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Several new findings point to novel functions for the Arp2/3 complex. The dendritic nucleation model that has been proposed to describe cell extension for locomotion may also be applicable to other actin-based processes.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are small actin-rich protrusions from neuronal dendrites that form the postsynaptic part of most excitatory synapses and are major sites of information processing and storage in the brain. Changes in the shape and size of dendritic spines are correlated with the strength of excitatory synaptic connections and heavily depend on remodeling of its underlying actin cytoskeleton. Emerging evidence suggests that most signaling pathways linking synaptic activity to spine morphology influence local actin dynamics. Therefore, specific mechanisms of actin regulation are integral to the formation, maturation, and plasticity of dendritic spines and to learning and memory.  相似文献   

Spatial structure regulates and modifies processes at several levels of ecological organization (e.g. individual/genetic, population and community) and is thus a key component of complex systems, where knowledge at a small scale can be insufficient for understanding system behaviour at a larger scale. Recent syntheses outline potential applications of network theory to ecological systems, but do not address the implications of physical structure for network dynamics. There is a specific need to examine how dendritic habitat structure, such as that found in stream, hedgerow and cave networks, influences ecological processes. Although dendritic networks are one type of ecological network, they are distinguished by two fundamental characteristics: (1) both the branches and the nodes serve as habitat, and (2) the specific spatial arrangement and hierarchical organization of these elements interacts with a species' movement behaviour to alter patterns of population distribution and abundance, and community interactions. Here, we summarize existing theory relating to ecological dynamics in dendritic networks, review empirical studies examining the population- and community-level consequences of these networks, and suggest future research integrating spatial pattern and processes in dendritic systems.  相似文献   

Motile growth cones lead growing axons through developing tissues to synaptic targets. These behaviors depend on the organization and dynamics of actin filaments that fill the growth cone leading margin [peripheral (P‐) domain]. Actin filament organization in growth cones is regulated by actin‐binding proteins that control all aspects of filament assembly, turnover, interactions with other filaments and cytoplasmic components, and participation in producing mechanical forces. Actin filament polymerization drives protrusion of sensory filopodia and lamellipodia, and actin filament connections to the plasma membrane link the filament network to adhesive contacts of filopodia and lamellipodia with other surfaces. These contacts stabilize protrusions and transduce mechanical forces generated by actomyosin activity into traction that pulls an elongating axon along the path toward its target. Adhesive ligands and extrinsic guidance cues bind growth cone receptors and trigger signaling activities involving Rho GTPases, kinases, phosphatases, cyclic nucleotides, and [Ca++] fluxes. These signals regulate actin‐binding proteins to locally modulate actin polymerization, interactions, and force transduction to steer the growth cone leading margin toward the sources of attractive cues and away from repellent guidance cues.


Cooper JA 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(15):R523-R525
Tropomyosin stabilizes actin filaments, while ADF/cofilin promotes their disassembly. These two proteins compete with each other for binding to the actin filament, providing a critical balance for actin assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

Actin: protein structure and filament dynamics   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Dendritic spines are small protrusions emerging from their parent dendrites, and their morphological changes are involved in synaptic plasticity. These tiny structures are composed of thousands of different proteins belonging to several subfamilies such as membrane receptors, scaffold proteins, signal transduction proteins, and cytoskeletal proteins. Actin filaments in dendritic spines consist of double helix of actin protomers decorated with drebrin and ADF/cofilin, and the balance of the two is closely related to the actin dynamics, which may govern morphological and functional synaptic plasticity. During development, the accumulation of drebrin‐binding type actin filaments is one of the initial events occurring at the nascent excitatory postsynaptic site, and plays a pivotal role in spine formation as well as small GTPases. It has been recently reported that microtubules transiently appear in dendritic spines in correlation with synaptic activity. Interestingly, it is suggested that microtubule dynamics might couple with actin dynamics. In this review, we will summarize the contribution of both actin filaments and microtubules to the formation and regulation of dendritic spines, and further discuss the role of cytoskeletal deregulation in neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Actin dynamics: old friends with new stories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary. We studied the distribution of the endogenous Arp2/3 complex in Amoeba proteus and visualised the ratio of filamentous (F-actin) to total actin in living cells. The presented results show that in the highly motile Amoeba proteus, Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerisation is involved in the formation of the branching network of the contractile layer, adhesive structures, and perinuclear cytoskeleton. The aggregation of the Arp2/3 complex in the cortical network, with the exception of the uroid and advancing fronts, and the spatial orientation of microfilaments at the leading edge suggest that actin polymerisation in this area is not sufficient to provide the driving force for membrane displacement. The examined proteins were enriched in the pinocytotic pseudopodia and the perinuclear cytoskeleton in pinocytotic amoebae. In migrating amoebae, the course of changes in F-actin concentration corresponded with the distribution of tension in the cell cortex. The maximum level of F-actin in migrating amoebae was observed in the middle-posterior region and in the front of retracting pseudopodia. Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerisation did not seem to influence F-actin concentration. The strongly condensed state of the microfilament system could be attributed to strong isometric contraction of the cortical layer accompanied by its retraction from distal cell regions. Isotonic contraction was limited to the uroid. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ulica Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa, Poland.  相似文献   

Assembly of branched actin filament networks at the leading edge of migrating cells requires stimulation of the Arp2/3 complex by WASp proteins, in concert with the WASp activators Cdc42, PIP(2) and profilin. Network disassembly and debranching appears to be linked to actin-bound ATP hydrolysis as filaments age.  相似文献   

Cellular functions of actin, and associated actin binding proteins (ABPs), have been well characterized with respect to their dynamic cytosolic role as components of the complex cytoskeletal network. In this regard, the collective research in this field has vastly expanded our knowledge of the role of actin to more recently identify a key role within the nucleus as an integral part gene organization and expression. Herein, we describe the requirement of the ABP actin depolymerizing factor-4 (ADF4) as a regulator of resistance to Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 expressing the effector AvrPphB via ADF4’s cytosolic and nuclear functions. In total, our work has identified significant alterations in the expression of the resistance protein RPS5 in an ADF4 phosphorylation dependent manner. In this mini-review, we provide compelling evidence in support of both a nuclear function for ADF4, as well as potential targeting of the actin cytoskeleton bythe bacterial effector AvrPphB.  相似文献   

Many processes in eukaryotic cells, including the crawling motion of the whole cell, rely on the growth of branched actin networks from surfaces. In addition to their well-known role in generating propulsive forces, actin networks can also sustain substantial pulling loads thanks to their persistent attachment to the surface from which they grow. The simultaneous network elongation and surface attachment inevitably generate a force that opposes network growth. Here, we study the local dynamics of a growing actin network, accounting for simultaneous network elongation and surface attachment, and show that there exist several dynamical regimes that depend on both network elasticity and the kinetic parameters of actin polymerization. We characterize this in terms of a phase diagram and provide a connection between mesoscopic theories and the microscopic dynamics of an actin network at a surface. Our framework predicts the onset of instabilities that lead to the local detachment of the network and translate to oscillatory behavior and waves, as observed in many cellular phenomena and in vitro systems involving actin network growth, such as the saltatory dynamics of actin-propelled oil drops.  相似文献   

Smooth muscles develop isometric force over a very wide range of cell lengths. The molecular mechanisms of this phenomenon are undefined, but are described as reflecting "mechanical plasticity" of smooth muscle cells. Plasticity is defined here as a persistent change in cell structure or function in response to a change in the environment. Important environmental stimuli that trigger muscle plasticity include chemical (e.g., neurotransmitters, autacoids, and cytokines) and external mechanical signals (e.g., applied stress and strain). Both kinds of signals are probably transduced by ionic and protein kinase signaling cascades to alter gene expression patterns and changes in the cytoskeleton and contractile system. Defining the signaling mechanisms and effector proteins mediating phenotypic and mechanical plasticity of smooth muscles is a major goal in muscle cell biology. Some of the signaling cascades likely to be important include calcium-dependent protein kinases, small GTPases (Rho, Rac, cdc42), Rho kinase, protein kinase C (PKC), Src family tyrosine kinases, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, and p21 activated protein kinases (PAK). There are many potential targets for these signaling cascades including nuclear processes, metabolic pathways, and structural components of the cytoskeleton. There is growing appreciation of the dynamic nature of the actin cytoskeleton in smooth muscles and the necessity for actin remodeling to occur during contraction. The actin cytoskeleton serves many functions that are probably critical for muscle plasticity including generation and transmission of force vectors, determination of cell shape, and assembly of signal transduction machinery. Evidence is presented showing that actin filaments are dynamic and that actin-associated proteins comprising the contractile element and actin attachment sites are necessary for smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field of intercellular adhesion highlight the importance of adherens junction association with the underlying actin cytoskeleton. In skin epithelial cells a dynamic feature of adherens junction formation involves filopodia, which physically project into the membrane of adjacent cells, catalyzing the clustering of adherens junction protein complexes at their tips. In turn, actin polymerization is stimulated at the cytoplasmic interface of these complexes. Although the mechanism remains unclear, the VASP/Mena family of proteins seems to be involved in organizing actin polymerization at these sites. In vivo, adherens junction formation appears to rely upon filopodia in processes where epithelial sheets must be physically moved closer to form stable intercellular connections, for example, in ventral closure in embryonic development or wound healing in the postnatal animal.  相似文献   

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