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The European crane fly (ECF), Tipula paludosa Meigen feeds on leaves, crowns, and roots of cool-season turfgrasses causing damage to residential lawns and golf courses. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the susceptibility of ECF larvae to four commercial entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) species (Heterorhabditis marelatus, H. megidis, Steinernema carpocapsae and S. feltiae). The virulence of four S. feltiae isolates recovered from golf courses in Quebec and Ontario were also compared to a commercial strain. LC50 values of EPN against late instar ECF larvae were 152, 562, 763, and 3584 for S. feltiae, H. megidis, H. marelatus and S. carpocapsae, respectively. When non-feeding (without grass seedling), ECF larvae mortalities decreased for all nematode species and concentrations tested. At 25°C, LC50 values for the two most virulent indigenous S. feltiae were 129 and 187 nematodes/larva, not different from the commercial strain. At 5°C, the commercial S. feltiae was more effective than both BIC14A and RE6A isolates against ECF larvae. However, at 15°C, BIC14A was the most virulent at the low concentration of 200 IJs/larva.  相似文献   

Two new species in the acuminata group of subgenus Tipula (Lunatipula), Tipula (Lunatipula) oosterbroeki sp. n. and T (L) jaroslavi sp. n., were described and illustrated from Southwest part of Asian Turkey.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(2):277-282
The nitrogenous and carbohydrate components of ryegrass and faeces from larvae of Tipula paludosa Meigen, fed on ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), were compared. Proteins in ryegrass were efficiently digested and uric acid was the major nitrogenous excretory product. The alkaline midgut (pH 9.1) was considered to enhance the digestibility of hemicellulose, by removing inhibitory acetyl groups, and of cellulose by altering its crystallinity. T. paludosa larvae assimilated 50% of ryegrass cellulose, and 50% of an isolated 14C-labelled cellulose, whereas 86% of hemicellulose was digested.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the debilitative effect of a coelomic gregarine, Diplocystis tipulae, on Tipula paludosa. The larvae were provided contaminated fresh grass leaves from a field where 40.0% of T. paludosa larvae were infected by this pathogen. Resultant infected larvae were separated into four groups according to infection level. Analysing their weights, lengths, and weight/length ratios showed that larval size decreased as infection level increased. Differences, especially at the lower and upper levels of the infection levels, were statistically significant. It was concluded that infection by D. tipulae affected the size of T. paludosa larvae resulting in smaller individuals.  相似文献   

In addition to our previously reported versatile methods for sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [1] and isoelectric focusing [IEF]-gel [2], I have achieved molecular weight gradient flattening of the SDS-polyacrylamide gel and pH gradient flattening of the IEF gel at any segment using the same electrophoresis system. Any crowded gel segment where congregated components are not separated well can easily be widened for good separation and any dispersed gel segment where components are too far can easily be narrowed. Therefore, every gel segment can be used effectively and meaningfully because the gradient curve can be ajusted to any distribution of the components. In the crowded area, any small spots of components which could not be detected previously because of nearby heavy staining or strong radioactivity of an abundant component can be sufficiently separated from the nearby spots in a small gel without sacrificing other areas.  相似文献   

Summary. Genetic polymorphism of serum albumin was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing in wild rabbit populations from Portugal and England. Gene frequencies were estimated to be (1) ALB*1 = 0.47, ALB*2 = 0.49, ALB *3 = 0.04, in Portugal, and (2) ALB*1 = 0.60 and ALB*2 = 0.40, in England. One hundred Portuguese domestic rabbits of mixed breeds were all of ALB 1 type.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of the survival and development of eggs of Tipula oleracea and T.paludosa, at certain temperatures, under water only or under water standing over soil. The significance the activity of the soil microflora and mechanical disturbance of the water is discussed.  相似文献   

Transferrin saturated with Al3+ subjected to isoelectric focusing (IEF) in a pH gradient can be separated into four fractions, representing the apotransferrin, transferrin with aluminum at the metal binding site in the C- or N-terminal lobe, or both. The electrophoretic mobilities of these four fractions are identical to those of the iron-transferrin counterparts. Simultaneous binding of aluminum and iron to transferrin can also be demonstrated. The decreased saturation after IEF indicates that the affinity of transferrin for aluminum is low compared with its affinity for iron. This effect is particularly evident when bicarbonate is used as the synergistic anion in the loading procedure. In contrast, loading of transferrin with aluminum in the presence of oxalate produces a di-aluminum-transferrin complex that is stable during IEF.  相似文献   

The Tipula abdominalis larval hindgut microbial community presumably facilitates digestion of the lignocellulosic diet. The microbial community was investigated through characterization of bacterial isolates and analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. This initial study revealed novel bacteria and provides a framework for future studies of this symbiosis.  相似文献   

A method for the quantitative assay of nuclease activity in crude cell lysates after isoelectric focusing (IEF) in polyacrylamide slab gels is described. After IEF, an agarose overlay gel containing DNA is placed on the IEF gel and the nuclease activity quantified by the loss of ethidium bromide fluorescence of the DNA. With this method a linear response was obtained for 1 to 10 ng of DNase I. Various methods of pH equilibration after IEF were also evaluated. The use of a high buffer concentration in the overlay gel is recommended to control the pH during the enzyme reaction. An analytical solution for the diffusion of enzymes from the IEF gel to the overlay gel is also presented and an equation that may be used to choose optimum times for transfer of the enzyme from the IEF gel to the overlay gel is given.  相似文献   

M. Ansay 《Biochemical genetics》1978,16(1-2):121-126
The heterodimeric molecule which is characteristic of animals heterozygous for the MOR-2 polymorphism and which is readily seen on enzymograms after electrophoresis is reported to be absent from zymograms performed after isoelectric focusing. A possible explanation is presented based on monomerdimer equilibrium at pH 8.0–8.5.  相似文献   

A novel two-dimensional (2D) separation system for proteins was reported. In the system, a piece of dialysis hollow-fiber membrane was employed as the interface for on-line combination of capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) and capillary non-gel sieving electrophoresis (CNGSE). The system is similar equivalent to two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D PAGE), by transferring the principal of 2D PAGE separation to the capillary format. Proteins were focused and separated in first dimension CIEF based on their differences in isoelectric points (pIs). Focused protein zones was transferred to the dialysis hollow-fiber interface, where proteins hydrophobically complexed with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The negatively charged proteins were electromigrated and further resolved by their differences in size in the second dimension CNGSE, in which dextran solution, a replaceable sieving matrix instead of cross-linked polyacrylamide gel was employed for size-dependent separation of proteins. The combination of the two techniques was attributed to high efficiency of the dialysis membrane interface. The feasibility and the orthogonality of the combined CIEF-CNGSE separation technique, an important factor for maximizing peak capacity or resolution elements, were demonstrated by examining each technique independently for the separation of hemoglobin and protein mixtures excreting from lung cancer cells of rat. The 2D separation strategy was found to greatly increase the resolving power and overall peak capacity over those obtained for either dimension alone.  相似文献   

Liver homogenate-supernatants from most Japanese exhibit an atypical pH optimum for ethanol oxidation at pH 8.8 instead of 10.5, the typical pH-activity optimum. It has been proposed that atypical livers contain alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes with 2 subunits while typical livers contain isozymes with 1 subunits, both produced by the ADH 2 gene. Because it is difficult to differentiate the atypical ADH2 2-2 phenotype from the ADH2 2-1 phenotype by starch gel electrophoresis, an agarose isoelectric focusing procedure was developed that clearly separated the atypical Japanese livers into two groups, A1 and A2. The isozymes in A1 and A2 livers were purified. Type A1 livers contained a single isozyme with an atypical pH-rate profile; it was designated 22. Three isozymes were isolated from A2 livers, two of which corresponded to 11 and 22. A third, absent from the typical and the atypical A1 livers, had an intermediate mobility; it was designated 21. Type A1 livers are, therefore, the homozygous ADH2 2-2 phenotype, and type A2 livers, the heterozygous ADH2 2-1 phenotype. The ADH2 2-2 phenotype was found in 53% of 194 Japanese livers, and the ADH2 2-1 phenotype, in 31%. Accordingly, the frequency of ADH 2 2 was 0.68.This study was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant AA 02342.  相似文献   

In some cases, proteins and other molecules which are tightly bound to affinity gels can be recovered under mild conditions by electrophoresis. We have extended this technique by running electrophoretic desorption in flat-beds of Sephadex in the presence of ampholytes (FEDS-IEF). A number of advantages of this technique are noted: due to the geometry of the apparatus, high voltages can be used which result in short running times; there are no physical barriers to the migration of the protein and no abrupt conductivity drops; desorbed samples are easily located and recovered; and relatively large sample loads can be readily accommodated. Running times are very sensitive to the experimental conditions. Affinity gels should be applied as a narrow zone, distant from the anticipated banding position of the desorbed species. A wide ampholyte interval is generally recommended. The system appears to be gentle and flexible enough to allow investigators to optimize the conditions for desorption of various affinity gel systems.  相似文献   

A radioassay for nonoxidized methionine in peptides is described; it has advantages over other methods currently used because of its simplicity, sensitivity, accuracy, and applicability to individual peptide components in mixtures and to many samples at a time. Methionyl residues were S-carboxymethylated with iodo[2-14C]acetic acid; iodo[2-3H]acetic acid did not provide a stable radioactive tracer. The labeled peptide was isolated by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography or by isoelectric focusing (IEF) or electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, and its radioactivity measured. The assay was applied to corticotropins, alpha-melanotropin, bombesin, glucagon, substance P, parathormone, and calcitonin. Twenty-four to thirty samples were conveniently analyzed at a time with a lower detection limit of less than 1 nmol of methionine per sample. The accuracy of the assay, assessed also by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, is a consequence of its precision, the specificity of the reaction with iodoacetic acid, and the use of an appropriate standard of the peptide being assayed. Methionine was identified, and could be estimated, in individual peptide components of a mixture by using IEF to separate simultaneously the labeled peptide from iodo[2-14C]acetic acid and from other peptide and protein components. This was facilitated by a convenient method for detecting and quantifying these peptides after IEF. The assay is particularly useful for several peptide hormones whose biological activity depends on their sole methionine residue being in a nonoxidized state. It can be used for monitoring their isolation or synthesis and their stability during processing and storage, as well as for evaluating differences in biological potency between preparations and analogues.  相似文献   

Tipula (Pterelachisus) recondita Pilipenko & Salmela, sp. n. is described. The new species is collected from two localities: Finland, Kittilä (North boreal ecoregion) and Russia, Primorski kray (Zone of temperate broadleaf and mixed forests). Although variation in the structure of male hypopygium between the Finnish and Russian populations is observed, DNA barcode sequences differ only by three nucleotides (0.2 % K2P distance), supporting presence of one widespread species. K2P minimum distances between the new species and 17 other species of the subgenus range from 5.3 to 15.8 % (mean 8.8 %). The new species is forest-dwelling, known from an old-growth herb-rich forest (Finland) and Quercus mongolica forest (Russia). The new species is perhaps closest to Tipula (Pterelachisus) imitator Alexander and in lesser extent to Tipula (Pterelachisus) pauli Mannheims; the inner gonostylus of both species are illustrated.  相似文献   

Salmela J 《ZooKeys》2012,(162):43-58
All available type material of Tipula stackelbergi Alexander, Tipula usuriensis Alexander and Tipula subpruinosa Mannheims were examined. Tipula (Yamatotipula) stackelbergistat. rev. is elevated from a subspecies of Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa Wiedemann to a valid species. Two new synonyms are proposed: Tipula usuriensissyn. n. proved to be a junior synonym of. Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa and Tipula subpruinosasyn. n. a junior synonym of Tipula (Yamatotipula) freyana Lackschewitz. Tipula (Yamatotipula) stackelbergi is redescribed, male and female terminalia of Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa are illustrated and discussed. Female terminalia of Tipula (Yamatotipula) freyana are described and illustrated for the first time. A key to both sexes of Tipula (Yamatotipula) stackelbergi and Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa, and a key to females of Tipula (Yamatotipula) chonsaniana, Tipula (Yamatotipula) freyana and Tipula (Yamatotipula) moesta are provided. Subspecies are not uncommon among crane flies, but their ranges and traits are poorly known. An interdisciplinary approach (genetics, ecology, taxonomy) is suggested if subspecific ranks are to be used in tipuloid systematics.  相似文献   

The hemoglobins of Spirocamallanus cricotus, a reddish-colored, camallanid nematode, and its Atlantic croacker fish host, Micropogonias undulatus, were characterized with spectrophotometry and isoelectric focusing. Hemoglobin from female parasites' perienteric fluid and homogenized male parasites gave Spectrophotometric peaks at 412, 539, and 575 nm, whereas female worms drained of perienteric fluid and homogenized differed by having a Soret peak of 408 nm. Changing the ionic strength of the buffer from 0.1 to 0.01 M shifted the Soret peak to 406 nm for the female parasites' perienteric fluid and ground male parasites and 404 nm for homogenized female parasites. In all cases, the β band had a higher absorption than the α band suggesting a high O2 affinity for the parasite hemoglobin. Host hemoglobin had peaks of 406, 437, and 577 nm. Isoelectric focusing not only confirmed the Spectrophotometric evidence that host and parasite hemoglobins differed, but also showed that the parasite's analyzed hemoglobin fractions differed from one another by having different isoelectric points.  相似文献   

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