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Experimental hepatomas induced with 5,9-dimethyldibenzo[c,g]carbazole in female XVIInc/Z mice display a strong microsomal steroid 15 alpha-hydroxylation activity. A cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme (cytochrome P-450tu), specific for this activity, has been isolated by an HPLC derived method using various Fractogel TSK and hydroxyapatite supports. On SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified protein appeared as one major band with an apparent Mr of 50,000. Its specific cytochrome P-450 content was 7.55 nmol/mg protein. As deduced from the visible spectrum, the heme iron of the isolated P-450tu was to 72% in the high-spin state. The CO-bound reduced form showed an absorption maximum at 450 nm. In addition to the stereospecific 15 alpha-hydroxylation of progesterone (2.3 min-1) and testosterone (2.5 min-1), the enzyme catalyzed also 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation, benzphetamine N-demethylation and aniline 4-hydroxylation. Its N-terminal amino-acid sequence (21 residues) was identical to that of cytochrome P-450(15) alpha, isolated by Harada and Negishi from liver microsomes of 129/J mice. P-450tu differed from P-450(15) alpha by its higher molecular weight, its 40-times lower steroid 15 alpha-hydroxylation and its 4-times higher benzphetamine N-demethylation.  相似文献   

Rifampicin administration to New Zealand male rabbits increased the concentration of an LM3 form of cytochrome P-450 to up to 30% of the microsomal P-450 concentration. This enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity with a yield of 8% of the original total microsomal P-450 concentration. Isolated as a low spin hemoprotein in its substrate free oxidized form, it displays in its reduced CO-complexed form an absorption maximum at 449 nm. Immunological assays, as well as activity measurements, in particular its stereospecific progesterone hydroxylation in the 6 beta-position, show a relationship between LM3,Rif and LM3c (from untreated rabbits).  相似文献   

A cDNA, p1-88, was cloned from a library constructed using rabbit liver mRNA. Sequence analysis indicates that p1-88 is highly similar (congruent to 95%) to the cDNA, p1-8, that encodes rabbit liver cytochrome P-450 1 and that had been isolated from the same library. The predicted amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by p1-88, P-450 IIC4, differs at 25 of 487 amino acids from that encoded by p1-8. P-450 IIC4 was synthesized in vitro using rabbit reticulocyte lysate primed with RNA transcribed from the coding sequence of p1-88 using a bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase/promoter system. P-450 IIC4 reacts with two monoclonal antibodies that recognize P-450 1 and exhibits the same relative electrophoretic mobility as P-450 1. In contrast, the reactivity of a third monoclonal antibody recognizing P-450 1, 1F11, toward P-450 IIC4 synthesized in vitro is greatly diminished. The latter antibody extensively inhibits hepatic progesterone 21-hydroxylase activity and recognizes phenotypic differences among rabbits in the microsomal concentration of P-450 1. This difference in the immunoreactivity of P-450 IIC4 and P-450 1 with the 1F11 antibody suggests that P-450 IIC4 does not contribute significantly to hepatic progesterone 21-hydroxylase activity. S1 nuclease mapping demonstrates that the expression of mRNAs corresponding to p1-88 are expressed to equivalent extents in rabbits exhibiting high and low expression of mRNAs corresponding to p1-8. Thus, P-450 1 differs from the protein encoded by p1-88, in its regulation, immunoreactivity, and by inference its catalytic properties although the amino acid sequences of P-450 1 and P-450 IIC4 are highly similar (congruent to 95%).  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for the isolation of subcellular fractions from small intestinal mucosal cells in the rat. The mucosal cells were detached by a scraping procedure resulting in an almost complete harvest of all types of cells as judged by light microscopy. Homogenization using a Potter-Elvehjem Teflon-glass device at high speed with ensuing sonication was found to be necessary for complete disruption of the cells. The subcellular fractions obtained after differential centrifugation--10,000g pellet, 105,000g pellet (microsomal fraction), and supernatant--were characterized with respect to different marker enzymes. The highest yield of 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity in the microsomal fraction was achieved after resuspension and recentrifugation of the 10,000g pellet. Addition of anti-P-450 beta-naphthoflavone (BNF)-B2 antibodies to the incubation mixture resulted in almost complete inhibition of the O-deethylation of 7-ethoxyresorufin whereas addition of anti-P-450 phenobarbital (PB)-B2 had no effect. The presence of BNF-inducible isozymes was demonstrated by the Western blotting technique not only in intestinal microsomes from BNF-treated rats, but also in microsomes from untreated rats. Anti-P-450 BNF-B2 was also used in the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method for studies on the localization of cytochrome P-450. No BNF-inducible cytochrome P-450 could be detected in untreated rats, whereas BNF treatment resulted in a general staining of the whole villus.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P-450-dependent steroid 15 beta-hydroxylase system from Bacillus megaterium has been resolved into three components, 1) a NADPH-specific, FMN-containing flavoprotein reductase, molecular weight 55-60 000; 2) an iron-sulfur protein, molecular weight 13,000 and 3) cytochrome P-450meg, molecular weight 52,000. The cytochrome component has been purified to homogeneity, as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel, and its amino acid composition has been determined. Cytochrome P-450meg has a pI of 4.9, a Stokes radius of 27 A and a sedimentation constant of 3.3 S. Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical spectra are typical of a low-spin cytochrome P-450. The fluorescence spectrum is indicative of a tryptophane residue in a relatively non-polar environment. In recombination experiments, the electron flow was shown to proceed from the reductase via the iron-sulfur protein to the cytochrome. It is also possible to exchange the different components of the mitochondrial 11 beta-hydroxylase system from bovine adrenals for corresponding components in B. megaterium. Substrate specificity studies indicate that only steroids with a 3-oxo-delta 4-configuration are hydroxylated by the B. megaterium hydroxylase system. When oxidizing agents were used, hydroxylation occurred both in positions 15 alpha and 15 beta. Further substrate specificity studies have shown that aniline and imipramine can function as substrates for the bacterial system.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a novel cytochrome P-450-like pseudogene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A rabbit liver P-450-like pseudogene has been isolated from a lambda phage genomic library. Sequence analysis revealed structural homology with respect to the rat P-450b and P-450e genes as well as a similar intron-exon organization. A 5'-proximal TATA box-like sequence and two 3'-distal putative polyadenylation signals were identified, and all putative intron-exon boundaries except at the 3'-splice site of intron 2 were found to follow the GT/AG rule. With allowance for apparent deletions and insertions, the structural homology of the amino acid sequence deduced from the pseudogene with respect to rabbit P-450 isozyme 2 is lower for exons 1 through 4 (18-28%) than for exons 5 through 9 (42-65%). S1 nuclease mapping showed that mRNAs complementary to the DNA sequence of exon 9 are expressed. However, due to the alterations in the pseudogene, it appears that functional P-450 would not be produced from such mRNAs.  相似文献   

The "major" phenobarbital (PB)-induced cytochrome P-450 species present in livers of male Sprague-Dawley rats was resolved into two catalytically active heme-protein fractions on diethylaminoethyl cellulose. The two species, P-450 PB-4 (Mr = 49,000) and P-450 PB-5 (Mr = 51,000), were purified to homogeneity, and their chromatographic, spectral, catalytic, and structural properties were compared. P-450 BP-5 eluted earlier on hydroxylapatite and exhibited a more significant cholate-induced Type I spectral shift than P-450 BP-4. Very similar substrate specificity profiles were evident when the two isozymes were reconstituted with lipid, cytochrome P-450 reductase, and cytochrome b5 for oxidative metabolism of several xenobiotics, although P-450 PB-4 exhibited a higher specific catalytic activity (greater than or equal to 5-fold) with all substrates tested. Marked differences were also observed in the sensitivities of both isozymes to several P-450 inhibitors. In addition, P-450 PB-4 was greater than or equal to 10-fold more susceptible than P-450 PB-5 to suicide inactivation by two allyl-containing compounds, allylisopropylacetamide and secobarbital, providing a possible explanation of the previously observed partial inactivation by such compounds of phenobarbital-induced P-450 activity in liver microsomes. One-dimensional peptide maps of the two isoenzymes were highly similar. Antibody raised against purified Long Evans rat liver P-450b (Thomas, P. E., Korzeniowski, D., Ryan, D., and Levin, W. (1979) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 192, 524-532) cross-reacted with P-450 PB-4 and P-450 PB-5. NH2-terminal sequence analysis demonstrated that the first 31 residues of both PB-4 and PB-5 were identical. These sequences indicated that a highly hydrophobic terminal segment, observed previously for other P-450s as well, is followed by a cluster of basic residues, suggesting that the NH2-terminal portion of these P-450s might be involved in membrane anchoring. Although it is unclear whether P-450 PB-4 and P-450 PB-5 are separate gene products or are related by post-translational modifications, this present demonstration of closely related isozymic forms suggests the possible added complexity of microheterogeneity for this family of microsomal monooxygenases.  相似文献   

We have examined the tissue-specific expression of three rabbit genes that are closely related members of a subfamily of the phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 gene family. Analysis of the levels of mRNA in liver revealed that (a) cytochrome P-450PBc1 mRNA was not detectable in livers from control animals but was present in livers from animals treated with phenobarbital, (b) cytochrome P-450PBc2 was present in control tissue and was increased by about 3-fold 24 h after phenobarbital treatment, and (c) the levels of cytochrome P-450PBc3 mRNA was the same in livers from control and treated animals. In the kidney, only P-450PBc2 mRNA was detected at a level 15% of that in the liver, and the levels increased about 3-fold after phenobarbital treatment. None of the mRNAs was detected in lung tissue. Multiple species of RNA were observed that hybridized to probes for cytochrome P-450PBc1 and P-450PBc2 cDNAs by Northern blot analysis ranging in size from 2300 to 4000 nucleotides. Differential sites for polyadenylation probably cause the heterogeneity in size. A single species of RNA of 2200 nucleotides that hybridized to cytochrome P-450PBc3 cDNA probes was observed. These data demonstrate that three closely related cytochrome P-450 genes are differentially responsive to phenobarbital treatment and that they exhibit different tissue-specific patterns of expression.  相似文献   

The rat cytochrome P-450d gene which is inducibly expressed by the administration of 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) has been cloned and analyzed for the complete nucleotide sequence. The gene is 6.9 kilobases long and is separated into 7 exons by 6 introns. The insertion sites of the introns in this gene are well-conserved as compared with those of another MC-inducible cytochrome P-450c gene, but are completely different from those of a phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450e gene. The overall homologies in the coding nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences were 75% and 68% between the two MC-inducible cytochrome P-450 genes, respectively. The similarity of the gene organization between cytochrome P-450d and P-450c as well as their homology in the deduced amino acid and the nucleotide sequences suggests that these two genes of MC-inducible cytochromes P-450 constitute a different subfamily than those of the phenobarbital-inducible one in the cytochrome P-450 gene family. In contrast with the notable sequence homology in the coding region of the two MC-inducible cytochromes P-450, all the introns and the 5'- and 3'-flanking regions of the two genes showed virtually no sequence homology between them except for several short DNA segments that are located in the promoter region and the first intron. The nucleotide sequences and the locations of these conserved short DNA segments in the two genes suggest that they may affect the expression of the genes. Middle repetitive sequence reported as ID or identifier sequence were found in and in the vicinity of the cytochrome P-450d gene.  相似文献   

Carbon-13 Fourier transform nmr has been used to make the first observation of a carbon-13-iron-57 spin-spin coupling constant in a protein, sperm whale carbonyl myoglobin enriched to 90% in both iron-57 and carbon-13. The coupling constant, 27.1±0.2 Hz, is found to be essentially identical to that of a model compound, supporting the view that the carbonyl is not tilted with respect to the heme plane in solution. Such carbon-13-iron-57 couplings, and the resultant iron-57 chemical shifts obtained from decoupling experiments, should provide valuable new tools for studying the different affinity states of tetrameric hemoglobins.  相似文献   

A cytochrome P-450e gene variant has been isolated from the rat liver genomic library. It is a typical e gene clone but unique in having b-like single base substitutions at specific sites in the 5' flanking region. It also appears to have certain additional restriction sites in the introns. When compared with the cytochrome P-450b gene, the e gene has some of the repetitive motifs interrupted in the 5' flanking region. In addition, this region is characterized by the presence of alternating pyrimidine-purine stretch, steroid hormone regulatory elements, consensus eukaryotic enhancer sequence and sequences involved in general amino acid regulation.  相似文献   

L Einck  J Fagan  M Bustin 《Biochemistry》1985,24(19):5269-5275
Plasmids carrying fragments of a cytochrome P-450 gene, inducible by 3-methylcholanthrene, were used to study the chromatin structure of this gene in the liver of normal and carcinogen-treated rats. Digestion with micrococcal nuclease revealed that the gene is not present in the typical 200 base pair nucleosomal structure. By use of indirect end-label hybridization, four DNase I hypersensitive sites were mapped in the 5'-terminal region of the gene. An S1 nuclease sensitive site is located close to a DNase I site. Gene induction by treatment with 3-methylcholanthrene does not result in detectable changes in the DNase I hypersensitive sites. Rat thymus chromatin does not contain DNase I hypersensitive sites in the P-450 gene, suggesting that in the liver the chromatin structure is altered so as to allow tissue-specific expression of the gene. This paper is the first study on the chromatin structure of a gene coding for a member of the cytochrome P-450 family of enzymes. The implications of our results to the understanding of gene regulation of the P-450 genes are discussed.  相似文献   

A heretofore unrecognized form of cytochrome P-450 was purified from rabbit liver microsomes with an average yield and purity similar to that of other highly purified forms of cytochrome P-450. Several properties of this cytochrome are contrasted with those of form 2, the major phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450, form 4, the major 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-inducible cytochrome, and form 6, a cytochrome that is selectively induced in liver microsomes by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin during the perinatal period. Thes four forms can be distinguished by virtue of their molecular weights as determined using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, by their respective peptide fingerprints, and by the monospecificity of their antisera. Since the enumerated properties are thought to reflect the primary structure of the cytochromes and since the observed differences are extensive, we suggest that these four forms are not derived from a common protein precursor.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone specific for a chicken phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 was used to screen a chicken genomic library. Twenty-nine clones were isolated, restriction mapped, and divided into two non-overlapping groups. The cDNA clone hybridized to 12 kilobases of DNA from both groups. Both groups contained restriction fragments which hybridized to both 5' and 3' fragments of the cDNA clone, and it was concluded that the two groups were derived from two separate genes. Southern transfer analysis of individual chicken DNAs and quantitative hybridization analysis indicated that these two genes are independent and are present as single copies/haploid genome. Comparison of restriction digests of the cloned DNAs and total genomic DNA discounted the possibility that other closely related P-450 genes are present in the chicken genome.  相似文献   

Thromboxane synthase from human platelets was purified to apparent homogeneity by conventional chromatographic techniques. A 423-fold enrichment over the specific content in the 100,000 X g sediment from platelet homogenates was obtained. The enzyme gave a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis corresponding to a monomeric molecular weight of 58,800. One heme per polypeptide chain was present, and by optical and EPR spectroscopy a close analogy to the group of cytochrome P-450 proteins was established. From its substrate prostaglandin H2, the stable end product thromboxane B2 is formed with a specific activity of 24.1 mumol min-1 mg of protein-1 which corresponds to a molecular activity of 1628 min-1. The enzyme formed 12L-hydroxy-5,8,10-heptadecatrienoic acid together with thromboxane B2 in a 1:1 ratio. Both products were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. As reported previously for platelet microsomes (Ullrich, V., and Haurand, M. (1983) Adv. Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukotriene Res. 11, 105-110), the pure hemoprotein spectrally interacts with pyridine- or imidazole-based inhibitors and for the potent inhibitor imidazo-(1,5-a)pyridine-5-hexanoic acid a stoichiometric binding to the heme was shown. Substrate analogs with a methylene group replacing the oxygen in either the 9- or 11-position caused difference spectra showing spectral shifts towards 387 and 407 nm, respectively. The identification of thromboxane synthase as a P-450 protein suggests that the heme-thiolate group of the enzyme is required to split and activate the endoperoxide bond of prostaglandin H2.  相似文献   

Hepatic mitoplasts from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats contain cytochrome P-450 which can metabolize polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons like benzo(a)pyrene. Mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 was partially purified and reconstituted in vitro using adrenodoxin and the adrenodoxin reductase electron transfer system and [3H]benzo(a)pyrene as the substrate. A polyclonal antibody to purified microsomal P-450c (a major 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible form) inhibited the activity of mitochondrial enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner and also reacted with a 54-kDa protein on the immunoblots. A monoclonal antibody having exclusive specificity for P-450c, on the other hand, did not inhibit the aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity of the mitochondrial enzyme and showed no detectable cross-reaction with the 54-kDa mitochondrial protein. Similarly, two-dimensional analysis and immunodetection using the polyclonal antibody showed distinct molecular properties of the mitochondrial enzyme different from the similarly induced microsomal P-450c with respect to the isoelectric pH. In vitro translation of free polysomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced liver, transport of precursor proteins by isolated mitochondria in vitro, and immunoprecipitation with the polyclonal antibody showed the presence of a 57-kDa putative precursor which is transported and processed into mature 54-kDa species. These results present evidence for the true intramitochondrial location of the P-450c-antibody reactive isoform detected in 3-methylcholanthrene-induced rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Rat hepatic cytochrome P-450 PB-1 is a prominent constitutive P-450 form whose levels increase approximately 2-3 fold upon phenobarbital administration. Antibodies raised against this protein recognized two major proteins in immunoblots of rat liver microsomal proteins and precipitated comparable amounts of two electrophoretically separable hepatic mRNA translation products. The levels of the two mRNAs encoding these polypeptides were increased substantially upon phenobarbital administration. The anti-PB-1 antibodies were used to screen a cDNA library, and two distinct cDNA clones, pTF-1 and pTF-2, were isolated. These clones contain inserts of 1227 and 410 base pairs, respectively, and show 80% nucleic acid sequence homology in their region of overlap. The DNA sequences of these clones show 54% sequence homology to the corresponding portions of the mRNA encoding P-450 PB-4, a major phenobarbital-inducible form of rat liver P-450, and can be optimally aligned with the PB-4 sequence without introducing insertions or deletions. The level of hepatic mRNA which hybridizes to clone pTF-2 increases approximately 2-4-fold after phenobarbital treatment, whereas mRNA which hybridizes to pTF-1 does not change in concentration after this treatment. mRNA, which hybridizes to pTF-1, is, however, 4-fold more abundant in livers of female rats than in livers of male rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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