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The occurrence and abundance of the pelagic eggs of southern North Sea spring-spawning fish were analysed between 1984 and 2000. Species number varied between six (1986) and 14 (1999) and was positively correlated with sea surface temperature. With one exception, dab eggs were always the most abundant and usually highly dominant. Ranking of species depended on temperature, but no significant differences in ranking between years was discernible. Although with the increase in temperature in the 1990s a change in species assemblage was evident [species belonging to the boreal-Mediterranean (Lusitanian) group became more apparent in the species assemblage] this did not lead to an increased species diversity (Shannon Index) or a change in other community parameters. It appears that the recent developments regarding spawning stock biomass of commercial North Sea fish is reflected in the declining egg abundance of the respective commercial and larger species (i.e. cod, flounder, plaice) and an increase in abundance of the eggs of small species (i.e. long rough dab, rockling) over the years. Received in revised form: 5 November 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of pelagic Archaea was studied in the southern North Sea by rRNA hybridization, sequencing and quantification of 16S rRNA gene and membrane lipid analyses and related to physical, chemical and biological parameters to determine the factors influencing archaeal biogeography. A clear temporal variability was observed, with marine Crenarchaeota (Group I.1a) being relatively more abundant in winter and Euryarchaeota dominating the archaeal assemblage in spring and summer. Spatial differences in the lateral distribution of Crenarchaeota were also evident. In fact, their abundance was positively correlated with the copy number of the gene encoding the alpha subunit of crenarchaeotal ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) and with concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus. This suggests that most Crenarchaeota in the North Sea are nitrifiers and that their distribution is determined by nutrient concentrations. However, Crenarchaeota were not abundant when larger phytoplankton (>3 microm) dominated the algal population. It is hypothesized that together with nutrient concentration, phytoplankton biomass and community structure can predict crenarchaeotal abundance in the southern North Sea. Euryarchaeotal abundance was positively correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations, but not with phytoplankton community structure. Whether this is related to the potential of Euryarchaeota to perform aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy remains to be shown, but the conspicuous seasonal distribution pattern of Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota suggests that they occupy a different ecological niche.  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of inorganic and organic nitrogen in the North Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study considers the cycling of nitrogen in the waters of the North Sea, particularly focussing on organic nitrogen. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were measured in the North Sea over a one-year period (autumn 2004–summer 2005). The surface water concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, DON and PON during the present study ranged from <0.1–7.2 μM, <0.1–2.0 μM, 1.9–11.2 μM and 0.3–5.6 μM, respectively, with DON the dominant fraction of total nitrogen at all times. These nutrients concentrations were significantly lower compared to previous studies in the southern North Sea. The seasonal variations showed high mean surface concentrations of nitrate (4.7 ± 0.6 μM) and DON (8.9 ± 0.9 μM), low ammonium (<0.1 μM) and PON (0.8 ± 0.1 μM) in winter, shifting to low nitrate (0.3 ± 0.3 μM) and DON (4.2 ± 1.2 μM) in summer, with high ammonium (0.8 ± 0.4 μM) in autumn and PON (2.5 ± 1.2 μM) in spring. Highest mean surface DON concentration was measured in winter and may be due to resuspension of the organic matter from the bottom sediments. For autumn and spring, phytoplankton DON release was likely to be the most significant source of DON as shown by high concentrations of low molecular weight (LMW) DON and its positive correlation to chlorophyll a. Low total and LMW DON concentrations during summer were likely to be due to the uptake of the LMW DON fraction by phytoplankton and bacteria and the stratification of the water column. DON is therefore shown to be a potentially important source of nitrogen in shelf seas especially after the spring bloom has depleted nitrate to limiting concentrations. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthic community structure was studied in two surveys along a transect of 13 stations following the submersed Pleistocene Elbe valley in the south-eastern North Sea during May to June 2000 and March 2001. Two replicates of bottom samples were taken with a van Veen grab of 0.1 m2 sampling size. In order to analyse the benthic macrofauna communities, the animals obtained were identified and counted, and MDS and cluster analysis were performed. Out of 200 taxa identified, 84 were polychaetes, 46 molluscs, 40 crustaceans, 15 echinoderms, and 15 belonged to other groups. Mean abundance was 4,860 individuals per m2, mean biomass 32.9 g ash free dry mass per m2. Mean diversity was 1.76 and mean evenness 0.54. The macrofauna of the Pleistocene Elbe valley is composed of three associations according to the cluster analysis. Each association is described by a combination of characterizing and discriminating species. An Amphiura-brachiataTellimya-ferruginosa-association was found in the south-eastern part of the depression, whereas a transitional association with elements of both assemblages lead to an Amphiura-filiformisGalathowenia-oculataNuculoma-tenuis-association in the north-western part of the valley. In the context of the entire southern North Sea, both associations are small-scale substructures, and as such are contained in the Nucula-nitidosa-community and the Amphiura-filiformis-community, respectively. A north-westward shift of the community of the southern Elbe valley was found and discussed as a possible consequence of warm winters of the last decades.  相似文献   

Macrofauna samples were taken in May 1996–1998 at 28 stations on the Dogger Bank (central North Sea) to describe species composition, spatial distribution and trophic structure of the macrofaunal communities. In general, five communities could be distinguished depending on the influence of different water masses, depth, type of sediment and food availability. Except for those species which feed in the sediment, macrofauna communities did not show any correlation to the measured sediment variables. In fact, macrofauna communities of the Dogger Bank were mainly structured by lateral food supply via frontal systems. This was indicated by the dominance of interface feeders foraging in the benthic boundary layer, which are able to switch from surface deposit to suspension feeding depending on flow conditions. The importance of sandlickers in the shallowest parts of the Dogger Bank hints at an important contribution of benthic primary production to the nutritional and energetic needs of the benthic community. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In order to test the temporal stability within and the reproducibility of larval fish assemblages between years, the larval fish assemblage at Helgoland Roads, North Sea (NE Atlantic) was quantitatively sampled almost daily from January 2003 to December 2005. The survey resulted in a total of 462 samples containing 50,632 larval fish of at least 42 taxa. In winter the larval fish assemblage was mainly dominated by larvae emerging from demersal eggs. This changed gradually to larvae hatching from pelagic eggs. Larvae from pelagic eggs dominated the ichthyoplankton assemblage in summer. A remarkably stable seasonality in terms of dominance patterns with recurring, season-specific fish assemblages was observed over the 3 years, despite substantial variation in environmental conditions such as a temperature difference of almost 20°C between summer and winter. The lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus), was the only species which showed significant fluctuations in abundance between the years. After removal of this species from the analysis, the dominance patterns of the remaining fish species were almost identical between years.  相似文献   

Knowiedge on community structure of North Sea meiofauna has greatly increased recently. A quasisynoptic picture of meiofauna densities and copepod community structure from 171 stations of the southern North Sea, sampled in April–May 1986, has been obtained during the North Sea Benthos Survey. Latitudinal patterns in meiofauna abundance and copepod weight, abundance and diversity exist in an area between 51°30′N and 58°30′N. Using TWINSPAN-classification five major groups of copepod species can be recognized which are related to sediment type, latitude and depth. The part of the meiofauna in total benthic energy flow, their role in the benthic food web and in biogeochemical cycles is discussed based on existing literature. There are still considerable gaps in knowledge and the field is not progressing rapidly. Publication no. 599 Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Yerseke, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

This study comprises a comparative taphonomic analysis of three endobenthic bivalves (Mya arenaria, Cerastoderma edule, and Macoma balthica) derived from a mass accumulation of mainly vertically packed shells from the “Wurster Watt” in Lower Saxony’s Wadden Sea, German Bight. Bulk samples from two transects were analyzed with respect to taxonomic composition, left/right valve presence, counts and weight percentages of taxa, and size-frequency distributions. Taphonomic features including abrasion, fragmentation, encrustation and bioerosion were subjected to a semi-quantitative analysis. Taphonomic results show significant differences with respect to bivalve taxa as well as between transects. Mya arenaria, a large endobenthic bivalve, shows the greatest amount of fragmentation and is often encrusted by balanids and bryozoans. The smaller and more robust Cerastoderma edule has the greatest values for bioerosion especially by the polychaete Polydora ciliata. Macoma balthica, which has the thinnest valves, shows the highest values for abrasion, but low values for the rest of the measured taphonomic features. Taphonomic differences between the taxa, samples and transects are related to (1) the origin of the bivalves (from living populations or exposed colonization horizons), (2) the different size and morphology of the valves (themselves related to mode of life), (3) the taphonomic trajectories of the different bivalves, as well as (4) the varying depositional environment of the two transects.  相似文献   



The so-called regime shifts in North Sea plankton communities provide an important historical case study to understand marine regime shifts. Previous studies characterized regime shifts using a variety of community metrics (e.g., indicator species abundances, taxonomic composition and chlorophyll biomass) but left the functional traits of plankton unassessed. Here, we explicitly re-assess the historically recognized North Sea regime shifts through the lens of plankton functional traits to gain a better understanding of these events.


The North Sea (NW European shelf).

Time period

1958–2018, focusing on the 1980s and 1996–2003 regime shifts.

Major taxa studied

Marine phyto- and zooplankton.


We compute trait spaces for both phyto- and zooplankton of the North Sea using traits from the literature and a Gower's distance-based method. Using abundance data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey, we then compute monthly time series of the centroids of the communities, an indicator of functional composition. We then use principal component analysis on the centroids to assess the main temporal changes in plankton functional composition associated with the 1980s and 1996–2003 regime shifts.


Little change in plankton functional composition was associated with the 1980s regime shift. In contrast, the functional composition of plankton communities changed markedly after the 1996–2003 regime shift, with an increase in the summer relative abundance of non-motile autotrophs (i.e., diatoms) and the spring relative abundance of meroplankton.

Main conclusions

The North Sea regime shifts were not associated systematically with changes in functional composition, calling into question the definition of regime shifts and illustrating the importance of taking different metrics into account to interpret ecological events accurately. Taking into account functional composition, we interpret the 1980s so-called regime shift as a latitudinal shift in communities that was insufficient to impact functional composition and the 1996–2003 so-called regime shift as a period of change in bentho-pelagic coupling.  相似文献   

Traditionally, marine ecosystem structure was thought to be bottom‐up controlled. In recent years, a number of studies have highlighted the importance of top‐down regulation. Evidence is accumulating that the type of trophic forcing varies temporally and spatially, and an integrated view – considering the interplay of both types of control – is emerging. Correlations between time series spanning several decades of the abundances of adjacent trophic levels are conventionally used to assess the type of control: bottom‐up if positive or top‐down if this is negative. This approach implies averaging periods which might show time‐varying dynamics and therefore can hide part of this temporal variability. Using spatially referenced plankton information extracted from the Continuous Plankton Recorder, this study addresses the potential dynamic character of the trophic structure at the planktonic level in the North Sea by assessing its variation over both temporal and spatial scales. Our results show that until the early‐1970s a bottom‐up control characterized the base of the food web across the whole North Sea, with diatoms having a positive and homogeneous effect on zooplankton filter‐feeders. Afterwards, different regional trophic dynamics were observed, in particular a negative relationship between total phytoplankton and zooplankton was detected off the west coast of Norway and the Skagerrak as opposed to a positive one in the southern reaches. Our results suggest that after the early 1970s diatoms remained the main food source for zooplankton filter‐feeders east of Orkney–Shetland and off Scotland, while in the east, from the Norwegian Trench to the German Bight, filter‐feeders were mainly sustained by dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of severe winters on the long-term variability of benthic macrofauna communities four stations from the inner German Bight towards the Dogger Bank (North Sea) were sampled in March 1990 and from May 1995 to 2002. The stations were chosen to reflect a gradient in the hydrographic regime, temperature and organic matter supply. We initially hypothesized that the effect of severe winters on benthic communities will be more pronounced in the offshore more stable environment than in the nearshore regions. Our results clearly showed the opposite pattern. The benthic communities at the nearshore stations in the German Bight changed dramatically in species abundance and community structure after the severe winter 1995/1996. But the community structure in the German Bight returned to the previous stage within 2 years. In contrast, the offshore stations in the Oyster Ground and at the Dogger Bank remained rather unaffected by the severe winter and changed gradually during the study period. The results are discussed concerning the ecological importance of severe winters for benthic communities and the utility of our results for interpreting long-term changes.  相似文献   

东海大陆架鱼类群落的空间结构   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
李圣法  程家骅  严利平 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4377-4386
根据1997~2000年东海大陆架水深30~200米海域4个航次的底拖网调查资料,运用多元分析(聚类分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS))、SIMPER以及BIO-ENV方法分析了东海鱼类群落的空间格局以及与非生物环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,东海大陆架海域鱼类群落在空间上可分为3个群落类型,分别为东海近海群落、东海大陆架外缘群落以及这两个群落之间的东海大陆架混合群落。东海大陆架鱼类群落的种类组成沿着水深梯度的变化明显,每种鱼类均有一定的水深范围。不同的流系具有不同的温盐特征,影响了鱼类的分布及其洄游,从而控制了不同鱼类群落类型的种类组成。东海大陆架鱼类群落类型中,大陆架外缘群落类型各调查季节在空间分布和种类组成上相对稳定,而东海近海群落类型和东海大陆架混合群落类型在夏季融合在一起,其它季节保持各自的空间结构。同时东海陆架区只在一种群落类型中出现的鱼类相对较少,多数鱼类同时出现在两个群落类型中或3个群落类型中,但是它们相对较集中的区域明显不同,在不同群落类型中的生物量和出现频率有很大的差异,这些鱼类在其不同的生长发育阶段由于对海洋环境的不同需求,它们根据繁殖或摄食需求而在东海陆架区范围内洄游以寻找最适的海洋环境,因此对3个群落类型定义是相对的,很难严格确定一个永久的鱼类群落地理区域,以形成相互隔离的鱼类群落,而且鱼类群落之间的边界随着季节不同发生变化。  相似文献   

Sampling of the central region of the North Sea was carried out to study the spatial and seasonal changes of dissolved and particulate organic C (DOC and POC, respectively). The surface waters were collected during four cruises over a year (Autumn 2004–Summer 2005). DOC and POC concentrations were measured using high temperature catalytic oxidation methods. The surface water concentrations of DOC and POC were spatially and temporally variable. There were significantly different concentrations of DOC and POC between the inshore and offshore waters in winter and summer only, with no clear trend in autumn and spring. Highest mean concentrations of DOC were measured in spring with lower and similar mean concentrations for other seasons. POC showed a clear seasonal cycle throughout the year with highest surface mean concentrations found in autumn and spring, but lowest in winter and summer. The DOC distributions during autumn and spring were strongly correlated with chlorophyll suggesting extracellular release from phytoplankton was an important DOC source during these two seasons. The lower concentrations of DOC in summer were probably due to the heterotrophic uptake of labile DOC. The seasonal changes in the C:N molar ratios of surface DOM (dissolved organic matter) resulted in higher mean C:N molar ratios in spring and lower ratios in winter. These high ratios may indicate nutrient limitation of heterotrophic uptake immediately after the spring bloom. There is limited data available for DOC cycling in these productive shelf seas and these results show that DOC is a major component of the C cycle with partial decoupling of the DOC and DON cycling in the central North Sea during the spring bloom. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

荒漠河岸林是塔里木极端干旱区唯一的森林群落类型,群落结构组成简单。我们采用种-面积曲线、群落系数-面积曲线与重要值-面积曲线3种方法对塔里木河上游荒漠河岸林灰胡杨(Populus pruinosa Schrenk)群落最小面积进行研究。结果显示,4种饱和种-面积曲线的拟合效果差异明显,S=aA/(1+bA)和S=a(1-e-bA)模型拟合的相关系数较高(P < 0.01),拟合效果优于其它2种模型。当取样面积为100 m2时,可包括群落60%~80%的物种数,取样面积为200 m2时,则可包括群落90%的物种数。群落系数-面积曲线与重要值-面积曲线2种方法确定的群落最小面积均为400 m2,二者克服了种-面积曲线仅关注物种出现与否和饱和种的估算问题,拟合结果更符合实际情况,更适用于塔里木荒漠河岸林最小取样面积的确定。本研究结果表明荒漠河岸林包括60%、80%、90%群落物种的临界抽样面积分别为100 m2、200 m2和400 m 2,可以满足不同研究精度的要求;塔里木河上游荒漠河岸林灰胡杨群落学调查的最适取样面积是400 m2。  相似文献   

The intensive development of industry and urban structures along the seashores of the world, as well as the immense increase in marine transportation and other activities, has resulted in the deposition of thousands of new chemicals and organic compounds, endangering the existence of organisms and ecosystems. The conventional single biomarker methods used in ecological assessment studies cannot provide an adequate base for environmental health assessment, management and sustainability planning. The present study uses a set of novel biochemical, physiological, cytogenetic and morphological methods to characterize the state of health of selected molluscs and fish along the shores of the German North Sea, as well as the Israeli Mediterranean and Red Sea. The methods include measurement of activity of multixenobiotic resistance-mediated transporter (MXRtr) and the system of active transport of organic anions (SATOA) as indicators of antixenobiotic defence; glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity as an indicator of biotransformation of xenobiotics; DNA unwinding as a marker of genotoxicity; micronucleus test for clastogenicity; levels of phagocytosis for immunotoxicity; cholinesterase (ChE) activity and level of catecholamines as indicators of neurotoxicity; permeability of external epithelia to anionic hydrophilic probe, intralysosomal accumulation of cationic amphiphilic probe and activity of non-specific esterases as indicators of cell/tissue viability. Complete histopathological examination was used for diagnostics of environmental pathology. The obtained data show that the activity of the defensive pumps, MXRtr and SATOA in the studied organisms was significantly higher in the surface epithelia of molluscs from a polluted site than that of the same species from control, unpolluted stations, providing clear evidence of response to stress. Enhanced frequency of DNA lesions (alkaline and acidic DNA unwinding) and micronucleus-containing cells was significantly higher in samples from polluted sites in comparison to those from the clean sites that exhibited genotoxic and clastogenic activity of the pollutants. In all the studied molluscs a negative correlation was found between the MXRtr levels of activity and the frequency of micronucleus-containing hemocytes. The expression of this was in accordance with the level of pollution. The complete histopathological examination demonstrates significantly higher frequencies of pathological alterations in organs of animals from polluted sites. A strong negative correlation was found between the frequency of these alterations and MXRtr activity in the same specimens. In addition to these parameters, a decrease in the viability was noted in molluscs from the polluted sites, but ChE activities remained similar at most sites. The methods applied in our study unmasked numerous early cryptic responses and negative alterations of health in populations of marine biota sampled from the polluted sites. This demonstrates that genotoxic, clastogenic and pathogenic xenobiotics are present and act in the studied sites and this knowledge can provide a reliable base for consideration for sustainable development. Received: 2 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 August 1999  相似文献   

A mature male pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (99 cm total length, 33·5 cm disc length and 42 cm disc width; 2·5 kg) was caught by commercial Nephrops trawl in the North Sea (at c . 54º49' N; 0º57' W) on 14 November 2005. Records of P. violacea in the north-east Atlantic are reviewed, with only two vagrant specimens known from the North Sea, representing the most northerly records of this species in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

杨林林  姜亚洲  程家骅 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1825-1833
依据1997-2000年在东海(26°00′-33°00′N、120°30′-128°00′E)进行的4个季节的底拖网调查资料,分析了该海区太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的时空分布特征,同时结合广义相加模型(GAM),量化分析了各环境因子对于其种群成熟度指数(PMI)空间分布的影响机制。结果表明:太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体春、夏、秋、冬4个季节在东海均有分布;秋季PMI值最高,春季最低;4个季节太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的分布范围均较广,主要集中在东海外海受台湾暖流和黑潮控制的水域。太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的环境适应性存在明显的季节差异:其分布的底温范围为:春季14.70-18.30℃、夏季13.18-20.91℃、秋季13.96-24.67℃、冬季14.33-19.75℃。底盐范围为:春季29.52-34.63、夏季31.57-34.27、秋季32.26-34.72、冬季34.25-34.70。水深范围为:春季55-179m,夏季43-176m、秋季40-184m、冬季79-152m。综上所述,东海太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的时空分布具有广范围、多季度的特点,这种分布特征可有效降低其幼体间的种间竞争,为确保其种群繁衍提供有利保障。  相似文献   

【目的】揭示北黄海沉积物中可培养产胞外蛋白酶细菌及蛋白酶多样性,增加人们对北黄海生态系统中产蛋白酶菌多样性的认识,为海洋产蛋白酶微生物的挖掘提供菌群资源。【方法】分别将5个北黄海沉积物样品梯度稀释涂布至酪蛋白明胶筛选平板,选择性分离产蛋白酶细菌;并通过分析基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育关系,揭示这些细菌的分类地位和遗传多样性;分别测定胞外蛋白酶活性并对酶活较高的39株菌进行基于苯甲基磺酰氟(PMSF,丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)、邻菲罗啉(o-phenanthroline,O-P,金属蛋白酶抑制剂)、E-64(半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)和pepstatin A(天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)4种抑制剂的酶活抑制实验以及所有菌株对3种底物(酪蛋白、明胶、弹性蛋白)的水解能力;分析这些细菌所产胞外蛋白酶的特性及多样性。【结果】从5个北黄海沉积物样品中分离获得66株产蛋白酶细菌,这些菌株隶属于Bacteroidetes、Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria和Firmicutes 4个门的7个属,其中Pseudoalteromonas(69.9%)、Sulfitobacter(12.1%)和Salegentibacter(10.6%)是优势菌群;沉积物中可培养的产蛋白酶细菌的丰度为104 CFU/g;蛋白酶酶活抑制实验表明所有测定菌株产生的胞外蛋白酶属于丝氨酸蛋白酶和/或金属蛋白酶,仅有少数菌株所产蛋白酶具有半胱氨酸蛋白酶或天冬氨酸蛋白酶活性。【结论】北黄海沉积物中可培养产蛋白酶细菌类群较为丰富,Pseudoalteromonas、Sulfitobacter和Salegentibacter菌株是优势菌群,测定菌株所产胞外蛋白酶主要是丝氨酸蛋白酶和/或金属蛋白酶。  相似文献   

Local differences in feeding conditions have been suggested as a cause of regional variation in seabird demography but multi‐colony comparisons of diet are rare. In UK waters the main fish eaten by seabirds during the breeding season belong to three families: Ammodytidae, Clupeidae and Gadidae. Climate change and fishing are affecting these fish stocks and so probably impact on predators such as seabirds. We used standardized observations of prey brought in for chicks to make the first integrated assessment of the diet of Common Guillemot Uria aalge chicks at a UK scale. Chick diet varied markedly among the 23 colonies sampled between 2006 and 2011. Sandeels (Ammodytidae), probably Lesser Sandeels Ammodytes marinus, were the commonest prey. Their contribution to the diet varied both latitudinally and among marine regions, with the proportion significantly higher for a given latitude on the west coast compared to the east. The non‐sandeel component of the diet showed latitudinal changes, with small clupeids, probably Sprats Sprattus sprattus, predominant at southern colonies whereas juvenile gadids were the main alternative to sandeels in the north. Comparison of our Guillemot chick diet with data collected 15–30 years earlier suggests that the proportion of sandeels in the diet has decreased at colonies bordering the North Sea. No significant change was apparent in Atlantic colonies but historical data were limited. The early years of our study coincided with a population explosion of Snake Pipefish Entelurus aequoreus in the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea. Pipefish were recorded in Guillemot chick diet at several northern and northwestern colonies in 2006 and 2007 but have been absent since 2009. Spatial and temporal variation in chick diet accorded broadly with patterns expected as a result of rising sea temperatures and impacts of fishing. Guillemot chick diet could potentially be a useful indicator of changes in the distribution and abundance of forage fish.  相似文献   

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