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Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we determined the ploidy of four species of Leishmania: Leishmania infantum, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania tropica and Leishmania amazonensis. We found that each cell in a strain possesses a combination of mono-, di- and trisomies for all chromosomes; ploidy patterns were different among all strains/species. These results extend those we previously described in Leishmania major, demonstrating that mosaic aneuploidy is a genetic feature widespread to the Leishmania genus. In addition to the genetic consequences induced by this mosaicism, the apparent absence of alternation between haploid/diploid stages questions the modality of genetic exchange in Leishmania sp.  相似文献   

With the development of a direct visualization of sex chromosome in a single sperm by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, the frequency of aberration (aneuploidy) in spermatozoa in several mammals has been investigated. However, there is no report in the incidence of X-Y aneuploidy in the sperm population of dogs. Therefore, in this study, the aneuploidy in dog spermatozoa was examined by multicolor FISH using specific molecular probes for canine sex chromosomes and autosome. Semen from eight male Labrador retrievers was used as specimen. For decondensation of sperm nuclei, the specimen was treated with 1 M NaOH for 4 minutes at room temperature. Probes for chromosomes X, Y, and 1, labeled with SpectrumGreen, Cy3 and Cy5, respectively, were hybridized with decondensed spermatozoa. Fluorescence in situ hybridization signals in sperm heads were clearly detected in each specimen, regardless of the sperm donor. The FISH signal of at least one of the three probes was detected in all sperm heads examined. There was no significant difference between the theoretical ratio (50:50) and the observed ratio of X and Y chromosomes in spermatozoa of all the eight dogs. Mean percentage of sex chromosome aneuploidy was 0.127% (ranged between 0% and 0.316%). This percentage of canine sex chromosome aneuploidy was lower than the one reported in cattle, horses, river buffalo, and goats sperm, but higher than that observed in mice and sheep.  相似文献   

Aneuploidy estimates for chromosomes 1, 12, X, and Y were obtained in human sperm from five donors using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Disomy frequencies were obtained by scoring a minimum of 10,000 sperm for each chromosome probe per donor. This analysis was replicated for two scoring criteria: one used one half of a signal domain as the minimum distance between two signals to be counted as two and thus disomic; the other set one signal domain as the minimum distance between two signals. A total of 120,870 sperm were assessed using one half of a domain as the criterion, and 113,478 were scored using one domain as the criterion. The percentage of disomy for chromosomes 1, 12, X, Y, and XY was 0.18, 0.16, 0.15, 0.19, and 0.25, respectively, using the one-half-domain criterion, and 0.08, 0.17, 0.07, 0.12, and 0.16, respectively, using the one-domain criterion. The percentage of disomy decreased significantly with use of one domain as the minimum distance for signal separation for all chromosomes except for chromosome number 12. These lower disomy frequencies correlated well with frequencies derived from human sperm karyotypes analyzed in our laboratory. This suggests that the fluorescent signals for chromosomes 1, X, and Y split into more than one domain in decondensed interphase sperm, and that the use of the one-half-domain criterion would lead to an overestimate of aneuploidy frequencies. The factors known to affect aneuploidy estimates derived from FISH studies are discussed, and recommendations for stringent scoring criteria are proposed. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A brief electric pulse often produces a high rate of activation of recently ovulated oocytes. Some other efficient parthenogenetic stimuli, such as alcohol, however, disrupt the spindle apparatus and increase the incidence of aneuploidy. In this paper, we have determined whether electroactivation per se increases the incidence of chromosomal segregation errors in haploid parthenogenones as evidenced at first cleavage mitosis. Superovulated F1 hybrid female mice were killed at 15.5, 18.5, 22.5, and 25 h after the HCG injection. Batches of 10–12 cumulus-denuded oocytes were transferred to an electroactivation chamber containing mannitol which was connected to a high voltage pulse stimulator and the pulse was triggered once. A high proportion of oocytes activated following this treatment, but only the single-pronuclear haploid parthenogenones were incubated overnight in medium containing colcemid, to determine the incidence of aneuploidy as evidenced at first cleavage mitosis. “Sham” electroactivation groups were also examined for evidence of activation and aneuploidy as described above. In these cases, cumulus-denuded oocytes were put through the electroactivation chamber but the pulse was not triggered. A further group of oocytes was studied to determine the effect of handling and exposure to hyaluronidase on activation frequency and parthenogenetic pathways. Finally, the spontaneous rate of aneuploidy was examined in fertilised embryos of F1 hybrid female mice × Rb(1.3)1Bnr male mice at first cleavage mitosis. The results show that single pulse electroactivation does not increase the level of aneuploidy in single-pronuclear parthenogenones compared to the “sham” group or the spontaneous rate observed in 1-cell fertilised embryos, nor does aneuploidy appear to increase with postovulatory age. The developmental pathways observed in the electroactivation group are significantly different to those observed in the “sham” group, and the level of activation observed in both groups is increased through handling of oocytes and their exposure to hyaluronidase. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although mouse embryonic stem cell lines (mESCs) have been established since 1981, systematic studies about chromosomal changes during culture are lacking. In this study, we report the results of a cytogenetic analysis performed on three mESC lines (named UPV02, UPV06 and UPV08) cultured for a period of 3 months. At time intervals, the variation of the chromosome number together with the expression of markers of the undifferentiated status, i.e., OCT-4, SSEA-1, FOM-1 and alkaline phosphatase activity, were determined. The three mESC lines showed a progressive loss of euploid metaphases during the 3 months period of culture. Chromosome abnormalities were accumulated at the latest passages analysed. Metacentric chromosomes were the most frequent chromosome abnormality observed throughout the period of culture. Interestingly, in coincidence with, or few passages after, the drop of euploidy, the alkaline phosphatase activity was partially or totally lost, whereas the OCT-4, SSEA-1 and FOM-1 stem markers were always positive throughout the period of culture. Our results remark the necessity to perform the karyotype analysis during culture in order to develop new culture conditions to maintain the correct chromosome complement in long-term culture of mESC lines.  相似文献   

In this report, we compare the differences between various site- and haplotype-frequency tests in their power to detect positive selection by doing computer simulations. Our results are the following. 1) Although haplotype-frequency tests that are conditional on the number of haplotypes (K) were developed for nonrecombining haplotypes, these tests are insensitive to recombination. Such tests, including the Ewens-Watterson (EW) test, can therefore be applied to recombining haplotypes. 2) Tests conditional on the number of segregating sites (S) become overly conservative in the presence of recombination. 3) The EW test is usually the most powerful test during the sweep phase, especially when the local recombination rate is high. 4) The "extended haplotype homozygosity" test relies heavily on the prior knowledge of the target of selection. With that knowledge, it is the most powerful test, whereas in the absence of this prior information, the test has little power. We also study the sensitivities of the haplotype-frequency tests to background selection and various demographic forces. We find that these tests are sensitive to some forces other than positive selection. To alleviate the problem of low specificity, compound tests, such as the DH test (Zeng et al. 2006), may be a solution. In the companion paper (Zeng K, Shi S, Wu C-I, in preparation), we use the EW test to devise 2 compound tests, which are more powerful in detecting positive selection than DH, but are also relatively insensitive to demography.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of vitrification on oocyte aneuploidy and centromere cohesion. Firstly, germinal vesicle (GV) and in vitro matured oocytes (metaphase II, MII) were vitrified by open-pulled straw method. Secondly, thawed GV oocytes were matured in vitro to detect the aneuploidy rate and the sister inter-kinetochore (iKT) distance (in situ spreading and immunofluorescent staining). The results revealed that the sister iKT distance and the aneuploidy rate in eggs matured from vitrified-thawed GV oocytes were higher than that from in vivo matured, in vitro matured, and in vitro matured frozen oocytes (0.47 ± 0.03 vs. 0.33 ± 0.01 vs. 0.33 ± 0.02 vs. 0.34 ± 0.01 μm; P < 0.01 and 22.9% vs. 6.5% vs. 5.8% vs. 11.8%; P < 0.05, respectively). Furthermore, the percentage of sister chromosome pairs whose sister iKT distances were higher than 0.9 μm in eggs matured from vitrified-thawed GV oocytes (8.7%) was higher than that from in vivo matured (1.6%), in vitro matured (1.6%), and in vitro matured frozen oocytes (2.3%) (P < 0.05). The sister iKT distance was associated with centromere cohesion. To investigate whether vitrification of GV oocytes deteriorated centromere cohesion by affecting cohesin complex formation, thawed and fresh GV oocytes were used to detect the cohesin subunits (SMC1β, STAG3, SMC3, and REC8) mRNA expression (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction). The relative expression of three cohesin subunits (SMC1β, STAG3, and SMC3) was significantly decreased in GV oocytes after vitrification. In conclusion, vitrification of GV oocytes may result in the subsequent deterioration of centromere cohesion and an increase in the aneuploidy rate. MII oocytes may be the ideal candidate to avoid aneuploidy for fertility cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Dimethylarsine iodide (DMI) was used as a model compound of trivalent dimethylarsenicals [DMA(III)], and the biological effects were extensively investigated in cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells. When the cytotoxic effects of DMA(III) were compared with those of inorganic arsenite and dimethylarsinic acid [DMA(V)], DMA(III) was about 10,000 times more potent than DMA(V), and it was even 10 times more toxic than arsenite. Depletion of cell glutathione (GSH) did not influence the cytotoxic effects of DMA(III), whereas it enhanced the cytotoxicity of arsenite. Chromosome structural aberrations, such as gaps, breaks and pulverizations, and numerical changes, such as aneuploidy, hyper- and hypo-tetraploidy, were induced by DMA(III) in a concentration-dependent manner. Mitotic index increased 9-12h after the addition of DMA(III), and then declined. By contrast, the incidence of multinucleated cells increased conversely with the decrease in mitotic index at and after 24h of exposure. The mitotic cell-specific abnormality of centrosome integrity and multipolar spindles were induced by DMA(III) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, DMA(III) caused abnormal cytokinesis (multipolar division) at concentrations that were effective in causing centrosome abnormality, multipolar spindles and aneuploidy. These results showed that DMA(III) was genotoxic on cultured mammalian cells. Results also suggest that DMA(III)-induced multipolar spindles and multipolar division may be associated with the induction of aneuploidy. In addition, the centrosome may be a primary target for cell death via multinucleated cells.  相似文献   

Heinze G  Gnant M  Schemper M 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1151-1157
The asymptotic log-rank and generalized Wilcoxon tests are the standard procedures for comparing samples of possibly censored survival times. For comparison of samples of very different sizes, an exact test is available that is based on a complete permutation of log-rank or Wilcoxon scores. While the asymptotic tests do not keep their nominal sizes if sample sizes differ substantially, the exact complete permutation test requires equal follow-up of the samples. Therefore, we have developed and present two new exact tests also suitable for unequal follow-up. The first of these is an exact analogue of the asymptotic log-rank test and conditions on observed risk sets, whereas the second approach permutes survival times while conditioning on the realized follow-up in each group. In an empirical study, we compare the new procedures with the asymptotic log-rank test, the exact complete permutation test, and an earlier proposed approach that equalizes the follow-up distributions using artificial censoring. Results confirm highly satisfactory performance of the exact procedure conditioning on realized follow-up, particularly in case of unequal follow-up. The advantage of this test over other options of analysis is finally exemplified in the analysis of a breast cancer study.  相似文献   

Defects in the regulation of centrosome duplication lead to tumorigenesis through abnormal cell division and resulting chromosome missegregation. Therefore, maintenance of accurate centrosome number is critical for cell fate. The deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 plays important roles in DNA repair and cell differentiation. Importantly, increased levels of USP1 are detected in certain types of human cancer, but little is known about the significance of USP1 overexpression in cancer development. Here we show that Usp1 plays a novel role in regulating centrosome duplication. The ectopic expression of wild-type Usp1, but not C90S Usp1 (catalytically inactive mutant form), induced centrosome amplification. Conversely, ablation of Usp1 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) showed a significant delay in centrosome duplication. Moreover, Usp1-induced centrosome amplification caused abnormal mitotic spindles, chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy. Interestingly, loss of inhibitor of DNA binding protein 1 (ID1) suppressed Usp1-induced centrosome amplification. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that Usp1 is involved in the regulation of centrosome duplication, at least in part via ID1, and Usp1 may exert its oncogenic activity, partially through inducing centrosome abnormality.  相似文献   

Genomic instability is a common feature of tumours that has a wide range of disruptive effects on cellular homeostasis. In this review we briefly discuss how instability comes about, then focus on the impact of gain or loss of DNA (aneuploidy) on oxidative stress. We discuss several mechanisms that lead from aneuploidy to the production of reactive oxygen species, including the effects on protein complex stoichiometry, endoplasmic reticulum stress and metabolic disruption. Each of these are involved in positive feedback loops that amplify relatively minor genetic changes into major cellular disruption or cell death, depending on the capacity of the cell to induce antioxidants or processes such as mitophagy that can moderate the disruption. Finally we examine the direct effects of reactive oxygen species on mitosis and how oxidative stress can compromise centrosome number, cytoskeletal integrity and signalling processes that are vital for mitotic fidelity.  相似文献   



Women with high-risk pregnancies are offered prenatal diagnosis through amniocentesis for cytogenetic analysis of fetal cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the rapid fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique for detecting numerical aberrations of chromosomes 13, 21, 18, X and Y in high-risk pregnancies in an Indian scenario.


A total of 163 samples were received for a FISH and/or a full karyotype for prenatal diagnosis from high-risk pregnancies. In 116 samples both conventional culture techniques for getting karyotype through G-banding techniques were applied in conjunction to FISH test using the AneuVysion kit (Abbott Molecular, Inc.), following standard recommended protocol to compare the both the techniques in our setup.


Out of 116 patients, we got 96 normal for the five major chromosome abnormality and seven patients were found to be abnormal (04 trisomy 21, 02 monosomy X, and 01 trisomy 13) and all the FISH results correlated with conventional cytogenetics. To summarize the results of total 163 patients for the major chromosomal abnormalities analyzed by both/or cytogenetics and FISH there were 140 (86%) normal, 9 (6%) cases were abnormal and another 4 (2.5%) cases were suspicious mosaic and 10 (6%) cases of culture failure. The diagnostic detection rate with FISH in 116 patients was 97.5%. There were no false-positive and false-negative autosomal or sex chromosomal results, within our established criteria for reporting FISH signals.


Rapid FISH is a reliable and prompt method for detecting numerical chromosomal aberrations and has now been implemented as a routine diagnostic procedure for detection of fetal aneuploidy in India.  相似文献   

对鳞毛蕨科Dryopteridaceae贯众属Cyrtomium Presl的10种植物的染色体数目进行报道。其中低头贯众C.nephrolepioides n=82,2n=164;单叶贯众C.hemionitis n=123,2n=c.123;惠水贯众C.grassum n=c.82,2n=164;披针贯众C.devexiscapulae 2n=164;小羽贯众C.lonchitoides 2n=82;大叶贯众C.macrophyllum 2n=164;云南贯众C.yunnanense n=123为首次报道。  相似文献   

五种中国秋海棠属植物的染色体数目   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对 5种中国秋海棠属 (BegoniaL .)植物的体细胞染色体数目进行了报道 ,分别为 :小叶秋海棠B parvulaL啨vl.etVant .2n =2 8;石生秋海棠B lithophilaC .Y .Wu 2n =2 4 ;木里秋海棠B muliensisY櫣 2n =2 4 ;蕺叶秋海棠B limprichtiiIrmsch .2n =2 2 ;以及二室组sectionPlatycentrum的一个未知种B sp . 2n =2 0。  相似文献   

独花报春属(Omphalogramma Franch.)是报春花科的多年生草本植物,植株美丽,花冠独特,紫红色或蓝紫色,具有较高的观赏价值.全世界有13种,分布在东喜马拉雅,缅甸北部至我国西南部,中国有9种,产四川、云南、西藏(胡启明,1990),其中云南产6种,分布于西部至西北部,是独花报春资源较为丰富的地区(方瑞征,2003).迄今为止,对独花报春属的细胞学研究较少,仅Brun(1932a)报道过采于缅甸和喜马拉雅的两个种的染色体数目,国内对于独花报春属的细胞学研究还是空白(徐炳声等,1996).故本文对3种独花报春属植物染色体数目进行报道,为全面研究独花报春属系统与进化以及育种和开发提供基础.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the chromosome morphology of three wild eggplants (Solanum indicum L., S. indicum L. var. recurvatum C. Y. Wu et S. C. Huang,S. coagulans Forsk.) grown in Shi-shuang-banna and two cultivars (S. melongena L.var. serpentinum Bailey, S. melogena L. var. esculantum Nees). All their chromosomenumbers are 2n=24. The chromosome idiograms of wild eggplants axe as follows: Solanum indicum,2G+12J+2I+8M; S. indicum var. recurvatum, 8G+12J+2I+2M; S. coagulans ( No. 20),10J+2I+12M; S. coagulans(No. 21), 8J+14M+2L; and those of cultivars are: S. melongena var. serpentinum, 6G+12J+2I+4M; S. melongena var. esculantum, 12J+2I+10M. The chromosome idiograms among three wild eggplants are quite different. However, they are rather closely related in each other between the two cultivars. Butthe relative length and the relative position of the sat-chromosomes in each chromo)meidiogram are conspicuously variable.  相似文献   

Aneuploid cells are frequently observed in human tumors, suggesting that aneuploidy may play an important role in the development of cancer. In this review, I discuss the processes that may give rise to aneuploid cells in normal tissue and in tumors. Aneuploid cells may arise directly from diploid cells through errors in chromosome segregation, as a consequence of incorrect microtubule-kinetochore attachments, or through failure of the spindle checkpoint. A second route to formation of aneuploid cells is through a tetraploid intermediate, where division of tetraploid cells can yield very high rates of chromosome missegregation as a consequence of multipolar spindle formation. Diploid cells may become tetraploid through a variety of mechanisms, including endoreduplication, cell fusion, and cytokinesis failure. Although aneuploid cells may arise from either diploid or tetraploid cells, the fate of the resulting aneuploid cells may be distinct. It is therefore important to understand the different pathways that can give rise to aneuploid cells, and how the varied origins of these cells affect their subsequent ability to survive or proliferate.  相似文献   

Somaclonal variation of some 124 specially selected cultivars of Hosta Tratt. (Hostaceae) was investigated. Nuclear DNA contents (2C‐value) were measured by flow cytometry of leaves and roots of L1, L2 and L3 layers derived from apical meristems. These values were then converted to inferred ploidies by comparing the measured 2C‐values and ploidy with those of the parent plant. During tissue‐culture propagation, on occasion diploid (L1‐L2‐L3 = 2‐2‐2) hostas give rise to polyploids, such as fully tetraploids (4‐4‐4), and periclinal chimeras, such as partial tetraploids (4‐2‐2). Continual propagation can result in partial tetraploids becoming full tetraploids. Nuclear DNA of some diploids increased with incomplete chromosome sets resulting in fully aneuploids, such as hostas with a DNA ploidy of L1‐L2‐L3 = 2.5‐2.5‐2.5 and 3.7‐3.7‐3.7, and even in aneuploid periclinal chimeras, such as L1‐L2‐L3 = 2.5‐2‐2 and 3.8‐2‐2. The polyploidy of L1, irrespective of the ploidy of L2 and L3, is found to mainly determine the thickness of leaves. Also the higher the ploidy of L1, the wider and more intense in color is the leaf margin. The measurements of Hosta cultivars and their lineages of sports show that chromosome losses or gains are an important source of new cultivars. The complexity of chromosomal distribution in lineages of several Hosta cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of induced polyploids invariably contain a substantial proportion of aneuploid individuals. A model is described which can predict the level of aneuploidy in successive generations of a closed population of Lolium tetraploids. The results demonstrate clearly that the proportion of aneuploid individuals increases sharply for two to three generations and then stabilizes at a level determined by the gametic output of the euploid plants. A change in the gametic output of aneuploid individuals has a relatively small effect on the final level of aneuploidy reached.  相似文献   

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