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Abstract This study investigates how abundance, diversity and composition of understorey spiders were influenced by four different forest habitats in a southern Brazilian Araucaria forest. The study area encompasses a landscape mosaic comprised of Araucaria forest, Araucaria plantation, Pinus plantation, and Eucalyptus plantation. Understorey spiders were collected by beating the vegetation inside three patches of each forest habitat. To assess possible predictors of spider assemblage structure, several patch features were analysed: potential prey abundances, estimation of vegetation cover, diversity index of vegetation types, patch ages, patch areas, and geographical distance between patches. To assess the influence of high‐level taxa approaches on spider assemblage patterns, analyses were carried out individually for family, genera and species levels. Additionally, Mantel tests were carried out in underlying similarity matrices between each taxon. Significant differences in spider abundances among forest habitats were found. Pinus plantations showed the highest abundance of spiders and Eucalyptus plantations showed the lowest abundance. Spider abundance was significantly influenced by patch ages, geographical distance and vegetation cover. Expected numbers of families, genera and species did not vary among forest habitats. Spider composition of two Eucalyptus patches differed from the other forest patches, probably due to their low vegetation cover and isolation. Genera composition was the best correlate of species composition, showing that a higher‐level surrogate can be an alternative to the species approach. The understorey spider diversity in this managed area could be maintained when suitable habitat structures are provided, thus ensuring the connectivity between different habitat types. Further studies should focus on individual species responses to the conversion of native forest to monocultures.  相似文献   

Floods are frequently associated with disturbance in structuring riverine forests and they lead to environmental heterogeneity over space and time. We evaluated the distribution of tree species, ecological groups, species richness and diversity from the point bar to the slope of a riverside forest in southern Brazil (Lat. 30°01′S, Long. 52°47′W) to analyze the effects of flooding on soil properties and forest structure. A plot of 50 × 200 m divided in five contiguous transects of 10 × 200 m parallel to the river was installed, where we measured all the individual trees with pbh ≥ 15 cm. A detailed topographical and soil survey was carried out across the plot and indicated significant differences in organic matter and most mineral nutrients through the topographical gradient. The 1,229 surveyed individuals belonged to 72 species and 35 families. We used Partial CCA and Species Indicator Analysis to observe the spatial distribution of species. Both analyses showed that species distribution was strongly related to the flooding gradient, soil properties and also by space and pure spatial structuring of species and environmental variables (spatial autocorrelation), although a large part of variation remains unexplained. The ecological groups of forest stratification, plant dispersal and requirements for germination indicated slight differences among frequently, occasional and non-flooded transects. Species richness and diversity were higher at intermediate elevations and were associated to the increased spatial–temporal environmental heterogeneity. Across the plot, the direct influence of flooding on tree species distribution created a vegetation zonation that is determined by predicted ecological traits.  相似文献   

This large-scale, landscape-level study aims to assess tree species diversity, stem density and stand structure of six major tropical hill forests of southern Eastern Ghats, India, namely, Bodamalai (BM), Chitteri (CH), Kalrayan (KA), Kolli hills (KO), Pachaimalai (PM) and Shervarayan hills (SH). The Eastern Ghats of India is relatively under-studied compared with the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot. The entire stretch of southern Eastern Ghats was divided into smaller grids of 6.25 km × 6.25 km, totaling to 120 grids. Within each grid, a belt transect of 0.5 ha (5 m × 1000 m) area was laid and all trees ≥30 cm girth at breast height (gbh) were enumerated. A total of 272 tree species (≥30 cm gbh) that belonged to 181 genera and 62 families were recorded in the total 60 ha area inventoried. Diversity indices such as Shannon, Simpson and Fisher's alpha indices were 2.44, 0.03 and 42.1, respectively, for the whole 60 ha area. One way ANOVA revealed that the species richness varied significantly across the six sites (F(5,823) = 4.854, p < 0.0002). Also, the contribution of tree species to total species richness classified by three plant types viz. evergreen, brevi-deciduous and deciduous species varied significantly across the sites (One way ANOVA: F(2,15) = 10.05, p < 0.002). Similarity indices such as Jaccard and Sørensen showed that sites CH and KA are more similar in terms of species composition. The total stand density and basal area for the total 60 ha area were 27,412 stems (457 stems ha−1) and 1012.12 m2 (16.9 m2 ha−1), respectively. The stand density and basal area for the six sites ranged from 290 (in site BM) to 527 stems ha−1 (in site KA) and from 5.6 (in site BM) to 24.4 m2 ha−1 (in site KO), respectively. Stand density and basal area of tree species varied significantly across the six hill complexes (F(5,823) = 4.85, p < 0.0002 and F(5,823) = 2.71, p < 0.02, respectively). A positive correlation was obtained between stand density and species richness in sites PM (rs = 0.65, p < 0.05) and SH (rs = 0.67, p < 0.05), but not in other sites. The predominant tree species in the tropical forests of southern Eastern Ghats include Albizia amara, Euphorbia antiquorum, Canthium dicoccum var. dicoccum, Memecylon edule, Chloroxylon swietenia and Nothopegia heyneana. Taxonomically, Euphorbiaceae constituted the most diverse family with 25 species. Whereas, by tree abundance the Mimosaceae with 4126 stems enumerated from the 60 ha area formed the dominant family. Bray–Curtis cluster analysis, based on tree species composition and abundance revealed that the low-diverse site BM formed a separate entity from other hill complexes. This large-scale tree diversity inventory provides a baseline data for a variety of investigations and is expected to be useful for effective forest management and biodiversity conservation of southern Eastern Ghats region.  相似文献   

Paternity analysis based on eight microsatellite loci was used to investigate pollen and seed dispersal patterns of the dioecious wind-pollinated tree, Araucaria angustifolia. The study sites were a 5.4 ha isolated forest fragment and a small tree group situated 1.7 km away, located in Paranalpha State, Brazil. In the forest fragment, 121 males, 99 females, 66 seedlings and 92 juveniles were mapped and genotyped, together with 210 seeds. In the tree group, nine male and two female adults were mapped and genotyped, together with 20 seeds. Paternity analysis within the forest fragment indicated that at least 4% of the seeds, 3% of the seedlings and 7% of the juveniles were fertilized by pollen from trees in the adjacent group, and 6% of the seeds were fertilized by pollen from trees outside these stands. The average pollination distance within the forest fragment was 83 m; when the tree group was included the pollination distance was 2006 m. The average number of effective pollen donors was estimated as 12.6. Mother-trees within the fragment could be assigned to all seedlings and juveniles, suggesting an absence of seed immigration. The distance of seedlings and juveniles from their assigned mother-trees ranged from 0.35 to 291 m (with an average of 83 m). Significant spatial genetic structure among adult trees, seedlings, and juveniles was detected up to 50 m, indicating seed dispersal over a short distance. The effective pollination neighborhood ranged from 0.4 to 3.3 ha. The results suggest that seed dispersal is restricted but that there is long-distance pollen dispersal between the forest fragment and the tree group; thus, the two stands of trees are not isolated.  相似文献   

Species assemblages are shaped by local and continental-scale processes that are seldom investigated together, due to the lack of surveys along independent gradients of latitude and habitat types. Our study investigated changes in the effects of forest composition and structure on bat and bird diversity across Europe. We compared the taxonomic and functional diversity of bat and bird assemblages in 209 mature forest plots spread along gradients of forest composition and vertical structure, replicated in 6 regions spanning from the Mediterranean to the boreal biomes. Species richness and functional evenness of both bat and bird communities were affected by the interactions between latitude and forest composition and structure. Bat and bird species richness increased with broadleaved tree cover in temperate and especially in boreal regions but not in the Mediterranean where they increased with conifer abundance. Bat species richness was lower in forests with smaller trees and denser understorey only in northern regions. Bird species richness was not affected by forest structure. Bird functional evenness increased in younger and denser forests. Bat functional evenness was also influenced by interactions between latitude and understorey structure, increasing in temperate forests but decreasing in the Mediterranean. Covariation between bat and bird abundances also shifted across Europe, from negative in southern forests to positive in northern forests. Our results suggest that community assembly processes in bats and birds of European forests are predominantly driven by abundance and accessibility of feeding resources, i.e., insect prey, and their changes across both forest types and latitudes.  相似文献   

Plant diversity is considered one factor structuring soil fungal communities because the diversity of compounds in leaf litter might determine the extent of resource heterogeneity for decomposer communities. Lowland tropical rain forests have the highest plant diversity per area of any biome. Since fungi are responsible for much of the decomposition occurring in forest soils, understanding the factors that structure fungi in tropical forests may provide valuable insight for predicting changes in global carbon and nitrogen fluxes. To test the role of plant diversity in shaping fungal community structure and function, soil (0-20?cm) and leaf litter (O horizons) were collected from six established 1-ha forest census plots across a natural plant diversity gradient on the Isthmus of Panama. We used 454 pyrosequencing and phospholipid fatty acid analysis to evaluate correlations between microbial community composition, precipitation, soil nutrients, and plant richness. In soil, the number of fungal taxa increased significantly with increasing mean annual precipitation, but not with plant richness. There were no correlations between fungal communities in leaf litter and plant diversity or precipitation, and fungal communities were found to be compositionally distinct between soil and leaf litter. To directly test for effects of plant species richness on fungal diversity and function, we experimentally re-created litter diversity gradients in litter bags with 1, 25, and 50 species of litter. After 6?months, we found a significant effect of litter diversity on decomposition rate between one and 25 species of leaf litter. However, fungal richness did not track plant species richness. Although studies in a broader range of sites is required, these results suggest that precipitation may be a more important factor than plant diversity or soil nutrient status in structuring tropical forest soil fungal communities.  相似文献   

Expansion of coffee cultivation is one of the causes of deforestation and biodiversity loss. However, shade grown coffee has been promoted as a means for preserving biodiversity in the tropics. In this study we compared tree diversity in two types of coffee management regimes with the sacred groves in the Western Ghats of India. We computed species accumulation curves, species diversity indices and evenness indices to compare the different management regimes. Results of diversity indices showed that shade coffee had less diversity compared to sacred groves. Exotic species dominated the tree diversity in lands where the tree harvesting rights are with the growers. Native trees dominated the tree diversity when growers had no ownership rights on trees. A species accumulation curve suggested that the sacred grove had higher species richness compared to other two habitats. Lack of incentive to preserve endemic species as shade trees is forcing growers to plant more exotic species in shade grown coffee plots. If encouraged, shade grown coffee can preserve some biodiversity, but cannot provide all ecological benefits of a natural forest.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Quantitative estimates of past vegetation cover are needed both regionally so human-landscape interactions can be better understood, and globally to evaluate...  相似文献   

  1. Analysis of the structure, diversity, and demographic dynamics of tree assemblages in tropical forests is especially important in order to evaluate local and regional successional trajectories.
  2. We conducted a long‐term study to investigate how the structure, species richness, and diversity of secondary tropical forests change over time. Trees (DBH ≥ 5 cm) in the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil were sampled twice during a 10‐year period (2007 and 2017) in six stands (1 ha each) that varied in age from their last disturbance (25, 60, 75, 90, and more than 100 years). We compared forest structure (abundance and basal area), species richness, alpha diversity, demographic rates (mortality, recruitment, and loss or gain in basal area), species composition, spatial beta diversity, and temporal beta diversity (based on turnover and nestedness indices) among stand ages and study years.
  3. Demographic rates recorded in a 10‐year interval indicate a rapid and dynamic process of species substitution and structural changes. Structural recovery occurred faster than beta diversity and species composition recovery. The successional gradient showed a pattern of species trade‐off over time, with less spatial dissimilarity and faster demographic rates in younger stands. As stands grow older, they show larger spatial turnover of species than younger stands, making them more stochastic in relation to species composition. Stands appear to split chronologically to some extent, but not across a straightforward linear axis, reflecting stochastic changes, providing evidence for the formation of a nonequilibrium community.
  4. Policy implications. These results reiterate the complexity and variability in forest succession and serve as a reference for the evaluation and monitoring of local management and conservation actions and for defining regional strategies that consider the diversity of local successional trajectories to evaluate the effectiveness of restoration measures in secondary forests of the Atlantic Forest biome.

Plant endemism in two forests in southern Bahia, Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An important factor in determining species rarity is the geographic distribution of species. Estimates were made of the level of endemism of the flora of two sites in the southern Bahian wet forest zone. Estimates were made for endemism in the Atlantic forest biome and for the much more restricted area of southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo and are derived from analyses of the distributions of the species known from each area. The species checklist for each area is based on identified specimens resulting from intensive collecting in a forest near Serra Grande (40km north of Ilhe´us) and the Una Biological Reserve (40km south of Ilhe´us). Slightly less than half of the species (45.2% at Una and 47.7% at Serra Grande) have widespread distributions and 7.4% at each site are disjunct between the coastal forests and Amazonia. In the Una Reserve, 44.1% of the species are endemic to the coastal forest and 28.1% endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo. At Serra Grande, 41.6% of the species are endemic to the coastal forest and 26.5% endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo.  相似文献   

林木分布格局多样性测度方法: 以阔叶红松林为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木分布格局是森林结构的重要组成部分, 直接影响森林生态系统的健康与稳定, 维持森林结构多样性被认为是保护生物多样性的最佳途径。本研究探讨了林木分布格局多样性的测度方法, 以期为揭示森林结构多样性提供理论依据。格局多样性研究的关键在于选择合适的生物多样性测度方法和具有分布属性的格局指数。本研究通过统计角尺度分布频率和Voronoi多边形边数分布频率, 运用Simpson指数分别计算角尺度多样性和Voronoi多边形边数分布多样性, 作为表达林木分布格局多样性指数的方法, 并以我国东北吉林蛟河的3个100 m × 100 m的阔叶红松(Pinus koreansis)林长期定位监测标准地为例, 分析了林木分布格局的多样性。结果表明: 无论是角尺度分布还是Voronoi多边形的边数分布都接近正态分布, 角尺度分布中随机分布林木的频数最多, 占55%以上; Voronoi多边形的类型多达10个以上, 50%以上的林木有5-6株最近相邻木。利用Simpson指数衡量林木格局多样性, 角尺度分布与Voronoi多边形的边数分布都显示出聚集分布的林分比随机分布林分的格局多样性高。研究还发现, 两种格局判定方法得出的Simpson指数值有所不同, 角尺度分布的多样性数值明显低于Voronoi多边形的边数分布的多样性数值, 主要原因是二者的等级数量不同。可见, 林木分布格局多样性研究应选择具有分布属性的格局指数, 但由于各指数反映的角度不同, 所以在分析比较不同林分格局多样性时应采用相同的分析方法。  相似文献   


Hydrological processes in riparian forests affect their geomorphology and drainage, and define their structure. Interactions among many environmental variables and the tree community in continuous riverine forests affect their formation and add to their complexity, making our understanding of these habitats particularly challenging. We evaluated the tree species diversity and richness in relation to relief and flooding regimes in the watershed of a riparian forest in southern Brazil. The environments of the topographic gradients were classified according to relief and soil. Canonical correspondence analysis and indicator species analysis were used for the environmental classification. A detailed soil survey showed that the organic matter content and pH are quite distinct among the environmental categories. Frequent flooding of low intensity on the floodplain was associated with incipient and shallow channels, greater frequency of livestock encroachment, and lower frequency of shade-tolerant species dominance in the deep relief of the valleys and the headwaters. We conclude that there is a dynamic flow of species migration between the flooded and non-flooded environments in small channels and that the narrow deep channels in the floodplain with less frequent and intense flooding favor an expansion of the upland tree species into riparian areas, with channel shape and depth important variables in the impact of cattle encroachment on vegetation. The greatest tree diversity was found in the ravine habitats in the intermediate landscapes.


Marine benthic microalgae are a promising bioindicator of contamination. To date, however, investigations on the microbenthic communities subjected to multiple stressors in natural environments are still very rare. To assess whether the benthic processes of primary production and oxygen consumption, and the structure of active and resting microbenthos, were affected by sediment contamination, seven stations were sampled in different zones of the port of Trieste, subjected to multiple and diffuse contamination, and a reference site in the Marine Reserve of Miramare. No major differences in total abundance of active microbenthos were observed among sites, but the dominance of stress-resistant species and the reduction of more sensitive ones, were registered nearby the main productive activities. The densities of resting microbenthos were higher in polluted areas, and represented by key dinoflagellate species that were clearly linked to contamination. The analysis of similarity applied to both active and resting communities significantly separated the most contaminated stations from the other ones. The photosynthetic capability of active microbenthos did not seem to be affected by contamination. The maximum oxygen consumption rates observed in sediments nearby the productive activities were likely ascribable to high organic C contents and the presence of metals in reduced chemical form.  相似文献   

Zooplankton composition of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
The zooplankton of ten reservoirs of Sao Paulo State was analyzed as part of a larger project, Typology of Reservoirs of São Paulo State.Twenty-four genera of Rotifera, six species of Copepoda and at least nine species of Cladocera were found in samples collected on four occasions in 1979. In general, Rotifera dominated in most reservoirs, although fluctuations occurred during the year.The reservoirs were arranged in four groups, according to zooplankton density, whose range was 10 to 500 i 1–1.The average composition of Crustacea, in number of species at any one time is comparable to those of other water bodies, being a little higher than that of Colorado lakes.The number of species of limnetic Cladocera in Brazil is between those of Holarctic Region and Tropical Asia. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Bosminopsis deitersi, and a few species of Daphnia are typical of Brazilian zooplankton. Thermocyclops crassus is common in the southern reservoirs but T. minutus seems to be more widely distributed in Brazil. Calanoida occurred in relatively few reservoirs in São Paulo and usually one species at one time. Brachionus and Keratella were more abundant closer to the Equator then to the Tropics, where other genera seem to be more abundant.The range in size of the planktonic Crustacea is relatively small when compared to temperate lakes, being similar to that of other tropical lakes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Local variation in individual density, species composition, species richness and species diversity of terrestrial pteridophytes were studied at four sites in the tropical lowland rain forest of western Amazonia. 15 568 pteridophyte individuals representing 40 species were recorded in four plots. The variability among subplots within the same plot was considerable in all the characteristics measured (number of individuals, number of species, species diversity); the square 1‐ha plot was more homogeneous in these respects than any of the three 5 m by 1300 m transects. Species richness was affected by the density of individuals both within and among plots. Density of individuals was not affected by topographical position within any of the plots, whereas in some of the plots both species richness and species diversity were. Clustering and ordination analyses showed that floristically similar subplots could be found in different plots: although there was a tendency for subplots from the same plot to be floristically similar and therefore to group together, many recognized groups included subplots from two or more plots. Both within and among plots, the floristic differences corresponded to topographic position and were probably related to soil drainage. This was also evident in that the abundance patterns of many species followed the topography.  相似文献   

This study is part of the Floristic and Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina, conceived to evaluate forest resources, species composition and structure of forest remnants, providing information to update forest conservation and land use policy in Southern Brazilian State of Santa Catarina (95 000 km2). In accordance to the Brazilian National Forest Inventory (IFN-BR), the inventory applies systematic sampling, with 440 clusters containing four crosswise 1 000m2 plots (20 x 50m) each, located on a 10 x 10km grid overlaid to land use map based on classification of SPOT-4 images from 2005. Within the sample units, all woody individuals of the main stratum (DBH > or = 10cm) are measured and collected (fertile and sterile), if not undoubtedly identified in field. Regeneration stratum (height > 1.50m; DBH < 10cm) is registered in 100m2 in each sample unit. Floristic sampling includes collection of all fertile trees, shrubs and herbs within the sample unit and in its surroundings. This study performs analysis based on 92 clusters measured in 2008 within an area of 32320km2 of mixed ombrophyllous forests with Araucaria angustifolia located at the state's high plateau (500m to 1 560m above sea level at 26 degrees 00'-28 degrees 30' S and 49 degrees 13'-51 degrees 23' W). Mean density (DBH > or = 10cm) is 578 individuals/ha (ranging from 85/ha to 1 310/ha), mean species richness in measured remnants is 35 (8 to 62), Shannon and Wiener diversity index (H') varies between 1.05 and 3.48. Despite high total species diversity (364 Magnoliophyta, five Coniferophyta and one tree fern) and relatively high mean basal area (25.75m2/ha, varying from 3.87 to 68.85m2/ha), the overwhelming majority of forest fragments are considered highly impacted and impoverished, mostly by logging, burning and extensive cattle farming, turning necessary more efficient protection measures. Basal area was considered an appropriate indicator for stand quality and conservation status.  相似文献   

热带森林中的斑块动态与物种多样性维持   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
斑块作为景观要素之一,直接到景观结构的空间格局及其内部各要素之间的相互关系,其动态也将导致景观格局的变化。异质性的斑块在自然森林中是普遍存在的,这就是说,顶极森林中仍然存在着由不同种类或不同生长时期的植物种群组成的森林斑块。由自然或人为干扰所驱动的森林生长循环导致敢这些斑块在空间上的镶嵌,对于持定的地域片段,也导致了不同生长时期的森林斑块的周期性循环。在热带森林中,森林的生长循环由林窗期(gap  相似文献   

This study provides a unique large dataset of total epiphytic lichen diversity (fruticose, foliose and crustose species) and composition on 1,294 trees of 17 tree species in wooded meadows in Sweden and Estonia, the Baltic region. The inventory (25,380 observations and 246 lichen taxa) clearly illustrated that Ulmus minor, Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior contributed most significantly to epiphytic lichen richness and number of red-listed species. In Sweden, average single tree α richness was 22.2 on Ulmus (only in Sweden), 21.6 on Quercus (25.0 in Estonia) and 19.8 on Fraxinus (16.7 in Estonia), respectively. Ulmus hosted on average one red-listed species per tree, compared with 0.7 on Fraxinus (0.6 in Estonia), 0.4 on Quercus (0.7 in Estonia) and only 0.05 on Betula (same in Estonia). Lichen species composition and the average number of red-listed lichens were influenced by tree diameter on Fraxinus and Quercus, whilst no such pattern was evident on Ulmus. Randomized species accumulation curves of the dominating tree species illustrated that Fraxinus, Quercus and Ulmus supported α dominated lichen communities where individual trees hosted a substantial part of the total richness. Betula, on the other hand, supported β dominated communities where individual trees tended to be dissimilar and, therefore, more of the total richness existed as species turnover among host trees. Lichen species composition was influenced by tree species, and most notably, lichen species on Ulmus had a strong consistent clumping in ordination graphs, with many rare and red-listed lichens. The broadleaved deciduous trees within the wooded meadows clearly contribute greatly to the biodiversity of the Baltic region.  相似文献   

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