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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation leads to photooxidation in various organisms. Our previous study demonstrated that ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation is lethal for particular species of earthworms, but the mechanisms responsible for the lethality are unclear. In our current study, we investigated that ultraviolet light causes photooxidative damage and reduces antioxidant responses in the earthworm Amynthas gracilis. Intact earthworms and skin/muscle tissue extracts were exposed to UV-B radiation for in vivo and in vitro studies. Both in vitro and in vivo results showed that the products of photooxidative damage, MDA and H2O2, increased after UV-B exposure. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase were inhibited immediately after exposure to high doses (3000 J/m2) of UV-B radiation in vivo. Catalase activity was increased following a low UV-B dose (500 J/m2) in vivo, but decreased in response to all dosage levels in vitro. These data indicate that a relationship exists between UV-B induced damage and photooxidation and also that catalase and GPx act as important antioxidants to prevent photooxidation. According to these data, A. gracilis exhibits high sensitivity to environmental levels of UV-B. Therefore, A. gracilis represents a sensitive and cost-effective model organism for investigations of UV-radiation damage and environmental UV stress.  相似文献   

Irradiation with ultraviolet B (UVB; 290–320 nm) initiates systemic immunosuppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS). UV dose-responses for suppression of CHS to trinitrochlorobenzene were established in 18 strains of inbred mice. Three phenotypes with significantly different susceptibilities to UV suppression were identified. The phenotypes were: high (HI) susceptibility, 50% suppression with 0.7–2.3 kJ/m2 UV (C57BL/6, C57BL/10, and C57L and NZB females); low (LO) susceptibility, 50% suppression with 9.6–12.3 kJ/m2 UV (BALB/c, AKR, SJL and NZW), and intermediate (INT) susceptibility, 50% suppression with 4.7–6.9 kJ/m2 UV (DBA/2, C57BR, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HeN, CBA/N and A/J). UV suppression was not correlated with skin pigmentation or with the magnitude of the CHS response in non-irradiated animals. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotype was not correlated with UV suppression in MHC congenic strains B10.D2/oSnJ, B10.D2/nSnJ, B10.BR/SgSnJ, and A.BY/SnJ. There were no sex differences in UV suppression in BALB/c, C57BL/6, or NZW animals. In the autoimmune NZB strain, however, male mice (LO) were seven times less sensitive to UV suppression than NZB female mice (HI). Both sexes of (NZB × NZW)F1 and (NZW × NZB)F1 mice were HI, supporting dominance of HI over LO. Thus there are genetic factors and interacting sex-limited factors determining susceptibility to UV suppression. These findings may be of relevance to UV-related diseases such as photosensitive lupus and skin cancer. Correspondence to: F. P. Noonan.  相似文献   

Pigmentation of human skin is closely involved in protection against environmental stresses, in particular exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It is well known that darker skin is significantly more resistant to the damaging effects of UV, such as photocarcinogenesis and photoaging, than is lighter skin. Constitutive skin pigmentation depends on the amount of melanin and its distribution in that tissue. Melanin is significantly photoprotective and epidermal cells in darker skin incur less DNA damage than do those in lighter skin. This review summarizes current understanding of the regulation of constitutive human skin pigmentation and responses to UV radiation, with emphasis on physiological factors that influence those processes. Further research is needed to characterize the role of skin pigmentation to reduce photocarcinogenesis and to develop effective strategies to minimize such risks.  相似文献   

  1. Organisms in the wild are faced with multiple threats and a common response is a change in behaviour. To disentangle responses to several threats, we exposed two differently sized species of the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and predation from either moving pelagic or benthic ambush predators.
  2. Using an advanced nanotechnology-based method, we tracked the three-dimensional movements of those mm-sized animals at the individual level. Each behavioural trial was performed both under conditions resembling night (no UVR) and day (UVR) and we examined patterns of the depth distribution and swimming speed by Daphnia across three treatments: no predator (control); bottom-dwelling damselfly (Calopteryx sp.); and fish (stickleback, Pungitius pungitius) predators. We also quantified the actual predation rate by the two predators on the two Daphnia species, Daphnia manga and Daphnia pulex.
  3. We show that individual Daphnia are able to identify predators with different feeding habitats, rank multiple and simultaneously occurring risks and respond in accordance with the actual threat; complex responses that are generally associated with larger animals.
  4. In a broader context, our results highlight and quantify how a cocktail of everyday threats is perceived and handled by invertebrates, which advances our understanding of species distribution in space and time, and thereby of population dynamics and ecosystem function in natural ecosystems.

The induction of autofluorescence of melanins by UV radiation (330–380nm) and near UV (400–440nm) light (jointly called UV light) was studied in tissue sections using three commercially available mounting media. Only Immu-Mount (Shandon) was found suitable for this purpose. UV irradiation of melanins in sections mounted in this medium induced strong yellow auto-fluorescence irrespective of the type of the polymer (eumelanin, neuromelanin, pheomelanin and ochronotic pigment). The phenomenon of auto-fluorescence induction was also observed with isolated natural and in vitro prepared melanins. It was inhibited by anhydrous conditions, sodium azide and catalase. In parallel experiments, rapid degradation of melanins with an intermediate fluorescent stage was achieved in UV-irradiated sections mounted in media artificially enriched with hydrogen peroxide, or directly in aqueous solutions of H2O2, Na2O2 or HIO4. Oxidations not associated with UV light led to nonfluorogenic breakdown of melanins. These observations indicate that the common mechanism may be an oxidative attack resulting from a concerted action of hydrogen peroxide and UV light leading, through strongly fluorescent intermediates, to a complete bleaching and oxidative breakdown of melanin and melanin-like polymers. Reactive oxygen species (including ozone) are considered to be important reactants in these experiments. Lipopigments differ from melanin-like pigments by their primary auto-fluorescence, which mostly faded during continuous prolonged irradiation. The only regular exception was melanosis coli pigment, the auto-fluorescence of which was considerably augmented by UV irradiation. Our results demonstrate a novel type of fluorogen in auto-fluorescent pigment histochemistry. The implications of the results are discussed especially in the light of the possible presence of melanin-based fluorogens in lipopigments.  相似文献   

A genetic screen for mutants of Arabidopsis that are hypersensitive to UV light was developed and used to isolate a new mutant designated uvh1. UV hypersensitivity in uvh1 was due to a single recessive trait that is probably located on chromosome 3. Although isolated as hypersensitive to an acute exposure to UV-C light, uvh1 was also hypersensitive to UV-B wavelengths, which are present in sunlight that reaches the earth's surface. UV-B damage to both wild-type and uvh1 plants could be significantly reduced by subsequent exposure of UV-irradiated plants to photoreactivating light, showing that photoreactivation of UV-B damage is important for plant viability and that uvh1 plants are not defective in photoreactivation. A new assay for DNA damage, the Dral assay, was developed and used to show that exposure of wild-type and uvh1 plants to a given dose of UV light induces the same amount of damage in chloroplast and nuclear DNA. Thus, uvh1 is not defective in a UV protective mechanism. uvh1 plants were also found to be hypersensitive to ionizing radiation. These results suggest that uvh1 is defective in a repair or tolerance mechanism that normally provides plants with resistance to several types of DNA damage.  相似文献   

Microscopic fungi of 47 species and 24 genera isolated from radioactive soil and other radioactive substrates of a 10-km alienation zone from Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant were investigated. Only 19 % of such fungi showed toward the ionizing irradiation source positive radiotropism. Strains with best-defended radiotropism responded to the influence of weak white light. Both of these responses (radiotropism and photostimulation) were of an adaptive nature, were found in both dark-colored and light-colored micromycetes and were probably a strain-related feature.  相似文献   

Effects of red light (R), far-red light (FR) and UV radiation on growth and greening of lettuce seedlings (Latuca sativa L., cv. Berlinskii) have been investigated. UV-B and UV-C inhibited hypocotyl elongation and stimulated cotyledonary growth. R in combination with UV-B and UV-C partly eliminated these effects, but FR increased those and reversed the R effect. Chlorophyll accumulation was inhibited by UV-B and UV-C. In comparison with cotyledonary growth, R strengthened the UV inhibitory effect, and FR reversed this effect of R. Thus, UV and phytochrome system modify the effects of each other on hypocotyl and leaf growth in lettuce seedlings depending on the level of active phytochrome formed.  相似文献   

Immunological responses to oxidized LDL   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Considerable evidence now points to an important role for the immune system in experimental models of atherosclerosis. We have reviewed the growing body of evidence that oxidation of LDL generates a wide variety of neoself determinants that lead to cellular and humoral immune responses. In particular, we have demonstrated that at least some of the oxidation-specific epitopes generated on the oxidized LDL particle, such as oxidized phospholipid epitopes, are also generated on apoptotic cells and are also present on the surface of some bacteria. Many of these same epitopes serve as important ligands mediating the binding and clearance of oxidatively damaged lipoprotein particles and apoptotic cells, and the innate immune response to these epitopes can be seen as a conserted response to effect their removal. In addition, other epitopes of OxLDL also undoubtedly play a role in the immune activation that characterizes the progressive atherosclerotic plaque. It will be of great importance to define the importance of the role of these responses and to understand which are beneficial and which deleterious. Such information could lead one day to novel therapeutic approaches to inhibit atherogenesis that take advantage of the ability to manipulate the immune response.  相似文献   

Short-term photosensitivity and oxidative stress responses were compared for three groups of marine microalgae: Antarctic microalgae, temperate diatoms and temperate flagellates. In total, 15 low-light-acclimated species were exposed to simulated surface irradiance including ultraviolet radiation (SSI). Photosensitivity was assessed as the rate of recovery of Fv/Fm in the hours following SSI treatment. Before, during and after the SSI treatment, oxidative stress responses were assessed by following xanthophyll content and cycling, and activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase, and glutathione redox status. When acclimated to low irradiance, antioxidant levels were not group specific. Superoxide dismutase activity was positively correlated with cell size, whereas in general, ascorbate peroxidase activity appeared to be lower and glutathione redox status appeared to be higher in the Antarctic than in the temperate species. After SSI exposure, the strong inhibition of PSII was followed by variable rates of recovery, although four species remained photosynthetically inactive. SSI tolerance appeared unrelated to geographic or taxonomic background, or to cell size. PSII recovery was enhanced in species with decreasing superoxide dismutase activity, glutathione redox status and increased xanthophyll cycle activity. We conclude that antioxidant responses are highly species specific and not related to the geographic or taxonomic background. Furthermore, xanthophyll cycling seems more important than antioxidants. Finally, it can be hypothesized that glutathione could function as a stress sensor and response regulator.  相似文献   

Parasitic arthropods are responsible for enormous economic losses to livestock producers throughout the world. These production losses may range from simple irritation caused by biting and non-biting flies to deaths and/or damage to carcass, fleece, or skin resulting from attack by myiasis flies. The estimated costs of these losses are colossal but even these usually include only direct losses and ignore those associated with pesticide application. In the USA alone (in 1976), these losses were conservatively estimated at more than 650 million US dollars. The long term use of chemical control measures for these pests has resulted in many serious problems including residues in meat and milk products, rapid development of insecticide resistance, the destruction of non-target organisms, environmental pollution, and mortality and morbidity of livestock. These concerns have prompted researchers to seek alternative methods of arthropod control, including the artificial induction of immunity. In this review, R. W. Baron and J. Weintraub discuss several examples of ectoparasites that can induce immunological resistance in the host, including Sarcoptes and Demodex mites, the sheep ked (Melophagus ovinus), Anopluran lice and myiasis-causing flies such as Hypoderma.  相似文献   

During October to December 2003 we carried out experiments to assess the impact of high solar radiation levels (as normally occurring in a tropical region of Southern China) on the cyanobacteria Nostoc sphaeroides and Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis. Two types of experiments were done: a) Short-term (i.e., 20 min) oxygen production of samples exposed to two radiation treatments (i.e., PAR+UVR—280–700 nm, and PAR only—400–700 nm, PAB and P treatments, respectively), and b) Long-term (i.e., 12 days) evaluation of photosynthetic quantum yield (Y) of samples exposed to three radiation treatments (i.e., PAB; PA (PAR+UV-A, 320–700 nm) and P treatments, respectively). N. sphaeroides was resistant to UVR, with no significant differences (P>0.05) in oxygen production within 20 min of exposure, but with a slight inhibition of Y within hours. A fast recovery of Y was observed after one day even in samples exposed to full solar radiation. A. platensis, on the other hand, was very sensitive to solar radiation (mainly to UV-B), as determined by oxygen production and Y measurements. A. platensis had a circadian rhythm of photosynthetic inhibition, and during the first six days of exposure to solar radiation, it varied between 80 and 100% at local noon, but cells recovered significantly during afternoon hours. There was a significant decrease in photosynthetic inhibition after the first week of exposure with values less than 50% at local noon in samples receiving full solar radiation. Samples exposed to PA and P treatments recovered much faster (within 2–3 days), and there were no significant differences in Y between the three radiation treatments when irradiance was low (late afternoon to early morning). Long-term acclimation seems to be important in A. platensis to cope with high UVR levels however, it is not attained through the synthesis of UV-absorbing compounds but it seems to be mostly related to adaptive morphological changes.  相似文献   

Populations of Escherichia coli B/r A were grown to log phase at various growth rates determined by the richness of the medium. The genome content, G, was calculated from log phase doubling times by means of the Cooper-Helmstetter formula. Cell volumes were measured and found to vary linearly with this genome content. Cells with various DNA contents were prepared for ultraviolet irradiation and plated for dark repair under similar conditions. The resulting logarithmic survival curves were all similar in shape: convex up, with straight line portions having approximately the same slope (D0 = 11.4 +/- 0.2 J/m2). The shoulders however increase in width with calculated DNA content giving an extrapolation number which varies roughly as exp(G) or exp (0.6 Gmax).  相似文献   

As a result of ozone depletion, ground doses of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation in the mid latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere have increased since the 1980s, and current predictions indicate no possible alleviation until at least post 2020. Mudflats and sandflats are important coastal-zone habitats, and support extensive biofilms of benthic microalgae (microphytobenthos). In intertidal situations, these assemblages are exposed to high levels of UVB radiation during periods of tidal exposure. Exposure of intertidal biofilms dominated by epipelic (mud-inhabiting) diatoms to 0, 0.18 or 0.35 W m−2 UVB radiation for between 4 and 10 days resulted in no significant decreases in the maximum PSII quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) throughout diel exposure periods. Although the quantum efficiency of electron transport (Fq′/Fm′) showed significant reductions early in some experiments, the major response was an increase in Fq′/Fm′ in UVB exposed biofilms. This increase in Fq′/Fm′ was suggestive of a protective vertical migration down into the sediment. Single-cell and whole biofilm fluorescence imaging demonstrated, for the first time, that motile diatoms are able to detect UVB radiation independently of UVA or photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and migrate rapidly down (within 15 min) into the sediments to avoid it. This behavioural acclimation mechanism appears to prevent significant accumulation of UVB induced damage to the algae. UVB exposure had no significant effect of biofilm photosynthesis (measured by 14C carbon fixation), but did alter organic carbon allocation patterns, with significantly less new carbon allocated to intracellular storage (glucan) and extracellular colloidal carbohydrate fractions. Significant reductions in the sediment standing stocks of chlorophyll a (Chl a), colloidal carbohydrates, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were seen after 7 days of UVB exposure. This study showed that marine intertidal benthic diatoms use a behavioural strategy to avoid exposure to UVB and that this response is effective as a short-term protection mechanism against UVB damage. However, altered carbon allocation patterns feed forward over time into changes in biofilm biomass and sediment carbohydrate dynamics. This suggests that continual long-term exposure to UVB may impact on sediment carbon cycling and trophic interactions and on the stabilization of sediments by microalgal biofilms through their production of extracellular carbohydrates.  相似文献   

UVB irradiation of the skin causes immunosuppression and Ag-specific tolerance in which Langerhans cells (LC) are involved. We tested the effect of UVB on LC that had migrated out of cultured epidermal sheets derived from the skin that was irradiated ex vivo (200, 400, 800, or 1600 J/m2). Two separate subpopulations of LC were distinguished: large-sized LC with high HLA-DR expression, and HLA-DR-low, small LC. UVB stimulated the maturation of the former LC subset as demonstrated by enhanced up-regulation of CD80, CD86, CD54, CD40, and CD83 and reduced CD1a expression in comparison with unirradiated controls. In contrast, the latter LC exhibited little or no up-regulation of these molecules except for high CD1a expression and high binding of annexin V, indicating that they were apoptotic, although their CD95 expression was relatively low. Stimulation of enriched LC with CD40 ligand-transfected cells and IFN-gamma revealed that the release of IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha was enhanced by UVB. In comparison with HLA-DR-low LC, HLA-DR-high LC were the principal IL-8 producers as demonstrated by intracellular cytokine staining, and they retained more accessory function. There was no detectable secretion of IL-12 p70, and IL-18 production was neither affected by any stimulus nor by UVB. These results suggest a dual action of UVB on LC when irradiated in situ: 1) immunosuppression by preventing maturation and inducing apoptotic cell death in part of LC, and 2) immunopotentiation by enhancing the up-regulation of costimulatory molecules and the production of proinflammatory cytokines in another part.  相似文献   

This study evaluated blood pressure and heart rate responses to exercise and nonexercise tasks as indexes of autonomic function in subjects with and without Down syndrome (DS). Twenty-four subjects (12 with and 12 without DS) completed maximal treadmill exercise, isometric handgrip (30% of maximum), and cold pressor tests, with heart rate and blood pressure measurements. Maximal heart rate and heart rate and blood pressure responses to the isometric handgrip and cold pressor tests were reduced in subjects with DS (P < 0.05). Both early (first 30 s) and late (last 30 s) responses were reduced. Obesity did not appear to influence the results, as both obese and normal-weight subjects with DS exhibited similar responses, and controlling for body mass index did not alter the results between controls and subjects with DS. Individuals with DS, without congenital heart disease, exhibit reduced heart rate and blood pressure responses to isometric handgrip exercise and cold pressor testing, consistent with autonomic dysfunction. Autonomic dysfunction may partially explain chronotropic incompetence observed during maximal treadmill exercise in individuals with DS.  相似文献   

Development of lens opacities and the measures taken to avoid them have clinical relevance in the fields of oncology, radiotherapy and radiation protection. The aim of this study was to correlate the prevalence of lenticular opacities in individuals exposed to ionizing radiation in childhood with radiation dose and other possible risk factors. Between 1920 and 1959, about 16,500 children (age <18 months) with skin hemangiomas were referred to Radiumhemmet, Karolinska University Hospital, 89% of whom were treated with radiotherapy. A total of 484 exposed individuals and 89 nonexposed controls participated in an ophthalmological examination. Lens opacities were found in 357 (37%) of the 953 lenses examined in the exposed persons. In contrast, lens opacities were observed in only 35 (20%) of the 178 lenses examined in the nonexposed control individuals. It is concluded that the increased prevalence of cortical and posterior subcapsular opacities is related to previous radiotherapy. Age at examination was the strongest modifier of risk. Children exposed to a lenticular dose of 1 Gy had a 50% increased risk (odds ratio 1.50; 95% confidence interval 1.10-2.05) of developing a posterior subcapsular opacity and a 35% increased risk of a cortical opacity (odds ratio 1.35; 95% confidence interval 1. 07- 1.69).  相似文献   

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