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In spite of the existence of many experimental studies on the function of warning coloration in insects, little is known about the universality of reactions of different predators towards a particular warning signal. Reactions of nine passerine bird species, namely Parus major , Parus caeruleus , Aegithalos caudatus , Erithacus rubecula , Turdus merula , Sylvia atricapilla , Fringilla coelebs , Carduelis chloris and Emberiza citrinella , to the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus wildtype (brachypterous adults) and its artificially obtained (painted) brown non-aposematic variant were compared. Most insectivorous birds (great tits, blue tits, robins and blackcaps) distinguished between aposematic and non-aposematic bugs, attacking the former less often. Partly granivorous buntings and finches did not distinguish between them, and attacked both variants equally. As all the birds were caught in the wild, the results can be interpreted in terms of the presence of a higher proportion of experienced individuals among insectivorous than among omnivorous species. Two insectivorous species differed from others. The heaviest blackbird attacked and killed aposematic as well as non-aposematic firebugs, and, in contrast, the lightest long-tailed tit avoided both variants. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 517–525.  相似文献   

1. Protective coloration in insects may be aposematic or cryptic, and some species change defensive strategy between instars. In Sweden, the adult striated shieldbugs Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) undergo a seasonal colour change from pale brown and black striation in the pre‐hibernating adults, to red and black striation in the same post‐hibernating individuals. To the human eye the pre‐hibernating adults appear cryptic against the withered late summer vegetation, whereas the red and black post‐hibernating adults appear aposematic. This suggests a possibility of a functional colour change. However, what is cryptic to the human eye is not necessarily cryptic to a potential predator. 2. Therefore we tested the effect of coloration in adult G. lineatum on their detectability for avian predators. Great tits (Parus major) were trained to eat sunflower seeds hidden inside the emptied exoskeletons of pale or red G. lineatum. Then the detection time for both colour forms was measured in a dry vegetation environment. 3. The birds required a longer time to find the pale form of G. lineatum than the red one. The pale form appears more cryptic on withered late summer vegetation than the red form, not only to the human eye but also to avian predators. The result supports the idea that the adult individuals of G. lineatum undergo a functional change from a cryptic protective coloration to an aposematic one.  相似文献   

Crypsis and aposematism are often regarded as two opposite protective strategies. However, there is large variation in prey appearance within both strategies. In this article, we investigated the conspicuousness of the aposematic red‐and‐black firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus, by presenting images of natural and digitally manipulated phenotypes in their natural habitat on a computer screen to human ‘predators’, and comparing the detection times. We asked whether the natural colour pattern can be made more or less conspicuous by rearranging the spatial distribution of colour elements. Hence, we created a phenotype in which the black colour elements were moved to the body outline to test for a possible disruptive effect. In the ‘black’ and ‘red’ manipulations, we removed one of the two colours, creating two uniform colour variants. We found that some of our manipulations increased, but none reduced, the detection time significantly; this indicates that the naturally coloured firebug is highly conspicuous. The detection time varied among backgrounds and there was a significant relationship between detection time and chromatic similarity between the bug and the background for the natural and black phenotypes. Although background colour composition has an important effect on the signal, we argue that the coloration of P. apterus has evolved for high conspicuousness. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 806–816.  相似文献   

We investigated how predator/prey body‐size ratio and prey colour pattern affected efficacy of prey warning signals. We used great and blue tits (Parus major and Cyanistes caeruleus), comprising closely related and ecologically similar bird species differing in body size, as experimental predators. Two larval instars and adults of the unpalatable red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), differing in body size and/or coloration, were used as prey. We showed that prey body size did not influence whether a predator attacked the prey or not during the first encounter. However, smaller prey were attacked, killed, and eaten more frequently in repetitive encounters. We assumed that body size influences the predator through the amount of repellent chemicals better than through the amount of optical warning signal. The larger predator attacked, killed and ate all forms of firebug more often than the smaller one. The difference between both predators was more pronounced in less protected forms of firebug (chemically as well as optically). Colour pattern also substantially affected the willingness of predators to attack the prey. Larval red–black coloration did not provide a full‐value warning signal, although a similarly conspicuous red‐black coloration of the adults reliably protected them. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 890–898.  相似文献   

Littorina saxatilis Olivi (1792), the rough winkle, is highly polymorphic in shell colour. Shell colour frequencies were studied at six locations in south-western Wales, U.K., each at a geological contact between red sandstone and grey limestone or volcanic rock. At each site shell colour frequencies were determined in samples from the contact zone and on red or grey rock on either side. Highly significant associations were found between shell colour frequencies and substrate colour. Grey shells were always more common on grey rock than on red rock, and brown shells were usually more common on red than on grey rock, suggesting selection for cryptic colouration. Shell colour frequency differences were also found between replicate samples taken only 5 m apart from the same kind of rock, and between samples from the same kind of rock at the six study sites. These latter differences suggest that selection for camouflage is not the only factor involved in maintaining shell colour polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

苏延乐  吕昭智  宋菁  苗伟 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1300-1303
聚集行为是动物适应不良环境的一种生态对策。始红蝽Pyrrhocoris apterus在成虫滞育越冬期间具有显著的聚集行为。采用LI-6400型光合仪测定了5种聚集度(分别用1头、5头、10头、20头和50头的群体大小表示)下始红蝽的呼吸量,通过呼吸量计算得到各聚集度始红蝽的呼吸速率(rate of respiration,Rr)及能量代谢速率(rate of metabolism,Rm),旨在明确聚集行为是否能够对始红蝽越冬时的能量代谢产生影响。结果表明: 不同聚集度间始红蝽的Rm值存在显著性差异; 并且随聚集度的增加,Rm值与聚集度呈显著负相关,Rm值依次为0.052,0.044,0.041,0.037和0.033 W/g。结果说明聚集行为可以有效降低始红蝽新陈代谢速率,有利于种群成功越冬。  相似文献   

Abstract. The red firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.), was shown not to be strictly a monovoltine species in Czechoslovakia. A second generation arises from eggs laid by females emerging between June and the beginning of August. Oviposition takes place before diapause is induced in the females by shortening of photophase. Adults that moult later, enter diapause without having laid eggs.
Electrophoretic patterns of haemolymph proteins of adults collected in the field throughout a year showed a characteristic temporal pattern of changes correlated not only with the stages of ovarian development, but also with the progression of diapause and post-diapause quiescence. The changes mainly concerned vitellogenin and polypeptides of molecular weight 78 and 80 kDa.
Vitellogenin was present only in the haemolymph of reproductive females. The polypeptides of 78 and 80 kDa, belonging to the group of storage proteins, accumulated conspicuously in the haemolymph of adults undergoing diapause and post-diapause quiescence. However, the occurrence of these polypeptides seems not to be connected exclusively with cold, because their titres increased with the length of diapause development, even in diapausing adults reared in the laboratory at a constant 26.C  相似文献   

1. Understanding the conditions that allow for the occurrence of an additional generation in populations that are usually univoltine is important under the present climate warming. In temperate areas, a second generation is enabled through the emergence of a time window that opens when first-generation individuals are ready to reproduce and closes when second-generation individuals cannot complete development before the onset of winter. 2. The conditions that limit the width of this window were studied in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae), a ground-inhabiting heteropteran overwintering in facultative adult diapause, whose populations in Central Europe have typically been univoltine until the 1980s. 3. The frequency of females of the first generation that started to lay eggs decreased from 70% in June to zero in early August, but oviposition of these females continued until the end of August. Using thermal constants for egg–adult development and temperature data, this study found that the development of most second-generation individuals could only be completed before the start of winter if hastened through behavioural thermoregulation. 4. Consequences of temperature increase on the width of the thermal window were calculated. Increasing temperature causes the time window to open earlier and close later by accelerating maturation of first-generation females and improving conditions for maturing of the second-generation individuals in late summer and autumn. 5. Climate warming will create conditions that facilitate the occurrence of a second generation in a year in typically univoltine populations of this species.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to study, with the use of video-recordering and computerized methods, the flight and wing movement behavior in two wing morphs of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus during the first 14 days of their adult life. We demonstrated the capability of macropterous males and females of this heteropteran to flap their fore- and hindwings for the first time. Flight was not observed in any of the tested males and females. We revealed that wing flapping does not occur earlier than on the fourth and fifth day after adult emergence in males and females, respectively. Time-series analysis of the obtained data showed that the maximum activity of wing flaps is limited to the light phase of the 12-h light/12-h dark photocycle, with the peak occurring in the morning, i.e., about 3 h after turning the light on. No substantial differences in the peaks of wing flapping activities in males versus females were found. The present paper is the first experimental demonstration of wing flap activity in a representative species with a nonfunctional alary polymorphism.  相似文献   

Wild rufous-tailed jacamars (Galbula ruficauda) were shown to prey frequently, but selectively, upon butterflies in a Costa Rican rainforest. Two individually caged birds (a male and a female) were further tested with over 1000 butterflies of 114 morphs. Both wild jacamars and the two captive individuals were able to capture and handle all kinds and sizes of local butterflies. These butterflies (and other winged insects) were recognized by the jacamars as prey only through their movement. The captive birds discriminated between an unacceptable group of butterflies, which generally fly slowly or regularly, are warningly coloured and mimetic, with transparent, or white, orange, red, and/or black coloration, and an acceptable group that generally fly fast or erratically, are cryptic (on one or both sides), and have yellow, orange, green, blue, and/or brown coloration. These different morphological and behavioural characteristics of butterflies presumably helped the jacamars to assess their palatability. Most individuals of unacceptable butterflies (e.g. Battus and Parides (Papilionidae), some Pieridae, Diaethria and Callicore (Nymphalinae), Heliconiinae, Acraeinae, Ithomiidae, and Danaidae) were sight-rejected by the male jacamar (Jacamar 2), and many of the same were also sight-rejected by the female (Jacamar 1). In cases when the above butterflies were attacked, they were quickly released and usually unharmed. The captive female bird, after long periods without food, consumed many pierid and heliconiine butterflies that were consistently rejected by the male for their distasteful and dangerous qualities. In contrast, palatable butterflies (e.g. Papilio, Charaxinae, most Nymphalinae, Morpho, Brassolinae, and Satyrinae) were usually quickly attacked and consumed. The captive jacamars were able to discriminate between the very similar colour patterns of some Batesian mimics and their models, and could memorize the palatability of a large variety of butterflies. The discriminatory abilities of specialized insectivorous birds such as jacamars are likely to play a major role in the evolution of neotropical butterfly mimicry.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the frequency of colour/pattern morphs of Philaenus spumarius is described at 48 localities in England and Wales. The sites have been divided into four broad environmental categories, two urban and two rural. There is a distinction between the urban and rural groupings in the relative proportions of the colour morphs; in urban localities there is a higher combined frequency of the eight ‘melanic’ morphs. Differences also exist between locality groupings, and between the sexes, in the relative frequencies of the eight morphs within the ‘melanic’ phenotypic category. Morphs limited to the female sex in some other parts of the species range occur among males in British populations. It is suggested that the different dominance hierarchy between the sexes which exists in Fennoscandian populations may not be characteristic of British populations.  相似文献   

The colour patterns of Heliconius butterflies are composed from a relatively simple set of pattern elements whose homologues are recognizable throughout the genus. Although Heliconius colour patterns look quite different from those of most nymphalids, these pattern elements are seen to derive from the generalized nymphalid groundplan. The differences arise primarily from the loss or positional shift of certain pattern elements, a high degree of fusion between individual pattern elements, and, in the forewing, asymmetries of the pattern elements relative to the wing-cell midline. The scheme of homologies we present is consistent with what is currently known about the comparative morphology and developmental physiology of colour pattern formation in Lepidoptera, and provides a framework for the interpretation of developmental, evolutionary and genetic studies in Heliconius.  相似文献   

Temperature and nutrition are crucial environmental variables that determine rates of growth and development in insects. However, the simultaneous effect of these factors on life‐history traits is rarely addressed. In the present study, the influence of two diets (linden fruit and sunflower seeds) on the duration of immature stages and thermal reaction norms for development is tested in the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Eggs and larvae are reared at five constant temperatures (20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 °C) under an LD 20 : 4 h photocycle. Development rates deviate from linearity in the studied thermal range, especially in larvae; therefore, a nonlinear (power‐law) approximation is also attempted. Parental diet causes no change in thermal reaction norms for egg development. However, the progeny of sunflower‐fed bugs are more variable in terms of their development time, suggesting a transgenerational effect. Larval mortality rates increase in cooler conditions and are always higher on sunflower seeds. This is accompanied by more variable, less temperature‐dependent and generally slower larval development. A review of previously published case studies on temperature–diet interactions in the control of insect development leads to two general conclusions. First, there are two approaches for assessing the temperature‐dependent development in insects: one based on the concept of the sum of degree‐days and the other based on the concept of reaction norm. Despite an obvious non‐exclusiveness, the two approaches appear to have developed in isolation from each other. Second, three principal patterns of temperature–diet interactions can be recognized. The pattern found in P. apterus (the direct effects of diet are stronger at higher temperatures and much weaker or absent at lower temperatures) appears to be the most widespread.  相似文献   

The phylogenetically and morphologically diverse patterns of Charaxes can be reduced to a simple set of pattern elements which can be homologized throughout the genus. At least five types of correspondence (homologies) exist among pattern elements: those between (1) species, (2) forewing and hindwing, (3) dorsal and ventral wing surface, (4) serial wing-cells, and (5) individual pattern elements within a single wing-cell. Differences in Charaxes colour patterns result from the distortion, elaboration, enlargement, reduction or loss of individual pattern elements. Further variation is often the result of dislocation of pattern elements from their serial homologues in neighbouring wing-cells, and fusion of individual pattern elements to create larger areas of colour. The type of analysis presented in this paper should be broadly applicable within the Lepidoptera and may prove useful in studying the systematics of colour patterns and the evolution of the developmental system that gives rise to them.  相似文献   

Predators influence the evolution of colour pattern in prey species, yet how these selective forces might differ among predators is rarely considered. In particular, prey colour patterns that indicate unpalatability to some predator species may not carry the same signal for other predators. We test several hypotheses of selection on patterning between mammal predators and the polymorphic salamander Plethodon cinereus, which, under an avian visual system appears as a mimic of the toxic newt Notophthalmus viridescens. We fit each hypothesis against field observations of mammalian attacks on salamander clay replicas. We then develop a novel analytical procedure that enables the combination of multiple non‐exclusive models in a likelihood framework. We find that mammals do not follow any single hypothesis proposed, including the hypothesis of mimicry. Instead, mammals in this system use visual cues while foraging to avoid unfamiliar, novel prey and attack conspicuous prey. We propose that mammals may help to maintain colour pattern polymorphism within populations of P. cinereus by avoiding novel, unfamiliar colour morphs. Additionally, selective pressures from multiple predators and variation in predator communities among sites may contribute to the maintenance of colour polymorphism within and among localities in this salamander species.  相似文献   

The colour patterns of Heliconius butterflies are built up from an array of serially homologous pattern elements known as the nymphalid groundplan. An analysis of the phenotypic effects of ten genetic loci from H. melpomene and H. cydno reveals that each alters the expression either of a single element of the groundplan or of an entire row of serially homologous elements. Five of the ten loci affect the size (or presence/absence) of specific pattern elements, two affect the colour in which a pattern element is expressed, two affect pattern-inducing activity of the wing veins, and one appears to affect an overall threshold for pattern determination. Three of the ten loci have identical effects on homologues of the fore- and hindwing. We show that most of the apparently large and qualitative phenotypic effects of these genes can be readily explained by relatively small and quantitative changes in the dimensions or positions of specific pattern elements.  相似文献   

The distribution of yellow, brown and red morphs of sympatric species of Littoraria were recorded on mangrove trees of the genus Avicennia within Moreton Bay, Queensland. The roles of background mimicry (leaf vs. bark, dark vs. light), niche selection and thermal tolerance (sunny vs. shaded positions and height above ground) were examined. The yellow advantage found previously in the area was tested. Total yellow morph frequency adjusted to a reduction in leaf background on pruned trees. Morph frequencies in Littoraria species reflect differences in habitat use. L. filosa (high yellow frequency) was more frequently found on leaves at the highest tree levels, while L. luteola (high brown frequency) was more frequently found on branches at lower levels. It is therefore argued that morphs mimic background elements. Previously reported niche selection by yellow and brown morphs of leaf and bark backgrounds is shown to be a result of the distribution of L. luteola on branches and L. filosa on leaves. At warmer times of the year, yellow L. filosa were more common in sunny positions; this is thought to be a result of thermal tolerance. There appears to be some advantage to particular morphs on particular tree types, but this relationship needs to be examined further. Mangrove-dwelling Littoraria are a promising model to investigate molluscan polymorphism. In the past, erroneous identification of sympatric species may have influenced the accuracy of reported patterns. We used allozyme electrophoretic markers as a precise identification technique. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 219–232.  相似文献   

Melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor) (MC1R) is a gene‐controlling melanogenesis in mammals. However, it is not well characterized in alpacas and its association with colour is not known. The aim of this study was to look for polymorphisms in the MC1R gene in Peruvian Huacaya alpacas and to analyse the relationship between MC1R single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the variations in the instrumental measurement of colour of alpaca fibre. Sixty alpaca fibre samples from black, brown, cream and white animals (15 for each colour) were used to extract DNA from hair bulbs. Colour was measured with a spectrophotometer to obtain quantitative values (CieL*a*b*). Sixteen samples, four of each colour group, were sequenced. Eighteen SNP mutations, 10 not previously described, were found in these 16 sequences. Three of them were chosen (c.82A>G, c.865C>T, c.901C>T) to analyse genotypes by PCR‐RFLP in the other 44 fibre samples and to determine the association of mutations with instrumental colour. These three polymorphisms showed association with fibre lightness (P < 0.05), although there was no correlation with colour groups.  相似文献   

Forty-one mixed samples of winkles containing the closely related species, Littorina rudis and L. arcana , were collected from different parts of the British Isles. Littorina rudis was the more ubiquitous species, with L. arcana being more-or-less confined to vertical cliffs and rocks. The frequencies of different shell colour patterns were determined for both species in each sample. Several colour morphs were diagnostic of one or other of the species over large areas, which confirms that these are separate species. The frequencies, in the two species, of the two commonest morphs, brown and fawn, were strongly correlated; in several other morphs their presence and absence in the two species was significantly associated; the levels of phenotypic diversity in the two species were also correlated. These patterns could not have arisen if the variation between shores was the result of genetic drift or founder effects, so some form of selection is implicated. In the brown morph there is some evidence for frequency-dependent selection, and it is suggested that the polymorphism may be maintained by visual predators through apostatic selection.  相似文献   

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