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SUMMARY. 1. Adult Trichoptera were caught during 3 years (1980–82) in the ‘Ritrodat’ research area of the Upper Lunzer Seebach. a mountain brook near Lunz. Lower Austria, using a set of thirty pyramid type emergence traps. During the three collecting periods (112 collecting days) a total of 1810 specimens were caught. The most abundant species were Micrasema minimum McL. (Brachycentridae). Rhyacophila vulgaris Pictet (Rhyacophilidae), and the three Iimnephilid species Potamophylax cingulatus Steph., Allogamus auricollis Pictet and Ecclisopteryx guttulata Pictet. 2. In six species (Micrasema minimum, Rhyacophila vulgaris, Atlogamus auricollis, Ecclisopteryx guttulata, Drusus biguttatus Pictet, Chaetopteryx fusca Brauer) the sex ratio was significantly different from 1:1. In Micrasema minimum 422 females were caught but only three males. 3. In each year there were peaks in total emergence in early summer and early autumn. 4. The length of the emergence period of the most abundant species ranged from 38 days in Micrasema minimum to 210 days in Rhyacophila vulgaris (mean values 1980–82); there was also a difference in the intensity of emergence in these species: the percentage of time required for 50% of the animals to emerge (0%=onset of emergence, 100%= emergence completed) was 16% in Allogamus auricollis but 71% in Rhyacophila vulgaris (mean percentages 1980–82). 5. The distribution pattern of individuals per trap was tested against a Poisson distribution; in all three years the distribution was contagious. 6. The dry weight of specimens of Drusus biguttatus, Micrasema minimum. Ecclisopteryx guttulata and Wormaldia copiosa McL. was measured and. together with published dry weight values of other species (Malicky, 1976), these data were used to estimate the biomass emerging annually of twenty-three species of Trichoptera (99.2% of emergence, 1980–82). This was equivalent to 35.3 kJ m?2 in 1981 and 32.5 kJ m?2 in 1982.  相似文献   

We examined the larval population densities and biomass of a caddisfly grazer, Micrasema quadriloba, and the abundance and community structures of periphyton at a segment scale (7.4 km with four study sites), along a second-to fourth-order Japanese mountain stream throughout the grazer’s life cycle. In the uppermost riffle of the study segment (site 1), periphyton abundance was kept at low levels when the larvae occurred. The larval distribution spread downstream as larvae developed from first instars in May to fifth instars in January. We performed multiple regression analyses to test the effects of environmental variables and larval biomass on periphyton abundance in both the riffle of site 1 and the study segment; the results revealed that the larval biomass was significantly negatively correlated with periphyton abundance similarly in both the riffle and the study segment. In addition, both the correlation and community analyses showed that the larval biomass was significantly negatively correlated to the relative abundance of large and/or filamentous microalgae, which appeared in the uppermost layer of the periphyton mat, and that larval biomass was significantly positively correlated to the relative abundance of small diatoms, which strongly adhered to the substrate. Thus, the present study implied that the grazing of M. quadriloba larvae would regulate the abundance of periphyton in a riffle and also regulate the abundance and community structure of periphyton at the segment scale with the expansion of their longitudinal distribution.  相似文献   

Body fossils of caddisfly larvae are described for the first time based on material from the Lower Cretaceous of Siberia (Baissa locality, Neocomian). The material includes a fully grown larva of Baissoplectrum separatum gen. et sp. nov. (Brachycentridae), Creterotesis coprolithica gen. et sp. nov. (Leptoceridae), and Cretolype minuta gen. et sp. nov., a tiny larva probably belonging to an uncertain family of the suborder Annulipalpia (Hydropsychina). C. coprolithica built unusually soft larval cases of pellets; these cases are described as a separate new indusigenus and indusispecies Coprindusia pallida gen. et sp. nov. Bionomics, taxonomy, and evolution of the Mesozoic larvae of Trichoptera are discussed.  相似文献   

Reach-scale temporal shifts in the distribution of larvae of a grazing caddisfly, Micrasema quadriloba (Brachycentridae), were investigated in a Japanese mountain stream. The larvae showed an aggregated distribution within the reach at the beginning of the immigration, then became randomly dispersed throughout the reach as the immigration progressed. The abundance of periphyton in the reach decreased dramatically with increasing dispersal of the larvae. Simple regression analyses revealed that the stream's flow regime was the most important environmental factor that determined the reach-scale distribution of the larvae and that the relationship between the flow regime and the distribution of the larvae shifted temporally. In addition, our results suggest that only this species of grazing insect, which was dominant in the study reach, controlled the reach-scale abundance of the periphyton.  相似文献   

Both larvae and adults of Gratiana spadicea (Klug) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) feed exclusively on leaves of Solanum sisymbriifolium Lamarck (Solanaceae), which have simple and stellate trichomes. The simple trichomes can be non-glandular or glandular. The stellate trichomes present a long central ray that secretes a viscous exudate when broken. Trichome effects on movement of G. spadicea larvae were evaluated in the laboratory. Larval speed on intact petioles of S. sisymbriifolium was compared to those where the exudates and/or stellate trichomes were removed. Exudates had no effect on larval speed. Stellate trichomes mechanically slowed down first instar movement. Gratiana spadicea larval legs have a modified distal portion, the tarsungulus, whose rounded aperture shape matches that of the cylindrical pointed rays of S. sisymbriifolium stellate trichomes. The first three instars anchor the tarsungulus to the trichome rays, and get both attachment to the leaf surface and support to body impulsion. Morphological comparisons showed that the legs in the first larval instars are shorter than the central ray of the stellate trichome, so larvae have to walk above them. Fifth instar larvae have longer legs and walk by inserting the sharp tip of their tarsungulus directly into the leaf epidermis. The dimensions of the tarsungulus aperture vary in such a way that it can clasp every thickness of trichome ray for any larval instar. Contrary to other tarsungulus portions and larval body features, where growth is allometric, growth of the tarsungulus aperture is isometric throughout the larval stage. Thus, it is suggested that this G. spadicea leg structure is adapted for moving on hairy leaf surface of S. sisymbriifolium.  相似文献   

The case‐bearing moths of North America are represented by a single genus, Coleophora, which contains approximately 144 described species. All are external seed or leaf miners that inhabit portable silk cases during most of the larval stage. Architectural and ecological characters from larval cases were used in cladistic analysis to investigate existing case groups for 32 North American species of Coleophora. Cladistic analysis confirmed monophyly of certain case groups, but not of others. Host‐plant preferences were also examined. The pattern of host plant use reflects more closely preference for certain plant tissues (seeds versus leaves) and growth forms (herbaceous versus woody) with exploitation of different plant taxa, rather than preference for certain plant taxa with exploitation of different plant tissues.  相似文献   

Pachycheles stevensii Stimpson, 1858 is the only species of the family Porcellanidae (Decapoda, Anomura) living in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan. The morphology of prezoeal larval stages of this crab obtained under laboratory conditions for the first time was studied and described in detail.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Kornienko.  相似文献   

The prejuvenile development of Echinocardium cordatum (Echinoidea) was investigated by means of scanning electron, confocal and light microscopes, aiming to illustrate the early life history of a spatangoid representative and to compare it with the other major echinoid groups. During the larval development of E. cordatum, two periods follow one another. The first one takes 12 days; it ends with the formation of a complete echinopluteus with twelve elongated larval arms. The second lasts from 3 to 12 days; it is entirely devoted to the building of the echinid rudiment and ends with the acquisition of larval competence. No appendage other than arms develops at the larva’s outer surface. Competent larvae are demersal. They settle onto the substratum and test it for suitability using the five rudiment podia that protrude through the vestibule opening. Metamorphosis is a rapid event that lasts less than an hour. The rudiment does not everse and its spines and podia actively tear up the larval epidermis which is progressively covered by the growing vestibular epidermis. The resulting postlarva is short-lived and morphologically similar to both the late rudiment and the early juvenile, which, however, is exotrophic. Late rudiments in E. cordatum show basic spatangoid features being bilaterally symmetric and having clavulae and sphaeridia. More importantly, they already have the convex shape and the appendage cover of early juveniles. Metamorphosis in E. cordatum appears to be less complex, i.e. no rudiment is everted, and more complete, since, in contrast to “regular” echinoids, no transitory appendages are seen. Metamorphosis/development of E. cordatum, thus, is closer to that of clypeasteroids, since the rudiment of the latter already bears juvenile definitive appendages, when everted during metamorphsis.  相似文献   

The Early Cambrian brachiopod, Eoobolus, is one of the first representatives of the superfamily, Linguloidea, the defining characteristics of which include the classical morphology of oval shells and a pedicle that emerges from between the two valves. The material described here from the Mural Formation (Jasper National Park, Canadian Rocky Mountains) provides well-preserved muscle scars and larval shells that allow a discussion of the muscle system and the larval morphology of Eoobolus. The dorsal larval shell exhibits a morphology similar to other Cambrian linguloids, but also to paterinids, Mickwitzia muralensis, and some rhynchonelliforms. This suggests that there was a lesser degree of disparity among brachiopod larvae in the Cambrian than there is today. The muscle system of Eoobolus is similar to other linguloids, but differs from that of Recent lingulids and discinids by having one or two more pairs of oblique muscles. New data on the distribution of features characteristic of the family Eoobolidae question the validity of this family.  相似文献   

The dipteran Chironomidae have been commonly used as water quality indicators and toxicity test organisms. Two chironomids, Chironomus riparius Meigan and C. tentans Fabricius, are standard test organisms for toxicity (OECD), but their distribution is limited in Korea. The purpose of this study was to establish a Korean native chironomid species as a toxicity test organism. Glyptotendipes tokunagai Sasa, distributed widely in Korean streams, was selected and reared successively under laboratory conditions for over 30 generations over 4 years. Four G. tokunagai egg masses were collected from the Jungrang stream in Seoul, Korea in April 2007 and introduced to the laboratory for rearing. Room temperature (23.5 ± 3.2°C), larval and adult rearing cages, mating cages, and larval food were appropriately modified from conventional chironomid rearing methods. The number of eggs in an egg mass, hatching rate, and adult body sizes (head width, thorax width, wing width and length, and body length) were monitored every generation. As a result, the number of eggs in an egg mass decreased rapidly in early generations, and then tended to stabilize after the fourth generation (p < 0.05). The mean hatching rate was higher than 75% in all generations. The gender ratio (no. of females/total no. of adults) was 0.24–0.52. The adult body size became significantly reduced in the initial three generations and tended to be stabilized in the following generations (p < 0.05), although it depended on food supply and larval density. This is the first case of chironomid domestication in Korea that has been successfully reared longer than 4 years under laboratory conditions. This reared population of G. tokunagai can be used for various environmental studies such as bioassays, ecological risk assessments, and environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

The morphology of insect antennae varies widely among species, but our understanding of antennal development comes almost solely from studies of one species—the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Moreover, this knowledge applies mostly to adult structures, since Drosophila lacks external larval appendages. In contrast to Drosophila, the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, has both larval and adult antennae, which are very different from one another in morphology. Thus, Tribolium provides an ideal system to compare modes of antennal development both within and between species. Here, we report that the Tribolium ortholog of spineless (Tc-ss) is required in both the larval and adult antennae. Knockdown of Tc-ss by RNAi during either larval or imaginal development causes transformation of the distal portion of the antennae to legs. Thus, the function of ss is conserved between Drosophila and Tribolium with respect to adult antennal specification and also between Tribolium larval and adult antennal development. The similarity of the Tc-ss RNAi phenotype to that of a classically described Tribolium mutation, antennapedia (ap) (of no relationship to the Drosophila Hox gene of the same name), led us to characterize the original ap mutation and two newly identified ap alleles. Our mapping and phenotypic data suggest that Tc-ss is the best candidate for the ap locus. These results represent a first step in characterizing larval and adult antennal patterning in Tribolium, which should provide important insights into the evolution of insect antennal development.  相似文献   

Two approaches for describing density dependence in demographic rates of stage‐structured populations are compared in this study. Time‐series data from laboratory blowfly populations (Lucilia sericata) have been analysed in a separate study, with a statistical modelling approach that incorporated density dependences as unspecified (non‐parametric) functions. In this study, we assessed density‐dependent structures by manipulating densities of larvae and adults in cohorts of blowflies and measuring the demographic rates. We here compare the density‐dependent structures revealed by the cohort experiments with those estimated by the non‐parametric model. This model estimates the demographic rates to have the following density‐dependent structures: (i) larval survival was non‐linearly density‐dependent (a ‘humped’ function), (ii) adult survival was density‐independent, and (iii) reproductive rate decreased with adult density. In the cohort experiments reported here, (i) juvenile survival exhibited a positive density dependence in low densities (facilitation), which became negative at higher densities (competition). Pupal and adult size decreased with initial larval density. (ii) Adult survival was reduced by high initial larval density, but it was independent of adult density. (iii) Reproductive rate was reduced by high initial larval density, and by high adult density in populations of large individuals (from low larval density). Hence, the results from these experiments support the non‐parametric model estimates regarding density‐dependent structures of demographic rates in the blowfly populations. The mean demographic rates, however, were apparently underestimated by the model. We conclude that non‐parametric modelling is a useful first approach for exploratory analysis of ecological time‐series data.  相似文献   

We studied case construction behavior of bagworm moth, Eumeta crameri (Lepidoptera: Psychidac) in the host plant, Acacia nilotica, at two sites. At the time of the study, Site A had 1-year-old A. nilotica saplings only, whereas Site B had full grown trees. The larva of bagworm moth used either thorns or cut-twigs or both as the materials for building its case. It renovated its case three times, and during each instance it increased the volume of its case by replacing older thorns or cut-twigs by newer and longer ones. However, it exhibited a spectacular predilection for thorns, irrespective of the sites, during the first-instar stage of its development. Thereafter, at Site A it used exclusively cut-twigs, whereas at Site B it preferably used thorns provided they were available in the range of the required length and within the threshold distance. It appears that the bagworm has an ability to process thorn length and distance signals hierarchically to fulfill its priority, that is, case building. Thus it optimizes time and energy expenditures during the period of its larval growth leading to pupation by toggling its preference between thorns and cut-twigs.  相似文献   

1. Interactions among herbivores mediated by plant responses to herbivore injury may have large impacts on herbivore population densities. Responses may persist for weeks after injury and may affect not only the initial (inducing) herbivore, but also herbivores that are spatially or temporally separated from the initial attacker. 2. In many plant–insect interactions, multiple life stages of the insect may be associated with the same plant, and these various stages may interact indirectly with one another via induced responses. The rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus, a serious global pest of rice, is one such insect. A series of experiments were performed with root‐feeding larvae and leaf‐feeding adults of the RWW using three conventional rice varieties. 3. The first objective of this study was to test whether RWW adult feeding on rice leaves resulted in altered oviposition by subsequent adults. The hypothesis for the first objective was that RWW adult feeding would decrease plant suitability, resulting in reduced oviposition by subsequent adults. 4. The second objective was to test whether injury by RWW larvae to rice roots resulted in altered oviposition by subsequent adults. The hypothesis for the second objective was that below‐ground RWW larval feeding would decrease plant suitability of rice to above‐ground RWW adults, resulting in decreased oviposition. 5. Results provided inconsistent support for the first hypothesis, indicating that responses differed among combinations of variety and injury level. Conversely, consistent support for the second hypothesis was found, indicating that larval feeding on roots decreased suitability of rice plants for oviposition.  相似文献   

 Whole-mount technique using fluorescent-labelled phalloidin for actin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as semi-thin serial sectioning, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were applied to investigate the ontogeny of the various muscular systems during larval development in the limpets Patella vulgata L. and P. caerulea L. In contrast to earlier studies, which described a single or two larval shell muscles, the pretorsional trochophore-like larva shows no less than four different muscle systems, namely the asymmetrical main head/foot larval retractor muscle, an accessory larval retractor with distinct insertion area, a circular prototroch/velar system, and a plexus-like pedal muscle system. In both Patella species only posttorsional larvae are able to retract into the shell and to close the aperture by means of the operculum. Shortly after torsion the two adult shell muscles originate independently in lateral positions, starting with two fine muscle fibres which insert at the operculum and laterally at the shell. During late larval development the main larval retractor and the accessory larval retractor become reduced and the velar muscle system is shed. In contrast, the paired adult shell muscles and the pedal muscle plexus increase in volume, and a new mantle musculature, the tentacular muscle system, and the buccal musculature arise. Because the adult shell muscles are entirely independent from the various larval muscular systems, several current hypotheses on the ontogeny and phylogeny of the early gastropod muscle system have to be reconsidered. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   

The response of Cycloneda limbifer Say (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) larvae to conspecific larval tracks was investigated with the assistance of the automatic video tracking system EthoVision. Single larvae were monitored for 1 h in an arena with a choice of two substrates, one clean and one contaminated with the tracks of conspecific larvae. Fourth instar larvae of C. limbifer effectively differentiated clean substrates from substrates with fresh tracks of conspecific first instars. Larvae walked significantly further on clean than on contaminated substrates in each 20-min period of the 1 h trials. With the exception of the first 20-min period, residence times were also longer on clean than on contaminated substrates. The mean velocity of larvae on the substrates did not differ in any period of the test. The results indicate that a deterring pheromone in fresh tracks of C. limbifer larvae effectively deters conspecific larvae from staying on sites previously exposed to larvae. The mode of action of the semiochemical repellent secreted by larvae is complementary to a previously described semiochemical-mediated egg-spacing mechanism in the coccinellid C. limbifer. Active distribution of larvae has the potential to improve the initial distribution of offspring by females among aphid colonies of varying qualities and may facilitate survival during changes in the distribution of conspecific larvae in the course of the development.  相似文献   

The larval and pupal morphology of Atypophthalmus inustus (Meigen, 1818) are described for the first time. The main diagnostic characters are the following: head capsule massive, frons with 3 short terminal projections, hypostomium with 11 teeth and long narrow split, hypopharynx and labium with well-developed conical teeth, stigmal area with 2 long ventral pigmented spots.  相似文献   

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