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GABA(B) receptor subunits are widely expressed on neurons throughout the central nervous system (CNS), at both pre- and postsynaptic sites, where they mediate the late and slow component of the inhibitory response to the major inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Recently, GABA(B) receptors have been reported to be expressed in astrocytes and microglia in the rat CNS by immunocytochemistry. However, there are few reports available for the functional characterization of GABA(B) receptors on astrocytes. In the present study, we therefore investigated the functional expression and characteristics of GABA(B) receptors in primary cultures of astrocytes from rat cerebral cortex. In the presence of 10 microM GTP, forskolin concentration-dependently increased adenylylcyclase (AC) activity in membranes prepared from rat astrocytes. The selective GABA(B) agonist (R)-baclofen concentration-dependently reduced forskolin-stimulated AC activity in the presence of 10 microM GTP. This effect was reversed by the selective GABA(B) antagonists, CGP-55845 and CGP-54626, and was completely abolished by treatment of astrocytic membranes with pertussis toxin. In addition, RT-PCR, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry clearly showed that metabotropic GABA(B) receptor isoforms (GABA(B)R1 and GABA(B)R2) are expressed in rat cerebrocortical astrocytes. Taken collectively, these results demonstrate that functionally active metabotropic GABA(B) receptors are expressed in rat cerebrocortical astrocytes.  相似文献   

Importance of study of astrocytes for fundamental biology and medicine is due their key role in formation of the brain barrier system. On taking into consideration the controversial data on structure of the mammalian neocortex superficial layers, of great actuality are the comparative studies of the structural and cytochemical organization of astrocytes in human and in the laboratory animals used in the experimental studies connected with modeling of brain diseases and traumas. The goal of the present work was to study structural organization of astrocytes in the human and rat neocortical layer I. The work was on the autopsy and experimental material from Wistar rats. Astrocytes were revealed immunocytochemically by using antibodies to GFAP, vimentin and nestin. The preparations were examined with aid of light and confocal laser microscopy. No significant difference in the sizes of perinuclear areas were established between the rat and human astrocytes. In the majority of cortex regions, the specter of proteins forming intermediate filaments in these cells was identical. However, there were essential differences revealed in organization of the superficial glial bordering lamina (SGBL). The human SGBL is formed by interlacing of thin processes in the layer I processes, whereas the rat SGBL is represented by specialized astrocytes spread along the cortical surface and connected with the wide-blade processes. The human layer I astrocytes have translaminar processes passing via several cortical layers, whereas in rats such processes are located within the limits of one layer. The revealed differences in the astrocyte structural organization should be taken into account when interpreting results of experimental studies carried out on rats and extrapolating these results to human.  相似文献   

The binding [125I]insulin and its displacement by the unlabeled hormone was measured in vitro in the isolated cerebral capillaries and astroglia cell-enriched fraction as well as in the particulate fraction of cerebral homogenate and liver plasma membrane preparation. The results indicate the specificity and affinity of the hormone binding to astrocytes to be similar to that to cerebral homogenate and liver fractions and markedly higher than to cerebral blood vessels. The possible functional significance of the insulin receptors on astrocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

Reactions of microglia and astrocytes in the sensorimotor cortex of the rat resulting from a cortex tissue lesion made by a free-electron laser were studied with immunohistochemical techniques. Lipocortin-1 (LC1) was used as a microglia marker, while S100-β glycoprotein was used to identify astrocytes. Three days after laser exposure, the quantity of LC1-positive microglial cells observed in the cortex along the edge of the laser lesion was 30% larger than that in the control. There was no reaction of S100-β-positive astrocytes observed within this time interval. Six days after laser exposure, the density of LC1-positive activated microglia along the edge of the laser lesion further increased (210% of the above index), and the density of S100-β-positive astrocytes also slightly increased (by 30%, compared with the control). The data provide evidence that LC1-positive microglia react to a laser-made cortex injury more rapidly and intensively than astrocytes. It can be supposed that namely LC1 plays the role of an anti-inflammatory messenger in cortex microglial cells after laser exposure. In general, the pattern of microglia and astrocyte reactions is indicative of comparatively mild traumatization of the cortex tissue after laser irradiation.  相似文献   

Cellular GABA levels are determined by the dynamic balance between synthesis and catabolism and are regulated at the level of glutamate decarboxylase, precursor availability (e.g., glutamate and glutamine), and possibly GABA degradation. GABA levels rise and stabilize within hours in human cortex following orally administered vigabatrin, an irreversible inhibitor of GABA-T, suggesting potential product inhibition of GABA synthesis or enhanced GABA degradation through the non-inhibited GABA-T fraction. In this study time courses of the rise in cortical GABA were measured in anesthetized rats in vivo after vigabatrin treatment using localized (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the times to reach steady-state for a given dose were determined. Rates of GABA synthesis were estimated for the period of constant GABA level from the accumulation of [2-(13)C]GABA following a short intravenous infusion (20 min) of either [1,6-(13)C(2)]glucose or [2-(13)C]acetate. No evidence of product inhibition of glutamate decarboxylase by the increased GABA concentration or reduced synthesis from [1,6-(13)C(2)]glucose (control, 0.031+/-0.010; vigabatrin-treated, 0.037+/-0.004 micromol/g/min, P=0.30) or [2-(13)C]acetate (control, 0.078+/-0.010; vigabatrin-treated, 0.084+/-0.006 micromol/g/min, P=0.42) was found. Fractional changes in steady-state GABA levels and GABA-T activities 5-6 h after vigabatrin treatment were approximately equal. The lack of change in GABA synthesis (and GABA catabolic flux for constant GABA levels) suggests that GABA-T has a near-zero flux control coefficient in vivo-capable of greatly altering the steady-state GABA concentration but exerting little or no control on GABA synthesis or GABA/glutamine cycling flux. The findings are consistent with a Michaelis-Menten kinetic model whereby cellular GABA levels increase until flux through the remaining (uninhibited) transaminase equals the rate of GABA synthesis. The findings suggest that astroglia may be the site of continuing GABA catabolism after acute vigabatrin treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Neurointermediate lobes from adult or 10-dayold rats were implanted by a stereotaxic procedure into the third ventricle of adult male rats, in an area close to the paraventricular nucleus. They were examined, using immunocytochemical and ultrastructural techniques, at times ranging from 1 week to 8 months. All grafts were recovered in a healthy condition although some rejection of the tissue was detected at the 1and 2-week stages. In the neural lobe, clusters of pituicytes were scattered among the loose network of capillaries, most of which had a fenestrated endothelium. The intermediate lobe remained organized in compact avascular lobules. Axons similar to those projecting into the neurointermediate lobe in situ, but also axons of other types (e.g., somatostatinergic, enkephalinergic) penetrated the grafts. Synapses with melanotrophic cells in the intermediate lobe and neurohaemal contacts in the neural lobe were frequent from 2 1/2 months after transplantation. Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural characteristics indicated intense secretory stimulation of the melanotrophic cells in the early stages. All cells enclosed in a same glandular lobule reacted in a similar manner. In later stages, when re-innervation occurred, the cells recovered their initial characteristics. The overall effect of the re-innervation of the intermediate lobe grafted in this location is inhibitory, as in the lobe in situ.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitation of synapses at different postnatal ages has been undertaken in the cerebral cortex of the rat. In this study axial ratios of presynaptic bags, proportion of cortex occupied by presynaptic bags and numbers of synapses per unit volume of cortex have been estimated. Observations on synaptic vesicle packing densities have also been made.Synaptic bags become increasingly spherical up to 7 days of age and become more elongated thereafter. The proportion of cortex occupied by presynaptic bags increases rapidly up to 7 days of age and then at a decelerated rate up to maturity. The number of synapses per unit volume increases slowly over the first four days after which there is a rapid increase to 14 days, followed by a decelerated rate.The average presynaptic bag shows marked changes in volume with increasing age which indicate the probability of two stages of synaptic development. This two stage development is further reflected in the estimates on vesicle packing densities. The implications of the results are discussed in relationship to changes in functional activity of the cortex during postnatal development.The authors wish to express their thanks to Mr. R. Birchenough and Mr. J. Manston for much technical assistance.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the study of somatostatin (SS) binding to dissociated cells from rat cerebral cortex. Binding of [125I][Tyr11]SS to cells obtained by mechanical dissociation of rat cerebral cortex was dependent on time and temperature, saturable, reversible and highly specific. Under conditions of equilibrium, i.e., 60 min at 25°C, native SS inhibited tracer binding in a dose-dependent manner. The Scatchard analysis of binding data was linear and yielded a dissociation constant of 0.60±0.08 nM with a maximal binding capacity of 160±16 fmol/mg protein. The binding of [125I][Tyr11]SS was specific as shown in experiments on tracer displacement by the native peptide, SS analogues, and unrelated peptides.  相似文献   

We previously reported that astrocytes cultured for more than 2 days in a defined medium containing epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) showed calcium oscillation in response to glutamate, whereas the response pattern was transient in the absence of the exogenous growth factors. In the present study, we found that astrocytes showed glutamate-induced calcium oscillation, even in growth factor-free medium, if the cells had been cultured for more than 5 days. The calcium oscillation promoted by the prolonged culture period was suppressed by an inhibitor of EGF receptor tyrosine kinase, but not by a neutralizing antibody to bFGF, indicating that the accumulation of an autocrine factor that activates the EGF receptor leads to calcium oscillation. Astrocytes in our culture system expressed EGF, transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha), bFGF and acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF). Exogenous aFGF, which induced astrocyte immediate early gene expression to the same extent as EGF or bFGF, did not affect calcium oscillation. Exogenous EGF and bFGF promoted astrocyte hypertrophic morphology and proliferation, as well as calcium oscillation. In contrast, these properties did not accompany calcium oscillation induced by the prolonged culture period. These results suggest that astrocytes possess the ability to promote their own calcium oscillation, which is independent of hypertrophic changes to reactive astrocytes.  相似文献   

The innervation of the pial arteries as well as the activity of enzymes (phosphorylase I, II, III, succindehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, ATPase, GTPase and CTPase) responsible for vascular smooth muscle function were studied histochemically on total microscopic preparations of rabbit pia matter. An especially rich adrenergic and cholinergic innervation was found around the active microvascular effectors - sphincters of pial and precortical arterial off-shoots. The nerve fibers followed the radial arteries entering the cerebral cortex. No differences were detected between the pial arteries and active microvascular effectors in the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Current medical therapies exhibit limited efficacy in reducing neurological injury and the prognosis for patients remains poor. While most research is focused on the direct protection of neuronal cells, non-neuronal cells, such as astrocytes, may exert an active role in the pathogenesis of TBI. Astrocytes, the predominant cell type in the human brain, are traditionally associated with providing only structural support within the CNS. However, recent work suggests astrocytes may regulate brain homeostasis and limit brain injury. In contrast, reactive astrocytes may also contribute to increased neuroinflammation, the development of cerebral edema, and elevated intracranial pressure, suggesting possible roles in exacerbating secondary brain injury following neurotrauma. The multiple, opposing roles for astrocytes following neurotrauma may have important implications for the design of directed therapeutics to limit neurological injury. As such, a primary focus of this review is to summarize the emerging evidence suggesting reactive astrocytes influence the response of the brain to TBI.  相似文献   

Clearing of dead cells is a fundamental process to limit tissue damage following brain injury. Engulfment has classically been believed to be performed by professional phagocytes, but recent data show that non-professional phagocytes are highly involved in the removal of cell corpses in various situations. The role of astrocytes in cell clearance following trauma has however not been studied in detail. We have found that astrocytes actively collect and engulf whole dead cells in an in vitro model of brain injury and thereby protect healthy neurons from bystander cell death. Time-lapse experiments showed that migrating neurons that come in contact with free-floating cell corpses induced apoptosis, while neurons that migrate through groups of dead cells, garnered by astrocytes, remain unaffected. Furthermore, apoptotic cells are present within astrocytes in the mouse brain following traumatic brain injury (TBI), indicating a possible role for astrocytes in engulfment of apoptotic cells in vivo. qRT-PCR analysis showed that members of both ced pathways and Megf8 are expressed in the cell culture, indicating their possible involvement in astrocytic engulfment. Moreover, addition of dead cells had a positive effect on the protein expression of MEGF10, an ortholog to CED1, known to initiate phagocytosis by binding to phosphatidylserine. Although cultured astrocytes have an immense capacity for engulfment, seemingly without adverse effects, the ingested material is stored rather than degraded. This finding might explain the multinuclear astrocytes that are found at the lesion site in patients with various brain disorders.  相似文献   

After demonstration of the paracrine action of glial neurotrophic factors, gliosis has also been considered to be related to neuronal trophism and plasticity rather than solely a repair event following brain injury. S100 is a Ca2+ binding protein, present mainly in astrocytes, that exerts paracrine trophic effects on several neuronal populations. This study analyses the presence of S100 protein by means of immunohistochemistry combined with stereology in the reactive glial cells of the rat visual pathways following a lesion of the visual cortex. Adult male Wistar rats were submitted to a unilateral aspiration of the occipital cortex or to a sham operation. One week later the rats were killed and their brain processed for immunochemistry. Single antibody immunohistochemistry was performed for the visualization of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, a marker for astrocytes), OX-42 (a marker for microglia) and S100 protein. Double immunofluorescence procedures were applied for co-localization of the S100/GFAP and S100/OX-42. An optical dissector, point interceptors and rotators were used to quantify the degree of glial activation and the changes in the S100 immunoreactivity. We observed an intense microglial and astroglial reaction in addition to an increased S100 immunoreactivity in the occipital cerebral cortex, geniculate nucleus and hippocampus ipsilateral to the lesion. In the ipsilateral superior colliculus, an intense astroglial activation was accompanied by an up-regulation of S100 immunoreactivity. Double-immunofluoresence revealed an increased S100 immunoreactivity in reactive astrocytes, but not in the reactive microglia. Evidence has therefore been obtained that after mechanical trauma, the astroglial S100 protein participates in the trophism and plasticity of the injured visual pathways.  相似文献   

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