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The GoSh database is a collection of 58 990 Capra hircus and Ovis aries expressed sequence tags. A perl pipeline was prepared to process sequences, and data were collected in a MySQL database. A PHP-based web interface allows browsing and querying the database. Putative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection, as well as search to repeats were performed, and links to external related resources were provided. Sequences were annotated against three different databases and an algorithm was implemented to create statistics of the distribution of retrieved homologous ontologies in the Gene Ontology categories. The GoSh database is a repository of data and links related to goat and sheep expressed genes. AVAILABILITY: The GoSh database is available at http://www.itb.cnr.it/gosh/  相似文献   



Expressed sequence tag (EST) collections are composed of a high number of single-pass, redundant, partial sequences, which need to be processed, clustered, and annotated to remove low-quality and vector regions, eliminate redundancy and sequencing errors, and provide biologically relevant information. In order to provide a suitable way of performing the different steps in the analysis of the ESTs, flexible computation pipelines adapted to the local needs of specific EST projects have to be developed. Furthermore, EST collections must be stored in highly structured relational databases available to researchers through user-friendly interfaces which allow efficient and complex data mining, thus offering maximum capabilities for their full exploitation.  相似文献   

MotifCluster finds related motifs in a set of sequences, and clusters the sequences into families using the motifs they contain. MotifCluster, at , lets users test whether proteins are related, cluster sequences by shared conserved motifs, and visualize motifs mapped onto trees, sequences and three-dimensional structures. We demonstrate MotifCluster's accuracy using gold-standard protein superfamilies; using recommended settings, families were assigned to the correct superfamilies with 0.17% false positive and no false negative assignments.  相似文献   

对蛋白质质谱数据进行数据库比对和鉴定是蛋白质组学研究技术中的一个重要步骤。由于公共数据库蛋白质数据信息不全,有些蛋白质质谱数据无法得到有效的鉴定。而利用相关物种的EST序列构建专门的质谱数据库则可以增加鉴定未知蛋白的几率。本文介绍了利用EST序列构建Mascot本地数据库的具体方法和步骤,扩展了Mascot检索引擎对蛋白质质谱数据的鉴定范围,从数据库层面提高了对未知蛋白的鉴别几率,为蛋白质组学研究提供了一种较为实用的生物信息学分析技术。  相似文献   

A web-based version of the RLIMS-P literature mining system was developed for online mining of protein phosphorylation information from MEDLINE abstracts. The online tool presents extracted phosphorylation objects (phosphorylated proteins, phosphorylation sites and protein kinases) in summary tables and full reports with evidence-tagged abstracts. The tool further allows mapping of phosphorylated proteins to protein entries in the UniProt Knowledgebase based on PubMed ID and/or protein name. The literature mining, coupled with database association, allows retrieval of rich biological information for the phosphorylated proteins and facilitates database annotation of phosphorylation features.  相似文献   

We present an online database that provides unrestricted and free access to over 16 million plant phenological observations from over 8,000 stations in Central Europe between the years 1880 and 2009. Unique features are (1) a flexible and unrestricted access to a full-fledged database, allowing for a wide range of individual queries and data retrieval, (2) historical data for Germany before 1951 ranging back to 1880, and (3) more than 480 curated long-term time series covering more than 100 years for individual phenological phases and plants combined over Natural Regions in Germany. Time series for single stations or Natural Regions can be accessed through a user-friendly graphical geo-referenced interface. The joint databases made available with the plant phenological database PPODB render accessible an important data source for further analyses of long-term changes in phenology. The database can be accessed via www.ppodb.de.  相似文献   

FaBox is a collection of simple and intuitive web services that enable biologists and medical researchers to quickly perform typical task with sequence data. The services makes it easy to extract, edit, and replace sequence headers and join or divide data sets based on header information. Other services include collapsing a set of sequences into haplotypes and automated formatting of input files for a number of population genetics programs, such as arlequin , tcs and mrbayes . The toolbox is expected to grow on the basis of requests for particular services and converters in the future. FaBox is freely available at http://www.birc.au.dk/fabox .  相似文献   



Blueberry is a member of the Ericaceae family, which also includes closely related cranberry and more distantly related rhododendron, azalea, and mountain laurel. Blueberry is a major berry crop in the United States, and one that has great nutritional and economical value. Extreme low temperatures, however, reduce crop yield and cause major losses to US farmers. A better understanding of the genes and biochemical pathways that are up- or down-regulated during cold acclimation is needed to produce blueberry cultivars with enhanced cold hardiness. To that end, the blueberry genomics database (BBDG) was developed. Along with the analysis tools and web-based query interfaces, the database serves both the broader Ericaceae research community and the blueberry research community specifically by making available ESTs and gene expression data in searchable formats and in elucidating the underlying mechanisms of cold acclimation and freeze tolerance in blueberry.  相似文献   

This study reports on the detection of additional expressed sequence tags (EST) derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for the oil palm. A large collection of 19243 Elaeis guineensis ESTs were assembled to give 10258 unique sequences, of which 629 ESTs were found to contain 722 SSRs with a variety of motifs. Dinucleotide repeats formed the largest group (45.6%) consisting of 66.9% AG/CT, 21.9% AT/AT, 10.9% AC/GT and 0.3% CG/CG motifs. This was followed by trinucleotide repeats, which is the second most abundant repeat types (34.5%) consisting of AAG/CTT (23.3%), AGG/CCT (13.7%), CCG/CGG (11.2%), AAT/ATT (10.8%), AGC/GCT (10.0%), ACT/AGT (8.8%), ACG/CGT (7.6%), ACC/GGT (7.2%), AAC/GTT (3.6%) and AGT/ACT (3.6%) motifs. Primer pairs were designed for 405 unique EST-SSRs and 15 of these were used to genotype 105 E. guineensis and 30 E. oleifera accessions. Fourteen SSRs were polymorphic in at least one germplasm revealing a total of 101 alleles. The high percentage (78.0%) of alleles found to be specific for either E. guineensis or E. oleifera has increased the power for discriminating the two species. The estimates of genetic differentiation detected by EST-SSRs were compared to those reported previously. The transferability across palm taxa to two Cocos nucifera and six exotic palms is also presented. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of three primer-pairs detected in E. guineensis, E. oleifera, C. nucifera and Jessinia bataua were cloned and sequenced. Sequence alignments showed mutations within the SSR site and the flanking regions. Phenetic analysis based on the sequence data revealed that C. nucifera is closer to oil palm compared to J. bataua; consistent with the taxanomic classification.  相似文献   



Embryos of taxonomically different vertebrates are thought to pass through a stage in which they resemble one another morphologically. This "vertebrate phylotypic stage" may represent the basic vertebrate body plan that was established in the common ancestor of vertebrates. However, much controversy remains about when the phylotypic stage appears, and whether it even exists. To overcome the limitations of studies based on morphological comparison, we explored a comprehensive quantitative method for defining the constrained stage using expressed sequence tag (EST) data, gene ontologies (GO), and available genomes of various animals. If strong developmental constraints occur during the phylotypic stage of vertebrate embryos, then genes conserved among vertebrates would be highly expressed at this stage.


We established a novel method for evaluating the ancestral nature of mouse embryonic stages that does not depend on comparative morphology. The numerical "ancestor index" revealed that the mouse indeed has a highly conserved embryonic period at embryonic day 8.0–8.5, the time of appearance of the pharyngeal arch and somites. During this period, the mouse prominently expresses GO-determined developmental genes shared among vertebrates. Similar analyses revealed the existence of a bilaterian-related period, during which GO-determined developmental genes shared among bilaterians are markedly expressed at the cleavage-to-gastrulation period. The genes associated with the phylotypic stage identified by our method are essential in embryogenesis.


Our results demonstrate that the mid-embryonic stage of the mouse is indeed highly constrained, supporting the existence of the phylotypic stage. Furthermore, this candidate stage is preceded by a putative bilaterian ancestor-related period. These results not only support the developmental hourglass model, but also highlight the hierarchical aspect of embryogenesis proposed by von Baer. Identification of conserved stages and tissues by this method in various animals would be a powerful tool to examine the phylotypic stage hypothesis, and to understand which kinds of developmental events and gene sets are evolutionarily constrained and how they limit the possible variations of animal basic body plans.  相似文献   



Over the last two decades, zebrafish have been established as a genetically versatile model system for investigating many different aspects of vertebrate developmental biology. With the credentials of zebrafish as a developmental model now well recognized, the emerging new opportunity is the wider application of zebrafish biology to aspects of human disease modelling. This rapidly increasing use of zebrafish as a model for human disease has necessarily generated interest in the anatomy of later developmental phases such as the larval, juvenile, and adult stages, during which many of the key aspects of organ morphogenesis and maturation take place. Anatomical resources and references that encompass these stages are non-existent in zebrafish and there is therefore an urgent need to understand how different organ systems and anatomical structures develop throughout the life of the fish.  相似文献   

Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are widely used in gene survey research these years. The EST Pipeline System, software developed by Hangzhou Genomics Institute (HGI), can automatically analyze different scalar EST sequences by suitable methods. All the analysis reports, including those of vector masking, sequence assembly, gene annotation, Gene Ontology classification, and some other analyses, can be browsed and searched as well as downloaded in the Excel format from the web interface, saving research efforts from routine data processing for biological rules embedded in the data.  相似文献   

Investigation of physiological mechanisms at a cellular level often requires production of high-quality antibodies, frequently using synthetic peptides as immunogens. Here we describe a new, web-based software tool called NHLBI-AbDesigner that allows the user to visualize the information needed to choose optimal peptide sequences for peptide-directed antibody production (http://helixweb.nih.gov/AbDesigner/). The choice of an immunizing peptide is generally based on a need to optimize immunogenicity, antibody specificity, multispecies conservation, and robustness in the face of posttranslational modifications (PTMs). AbDesigner displays information relevant to these criteria as follows: 1) "Immunogenicity Score," based on hydropathy and secondary structure prediction; 2) "Uniqueness Score," a predictor of specificity of an antibody against all proteins expressed in the same species; 3) "Conservation Score," a predictor of ability of the antibody to recognize orthologs in other animal species; and 4) "Protein Features" that show structural domains, variable regions, and annotated PTMs that may affect antibody performance. AbDesigner displays the information online in an interactive graphical user interface, which allows the user to recognize the trade-offs that exist for alternative synthetic peptide choices and to choose the one that is best for a proposed application. Several examples of the use of AbDesigner for the display of such trade-offs are presented, including production of a new antibody to Slc9a3. We also used the program in large-scale mode to create a database listing the 15-amino acid peptides with the highest Immunogenicity Scores for all known proteins in five animal species, one plant species (Arabidopsis thaliana), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Although whole-genome sequences have been analysed for the presence of anomalous DNA, no dedicated application is currently available to analyse the composition of individual sequence entries, for instance those derived by experimental techniques, such as subtractive hybridization. Since genomic dinucleotide frequency values are conserved between related species, a representative genome sequence can often be found to score for anomalous sequence composition for many of these putative horizontally transferred sequences. We developed the application deltarho-web, which enables the determination of the differences between the dinucleotide composition of an input sequence and that of a selected genome in a size-dependent manner. A feature allowing batch comparisons is included as well. In addition, deltarho-web allows the analysis of the dinucleotide composition of complete genomes. This provides complementary information for the identification of large anomalous gene clusters.  相似文献   

Flavitrack: an annotated database of flavivirus sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Properly annotated sequence data for flaviviruses, which cause diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), dengue fever (DF), West Nile (WN) and yellow fever (YF), can aid in the design of antiviral drugs and vaccines to prevent their spread. Flavitrack was designed to help identify conserved sequence motifs, interpret mutational and structural data and track evolution of phenotypic properties. SUMMARY: Flavitrack contains over 590 complete flavivirus genome/protein sequences and information on known mutations and literature references. Each sequence has been manually annotated according to its date and place of isolation, phenotype and lethality. Internal tools are provided to rapidly determine relationships between viruses in Flavitrack and sequences provided by the user.  相似文献   

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