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Persistent neuronal activity is usually studied in the context of short-term memory localized in central cortical areas. Recent studies show that early sensory areas also can have persistent representations of stimuli which emerge quickly (over tens of milliseconds) and decay slowly (over seconds). Traditional positive feedback models cannot explain sensory persistence for at least two reasons: (i) They show attractor dynamics, with transient perturbations resulting in a quasi-permanent change of system state, whereas sensory systems return to the original state after a transient. (ii) As we show, those positive feedback models which decay to baseline lose their persistence when their recurrent connections are subject to short-term depression, a common property of excitatory connections in early sensory areas. Dual time constant network behavior has also been implemented by nonlinear afferents producing a large transient input followed by much smaller steady state input. We show that such networks require unphysiologically large onset transients to produce the rise and decay observed in sensory areas. Our study explores how memory and persistence can be implemented in another model class, derivative feedback networks. We show that these networks can operate with two vastly different time courses, changing their state quickly when new information is coming in but retaining it for a long time, and that these capabilities are robust to short-term depression. Specifically, derivative feedback networks with short-term depression that acts differentially on positive and negative feedback projections are capable of dynamically changing their time constant, thus allowing fast onset and slow decay of responses without requiring unrealistically large input transients.  相似文献   

Persistent activity in neuronal populations has been shown to represent the spatial position of remembered stimuli. Networks that support bump attractors are often used to model such persistent activity. Such models usually exhibit translational symmetry. Thus activity bumps are neutrally stable, and perturbations in position do not decay away. We extend previous work on bump attractors by constructing model networks capable of encoding the certainty or salience of a stimulus stored in memory. Such networks support bumps that are not only neutrally stable to perturbations in position, but also perturbations in amplitude. Possible bump solutions then lie on a two-dimensional attractor, determined by a continuum of positions and amplitudes. Such an attractor requires precisely balancing the strength of recurrent synaptic connections. The amplitude of activity bumps represents certainty, and is determined by the initial input to the system. Moreover, bumps with larger amplitudes are more robust to noise, and over time provide a more faithful representation of the stored stimulus. In networks with separate excitatory and inhibitory populations, generating bumps with a continuum of possible amplitudes, requires tuning the strength of inhibition to precisely cancel background excitation.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) is a combination of competition and predation which is the most basic system in food webs that contains three species where two species that are involved in a predator/prey relationship are also competing for a shared resource or prey. We formulate two intraguild predation (IGP: resource, IG prey and IG predator) models: one has generalist predator while the other one has specialist predator. Both models have Holling-Type I functional response between resource-IG prey and resource-IG predator; Holling-Type III functional response between IG prey and IG predator. We provide sufficient conditions of the persistence and extinction of all possible scenarios for these two models, which give us a complete picture on their global dynamics. In addition, we show that both IGP models can have multiple interior equilibria under certain parameters range. These analytical results indicate that IGP model with generalist predator has “top down” regulation by comparing to IGP model with specialist predator. Our analysis and numerical simulations suggest that: (1) Both IGP models can have multiple attractors with complicated dynamical patterns; (2) Only IGP model with specialist predator can have both boundary attractor and interior attractor, i.e., whether the system has the extinction of one species or the coexistence of three species depending on initial conditions; (3) IGP model with generalist predator is prone to have coexistence of three species.  相似文献   

Summary The time derivatives of prey and predator populations are assumed to satisfy a set of inequalities, instead of a precise differential equation, reflecting an uncertain environmental and/or lack of knowledge by the modeler. A system of differential equations is found whose solution gives the boundary of a persistent set, which is positive flow invariant for any system satisfying the inequalities. Conditions are given for the persistent set to be bounded away from both axes, which show that resonance effects cannot drive either predator or prey to extinction if that does not happen for an autonomous system satisfying the inequalities. In general predator-prey systems are more persistent when there is strong asymptotic stability, when there is correlation between prey and predator dynamics, when the effect of perturbations is density dependent, and are more persistent under perturbations of the prey than of the predator.  相似文献   

The impact of intraspecific interactions on ecological stability and population persistence in terms of steady state(s) existence is considered theoretically based on a general competition model. We compare persistence of a structured population consisting of a few interacting (competitive) subpopulations, or groups, to persistence of the corresponding unstructured population. For a general case, we show that if the intra-group competition is stronger than the inter-group competition, then the structured population is less prone to extinction, i.e. it can persist in a parameter range where the unstructured population goes extinct. For a more specific case of a population with hierarchical competition, we show that relative viability of structured and unstructured populations depend on the type of density dependence in the population growth. Namely, while in the case of logistic growth, structured and unstructured populations exhibit equivalent persistence; in the case of Allee dynamics, the persistence of a hierarchically structured population is shown to be higher. We then apply these results to the case of behaviourally structured populations and demonstrate that an extreme form of individual aggression can be beneficial at the population level and enhance population persistence.  相似文献   

Persistence in population models with demographic fluctuations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A persistence and extinction theory is developed through analytical studies of deterministic population models. Under hypotheses that require demographic parameters to fluctuate temporally, the populations may or may not oscillaate. Extinction, when it occurs, is asymptotic. An hierarchy of persistence criteria, based upon fluctuations measured by time average means, is derived. In some situations a threshold value is found to separate persistent population models from those that tend to extinction. Application of the persistence-extinction theory is to the problem of assessing effects of a toxic substance on a population when toxicant inputs to the environment and to resources are oscillatory.  相似文献   

Biological systems are known to be both robust and evolvable to internal and external perturbations, but what causes these apparently contradictory properties? We used Boolean network modeling and attractor landscape analysis to investigate the evolvability and robustness of the human signaling network. Our results show that the human signaling network can be divided into an evolvable core where perturbations change the attractor landscape in state space, and a robust neighbor where perturbations have no effect on the attractor landscape. Using chemical inhibition and overexpression of nodes, we validated that perturbations affect the evolvable core more strongly than the robust neighbor. We also found that the evolvable core has a distinct network structure, which is enriched in feedback loops, and features a higher degree of scale-freeness and longer path lengths connecting the nodes. In addition, the genes with high evolvability scores are associated with evolvability-related properties such as rapid evolvability, low species broadness, and immunity whereas the genes with high robustness scores are associated with robustness-related properties such as slow evolvability, high species broadness, and oncogenes. Intriguingly, US Food and Drug Administration-approved drug targets have high evolvability scores whereas experimental drug targets have high robustness scores.  相似文献   

Complexity and fragility in ecological networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A detailed analysis of three species-rich ecosystem food webs has shown that they display skewed distributions of connections. Such graphs of interaction are, in fact, shared by a number of biological and technological networks, which have been shown to display a very high homeostasis against random removals of nodes. Here, we analyse the responses of these ecological graphs to both random and selective perturbations (directed against the most-connected species). Our results suggest that ecological networks are very robust against random removals but can be extremely fragile when selective attacks are used. These observations have important consequences for biodiversity dynamics and conservation issues, current estimations of extinction rates and the relevance and definition of keystone species.  相似文献   

In this paper, single-species nonautonomous dispersal models with delays are considered. An interesting result on the effect of dispersal for persistence and extinction is obtained. That is, if the species is persistent in a patch then it is also persistent in all other patches; if the species is permanent in a patch then it is also permanent in all other patches; if the species is extinct in a patch then it is also extinct in all other patches. Furthermore, some new sufficient conditions for the permanence and extinction of the species in a patch are established. The existence of positive periodic solutions is obtained in the periodic case by employing Teng and Chen's results on the existence of positive periodic solutions for functional differential equations. Received: 26 June 2000 / Revised version: 6 October 2000 / Published online: 10 April 2001  相似文献   

Collective rhythmic dynamics from neurons is vital for cognitive functions such as memory formation but how neurons self-organize to produce such activity is not well understood. Attractor-based computational models have been successfully implemented as a theoretical framework for memory storage in networks of neurons. Additionally, activity-dependent modification of synaptic transmission is thought to be the physiological basis of learning and memory. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that using a pharmacological treatment that has been shown to increase synaptic strength within in vitro networks of hippocampal neurons follows the dynamical postulates theorized by attractor models. We use a grid of extracellular electrodes to study changes in network activity after this perturbation and show that there is a persistent increase in overall spiking and bursting activity after treatment. This increase in activity appears to recruit more “errant” spikes into bursts. Phase plots indicate a conserved activity pattern suggesting that a synaptic potentiation perturbation to the attractor leaves it unchanged. Lastly, we construct a computational model to demonstrate that these synaptic perturbations can account for the dynamical changes seen within the network.  相似文献   



We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persistence of complex spatial food webs subject to colonization-extinction dynamics. We study persistence as a measure of stability of communities within discrete patches, and ask how do species diversity, connectance, and topology influence it in spatially structured food webs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We answer this question first by identifying two general mechanisms linking topology of simple food web modules and persistence at the regional scale. We then assess the robustness of these mechanisms to more complex food webs with simulations based on randomly created and empirical webs found in the literature. We find that linkage proximity to primary producers and food web diversity generate a positive relationship between complexity and persistence in spatial food webs. The comparison between empirical and randomly created food webs reveal that the most important element for food web persistence under spatial colonization-extinction dynamics is the degree distribution: the number of prey species per consumer is more important than their identity.


With a simple set of rules governing patch colonization and extinction, we have predicted that diversity and connectance promote persistence at the regional scale. The strength of our approach is that it reconciles the effect of complexity on stability at the local and the regional scale. Even if complex food webs are locally prone to extinction, we have shown their complexity could also promote their persistence through regional dynamics. The framework we presented here offers a novel and simple approach to understand the complexity of spatial food webs.  相似文献   

The dynamics of simple discrete-time epidemic models without disease-induced mortality are typically characterized by global transcritical bifurcation. We prove that in corresponding models with disease-induced mortality a tiny number of infectious individuals can drive an otherwise persistent population to extinction. Our model with disease-induced mortality supports multiple attractors. In addition, we use a Ricker recruitment function in an SIS model and obtained a three component discrete Hopf (Neimark-Sacker) cycle attractor coexisting with a fixed point attractor. The basin boundaries of the coexisting attractors are fractal in nature, and the example exhibits sensitive dependence of the long-term disease dynamics on initial conditions. Furthermore, we show that in contrast to corresponding models without disease-induced mortality, the disease-free state dynamics do not drive the disease dynamics.  相似文献   

We investigate the appearance of chaos in a microbial 3-species model motivated by a potentially chaotic real world system (as characterized by positive Lyapunov exponents (Becks et al., Nature 435, 2005). This is the first quantitative model that simulates characteristic population dynamics in the system. A striking feature of the experiment was three consecutive regimes of limit cycles, chaotic dynamics and a fixed point. Our model reproduces this pattern. Numerical simulations of the system reveal the presence of a chaotic attractor in the intermediate parameter window between two regimes of periodic coexistence (stable limit cycles). In particular, this intermediate structure can be explained by competition between the two distinct periodic dynamics. It provides the basis for stable coexistence of all three species: environmental perturbations may result in huge fluctuations in species abundances, however, the system at large tolerates those perturbations in the sense that the population abundances quickly fall back onto the chaotic attractor manifold and the system remains. This mechanism explains how chaos helps the system to persist and stabilize against migration. In discrete populations, fluctuations can push the system towards extinction of one or more species. The chaotic attractor protects the system and extinction times scale exponentially with system size in the same way as with limit cycles or in a stable situation.  相似文献   

Noise driven exploration of a brain network’s dynamic repertoire has been hypothesized to be causally involved in cognitive function, aging and neurodegeneration. The dynamic repertoire crucially depends on the network’s capacity to store patterns, as well as their stability. Here we systematically explore the capacity of networks derived from human connectomes to store attractor states, as well as various network mechanisms to control the brain’s dynamic repertoire. Using a deterministic graded response Hopfield model with connectome-based interactions, we reconstruct the system’s attractor space through a uniform sampling of the initial conditions. Large fixed-point attractor sets are obtained in the low temperature condition, with a bigger number of attractors than ever reported so far. Different variants of the initial model, including (i) a uniform activation threshold or (ii) a global negative feedback, produce a similarly robust multistability in a limited parameter range. A numerical analysis of the distribution of the attractors identifies spatially-segregated components, with a centro-medial core and several well-delineated regional patches. Those different modes share similarity with the fMRI independent components observed in the “resting state” condition. We demonstrate non-stationary behavior in noise-driven generalizations of the models, with different meta-stable attractors visited along the same time course. Only the model with a global dynamic density control is found to display robust and long-lasting non-stationarity with no tendency toward either overactivity or extinction. The best fit with empirical signals is observed at the edge of multistability, a parameter region that also corresponds to the highest entropy of the attractors.  相似文献   

We investigated and compared the patch occupancy and colonisation and extinction over a 40-yr period in the vascular plant Silene viscosa in two archipelagos off the Swedish east coast. We also assessed the importance of regional vs local dynamics for regional persistence by examining factors affecting colonisation and extinction processes.
We found an effect of isolation on the patch occupancy in 1957, but this effect disappeared 1997. The effect of isolation was not detected when analysing colonisations and extinctions during the 40-yr period separately, which suggests that the colonisations and extinctions since 1957 have changed the patch occupancy of S. viscosa . The change in the patch occupancy is attributed to an increased colonisation, presumably mediated by the increase of the greylag goose Anser anser . The large amplitude of population size change, the high persistence of populations during a 40-yr period, and the long term persistence for some populations all suggest that the distribution pattern approximates a distribution that is expected to be generated from an Island-Mainland model, where a number of large populations are persistent and a number of smaller populations are more prone to extinction due to catastrophes (nesting cormorants) and environmental stochasticity (summer drought). Most evidence suggests that regional processes are of less importance than local processes for regional persistence on a time scale of 40 yr for S. viscosa .  相似文献   

Ever since the pattern of localized extinction associated with measles was discovered by Bartlett in 1957, many models have been developed in an attempt to reproduce this phenomenon. Recently, the use of constant infectious and incubation periods, rather than the more convenient exponential forms, has been presented as a simple means of obtaining realistic persistence levels. However, this result appears at odds with rigorous mathematical theory; here we reconcile these differences. Using a deterministic approach, we parameterize a variety of models to fit the observed biennial attractor, thus determining the level of seasonality by the choice of model. We can then compare fairly the persistence of the stochastic versions of these models, using the 'best-fit' parameters. Finally, we consider the differences between the observed fade-out pattern and the more theoretically appealing 'first passage time'.  相似文献   

To understand the interplay between environmental stochasticity and Allee effects, we analyse persistence, asymptotic extinction, and conditional persistence for stochastic difference equations. Our analysis reveals that persistence requires that the geometric mean of fitness at low densities is greater than one. When this geometric mean is less than one, asymptotic extinction occurs with high probability for low initial population densities. Additionally, if the population only experiences positive density-dependent feedbacks, conditional persistence occurs provided the geometric mean of fitness at high population densities is greater than one. However, if the population experiences both positive and negative density-dependent feedbacks, conditional persistence only occurs if environmental fluctuations are sufficiently small. We illustrate counter-intuitively that environmental fluctuations can increase the probability of persistence when populations are initially at low densities, and can cause asymptotic extinction of populations experiencing intermediate predation rates despite conditional persistence occurring at higher predation rates.  相似文献   

When the growth of bacteria in a chemostat is controlled by limiting the supply of a single essential nutrient, the growth rate is affected both by the concentration of this nutrient in the culture medium and by the amount of time that it takes for the chemical and physiological processes that result in the production of new biomass. Thus, although the uptake of nutrient by cells is an essentially instantaneous process, the addition of new biomass is delayed by the amount of time that it takes to metabolize the nutrient. Mathematical models that incorporate this "delayed growth response" (DGR) phenomenon have been developed and analysed. However, because they are formulated in terms of parameters that are difficult to measure directly, these models are of limited value to experimentalists. In this paper, we introduce a DGR model that is formulated in terms of measurable parameters. In addition, we provide for this model a complete set of criteria for determining persistence versus extinction of the bacterial culture in the chemostat. Specifically, we show that DGR plays a role in determining persistence versus extinction only under certain ranges of chemostat operating parameters. It is also shown, however, that DGR plays a role in determining the steady-state nutrient and bacteria concentrations in all instances of persistence. The steady state and transient behavior of solutions of our model is found to be in agreement with data that we obtained in growing Escherichia coli 23716 in a chemostat with glucose as a limiting nutrient. One of the theoretical predictions of our model that does not occur in other DGR models is that under certain conditions a large delay in growth response might actually have a positive effect on the bacteria's ability to persist.  相似文献   

Survival analyses of populations are developed in dicrete growth processes. Persistence and extinction attributes of age-structured discrete population models are explored on both a finite and infinite time horizon. Conditions for persistence and extinction are found. Decompositions of the initial population size axes into intervals where populations are persistent at timeN and intervals leading to extinction at timen, wheren≤N, are given for two age class discrete population models.  相似文献   

二维Lotka-Volterra竞争系统的β持续生存与β绝灭   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用极限理论与延拓方法研究了二维Lotka-Volterra竞争务统在有限时间内的持续生存与绝灭问题,即β持续生存与β绝灭问题.给出了种群β持续生存与β绝灭的一些充分条件.所得结论表明:种群的β持续生存和β绝灭与种群的初始数量有关.在一定条件下,只要控制种群的初始数量在一定范围内,即可保证两种群永远β持续生存.  相似文献   

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