was obtained when freshly isolated explants were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strain AGL1. Evidence of stable transgene integration was obtained by PCR for the nptII and uidA genes, Southern blotting and expression of the uidA gene. The transgenic embryos were germinated and successfully transferred to soil.Abbreviations BA N6-Benzyladenine - GUS -Glucuronidase - MSSH Expression-proliferation medium - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid - nptII Neomycin phosphotransferase gene - uidA -Glucuronidase gene  相似文献   

Efficient plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis was achieved from callus cultures derived from semi-mature cotyledon explants of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb., a timber-yielding leguminous tree. Somatic embryos developed over the surface of embryogenic callus and occasionally, directly from cotyledon explants without intervening callus phase. Callus cultures were initiated from cotyledon pieces of D. sissoo on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 4.52, 9.04, 13.57, and 18.09 mumol/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.46 mumol/L Kinetin. Maximum percentage response for callus formation was 89% on MS medium supplemented with 9.04 mumol/L 2,4-D' and 0.46 mumol/L Kn. Somatic embryogenesis was achieved after transfer of embryogenic callus clumps to 1/2-MS medium without plant growth regulators (1/2-MSO). Average numbers of somatic embryos per callus clump was 26.5 on 1/2-MSO medium after 15 weeks of culture. Addition of 0.68 mmol/L L-glutamine to 1/2-MSO medium enhanced somatic embryogenesis frequency from 55% to 66% and the number of somatic embryos per callus clump from 26.5 to 31.1. Histological studies were carried out to observe various developmental stages of somatic embryos. About 50% of somatic embryos converted into plantlets on 1/2-MSO medium containing 2% sucrose, after 20 days of culture. Transfer of somatic embryos to 1/29-MSO medium containing 10% sucrose for 15 days prior to transfer on 1/2-MS medium with 2% sucrose enhanced the conversion of somatic embryos into plantlets from 50 to 75%. The plantlets with shoots and roots were transferred to 1/2 and 1/4-liquid MS medium, each for 10 days, and then to plastic pots containing autoclaved peat moss and compost mixture (1:1). 70% of the plantiets survived after 10 weeks of transfer to pots. 120 regenerated plantlets out of 150 were successfully acclimatised. After successful acclimatisation, plants were transferred to earthen pots.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic embryogenesis of Calamus manan, a single-stemmed rattan species, in tissue culture was scientifically demonstrated for the first time. Root tips of in vitro plantlets produced friable callus when the explants were cultivated for several mo. on a Murashige and Skoog induction medium containing 7.5 mg Picloram per l (31.1 μM). Histological analyses established the presence of proembryos within the callus which differentiated subsequently into somatic embryos using the same culture medium. Histological examination revealed that these somatic embryos completely lacked starch and protein reserves, which did not prevent them, however, from germinating, and showing bipolar development. These somatic embryos further developed into young plants, similarly to zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

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