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Allozymic variation in seven enzymes coded by eight loci was studied in seven populations of terrestrial Epipactis orchids, including four populations of E. helleborine, one population of E. palustris and two of E. microphylla, from Latium (Central Italy).Heterozygosity estimates reveal that E. helleborine (EH) is the most variable species (HET=0.233; P=0.59; A=1.8), followed by E. palustris (EP) (HET=0.085; P=0.29; A=1.3) while E. microphylla (EM) is monomorphic for all the loci examined.It is suggested that the two EM populations examined, with a total lack of genetic variability, could originate from the same genetically impoverished ancestral population. Also the low variability amount of EP can be ascribed to genetic drift, probably due to a founder event.Nei's identity coefficients were also calculated. These show a high similarity in EH (=0.987) and EM (=1.000) populations. Average identity value between EP and EM is 0.289, between EP and EH is 0.336 and between EM and EH is 0.784. These data reveal that E. palustris presents a remarkable genetic, besides geographical and ecological, differentiation.  相似文献   

The diverse epidendroid orchid tribe Neottieae is characterized by multiple transitions between autotrophy and mycoheterotrophy, allogamous and autogamous mating systems, pollen released as tetrads or monads, and pollen exine tectate or semitectate. We use transmission and scanning electron microscopy on pollen of ten species of Neottieae to investigate whether the differences in pollen aggregation and exine micromorphology and ultrastructure reflect phylogenetic relationships, or whether this variation is subject to ecological constraints. Our results showed that differences in exine micromorphology are mostly concordant with phylogenetic relationships in Neottieae, i.e. an ascending tendency of pollen ornamentation from tectate (Cephalanthera) to semitectate (e.g. Neottia). In contrast, pollen aggregation, when plotted on the most recent phylogeny, shows repeated transitions between monads and tetrads that could be related to ecological constraints. Tetrads are present in species that are nectar rewarding, whereas monads are common in deceptive species. Cephalanthera is characterized by recalcitrant pollen, including the frequent occurrence of collapsed pollen. In this genus, the observed shifts from allogamous to autogamous or cleistogamous mating systems could help to reduce pollen damage caused by exposure to dry habitats.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in Epipactis helleborine in the British Isles was assessed using starch gel electrophoresis of isozymes; 273 individuals were sampled from 13 populations and examined for genetic variation using eight enzyme systems encoded for by 13 loci. Overall, 46% of the loci examined were polymorphic, with an average of 1.69 alleles per locus. Within populations, a mean of 33% of the loci were polymorphic, with a mean number of 1.46 alleles per locus. Levels of genetic variation were compared between urban and well established rural populations to assess the genetic consequences of colonization of the urban sites. The average levels of genetic variation detected in urban populations were lower than that found in rural populations, although there was a much greater range of variation among the urban populations. Large urban populations actually have patterns of variation similar to rural populations and show evidence of multiple founders. This indicates that the high dispersibility of Epipactis seeds can in some cases overcome the predicted loss of genetic variation associated with founder effects during colonization. Small urban populations, however, show significantly lower levels of genetic variation compared with these large urban populations and the rural populations, and it seems likely that this is attributable to single founding events and/or genetic drift.  相似文献   

One of the challenges facing orchid conservationists is to get a better understanding of seed parent fecundity. This can be especially laborious for orchids whose seed is difficult to germinate. Mature seeds ofCypripedium calceolusvar.pubescens(Willd.) Correll (Orchidaceae) have been reported to require 8 weeks pre-chilling at 4°C and a further month at 20°C to induce germination, but seeds prematurely harvested at 7–8 weeks post-pollination germinate asymbiotically without chilling in less than 1 month. Mature seeds ofEpipactis helleborine(L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae) have also presented a challenge but the identification of plants whose seeds are quick and easy to germinate has provided us with a tool to study patterns of production of this seed class. Preliminary field experiments suggest that timing of pollination in these two taxa is critical for the development of seed. When seeds from capsules ofC. calceolusvar.pubescensharvested 7 weeks after pollination were examined, the proportion of fully mature embryos increased with increasing anthesis-pollination interval over the first 10 days. Paired flowers from five genets xenogamously hand-pollinated at 2-day intervals from the second day after anthesis until the flowers wilted were significantly less likely to produce fruits as the flowers aged but the flower age at which this occurred varied between genets. The germinability of seeds from different pollen and seed parent combinations was tested on eight different media formulations and over a range of post-anthesis and post-pollination intervals. Different aged seeds germinated variably, the post-anthesis interval being the most reliable predictor of germination outcomes. Intercrossing of plants ofC. calceolusvar.pubescenssuggests that seed production and germinability are maternally mediated traits. WithE. helleborine, germinable seed can be produced both by self- and by cross-pollination of selected plants but we have observed an influence of flower position in the inflorescence on self-compatibility and on the production of the easy-to-germinate seed class. The timing of pollination in these two unrelated orchids has a considerable influence upon seed production and seed quality in plants of established fecundity. These findings suggest that flower age at pollination must be considered when interpreting similar studies in the Orchidaceae.  相似文献   

FUS3转录因子是调控植物种子油脂合成的关键因子。为探讨亚麻荠CsFUS 3基因在脂质合成和积累过程中的作用,该研究对CsFUS 3基因家族进行全基因组鉴定,分析CsFUS 3基因的时空表达模式,并解析CsFUS 3-1和CsFUS 3-2基因在植物油脂合成中的功能,为深入解析CsFUS 3基因在亚麻荠油脂合成中的功能及亚麻荠高油品种选育提供理论基础。结果表明:(1)利用AtFUS3蛋白序列,在亚麻荠基因组数据库中鉴定出2条完整的CsFUS3蛋白序列,分别命名为CsFUS3-1和CsFUS3-2,亚细胞定位发现2个CsFUS3蛋白均位于细胞核。(2)亚麻荠CsFUS3-1和CsFUS3-2蛋白与拟南芥AtFUS3蛋白的亲缘关系最近,具有与拟南芥AtFUS3蛋白相似的理化性质、高级结构以及完整的B3功能域。(3)qRT-PCR结果显示,CsFUS 3-1和CsFUS 3-2基因仅在种子中表达,且随着种子的发育成熟,2个CsFUS 3基因的表达量均呈先增高后降低的变化趋势,并在花后30 d时表达量达到最高。(4)CsFUS3和CsWRI1蛋白互作以及CsFUS 3对OLE和ABI 3基因的转录调控可能是亚麻荠高油性状的关键调控途径。(5)烟草瞬时表达分析表明,与野生型相比,转CsFUS 3-1和CsFUS 3-2基因的烟草叶片总油脂含量分别提高了0.95%和1.12%,表明亚麻荠CsFUS 3基因能够提高烟叶总油脂的合成积累。  相似文献   

Leaf undulation is used as a diagnostic feature in the taxonomy of different taxa of the Epipactis (Orchidaceae) genus. It is considered a specifically important trait, apart from the column (gynostemium) structure, in the identification of E. muelleri. However, leaf undulation is a common developmental phenomenon in various plants, including orchids, thus the main goal of the research presented was to validate the usefulness of this feature in Epipactis taxonomy. In the course of this study, the leaf structure of six Epipactis species was analyzed, i.e., E. albensis, E. atrorubens, E. helleborine, E. muelleri, E. palustris and E. purpurata. The leaf margin outline and the cellular pattern of the leaf surface, as well as the presence of papillae, were examined in detail. The results obtained showed that in all taxa analyzed, representing different groups of the Epipactis genus, leaf undulation was present. The phenomenon was related to leaf blade development and the local differential growth of leaf sectors rather than to the taxonomic position of the species. Therefore, leaf undulation studied in Helleborines does not have a diagnostic value as a non-programmed intrinsic feature and should not be applied to taxa identification. The valid trait in Epipactis classification (including E. muelleri) is the column structure.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of clonal growth to the recovery of a common eastern North American sub-shrub, Gaultheria procumbens L. (Ericacea), after clearcut logging. Changes in vegetative growth and development of G. procumbens clones and clonal populations were examined in a chronosequence of logged stands representing different stages of successional development after clearcutting (open habitat, young regenerating forest, closed regenerating forest) and in neighboring undisturbed late-successional forests representative of presettlement conditions. We specifically quantified seedling presence and above-ground ramet production, demographic condition (e.g., sexual vs. vegetative stems), belowground rhizome growth and spread, and assessed the degree of intraspecific variation in clonal morphology and biomass allocation in stands differing in their disturbance history and degree of successional development. Recovery in G. procumbens was largely driven by the “release growth” of pre-existing clonal bud-banks in response to canopy removal. Release growth was expressed as greater ramet initiation, rhizome branching and clonal spread. Conversely, we found no evidence of sexual establishment in the species, although production of reproductive biomass (e.g., inflorescence mass, number of flowering shoots) was significant. These findings support a deterministic model of vascular resistance and resilience to catastrophic disturbance, in which recovery of forest plant communities derives from the life-history characteristics of constituent species.  相似文献   

The analysis of flowers collected at different stages of anthesis provides strong evidence to conclude that the shell-shaped hypochile and the knobs of epichile form a nectary. The scent comes from the aromatic constituents of nectar and the epichile tissue and the apices of all tepals (osmophores). The comparison between pollinated and unpollinated flowers revealed that the anthesis of unpollinated flowers lasted up to the 16th day. The nectariferous secretory cells formed single-layered epidermis and several layers of underlying parenchyma built by small, isodiametric cells with thin walls and dense cytoplasm, relatively large nuclei, supplied by collateral vascular bundles. During the floral lifespan, the residues of secreted material were higher on the hypochile cells. The lipoid-carbohydrate material and lipid globules in the cell walls and in the cytoplasm were localised. The abundance of starch grains was observed at the beginning of anthesis and their gradual reduction during the flower lifespan. At the end of anthesis in unpollinated flowers, the lipoid-carbohydrate-phenolic materials have been demonstrated. The phenolic material was the same as in plastoglobuli. The features such as irregular plasmalemma, the secretory vesicles that fuse with it, fully developed dictyosomes, numerous profiles of ER indicate vesicle-mediated process of secretion. The substances could be transported by vesicles to the periplasmic space via granulocrine secretion and then to the external surface. Both micro-channels and slightly developed periplasmic space were visible in the hypochile epidermis. This is the first time for anatomical survey of secretory tissue in pollinated and unpollinated flowers of E. helleborine.  相似文献   

邓曙东  张青文 《植物学报》2004,21(3):376-382
介绍了亚麻荠(Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz)的种植历史、栽培特性、种子成分、生物学特性、栽培措施、抗病虫害能力以及对其产物的应用。亚麻荠耐旱和抗病虫草能力强的特性符合农业可持续发展的方向。作为一种低投入的经济作物,亚麻荠的种植在我国有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

广西白点兰属(兰科)植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了广西兰科白点兰属植物2个新记录种:台湾白点兰和吉氏白点兰,提供了广西产白点兰属植物的分种检索表。  相似文献   

广西蝴蝶兰属(兰科)新资料   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)一新记录种洛氏蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis lobbii(Rchb.f.)H.R.Sweet)和广西一新记录种版纳蝴蝶兰(P.mannii Rchb.f.)。根据该2种蝴蝶兰的资源现状,提出了保育对策。  相似文献   

报道了分布于我国广西西南部的兰科(Orchidaceae)虾脊兰属(Calanthe R.Br.)一新种——弄岗虾脊兰(C.longgangensis Y.S.Huang&Yan Liu)。该新种与泽泻虾脊兰(C.alismifolia Lindl.)相似,但根状茎明显,侧面萼片向上反卷,花瓣重叠,唇瓣侧裂片倒披针形、顶端斜截形,中裂片顶端微2裂、基部具数列白色的胼胝体,花粉块棒状而与后者相区别。  相似文献   

Otoliths from oyster toadfish were measured and examined for annuli and daily increments. Distinct annual increments made it feasible to determine growth parameters which demonstrated sexual dimorphism in growth. Microincrements, judged to be daily on the basis of two separate criteria, were enumerated and measured to provide verification of annuli. Utilization of multivariate mathematical models relating age to otolith growth and somatic growth simplified age determination. These methods for examining otoliths should be applicable to other fish species and make it possible to link growth and mortality rates to life history and environmental occurrences.  相似文献   

报道中国大陆兰科(Orchidaceae)天麻属(Gastrodia R. Brown)二新记录种——折柱天麻(Gastrodia flexistyla T. C. HsuC. M. Kuo)和叉脊天麻(Gastrodia shimizuana Tuyama)。折柱天麻与日本天麻[Gastrodia nipponica(Honda) Tuyama]相似,但前者花被筒长、疣状凸起不明显,唇瓣绿黄色等特征可与后者相区分。叉脊天麻与冬天麻(Gastrodia pubilabiata Sawa)相近,但前者花被筒浅黄褐色至淡红褐色,唇瓣三角状、白色等特征易与后者相区别。该文提供了新记录种的形态描述及图版。  相似文献   

亚麻荠种植和利用的研究现状   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了亚麻荠(Camelina sativa(L.)Crantz)的种植历史、栽培特性、种子成分、生物学特性、栽培措施、抗病虫害能力以及对其产物的应用.亚麻荠耐旱和抗病虫草能力强的特性符合农业可持续发展的方向.作为一种低投入的经济作物,亚麻荠的种植在我国有着广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

Nodulation and the subsequent nitrogen fixation are important factors that determine the productivity of legumes. The beneficial effects of nodulation can be enhanced when rhizobial inoculation is combined with plant-growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). The PGPB strain Bacillus thuringiensis-KR1, originally isolated from the nodules of Kudzu vine (Pueraria thunbergiana), was found to promote plant growth of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris L.) under Jensen’s tube, growth pouch and non-sterile soil, respectively, when co-inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum-PR1. Coinoculation with B. thuringiensis-KR1 (at a cell density of 106 c.f.u. ml−1) provided the highest and most consistent increase in nodule number, shoot weight, root weight, and total biomass, over rhizobial inoculation alone. The enhancement in nodulation due to coinoculation was 84.6 and 73.3% in pea and lentil respectively compared to R. leguminosarum-PR1 treatment alone. The shoot dry-weight gains on coinoculation with variable cell populations of B. thuringiensis-KR1 varied from 1.04 to 1.15 times and 1.03 to 1.06 times in pea and lentil respectively, while root dry weight ratios of coinoculated treatments varied from 0.98 to 1.14 times and 1.08 to 1.33 times in pea and lentil respectively, those of R. leguminosarum-PR1 inoculated treatment at 42 days of plant growth. While cell densities higher than 106 c.f.u. ml−1 had an inhibitory effect on nodulation and plant growth, lower inoculum levels resulted in decreased cell recovery and plant growth performance. The results of this study indicate the potential of harnessing endophytic bacteria of wild legumes for improving the nodulation and growth of cultivated legumes.  相似文献   

Genetic resistance to vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhiza formation has been obtained in spontaneous or chemically induced mutants of two mycorrhiza-forming species (Pisum sativum L. and Vicia faba L.). The eight mutants, termed myc, are characterized by aborted infections limited to one or two host cells. Expression of the myc character is associated with that of the nod character in both legumes, and is likewise under recessive genetic control. Preliminary analysis of the genetic behaviour of the myc mutants in diallel crosses has shown that at least three genes are involved in VA mycorrhiza infection.  相似文献   

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