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We present a general regression-based method for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) by combining different populations derived from diallel designs. The model expresses, at any map position, the phenotypic value of each individual as a function of the specific-mean of the population to which the individual belongs, the additive and dominance effects of the alleles carried by the parents of that population and the probabilities of QTL genotypes conditional on those of neighbouring markers. Standard linear model procedures (ordinary or iteratively reweighted least-squares) are used for estimation and test of the parameters.  相似文献   

Bayesian mapping of quantitative trait loci for complex binary traits   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Yi N  Xu S 《Genetics》2000,155(3):1391-1403
A complex binary trait is a character that has a dichotomous expression but with a polygenic genetic background. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for such traits is difficult because of the discrete nature and the reduced variation in the phenotypic distribution. Bayesian statistics are proved to be a powerful tool for solving complicated genetic problems, such as multiple QTL with nonadditive effects, and have been successfully applied to QTL mapping for continuous traits. In this study, we show that Bayesian statistics are particularly useful for mapping QTL for complex binary traits. We model the binary trait under the classical threshold model of quantitative genetics. The Bayesian mapping statistics are developed on the basis of the idea of data augmentation. This treatment allows an easy way to generate the value of a hypothetical underlying variable (called the liability) and a threshold, which in turn allow the use of existing Bayesian statistics. The reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to simulate the posterior samples of all unknowns, including the number of QTL, the locations and effects of identified QTL, genotypes of each individual at both the QTL and markers, and eventually the liability of each individual. The Bayesian mapping ends with an estimation of the joint posterior distribution of the number of QTL and the locations and effects of the identified QTL. Utilities of the method are demonstrated using a simulated outbred full-sib family. A computer program written in FORTRAN language is freely available on request.  相似文献   

Bogdan M  Doerge RW 《Heredity》2005,95(6):476-484
In many empirical studies, it has been observed that genome scans yield biased estimates of heritability, as well as genetic effects. It is widely accepted that quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is a model selection procedure, and that the overestimation of genetic effects is the result of using the same data for model selection as estimation of parameters. There are two key steps in QTL modeling, each of which biases the estimation of genetic effects. First, test procedures are employed to select the regions of the genome for which there is significant evidence for the presence of QTL. Second, and most important for this demonstration, estimates of the genetic effects are reported only at the locations for which the evidence is maximal. We demonstrate that even when we know there is just one QTL present (ignoring the testing bias), and we use interval mapping to estimate its location and effect, the estimator of the effect will be biased. As evidence, we present results of simulations investigating the relative importance of the two sources of bias and the dependence of bias of heritability estimators on the true QTL heritability, sample size, and the length of the investigated part of the genome. Moreover, we present results of simulations demonstrating the skewness of the distribution of estimators of QTL locations and the resulting bias in estimation of location. We use computer simulations to investigate the dependence of this bias on the true QTL location, heritability, and the sample size.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the detection of individual loci controlling quantitative traits of interest (quantitative trait loci or QTLs) in the large half-sib family structure found in some species. Two simple approaches using multiple markers are proposed, one using least squares and the other maximum likelihood. These methods are intended to provide a relatively fast screening of the entire genome to pinpoint regions of interest for further investigation. They are compared with a more traditional single-marker least-squares approach. The use of multiple markers is shown to increase power and has the advantage of providing an estimate for the location of the QTL. The maximum-likelihood and the least-squares approaches using multiple markers give similar power and estimates for the QTL location, although the likelihood approach also provides estimates of the QTL effect and sire heterozygote frequency. A number of assumptions have been made in order to make the likelihood calculations feasible, however, and computationally it is still more demanding than the least-squares approach. The least-squares approach using multiple markers provides a fast method that can easily be extended to include additional effects.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping methodology for continuous normally distributed traits is the subject of much attention in the literature. Binary trait locus (BTL) mapping in experimental populations has received much less attention. A binary trait by definition has only two possible values, and the penetrance parameter is restricted to values between zero and one. Due to this restriction, the infinitesimal model appears to come into play even when only a few loci are involved, making selection of an appropriate genetic model in BTL mapping challenging. We present a probability model for an arbitrary number of BTL and demonstrate that, given adequate sample sizes, the power for detecting loci is high under a wide range of genetic models, including most epistatic models. A novel model selection strategy based upon the underlying genetic map is employed for choosing the genetic model. We propose selecting the "best" marker from each linkage group, regardless of significance. This reduces the model space so that an efficient search for epistatic loci can be conducted without invoking stepwise model selection. This procedure can identify unlinked epistatic BTL, demonstrated by our simulations and the reanalysis of Oncorhynchus mykiss experimental data.  相似文献   

The power to separate the variance of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) from the polygenic variance is determined by the variability of genes identical by descent (IBD) at the QTL. This variability may increase with inbreeding. Selfing, the most extreme form of inbreeding, increases the variability of the IBD value shared by siblings, and thus has a higher efficiency for QTL mapping than random mating. In self-incompatible organisms, sib mating is the closest form of inbreeding. Similar to selfing, sib mating may also increase the power of QTL detection relative to random mating. In this study, we develop an IBD-based method under sib mating designs for QTL mapping. The efficiency of sib mating is then compared with random mating. Monte Carlo simulations show that sib mating designs notably increase the power for QTL detection. When power is intermediate, the power to detect a QTL using full-sib mating is, on average, 7% higher than under random mating. In addition, the IBD-based method proposed in this paper can be used to combine data from multiple families. As a result, the estimated QTL parameters can be applied to a wide statistical inference space relating to the entire reference population. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This simulation study was designed to study the power and type I error rate in QTL mapping using cofactor analysis in half-sib designs. A number of scenarios were simulated with different power to identify QTL by varying family size, heritability, QTL effect and map density, and three threshold levels for cofactor were considered. Generally cofactor analysis did not increase the power of QTL mapping in a half-sib design, but increased the type I error rate. The exception was with small family size where the number of correctly identified QTL increased by 13% when heritability was high and 21% when heritability was low. However, in the same scenarios the number of false positives increased by 49% and 45% respectively. With a liberal threshold level of 10% for cofactor combined with a low heritability, the number of correctly identified QTL increased by 14% but there was a 41% increase in the number of false positives. Also, the power of QTL mapping did not increase with cofactor analysis in scenarios with unequal QTL effect, sparse marker density and large QTL effect (25% of the genetic variance), but the type I error rate tended to increase. A priori, cofactor analysis was expected to have higher power than individual chromosome analysis especially in experiments with lower power to detect QTL. Our study shows that cofactor analysis increased the number of false positives in all scenarios with low heritability and the increase was up to 50% in low power experiments and with lower thresholds for cofactors.  相似文献   

In QTL analysis of non-normally distributed phenotypes, non-parametric approaches have been proposed as an alternative to the use of parametric tests on mathematically transformed data. The non-parametric interval mapping test uses random ranking to deal with ties. Another approach is to assign to each tied individual the average of the tied ranks (midranks). This approach is implemented and compared to the random ranking approach in terms of statistical power and accuracy of the QTL position. Non-normal phenotypes such as bacteria counts showing high numbers of zeros are simulated (0-80% zeros). We show that, for low proportions of zeros, the power estimates are similar but, for high proportions of zeros, the midrank approach is superior to the random ranking approach. For example, with a QTL accounting for 8% of the total phenotypic variance, a gain from 8% to 11% of power can be obtained. Furthermore, the accuracy of the estimated QTL location is increased when using midranks. Therefore, if non-parametric interval mapping is chosen, the midrank approach should be preferred. This test might be especially relevant for the analysis of disease resistance phenotypes such as those observed when mapping QTLs for resistance to infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Deng W  Chen H  Li Z 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1349-1358
Often in genetic research, presence or absence of a disease is affected by not only the trait locus genotypes but also some covariates. The finite logistic regression mixture models and the methods under the models are developed for detection of a binary trait locus (BTL) through an interval-mapping procedure. The maximum-likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the logistic regression parameters are asymptotically unbiased. The null asymptotic distributions of the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) statistics for detection of a BTL are found to be given by the supremum of a chi2-process. The limiting null distributions are free of the null model parameters and are determined explicitly through only four (backcross case) or nine (intercross case) independent standard normal random variables. Therefore a threshold for detecting a BTL in a flanking marker interval can be approximated easily by using a Monte Carlo method. It is pointed out that use of a threshold incorrectly determined by reading off a chi2-probability table can result in an excessive false BTL detection rate much more severely than many researchers might anticipate. Simulation results show that the BTL detection procedures based on the thresholds determined by the limiting distributions perform quite well when the sample sizes are moderately large.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Liu J 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):470-477
Summary .  Quantitative trait loci mapping in experimental organisms is of great scientific and economic importance. There has been a rapid advancement in statistical methods for quantitative trait loci mapping. Various methods for normally distributed traits have been well established. Some of them have also been adapted for other types of traits such as binary, count, and categorical traits. In this article, we consider a unified mixture generalized linear model (GLIM) for multiple interval mapping in experimental crosses. The multiple interval mapping approach was proposed by Kao, Zeng, and Teasdale (1999, Genetics 152, 1203–1216) for normally distributed traits. However, its application to nonnormally distributed traits has been hindered largely by the lack of an efficient computation algorithm and an appropriate mapping procedure. In this article, an effective expectation–maximization algorithm for the computation of the mixture GLIM and an epistasis-effect-adjusted multiple interval mapping procedure is developed. A real data set, Radiata Pine data, is analyzed and the data structure is used in simulation studies to demonstrate the desirable features of the developed method.  相似文献   

 Populations derived by multiple backcrosses are potentially useful for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies. Comparisons of relative power to detect QTL using populations derived by multiple back-crosses are needed to make decisions when mapping projects are initiated. The objective of this study was to theoretically compare the power to detect QTL in populations derived by multiple backcrosses relative to mapping in a recombinant inbred population of equal size. Backcrossing results in a reduction in genetic variance with each generation and also results in an increasing frequency of the recurrent parent marker genotype. The relevant outcome for QTL mapping is a reduction in genetic variance to partition between marker genotype classes and increasing unbalance of the number of individuals contributing to the mean of the marker genotypes. Both of these factors lead to a decrease in the power to detect a QTL as the number of backcross generations increases. Experimental error was held constant with the populations compared. From a theoretical standpoint, backcross-derived populations offer few advantages for QTL detection. If, however, a backcrossing approach is the most efficient method to achieve a desired breeding objective and if QTL detection is an objective of equal or less importance, backcross-derived populations are a reasonable approach to QTL detection. Received: 4 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

Multiple interval mapping for quantitative trait loci.   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
C H Kao  Z B Zeng  R D Teasdale 《Genetics》1999,152(3):1203-1216
A new statistical method for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL), called multiple interval mapping (MIM), is presented. It uses multiple marker intervals simultaneously to fit multiple putative QTL directly in the model for mapping QTL. The MIM model is based on Cockerham's model for interpreting genetic parameters and the method of maximum likelihood for estimating genetic parameters. With the MIM approach, the precision and power of QTL mapping could be improved. Also, epistasis between QTL, genotypic values of individuals, and heritabilities of quantitative traits can be readily estimated and analyzed. Using the MIM model, a stepwise selection procedure with likelihood ratio test statistic as a criterion is proposed to identify QTL. This MIM method was applied to a mapping data set of radiata pine on three traits: brown cone number, tree diameter, and branch quality scores. Based on the MIM result, seven, six, and five QTL were detected for the three traits, respectively. The detected QTL individually contributed from approximately 1 to 27% of the total genetic variation. Significant epistasis between four pairs of QTL in two traits was detected, and the four pairs of QTL contributed approximately 10.38 and 14.14% of the total genetic variation. The asymptotic variances of QTL positions and effects were also provided to construct the confidence intervals. The estimated heritabilities were 0.5606, 0.5226, and 0. 3630 for the three traits, respectively. With the estimated QTL effects and positions, the best strategy of marker-assisted selection for trait improvement for a specific purpose and requirement can be explored. The MIM FORTRAN program is available on the worldwide web (http://www.stat.sinica.edu.tw/chkao/).  相似文献   

To date, most statistical developments in QTL detection methodology have been directed at continuous traits with an underlying normal distribution. This paper presents a method for QTL analysis of non-normal traits using a generalized linear mixed model approach. Development of this method has been motivated by a backcross experiment involving two inbred lines of mice that was conducted in order to locate a QTL for litter size. A Poisson regression form is used to model litter size, with allowances made for under- as well as over-dispersion, as suggested by the experimental data. In addition to fixed parity effects, random animal effects have also been included in the model. However, the method is not fully parametric as the model is specified only in terms of means, variances and covariances, and not as a full probability model. Consequently, a generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach is used to fit the model. For statistical inferences, permutation tests and bootstrap procedures are used. This method is illustrated with simulated as well as experimental mouse data. Overall, the method is found to be quite reliable, and with modification, can be used for QTL detection for a range of other non-normally distributed traits.  相似文献   

Zou F  Yandell BS  Fine JP 《Genetics》2003,165(3):1599-1605
This article addresses the identification of genetic loci (QTL and elsewhere) that influence nonnormal quantitative traits with focus on experimental crosses. QTL mapping is typically based on the assumption that the traits follow normal distributions, which may not be true in practice. Model-free tests have been proposed. However, nonparametric estimation of genetic effects has not been studied. We propose an estimation procedure based on the linear rank test statistics. The properties of the new procedure are compared with those of traditional likelihood-based interval mapping and regression interval mapping via simulations and a real data example. The results indicate that the nonparametric method is a competitive alternative to the existing parametric methodologies.  相似文献   

Bayesian quantitative trait loci mapping for multiple traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Banerjee S  Yandell BS  Yi N 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2275-2289
Most quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping experiments typically collect phenotypic data on multiple correlated complex traits. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive genomewide mapping strategy for correlated traits in the literature. We develop Bayesian multiple-QTL mapping methods for correlated continuous traits using two multivariate models: one that assumes the same genetic model for all traits, the traditional multivariate model, and the other known as the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model that allows different genetic models for different traits. We develop computationally efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for performing joint analysis. We conduct extensive simulation studies to assess the performance of the proposed methods and to compare with the conventional single-trait model. Our methods have been implemented in the freely available package R/qtlbim (http://www.qtlbim.org), which greatly facilitates the general usage of the Bayesian methodology for unraveling the genetic architecture of complex traits.  相似文献   

Phenotypes measured in counts are commonly observed in nature. Statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying count traits are documented in the literature. The majority of them assume that the count phenotype follows a Poisson distribution with appropriate techniques being applied to handle data dispersion. When a count trait has a genetic basis, “naturally occurring” zero status also reflects the underlying gene effects. Simply ignoring or miss-handling the zero data may lead to wrong QTL inference. In this article, we propose an interval mapping approach for mapping QTL underlying count phenotypes containing many zeros. The effects of QTLs on the zero-inflated count trait are modelled through the zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression mixture model, which can handle the zero inflation and Poisson dispersion in the same distribution. We implement the approach using the EM algorithm with the Newton-Raphson algorithm embedded in the M-step, and provide a genome-wide scan for testing and estimating the QTL effects. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through extensive simulation studies. Extensions to composite and multiple interval mapping are discussed. The utility of the developed approach is illustrated through a mouse F2 intercross data set. Significant QTLs are detected to control mouse cholesterol gallstone formation.  相似文献   

棉花数量性状基因定位研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花的许多重要性状,包括产量、纤维品质、株型、抗病抗逆性、生理生化等都是数量性状,受遗传和环境因子的共同作用。近年来,随着分子生物学技术的进步,棉花基因组研究得到迅速发展,为棉花数量性状基因(quantitative trait locus,QTL)定位奠定了坚实的基础。概述了近十几年来棉花QTL定位研究及分子标记辅助选择的进展,结合研究实践指出了棉花QTL定位及标记辅助选择存在的问题,并对其发展方向做出了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Count phenotypes with excessive zeros are often observed in the biological world. Researchers have studied many statistical methods for mapping the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of zero-inflated count phenotypes. However, most of the existing methods consist of finding the approximate positions of the QTLs on the chromosome by genome-wide scanning. Additionally, most of the existing methods use the EM algorithm for parameter estimation. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian interval mapping scheme of QTLs for zero-inflated count data. The method takes advantage of a zero-inflated generalized Poisson (ZIGP) regression model to study the influence of QTLs on the zero-inflated count phenotype. The MCMC algorithm is used to estimate the effects and position parameters of QTLs. We use the Haldane map function to realize the conversion between recombination rate and map distance. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to test the applicability and advantage of the proposed method. The effects of QTLs on the formation of mouse cholesterol gallstones were demonstrated by analyzing an mouse data set.  相似文献   

The X chromosome in quantitative trait locus mapping   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The X chromosome requires special treatment in the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL). However, most QTL mapping methods, and most computer programs for QTL mapping, have focused exclusively on autosomal loci. We describe a method for appropriate treatment of the X chromosome for QTL mapping in experimental crosses. We address the important issue of formulating the null hypothesis of no linkage appropriately. If the X chromosome is treated like an autosome, a sex difference in the phenotype can lead to spurious linkage on the X chromosome. Further, the number of degrees of freedom for the linkage test may be different for the X chromosome than for autosomes, and so an X chromosome-specific significance threshold is required. To address this issue, we propose a general procedure to obtain chromosome-specific significance thresholds that controls the genomewide false positive rate at the desired level. We apply our methods to data on gut length in a large intercross of mice carrying the Sox10Dom mutation, a model of Hirschsprung disease. We identified QTL contributing to variation in gut length on chromosomes 5 and 18. We found suggestive evidence of linkage to the X chromosome, which would be viewed as strong evidence of linkage if the X chromosome was treated as an autosome. Our methods have been implemented in the package R/qtl.  相似文献   

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