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When it comes to dying there is no place like home. Since earliest times most cultures have accepted that dying people should remain at home. But this was never possible for all. Some were destined to die in accidents, on battlefields, by execution, and from catastrophic illness, maybe many miles away. Nevertheless, with few exceptions people could expect to die in their own beds and in the bosom of their families. In Europe from the Middle Ages until a century ago there was a simplicity about dying. Aware that the end was approaching, people would take to their sickbeds and preside over the ritual. The family, including children, friends, and neighbours would congregate. The ceremony was public and doctors often complained about overcrowding. Death was not regarded as a frightening event and was accepted as an inevitable and integral part of life. Dramatic changes in attitudes to death have taken place since the mid-nineteenth century. The natural acceptance of a biological reality has been lost and people are now unable to come to terms with their own mortality. One consequence is that death has become institutionalised. This paper seeks to answer five questions. These refer to where people die, where they would choose to die, where they spend their last year of life, the reasons for admission for terminal care, and whether more dying people could remain at home. Discussion is restricted to adults in the United Kingdom. References are mostly from the past decade.  相似文献   

The Peterborough Hospital at Home Scheme had explored the possibilities of treating at home patients who, if it were not for the scheme, would be in hospital. The scheme has been enthusiastically received by patients, consultants, general practitioners, nurses, and other health care workers. It is difficult to compare costs. Nevertheless, the cost of Hospital at Home care cannot be regarded as too expensive compared with care in hospital. Establishment of such schemes elsewhere would affect future allocation of capital.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of propionate supplementation on whole body glucose turnover in growing lambs fed frozen rye-grass at 1.5 x maintenance using [1-13C]-glucose. Intraruminal infusion of propionate (0.55 and 0.91 mol x d(-1)) increased the ruminal molar proportions of propionate from 25% with the control to 40% with the highest propionate treatment. It did not however modify glucose turnover (26 mmol x d(-1) x kg(-1)), nor the conversion of its carbon into L-lactate (21%) and alanine (21%), nor glucose recycling (9%). All of the results suggest that in the present conditions glucose turnover and metabolism were not influenced by the supply of propionate.  相似文献   

Birds’ behavioral response to brood parasitism can be influenced not only by evolution but also by context and individual experience. This could include nest sanitation, in which birds remove debris from their nests. Ultimately, nest sanitation behavior might be an evolutionary precursor to the rejection of parasitic eggs. Proximately, the context or experience of performing nest sanitation behavior might increase the detection or prime the removal of parasitic eggs, but evidence to date is limited. We tested incubation-stage nests of herring gulls Larus argentatus to ask whether nest sanitation increased parasitic egg rejection. In an initial set of 160 single-object experiments, small, red, blocky objects were usually rejected (18 of 20 nests), whereas life-sized, 3D-printed herring gull eggs were not rejected whether red (0 of 20) or the olive-tan base color of herring gull eggs (0 of 20). Next, we simultaneously presented a red, 3D-printed gull egg and a small, red block. These nests exhibited frequent nest sanitation (small, red block removed at 40 of 48 nests), but egg rejection remained uncommon (5 of those 40) and not significantly different from control nests (5 of 49) which received the parasitic egg but not the priming object. Thus, performance of nest sanitation did not shape individuals’ responses to parasitism. Interestingly, parents were more likely to reject the parasitic egg when they were present as we approached the nest to add the experimental objects. Depending on the underlying mechanism, this could also be a case of experience creating variation in responses to parasitism.  相似文献   

Terminal symptoms in 145 children who died suddenly and unexpectedly at home were investigated and compared with symptoms in 154 control children. Eighty-five (59%) of the children who died had had terminal symptoms, which in 69 cases (48%) appeared to have been major. Non-specific symptoms were especially common among the children who died. Symptoms were often present for several days before death. Only 12 of the 69 children who died with major symptoms had been seen by a doctor within 24 hours before death. We conclude that many deaths in young children might be prevented if doctors and parents were more aware of the importance of non-specific symptoms as markers of life-threatening illness.  相似文献   

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