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Large-scale genotyping plays an important role in genetic association studies. It has provided new opportunities for gene discovery, especially when combined with high-throughput sequencing technologies. Here, we report an efficient solution for large-scale genotyping. We call it specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq). SLAF-seq technology has several distinguishing characteristics: i) deep sequencing to ensure genotyping accuracy; ii) reduced representation strategy to reduce sequencing costs; iii) pre-designed reduced representation scheme to optimize marker efficiency; and iv) double barcode system for large populations. In this study, we tested the efficiency of SLAF-seq on rice and soybean data. Both sets of results showed strong consistency between predicted and practical SLAFs and considerable genotyping accuracy. We also report the highest density genetic map yet created for any organism without a reference genome sequence, common carp in this case, using SLAF-seq data. We detected 50,530 high-quality SLAFs with 13,291 SNPs genotyped in 211 individual carp. The genetic map contained 5,885 markers with 0.68 cM intervals on average. A comparative genomics study between common carp genetic map and zebrafish genome sequence map showed high-quality SLAF-seq genotyping results. SLAF-seq provides a high-resolution strategy for large-scale genotyping and can be generally applicable to various species and populations.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare genomic instability syndrome. Disease-causing are biallelic mutations in any one of at least 15 genes encoding members of the FA/BRCA pathway of DNA-interstrand crosslink repair. Patients are diagnosed based upon phenotypical manifestationsand the diagnosis of FA is confirmed by the hypersensitivity of cells to DNA interstrand crosslinking agents. Customary molecular diagnostics has become increasingly cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive the more FA genes have been identified. We performed Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) in four FA patients in order to investigate the potential of this method for FA genotyping. In search of an optimal WES methodology we explored different enrichment and sequencing techniques. In each case we were able to identify the pathogenic mutations so that WES provided both, complementation group assignment and mutation detection in a single approach. The mutations included homozygous and heterozygous single base pair substitutions and a two-base-pair duplication in FANCJ, -D1, or -D2. Different WES strategies had no critical influence on the individual outcome. However, database errors and in particular pseudogenes impose obstacles that may prevent correct data perception and interpretation, and thus cause pitfalls. With these difficulties in mind, our results show that WES is a valuable tool for the molecular diagnosis of FA and a sufficiently safe technique, capable of engaging increasingly in competition with classical genetic approaches.  相似文献   

The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand extraordinary levels of ionizing radiation, reflecting an equally extraordinary capacity for DNA repair. The hypothetical gene product DR0423 has been implicated in the recovery of this organism from DNA damage, indicating that this protein is a novel component of the D. radiodurans DNA repair system. DR0423 is a homologue of the eukaryotic Rad52 protein. Following exposure to ionizing radiation, DR0423 expression is induced relative to an untreated control, and strains carrying a deletion of the DR0423 gene exhibit increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation. When recovering from ionizing-radiation-induced DNA damage in the absence of nutrients, wild-type D. radiodurans reassembles its genome while the mutant lacking DR0423 function does not. In vitro, the purified DR0423 protein binds to single-stranded DNA with an apparent affinity for 3′ ends, and protects those ends from nuclease degradation. We propose that DR0423 is part of a DNA end-protection system that helps to preserve genome integrity following exposure to ionizing radiation. We designate the DR0423 protein as DNA damage response A protein.  相似文献   

The rapidly expanding body of available genomic and protein structural data provides a rich resource for understanding protein dynamics with biomolecular simulation. While computational infrastructure has grown rapidly, simulations on an omics scale are not yet widespread, primarily because software infrastructure to enable simulations at this scale has not kept pace. It should now be possible to study protein dynamics across entire (super)families, exploiting both available structural biology data and conformational similarities across homologous proteins. Here, we present a new tool for enabling high-throughput simulation in the genomics era. Ensembler takes any set of sequences—from a single sequence to an entire superfamily—and shepherds them through various stages of modeling and refinement to produce simulation-ready structures. This includes comparative modeling to all relevant PDB structures (which may span multiple conformational states of interest), reconstruction of missing loops, addition of missing atoms, culling of nearly identical structures, assignment of appropriate protonation states, solvation in explicit solvent, and refinement and filtering with molecular simulation to ensure stable simulation. The output of this pipeline is an ensemble of structures ready for subsequent molecular simulations using computer clusters, supercomputers, or distributed computing projects like Folding@home. Ensembler thus automates much of the time-consuming process of preparing protein models suitable for simulation, while allowing scalability up to entire superfamilies. A particular advantage of this approach can be found in the construction of kinetic models of conformational dynamics—such as Markov state models (MSMs)—which benefit from a diverse array of initial configurations that span the accessible conformational states to aid sampling. We demonstrate the power of this approach by constructing models for all catalytic domains in the human tyrosine kinase family, using all available kinase catalytic domain structures from any organism as structural templates. Ensembler is free and open source software licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2. It is compatible with Linux and OS X. The latest release can be installed via the conda package manager, and the latest source can be downloaded from https://github.com/choderalab/ensembler.  相似文献   

通过对检验工作各环节流程、质控情况的分析,制定了新的检验业务管理及质量控制流程,并利用数字化技术对流程各环节进行系统实现。检验全流程数字化管理及质量控制体系的构建,有效提高了检验工作的效率与质量安全,进一步促进了医院医疗质量管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

Currently there is great interest in detecting associations between complex traits and rare variants. In this report, we describe Variant Association Tools (VAT) and the VAT pipeline, which implements best practices for rare-variant association studies. Highlights of VAT include variant-site and call-level quality control (QC), summary statistics, phenotype- and genotype-based sample selection, variant annotation, selection of variants for association analysis, and a collection of rare-variant association methods for analyzing qualitative and quantitative traits. The association testing framework for VAT is regression based, which readily allows for flexible construction of association models with multiple covariates and weighting themes based on allele frequencies or predicted functionality. Additionally, pathway analyses, conditional analyses, and analyses of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions can be performed. VAT is capable of rapidly scanning through data by using multi-process computation, adaptive permutation, and simultaneously conducting association analysis via multiple methods. Results are available in text or graphic file formats and additionally can be output to relational databases for further annotation and filtering. An interface to R language also facilitates user implementation of novel association methods. The VAT''s data QC and association-analysis pipeline can be applied to sequence, imputed, and genotyping array, e.g., “exome chip,” data, providing a reliable and reproducible computational environment in which to analyze small- to large-scale studies with data from the latest genotyping and sequencing technologies. Application of the VAT pipeline is demonstrated through analysis of data from the 1000 Genomes project.  相似文献   

Asiatic citrus canker is a major disease worldwide, and its causal agent, Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, is listed as a quarantine organism in many countries. Analysis of the molecular epidemiology of this bacterium is hindered by a lack of molecular typing techniques suitable for surveillance and outbreak investigation. We report a comparative evaluation of three typing techniques, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, insertion sequence ligation-mediated PCR (IS-LM-PCR) typing, and multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA), with 234 strains originating from Asia, the likely center of origin of the pathogen, and reference strains of pathotypes A, A*, and Aw, which differ in host range. The typing techniques were congruent in describing the diversity of this strain collection, suggesting that the evolution pattern of the bacterium may be clonal. Based on a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance, the AFLP method best described the genetic variation found among pathotypes whereas MLVA best described the variation found among individual strains from the same countries or groups of neighboring countries. IS-LM-PCR data suggested that the transposition of insertion sequences in the genome of X. citri pv. citri occurs rarely enough not to disturb the phylogenetic signal. This technique may be useful for the global surveillance of non-epidemiologically related strains. Although pathological characteristics of strains could be most often predicted from genotyping data, we report the occurrence in the Indian peninsula of strains genetically related to pathotype A* strains but with a host range similar to that of pathotype A, which makes the classification of this bacterium even more complicated.The definition of host range is a central parameter for the understanding and, ultimately, the control of infectious diseases in general and bacterial plant diseases in particular. In phytobacteriology, host range is an important aspect of pathogenicity. Control of diseases can be achieved with resistance genes which reduce host range (50, 64). Epidemiological characteristics are highly dependent on host range, and the emergence of new diseases is sometimes correlated with broadened host ranges (74). Xanthomonads have the particularity of an extremely narrow host range (sometimes reduced to a single plant genus), although a very large number of plant families can be hosts when all members of the genus are considered (33), which led plant pathologists to create the concept of pathovar at an infrasubspecific level. Pathovars were defined as groups of strains sharing several pathological characteristics, such as their host range and the disease facies they cause (18). Based on molecular data, strains classified as a single pathovar usually form a discrete monomorphic or weakly polymorphic cluster, suggesting that strains of a pathovar have a common ancestral origin (3, 56). Xanthomonas citri pv. citri is the causal agent of Asiatic canker, a severe disease infecting most commercial citrus cultivars and some genera in the Rutaceae family in many citrus-producing areas worldwide (6, 60, 61). This pathovar has two types of strains, which differ in their host ranges: pathotype A has a wide host range and a worldwide distribution and is a permanent threat for citriculture (29); in contrast, the more recently characterized pathotype A* causes citrus canker on Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia) and has a much less severe impact on citriculture (72). Strains of this pathotype were considered to belong to the pathovar citri because of their phenotypic and genetic relatedness to pathotype A. Their distribution was initially reported to include Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, and India and was recently found to extend to southeast Asia, with reports of these strains in Thailand (10) and Cambodia (11). Finally, strains genetically related to pathotypes A and A* but able to infect Mexican lime and Citrus macrophylla naturally were recently detected in Florida and classified as a pathotype designated Aw (68). The molecular basis of the specific interaction of X. citri pv. citri pathotypes A* and Aw with a restricted range of citrus hosts is not known (5). An interaction between a host resistance gene and an avr gene product from the pathogen inducing host-pathogen incompatibility has not yet been demonstrated for the X. citri pv. citri-citrus pathosystem, as it has been previously for other plant pathogenic bacteria (43).No assumption can be made about whether the apparent contemporary emergence of pathotype A* strains is due to a change in virulence or to environmental or human factors. Host range shifts have sometimes been related to modifications in the repertoire of virulence genes by horizontal gene transfer or intragenomic recombinations or mutations (20, 32, 75). A clear understanding of the evolutionary relationships among pathotypes A, A*, and Aw and of the diversity among strains of each pathotype would be helpful for assessing these issues.Due to the extreme difficulty and cost of the complete eradication of Asiatic citrus canker, several canker-threatened citrus-producing regions rely on integrated pest management strategies for control (30). Data derived from the huge effort put into the molecular typing of human bacterial pathogens (46, 63, 67, 69) suggest that an extensive knowledge of populations of plant pathogenic bacteria may improve our understanding of epidemic situations.The tools most often used for the molecular epidemiology of citrus canker have been repetitive-element-based PCR (rep-PCR) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) (13, 16, 19, 28, 68). The lack of discriminatory power of rep-PCR and the high labor requirement for PFGE make it difficult to use these techniques extensively for outbreak investigations or regional or global surveillance (67). Therefore, alternative high-resolution and high-throughput molecular typing systems for X. citri pv. citri should be developed. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of an Iranian collection of strains causing Asiatic citrus canker suggested previously that this technique has better discriminatory power than the rep-PCR method (39). AFLP has the advantage of generating a large number of randomly located markers over the whole genome. The detected polymorphism may arise from point mutations at the targeted restriction sites or from insertions and/or deletions in the amplified region (73). The determination of the complete sequence of X. citri pv. citri strain 306 (17) should facilitate the development of molecular typing tools well-suited for deciphering taxonomy, evolution, and/or epidemiology. For instance, it gave access to specific primers associated with transposable elements present in this bacterium (45), which were used for typing DNA from herbarium specimens showing canker-like symptoms and originating from different geographical origins. This technique revealed an unexpectedly high degree of genetic diversity. However, this typing scheme requires more than 50 PCRs for the full analysis of unknown DNA. A new insertion sequence ligation-mediated PCR (IS-LM-PCR) scheme (9) also revealed considerable diversity and is less labor-intensive. This technique amplifies DNA fragments between an insertion sequence element and a selected restriction site (9). We also recently developed a multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) approach for this bacterium, a promising technique targeting tandem repeats (minisatellite-like loci) for fine-scale epidemiology with distinctive advantages, such as high discriminatory power, maximal reproducibility of results, and portability of equipment (12). The characteristics of these newly developed techniques need to be subjected to a comparative evaluation in order to determine which methods would be most useful for global surveillance and molecular epidemiology on small spatial scales. In this study, we compared the AFLP, MLVA, and IS-LM-PCR techniques to explore the genetic diversity of a collection of pathotype A, A*, and Aw strains originating from Asia. Furthermore, we sought to determine the genetic diversity and structure of X. citri pv. citri strains, including a large collection of pathotype A* strains for which no extensive characterization study is available at the moment, from the area of origin of the pathogen.  相似文献   

The availability of genome-wide RNAi libraries has enabled researchers to rapidly assess the functions of thousands of genes; however the fact that these screens are run in living biological systems add complications above and beyond that normally seen in high-throughput screening (HTS). Specifically, error due to variance in both measurement and biology are large in such screens, leading to the conclusion that the majority of "hits" are expected to be false positives. Here, we outline basic guidelines for screen development that will help the researcher to control these forms of variance. By running a large number of positive and negative control genes, error of measurement can be accurately estimated and false negatives reduced. Likewise, by using a complex readout for the screen which is not easily mimicked by other biological pathways and phenomena, false positives can be minimized. By controlling variance in these ways, the researcher can maximize the utility of genome-wide RNAi screening.  相似文献   

Allele transmissions in pedigrees provide a natural way of evaluating the genotyping quality of a particular proband in a family-based, genome-wide association study. We propose a transmission test that is based on this feature and that can be used for quality control filtering of genome-wide genotype data for individual probands. The test has one degree of freedom and assesses the average genotyping error rate of the genotyped SNPs for a particular proband. As we show in simulation studies, the test is sufficiently powerful to identify probands with an unreliable genotyping quality that cannot be detected with standard quality control filters. This feature of the test is further exemplified by an application to the third release of the HapMap data. The test is ideally suited as the final layer of quality control filters in the cleaning process of genome-wide association studies. It identifies probands with insufficient genotyping quality that were not removed by standard quality control filtering.  相似文献   



Understanding Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) transmission is essential to guide efficient tuberculosis control strategies. Traditional strain typing lacks sufficient discriminatory power to resolve large outbreaks. Here, we tested the potential of using next generation genome sequencing for identification of outbreak-related transmission chains.

Methods and Findings

During long-term (1997 to 2010) prospective population-based molecular epidemiological surveillance comprising a total of 2,301 patients, we identified a large outbreak caused by an Mtb strain of the Haarlem lineage. The main performance outcome measure of whole genome sequencing (WGS) analyses was the degree of correlation of the WGS analyses with contact tracing data and the spatio-temporal distribution of the outbreak cases. WGS analyses of the 86 isolates revealed 85 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), subdividing the outbreak into seven genome clusters (two to 24 isolates each), plus 36 unique SNP profiles. WGS results showed that the first outbreak isolates detected in 1997 were falsely clustered by classical genotyping. In 1998, one clone (termed “Hamburg clone”) started expanding, apparently independently from differences in the social environment of early cases. Genome-based clustering patterns were in better accordance with contact tracing data and the geographical distribution of the cases than clustering patterns based on classical genotyping. A maximum of three SNPs were identified in eight confirmed human-to-human transmission chains, involving 31 patients. We estimated the Mtb genome evolutionary rate at 0.4 mutations per genome per year. This rate suggests that Mtb grows in its natural host with a doubling time of approximately 22 h (400 generations per year). Based on the genome variation discovered, emergence of the Hamburg clone was dated back to a period between 1993 and 1997, hence shortly before the discovery of the outbreak through epidemiological surveillance.


Our findings suggest that WGS is superior to conventional genotyping for Mtb pathogen tracing and investigating micro-epidemics. WGS provides a measure of Mtb genome evolution over time in its natural host context. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) play a prominent role in modern genetics. Current genotyping technologies such as Sequenom iPLEX, ABI TaqMan and KBioscience KASPar made the genotyping of huge SNP sets in large populations straightforward and allow the generation of hundreds of thousands of genotypes even in medium sized labs. While data generation is straightforward, the subsequent data conversion, storage and quality control steps are time-consuming, error-prone and require extensive bioinformatic support. In order to ease this tedious process, we developed SNPflow. SNPflow is a lightweight, intuitive and easily deployable application, which processes genotype data from Sequenom MassARRAY (iPLEX) and ABI 7900HT (TaqMan, KASPar) systems and is extendible to other genotyping methods as well. SNPflow automatically converts the raw output files to ready-to-use genotype lists, calculates all standard quality control values such as call rate, expected and real amount of replicates, minor allele frequency, absolute number of discordant replicates, discordance rate and the p-value of the HWE test, checks the plausibility of the observed genotype frequencies by comparing them to HapMap/1000-Genomes, provides a module for the processing of SNPs, which allow sex determination for DNA quality control purposes and, finally, stores all data in a relational database. SNPflow runs on all common operating systems and comes as both stand-alone version and multi-user version for laboratory-wide use. The software, a user manual, screenshots and a screencast illustrating the main features are available at http://genepi-snpflow.i-med.ac.at.  相似文献   



Malawi commenced the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) into the routine infant immunisation schedule in November 2011. Here we have tested the utility of high throughput whole genome sequencing to provide a high-resolution view of pre-vaccine pneumococcal epidemiology and population evolutionary trends to predict potential future change in population structure post introduction.


One hundred and twenty seven (127) archived pneumococcal isolates from randomly selected adults and children presenting to the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi underwent whole genome sequencing.


The pneumococcal population was dominated by serotype 1 (20.5% of invasive isolates) prior to vaccine introduction. PCV13 is likely to protect against 62.9% of all circulating invasive pneumococci (78.3% in under-5-year-olds). Several Pneumococcal Molecular Epidemiology Network (PMEN) clones are now in circulation in Malawi which were previously undetected but the pandemic multidrug resistant PMEN1 lineage was not identified. Genome analysis identified a number of novel sequence types and serotype switching.


High throughput genome sequencing is now feasible and has the capacity to simultaneously elucidate serotype, sequence type and as well as detailed genetic information. It enables population level characterization, providing a detailed picture of population structure and genome evolution relevant to disease control. Post-vaccine introduction surveillance supported by genome sequencing is essential to providing a comprehensive picture of the impact of PCV13 on pneumococcal population structure and informing future public health interventions.  相似文献   

检查点:细胞周期的质量监督   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴家睿 《生命的化学》1999,19(5):199-202
细胞周期的最主要任务是将其基因组DNA在DNA合成期(S期)完整地复制成两份拷贝,而后在分裂期(M期)将这两份拷贝正确无误地分配给两个子代细胞。如果在这一过程中产生错误,又得不到及时纠正,那么将导致基因组的不稳定和变异。对单细胞生物,其后果是导致细胞...  相似文献   

The Kaiser Permanente (KP) Research Program on Genes, Environment and Health (RPGEH), in collaboration with the University of California—San Francisco, undertook genome-wide genotyping of >100,000 subjects that constitute the Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and Aging (GERA) cohort. The project, which generated >70 billion genotypes, represents the first large-scale use of the Affymetrix Axiom Genotyping Solution. Because genotyping took place over a short 14-month period, creating a near-real-time analysis pipeline for experimental assay quality control and final optimized analyses was critical. Because of the multi-ethnic nature of the cohort, four different ethnic-specific arrays were employed to enhance genome-wide coverage. All assays were performed on DNA extracted from saliva samples. To improve sample call rates and significantly increase genotype concordance, we partitioned the cohort into disjoint packages of plates with similar assay contexts. Using strict QC criteria, the overall genotyping success rate was 103,067 of 109,837 samples assayed (93.8%), with a range of 92.1–95.4% for the four different arrays. Similarly, the SNP genotyping success rate ranged from 98.1 to 99.4% across the four arrays, the variation depending mostly on how many SNPs were included as single copy vs. double copy on a particular array. The high quality and large scale of genotype data created on this cohort, in conjunction with comprehensive longitudinal data from the KP electronic health records of participants, will enable a broad range of highly powered genome-wide association studies on a diversity of traits and conditions.  相似文献   

Quality control filtering of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is a key step when analyzing genomic data. Here we present a practical method to identify low-quality SNPs, meaning markers whose genotypes are wrongly assigned for a large proportion of individuals, by estimating the heritability of gene content at each marker, where gene content is the number of copies of a particular reference allele in a genotype of an animal (0, 1, or 2). If there is no mutation at the marker, gene content has an additive heritability of 1 by construction. The method uses restricted maximum likelihood (REML) to estimate heritability of gene content at each SNP and also builds a likelihood-ratio test statistic to test for zero error variance in genotyping. As a by-product, estimates of the allele frequencies of markers at the base population are obtained. Using simulated data with 10% permutation error (4% actual error) in genotyping, the method had a specificity of 0.96 (4% of correct markers are rejected) and a sensitivity of 0.99 (1% of wrong markers are accepted) if markers with heritability lower than 0.975 are discarded. Checking of Mendelian errors resulted in a lower sensitivity (0.84) for the same simulation. The proposed method is further illustrated with a real data set with genotypes from 3534 animals genotyped for 50,433 markers from the Illumina PorcineSNP60 chip and a pedigree of 6473 individuals; those markers underwent very little quality control. A total of 4099 markers with P-values lower than 0.01 were discarded based on our method, with associated estimates of heritability as low as 0.12. Contrary to other techniques, our method uses all information in the population simultaneously, can be used in any population with markers and pedigree recordings, and is simple to implement using standard software for REML estimation. Scripts for its use are provided.  相似文献   

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