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Kreimer G 《Protist》1999,150(3):311-323
The reflective properties of different types of dinoflagellate eyespots were investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy in the epireflection contrast mode. Although the eyespots studied differed with respect to localization (cytosol or plastid) and organization of the globule layer(s), all types effectively absorbed and reflected blue-green laser light (principal lines of 488/514 nm). The relative orientation of the eyespot surface towards the light source strongly influenced the reflective properties. Maximal reflection occurred when the eyespot surface was approximately perpendicular to the light source and rapidly decreased at increasing angles of light incidence. Horizontal and vertical optical sectioning of live and fixed cells resolved differences in the reflection patterns. Focusing of reflected light on the basal portion of the longitudinal flagellum was observed for the cytosolic eyespot of Glenodinium sp. and the triple membrane-bounded eyespot of Peridinium foliaceum, presumably a vestige of a host plastid. This flagellum is thought to be mainly involved in mediating orientational movement responses. In contrast, the reflection patterns obtained from the eyespot of Woloszynskia pascheri, which represents the third and most commonly observed dinoflagellate eyespot type within a plastid, point to only minor focusing. Reflection signals could be followed a considerable distance into the sulcus in all cases, indicating that in dinoflagellate eyespots, irrespective of the presumed receptor location (plasma membrane overlying the eyespot and/or the basal part of the longitudinal flagellum), back reflection of non-absorbed light can enhance the excitation probability of the photoreceptor(s). Such a combined reflection/absorption screen allows maximal contrast modulation and will, in conjunction with the specialized geometry of the dinoflagellate eyespots, increase the directionality of these eyespot aparatuses considerably.  相似文献   

小麦纹枯病是影响我国小麦生产的主要土传病害。培育、推广抗纹枯病小麦品种是防治该病害最经济、有效的方法。普通小麦中抗源匮乏,严重制约抗纹枯病小麦育种的进展。为发掘人工合成小麦中纹枯病新抗源,本试验通过人工接种、抗病鉴定方法,在江苏省和北京市两地,对来源于国际玉米小麦改良中心的102份人工合成六倍体小麦品系,进行4年的纹枯病抗性的多环境鉴定。结果表明,人工合成小麦品系间对小麦纹枯病抗性存在差异,在其中进行小麦纹枯病抗源的筛选是有效的。与普通小麦品种扬麦158、扬麦12相比,这102份人工合成小麦的大部分对纹枯病的抗性表现抗或中抗水平,其中一些品系在多年多点鉴定中表现稳定抗性,如ZC93、ZC111、ZC112、ZC123、ZC172、ZC206和ZC221表现为抗病水平,病情指数低于目前最好的普通小麦抗源,可作为抗纹枯病小麦育种的新抗源。  相似文献   

The action spectrum of phototaxis was determined and the photoreceptive mechanism was studied in Ectocarpus gametes (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) using a computerized cell-tracking system. The fine structures of the stigma and the flagellar swelling were analyzed, and the reflective function of the stigma was demonstrated for the first time. Under monochromatic light stimulation, Ectocarpus gametes show mainly positive phototaxis between 370 nm and 520 nm. The action spectrum has a minor peak near 380 nm, and two major peaks at 430 nm and 450 nm or 460 nm and a shoulder at 470 nm adjoining a remarkable depression near 440 nm. Under unilateral stroboscopic illumination with more than four pulses per second, the gametes show clear phototaxis. However, the response is disturbed at lower frequencies. Addition of methyl cellulose, which increases the viscosity of the medium and slows down gamete rotation, decreases the threshold frequency. These results indicate that rotation of the gamete plays an essential role in the photoreceptive mechanism. Under equal intensities of bilateral illumination at an angle of 90°, most of the gametes swim on the resultant between the two light beams. This response is disturbed when the angle of the two light beams is as large as 120°. Observations by transmission electron microscopy show that the flagellar swelling fits precisely into a concave depression of the chloroplast at the central region of the stigma. Electron-dense material is present in that sector of the flagellar swelling which faces away from the stigma. Epifluorescence microscopy without a barrier filter and epipolarization microscopy reveal that stigmata reflect blue light. A hypothesis is formulated which discusses the possibility that the reflected light is focused onto the flagellar swelling.We are grateful to Jochen Schäfer and Elke Reinecke for their technical assistance and Dr. G. Konerman for access to epipolarization microscopy. We are also grateful to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Research Fellowship to H.K. and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (University of Freiburg, Freiburg, FRG) for financial aid to D.-P.H.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Antagonistic bacterium, Bacillus subtilis NJ-18, can biologically control several plant diseases. A combined strategy of wheat sharp eyespot control consisting of B. subtilis NJ-18 and fungicides was evaluated. Greenhouse and field tests were conducted to determine the effect of combining the B. subtilis NJ-18 with the fungicides flutolanil and difenoconazole for the control of wheat sharp eyespot caused by Rhizoctonia cerealis Van der Hoeven. The sensitivity of B. subtilis NJ-18 to fungicides flutolanil and difenoconazole was tested. The growth of NJ-18 was unaffected by flutolanil in a broth medium, and the survival of NJ-18 spores on wheat seed was unaffected by difenoconazole. In greenhouse experiments, disease control obtained with a combination of NJ-18 and either fungicide was better than the control obtained with the bacterium or fungicides alone, and some combinations of bacterium plus fungicide demonstrated a small synergistic effect in reducing disease. Similar results were obtained with repeated field experiments. In addition to providing a highly effective disease control, the use of combinations enabled a reduced level of fungicide application. Overall, the results suggest that the combination of B. subtilis strain NJ-18 and flutolanil or difenoconazole represents a promising new tool for the control of sharp eyespot of wheat.  相似文献   

Despite the well-characterized function of the green-algal eyespot apparatus as a combined absorption/reflection screen for the photoreceptor for phototaxis, little is known about the proteins involved in the formation of this complex organelle. We therefore purified the carotenoid-rich lipid globules, which are the most conspicuous component of the eyespot sensu strictu from Spermatozopsis similis Preisig et Melkonian. Electron microscopy and an average carotenoid:chlorophyll ratio of 51, confirmed the high purity of the fraction. The diameter of isolated globules (approx. 112 nm) fell within their in vivo range (90–120 nm). Absorption spectra in aqueous media peaked at 535 nm. The predominant carotenoids were β,ψ-, β, β- and δ-carotene. Freeze-fracture studies with cells and whole-mount electron microscopy of isolated globules demonstrated regularly arranged particles at the globule surface. Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophresis revealed specific enrichment of 10 tightly bound major proteins and several minor proteins with the globules. Proteases were used to analyze their topology and function. Upon treatment with thermolysin, globules were released from a fraction enriched in isolated eyespot apparatuses. Major proteins of these globules, and those treated with thermolysin after isolation, were identical. However, the purified proteins were sensitive to thermolysin, indicating that domains of them are normally hidden in the globule matrix. In contrast, pronase degraded all globule-associated proteins in situ. These globules were not stable and easily fused, whereas thermolysin-treated globules were relatively stable. Lipase did not affect globule stability. These results indicate that the five thermolysin-resistant proteins (apparent M r values: 56, 52, 32, 29, 27 kDa) are close to the surface and might be crucial for globule stabilization, whereas the thermolysin-accessible proteins are probably involved in globule/globule interactions and/or globule/eyespot-membrane interactions. Received: 19 June 2000 / Accepted: 4 October 2000  相似文献   

T. Horiguchi  R. N. Pienaar 《Protoplasma》1994,179(3-4):142-150
Summary Ultrastructure and ontogeny of a new type of eyespot in dinoflagellates is described. A marine tidal poolGymnodinium natalense is found to possess a highly organized eyespot whose structure is unique among dinoflagellates. The eyespot is rectangular in ventral view, C-shaped in apical view, and is located posterior to the sulcus. The eyespot is independent of the chloroplast and consists of several (typically six) layers of hemi-cylindrical walls which are concentrically arranged with narrow spacing between them. Each hemicylindrical wall is enclosed by a single unit membrane and is composed of many regularly arranged rectangular crystalline bricks. These crystalline bricks are produced in small vesicles which are formed in the invaginations of the chloroplast. The vesicles containing newly formed crystalline bricks are then transported to the sulcal area to assemble the eyespot. The crystalline bricks are arranged in a neat row within the vesicle termed “eyespot forming vesicle” (EFV), which is located near the sulcus. The hemi-cylindrical wall is constructed within the EFV. Based on the structure of the eyespot, viz. consisting of concentric multi-layered walls, the eyespot is thought to act as a quarter-wave stack antenna.  相似文献   

寄生性甲藻,例如Amyloodiniumocellatum,给鱼类养殖带来严重的危害。虽然,近年来针对Amyloodinium的药物治疗有一些新的进展,如使用氯喹、过氧化氢和3,N泛影葡胺拉沙洛西等,然而,含铜类药物仍然是最有效的。近年来分子遗传学和免疫学的进展,使得我们能够更好地了解寄生性甲藻的流行病学及其防治方法。分子系统学研究认为某些寄生性甲藻,如Amyloodiniumocellatum,可以聚类为高度同源性的一支;而其它的如Piscinoodiniumpillulare,则可以认为不止一种或更高的分类阶元。这些分子分析也发展出一些高灵敏的检测技术,可以检测出环境中极少量的寄生性甲藻。通过对Amyloodinium的免疫学研究表明,鱼类能对寄生物的感染产生强烈的高度特异的保护性免疫应答,其中主要是抗体介导的免疫应答。鱼体皮肤和鳃也能表达内源非特异性多肽抗生素(类组蛋白),它们能对Amyloodinium造成致命的破坏。利用这些特异或非特异的免疫防御,将更有助于我们控制这些具有严重危害性的寄生性甲藻  相似文献   

Ochromonas danica, a freshwater, planktonic chrysophyte, is capable of sensing the light conditions of its environment. This biflagellate alga has a swelling near the base of the short flagellum and a chloroplastidic stigma in close association with it. A procedure is described for the isolation of this three dimensional flagellar swelling, the presumed photoreceptor. In contrast to an earlier method developed for the isolation of the paraflagellar swelling from Euglena gracilis, the protocol reported here for Ochromonas results in higher yields that should facilitate future biochemical investigations and could open avenues of investigation for the isolation and purification of the presumptive receptor protein. To verify the hypothesis that a rhodopsin-like protein might be present in this alga, we applied a standard extraction procedure successfully used in the identification of retinal. We here report the purification and identification of all-trans retinal in Ochromonas cells by column chromatography, HPLC and GC-MS. Since retinal is the chromophore of rhodopsin-like proteins, this finding may suggest that in these unicellular algae, too, a rhodopsin-like protein could be the photoreceptor pigment.  相似文献   

Four marine dinoflagellates, Amphidinium carterae Hulburt, Ceratium tripos (O.F. Müll.) Nitzsch, Prorocentrum minimum (Pav.) J. Schiller, and Scrippsiella trochoidea (Stein) Loeblich III were grown as dilution cultures at 18°C, S = 29%. and 30 μE·m?2·s?1 at L:D = 14:10 h. In nutrient-saturated cultures, the growth rates (doubl·day?1) ranged from 0.38 for Scrippsiella to 0.80 for Prorocentrum, and carbon content (pg·cell?1) from 83 for Amphidinium to 6900 for Ceratium. The atomic NC ratio was 0.13–0.15, but for Ceratium it was 0.088, because of its thick, cellulose theca. The atomic NP ratio ranged from 12–13 for Ceratium and Scrippsiella to 15–17 for Prorocentrum and Amphidinium. Under P-deficient conditions (growth rate 39–70% of the maximum), cellular P decreased considerably, but so did N, so that the NP ratio was only slightly affected. There was a concomitant increase in carbon content per cell of 1.2- to 1.7-fold. Alkaline phosphatase activity was virtually nil in nutrient-saturated cells, but was readily demonstrable in all species when P-deficient.  相似文献   

Five species of parasitic dinoflagellates of the genera Protoodinium, Paulsenella, Duboscquella, Syndinium, and Dissodinium and two species of ellobiopsids of the genus Ellobiopsis are described. Figures and distribution data are provided. All species, except for Dissodinium pseudolunula Swift ex Elbrachter et Drebes, are first records for the Russia Far-Eastern seas.  相似文献   

Results from a series of crop sequence and single-year experiments that tested different straw and cultivation treatments in a total of 11 site–season combinations confirmed previous evidence that the development of eyespot disease in cereals can be decreased by debris in the seed bed even if that debris includes eyespot-infected stem bases, which are the principal sources of primary inoculum. Two of the experiments, which followed non-cereal break crops and tested the effects of crop debris applied after ploughing or tining on eyespot in winter wheat that was artificially inoculated with Oculimacula spp., provided convincing evidence that the effects can be attributed to the debris per se, and not to any associated husbandry practices. There were often larger effects on disease in summer than in spring or on severity than on incidence suggesting that the effects of debris cannot be explained solely by effects on inoculum or initial infection, and that debris has a disease-suppressive effect.  相似文献   

小麦种质抗纹枯病性的鉴定和遗传分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对2300余份创新种质和引进种质抗纹枯病性进行了自然病地初步鉴定,在此基础上选择一批抗性好的种质进行了人工病圃鉴定,共评选出高抗纹枯病的创新种质14份,引进种质21份。这些种质都兼抗1-3种其它病害,且综合性状较好,其中创新种质最好,为抗纹枯病育种提供了良好的种质材料。还选用7个抗纹枯病性不同的亲本组配成半双列杂交组合。采用Hayman法进行了基因效应分析,结果表明,抗纹枯病性的遗传不符合加性-显性模型。  相似文献   

Studies of epiphytic dinoflagellates in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan in 2008–2011 revealed the presence of 13 species. Five of the species are known as potentially toxic: Amphidinium carterae, A. operculatum, Ostreopsis cf. ovata, O. cf. siamensis and Prorocentrum lima. The maximum species richness and abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates were observed in autumn (from September to October). Ostreopsis spp. were most widely distributed and predominated, amounting to 99% of the total density of dinoflagellates. Multi-year seasonal dynamics of Ostreopsis spp. in Peter the Great Bay showed that these cells appear as epiphyton in August after maximum warming of surface waters (22–24 °С) and disappear in early November, when the water temperature decreases below 7 °С. Ostreopsis spp. proliferation occurred in September, when the water temperature was 17.2–21.0 °C. The highest densities of Ostreopsis spp. were recorded on September 9, 2010 on the rhodophyte Neorhodomela aculeata – 230 × 103 cells g−1 DW or 52 × 103 cells g−1 FW. The spatial distribution of epiphytic dinoflagellates was investigated in the near-shore areas of Peter the Great Bay during the second half of September 2010 to evaluate the role of hydrodynamic conditions. Epiphytic dinoflagellates were not found in sheltered sites having weak mixing hydrodynamics. However, the abundances of Ostreopsis spp. were significantly higher at sites having moderate turbulence compared to biotopes experiencing strong wave action. Densities of Ostreopsis spp. were not significantly different on macrophytes with branched thallus of all taxonomic divisions. However, the average cell densities of Ostreopsis spp. on green algae with branched thallus were significantly higher than on green algae having laminar thallus.  相似文献   

This study details the isolation and characterisation of Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca strain Pa40, and is the first to examine P. chlororaphis for use in suppression of wheat sharp eyespot on wheat. Pa40 was isolated during an investigation aimed to identify biocontrol agents for Rhizoctonia cerealis. Over 500 bacterial strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of infected wheat and screened for in vitro antibiosis towards R. cerealis and ability to provide biocontrol in planta. Twenty‐six isolates showed highly antagonistic activity towards R. cerealis, in which Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp. were predominant members of the antagonistic community. Strain Pa40 exhibited clear and consistent suppression of wheat sharp eyespot disease in a greenhouse study and suppression was comparable to that of chemical treatment with validamycin A. Pa40 was identified as P. chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca by the Biolog identification system combined with 16S rDNA, atpD, carA and recA sequence analysis and biochemical and physiological characteristics. To determine broad‐spectrum applicability and the specific mechanisms involved in Pa40's pathogen suppression this strain was tested for antibiosis towards various phytopathogens and assayed for many biocontrol activities and plant‐beneficial traits. Strain Pa40 inhibited the growth of 10 of 13 phytopathogenic fungal strains and six of eight phytopathogenic bacteria tested. This original work characterises HCN, protease and siderophore production in P. chlororaphis. Each of these characteristics likely contributed to Pa40's biocontrol capabilities as well as stimulation of the hypersensitive response in tobacco and the presence of genes involved in the biosynthesis of phenazine, 2‐hydroxylated phenazine and pyrrolnitrin.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies suggest that phototaxis in sponge larvae is generated by the bending of a tuft of long posterior cilia (LPC). The photoresponsiveness of these cilia is often assayed by examining their reaction to sudden changes in light intensity. Here, we document and describe the larvae of the tropical marine sponges Neopetrosia proxima and Xestospongia bocatorensis and examine the phototactic behavior of their larvae. Both species brood ovoid, tufted parenchymella larvae, clearly countering an earlier hypothesis that all petrosid sponges are oviparous. Larvae of N. proxima were positively phototactic and settled after 2 d, while larvae of X. bocatorensis were negatively phototactic and settled in as little as 4 h. In both species, LPC quickly responded to changes in the light intensity. When the light intensity is reduced, the larvae of N. proxima fold the cilia inwards immediately without beating, then flare them outwards, beating for a few seconds, and then gradually return to the neutral position while continuing to beat. In contrast, the larvae of X. bocatorensis flare the cilia outwards when the light intensity is reduced and fold them inwards when the light intensity is increased. Comparisons with reported ciliary responses to light for other species demonstrate that these responses do not show the hypothesized one-to-one correspondence with phototactic behaviors and are, therefore, of limited use in explaining the mechanisms that coordinate larval swimming.  相似文献   

鳞翅目昆虫鳞片的结构发育与眼斑的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟敏  沈佐锐 《昆虫知识》2003,40(5):410-415
从形态学和发育生物学角度上对鳞翅目昆虫翅面上的鳞片做了总体论述 ,重点讨论了鳞片的结构与发育和色素的沉淀等 ,并从遗传学角度对鳞翅目昆虫眼斑型的形成与决定做了介绍。  相似文献   

María Trigueros  Juan  Orive  Emma 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):119-133
Seasonal changes in the diatom and dinoflagellate assemblages were examined in the neritic zone of the Urdaibai estuary (north Spain) with regard to some major physical and chemical variables during an annual cycle. A total of 81 diatoms and 38 dinoflagellates were identified and quantified during the study period. Both groups displayed a distinctive pattern of seasonal succession. The seasonal distribution of the Shannon index showed a trend of increasing values from the upper estuary to the lower neritic segment. The diatom diversity maxima were observed in February, April and September, and dinoflagellate maxima in April–May, July and October. Diatoms dominated the assemblages, reaching 1×106 cells l–1 from April to September. A shift from large diatoms and dinoflagellates to small bloom-forming taxa was observed during winter–early spring. A spring diatom bloom composed of Rhizosolenia spp. was observed in April, while small chain-forming taxa (chiefly Chaetoceros spp.) dominated from June to September. Cell maxima for both groups in late summer were produced by the diatoms Chaetoceros salsugineum and Skeletonema costatum, and by the dinoflagellates Heterocapsa pygmaea and Peridinium quinquecorne. Silicate availability by river supply and strong tidal-mixing of the water column seem to determine the year-round dominance of diatoms over dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

采用大田人工接种的方法,研究了玉米秸秆不同还田量以及玉米秸秆还田与生防放线菌S024同时施用对麦田土壤微生物、小麦纹枯病和小麦产量的影响。结果表明:玉米秸秆还田能够显著增加土壤细菌和放线菌数量;秸秆还田同时施用生防菌,拔节期土壤放线菌数量与不还田(对照)相比,平均增加50%,土壤中小麦纹枯病菌的数量与对照相比减少了20%。秸秆还田处理在拔节期对小麦纹枯病有较好的防病效果,其中生防菌+秸秆加倍还田(9000kg.hm-2)处理的防病效果最好,病情指数减退率达57.4%。玉米秸秆还田对小麦有一定增产作用,其中生防菌+秸秆加倍还田处理增产幅度最大,增产23.1%。  相似文献   


A survey of planktonic dinoflagellates and related cysts was carried out in the Gulf of Trieste throughout one year from April 1992 to March 1993. 113 taxa were recovered by the analysis of phytoplankton net samples. The most represented genera were Protoperidinium (34 species), Ceratium (24 species), Dinophysis (15 species), Gonyaulax (11 species) and Prorocentrum (8 species). A particular attention was given to potentially toxic species belonging to the genera Dinophysis, Alexandrium and Prorocentrum. The highest number of species (67 species) was recorded in July, and the lowest one (18 species) in February.

33 cyst morphotypes were recorded by the analysis of sediment samples. The most represented genera were Protoperidinium (8 morphotypes), Scrippsiella (3 morphotypes), Gonyaulax (3 morphotypes) and Alexandrium (2 morphotypes); the cysts most frequently found were those of Conyaulax polyedra and Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax.  相似文献   

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