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Two subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei s.l. co-exist within the animal populations of Eastern Africa; T. b. brucei a parasite which only infects livestock and wildlife and T. b. rhodesiense a zoonotic parasite which infects domestic livestock, wildlife, and which in humans, results in the disease known as Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness. In order to assess the risk posed to humans from HAT it is necessary to identify animals harbouring potentially human infective parasites. The multiplex PCR method described here permits differentiation of human and non-human infective parasites T. b. rhodesiense and T. b. brucei based on the presence or absence of the SRA gene (specific for East African T. b. rhodesiense), inclusion of GPI-PLC as an internal control indicates whether sufficient genomic material is present for detection of a single copy T. brucei gene in the PCR reaction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A series of new in vitro systems for the cultivation of bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei brucei, T. (T.) b. rhodesiense, and T. (T.) b. gambiense was developed. The standard system consists of a feeder layer of fibroblast-like cells derived from embryos of New Zealand White rabbits (REF) or a mountain vole, Microtus montanus (MEF), with HEPES-buffered Minimum Essential Medium (MEM), with Earle's salts, supplemented with 15% inactivated rabbit serum. These two and other feeder layers were cross-checked with different sera to test for growth support of bloodstream forms of the three trypanosome subspecies studied. Cultures could be initiated with bloodstream forms from mammalian hosts or from cryopreserved stabilates. Metacyclic forms from infected Glossina m. morsitans could also be used as inoculum; they transformed within 6 h to bloodstream forms. Maintenance of cultures and growth properties are described in detail. Experiments were undertaken to confirm that the cultivated bloodstream forms still possess some of the characteristic features of pleomorphic bloodstream populations. Cultivated bloodstream forms were always infective for mice, and a surface coat could be demonstrated by electron microscopy. They could also be cyclically transmitted through tsetse flies, and the metacyclic forms from these flies could be brought back into culture. In vitro cloning with single bloodstream forms and metacyclic forms could be achieved with high cloning efficiency. The consumption of glucose and the production of pyruvate and lactate were determined.  相似文献   

Whole cell extracts of 10 clones of bloodstream forms of African trypanosomes representing two strains of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, one strain of T. b. rhodesiense and one strain of T. b. brucei were fractionated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, electrophoretically transferred to nitrocellulose paper, and probed with horseradish peroxidase conjugated lectins to detect glycoproteins. Variant specific glycoproteins of all 10 clones bound peroxidase labeled concanavalin A, but peroxidase labeled wheat germ agglutinin bound to the variant specific glycoproteins of only 3 of the 10 clones examined. In addition, 22 other glycoproteins expressed in common by all clones bound peroxidase labeled concanavalin A; 19 common glycoproteins bound peroxidase labeled wheat germ agglutinin. Lectin binding to transferred glycoproteins was specifically inhibited by appropriate monosaccharides, alpha-methyl mannoside for concanavalin A and N-acetyl glucosamine for wheat germ agglutinin. Prior incubation of blots in endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H eliminated binding of peroxidase-labeled concanavalin A to most of the 22 common glycoproteins. Two glycoproteins, designated Gp 81 and Gp 110, were the major Endoglycosidase H resistant components. Endoglycosidase H treatment also reduced binding of peroxidase labeled concanavalin A to the variant specific glycoproteins of 7 clones. The variant specific glycoproteins from the 3 clones that bound peroxidase labeled concanavalin A following enzyme treatment were those that bound peroxidase labeled wheat germ agglutinin. These results show that African trypanosomes express a greater number of glycoproteins than has been reported previously and that only a limited number of these glycoproteins bear Endoglycosidase H resistant oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

T Baltz  D Baltz  C Giroud    J Crockett 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(5):1273-1277
A semi-defined medium for the cultivation of bloodstream forms of the African trypanosome brucei subgroup was developed. Out of 14 different strains tested, 10 could be cultured including Trypanosoma brucei, T. equiperdum, T. evansi, T. rhodesiense and T. gambiense. The presence of a reducing agent (2-mercaptoethanol or thioglycerol) was found to be essential for growth. The standard medium consisted of Hepes buffered minimum essential medium with Earle's salts supplemented with 0.2 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 2 mM pyruvate and 10% inactivated serum either from rabbit (T. brucei, T. equiperdum, T. evansi and T. rhodesiense) or human (T. gambiense). Although a general medium could be defined for the long-term maintenance of trypanosome cultures, the initiation to culture nevertheless required particular conditions for the different strains. The cultured trypanosomes had all the characteristics of the in vivo bloodstream forms including: morphology, infectivity, antigenic variation and glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

The African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei, is a zoonotic parasite transmitted by tsetse flies. Two of the three subspecies, T. brucei gambiense and T.b. rhodesiense, cause sleeping sickness in humans whereas the third subspecies, T.b. brucei, is not infective to humans. We propose that the key to understanding genetic relationships within this species is the analysis of gene flow to determine the importance of genetic exchange within populations and the relatedness of populations. T.brucei parasites undergo genetic exchange when present in infections of mixed genotypes in tsetse flies in the laboratory, although this is not an obligatory process. Infections of mixed genotype are surprisingly common in field isolates from tsetse flies such that there is opportunity for genetic exchange to occur. Population genetic analyses, taking into account geographical and host species of origin, show that genetic exchange occurs sufficiently frequently in the field to be an important determinant of genetic diversity, except where particular clones have acquired the ability to infect humans. Thus, T. brucei populations have an 'epidemic' genetic structure, but the better-characterized human-infective populations have a 'clonal' structure. Remarkably, the ability to infect humans appears to have arisen on multiple occasions in different geographical locations in sub-Saharan Africa. Our data indicate that the classical subspecies terminology for T. brucei is genetically inappropriate. It is an implicit assumption in most infectious disease biology that when a zoonotic pathogen acquires the capability to infect humans, it does so once and then spreads through the human population from that single-source event. For at least one major pathogen in tropical medicine, T. brucei, this assumption is invalid.  相似文献   

The history of sleeping sickness in East Africa has provoked controversy not only about the origins and spread of the disease, but also the identity of the causative organisms involved. Molecular methodology(1) has shed new light on the genetic makeup of the organisms involved in recent epidemics. Here, Geoff Hide, Andrew Tait, Ian Maudlin and Susan Welburn discuss these new data in relation to previous theories about the origins of epidemics in East Africa which emphasized the importance of the introduction of new strains.  相似文献   

Bipyramidal crystals of the recombinant calmodulin from Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense were obtained by vapor diffusion against 55% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol in 0.05 M cacodylate buffer, pH 5.6. When few nucleation events occurred, crystals grew to 0.25 × 0.25 × 1.20 mm. The space group of the crystal is I4122, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 56.88 Å, c = 230.11 Å, α = β = γ = 90°, z = 16. The molecular mass and volume of the unit cell suggest that there is one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The I/σ(I) ratio for data at 3.0 Å resolution was 3.67, indicating that the final structure can be refined at higher resolution. Molecular replacement methods and the PC-refinement technique have not yet yielded the structure under a variety of search conditions. We are currently investigating the multiple isomorphous replacement approach to determine this crystal structure. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a potentially fatal parasitic infection caused by the trypanosome sub-species Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense transmitted by tsetse flies. Currently, global HAT case numbers are reaching less than 1 case per 10,000 people in many disease foci. As such, there is a need for simple screening tools and strategies to replace active screening of the human population which can be maintained post-elimination for Gambian HAT and long-term for Rhodesian HAT. Here, we describe the proof of principle application of a novel high-resolution melt assay for the xenomonitoring of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense in tsetse. Both novel and previously described primers which target species-specific single copy genes were used as part of a multiplex qPCR. An additional primer set was included in the multiplex to determine if samples had sufficient genomic material for detecting genes present in low copy number. The assay was evaluated on 96 wild-caught tsetse previously identified to be positive for T. brucei s. l. of which two were known to be positive for T. b. rhodesiense. The assay was found to be highly specific with no cross-reactivity with non-target trypanosome species and the assay limit of detection was 104 tryps/mL. The qPCR successfully identified three T. b. rhodesiense positive flies, in agreement with the reference species-specific PCRs. This assay provides an alternative to running multiple PCRs when screening for pathogenic sub-species of T. brucei s. l. and produces results in less than 2 hours, avoiding gel electrophoresis and subjective analysis. This method could provide a component of a simple and efficient method of screening large numbers of tsetse flies in known HAT foci or in areas at risk of recrudescence or threatened by the changing distribution of both forms of HAT.  相似文献   

We have investigated the pathogenicity of tsetse (Glossina pallidipes)-transmitted cloned strains of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in vervet monkeys. Tsetse flies were confirmed to have mature trypanosome infections by xenodiagnosis, after which nine monkeys were infected via the bite of a single infected fly. Chancres developed in five of the nine (55.6%) monkeys within 4 to 8 days post infection (dpi). All nine individuals were successfully infected, with a median pre-patent period of 4 (range = 4-10) days, indicating that trypanosomes migrated from the site of fly bite to the systemic circulation rapidly and independently of the development of the chancre. The time lag to detection of parasites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was a median 16 (range = 8-40) days, marking the onset of central nervous system (CNS, late) stage disease. Subsequently, CSF white cell numbers increased above the pre-infection median count of 2 (range = 0-9) cells/microl, with a positive linear association between their numbers and that of CSF trypanosomes. Haematological changes showed that the monkeys experienced an early microcytic-hypochromic anaemia and severe progressive thrombocytopaenia. Despite a 3-fold increase in granulocyte numbers by 4 dpi, leucopaenia occurred early (8 dpi) in the monkey infection, determined mainly by reductions in lymphocyte numbers. Terminally, leucocytosis was observed in three of nine (33%) individuals. The duration of infection was a median of 68 (range = 22-120) days. Strain and individual differences were observed in the severity of the clinical and clinical pathology findings, with two strains (KETRI 3741 and 3801) producing a more acute disease than the other two (KETRI 3804 and 3928). The study shows that the fly-transmitted model accurately mimics the human disease and is therefore a suitable gateway to understanding human African trypanosomiasis (HAT; sleeping sickness).  相似文献   

We have measured binding of fluorescein-conjugated succinyl-concanavalin A (Fl-s-Con A) to bloodstream and procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and to bloodstream forms of T. b. rhodesiense by flow cytofluorimetry. Bloodstream forms bound an order of magnitude less lectin than procyclic forms. Trypsin-treating cells enhanced binding of Fl-s-Con A to bloodstream forms 3-16-fold depending on the strain and the length of trypsinization but had little effect on Fl-s-Con A binding by procyclics. The trypsinization protocol used did not remove major common glycoproteins detected on lectin blots of either life cycle form but removed greater than 95% of the variant specific glycoprotein and fragments derived from this protein of bloodstream forms. Microscopically detectable Fl-s-Con A binding to bloodstream forms was confined to the flagellar pocket. Trypsinized bloodstream forms and procyclics bound Fl-s-Con A in the flagellar pocket, on the flagellum, and on the cell surface. Lectin remained cell associated but appeared to redistribute towards the flagellum and pocket when cells that had bound lectin on ice were subsequently incubated at physiological temperatures. The Fl-s-Con A binding had specificity characteristic of the interaction between the lectin and oligosaccharides. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the variant specific surface glycoprotein blocks binding of the lectin to surface glycoproteins of bloodstream forms and suggest that concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins are abundant in the flagellar pocket of both life cycle forms.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Culture procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma congolense were fed to Glossina morsitans morsitans through artificial membranes. A very high percentage of the flies so fed produced established midgut infections, a proportion of which went on to develop into mature metacyclic trypanosomes capable of infecting mammalian hosts. The method offers a safe, clean way of infecting tsetse flies with African trypanosomes which reduces the need for trypanosome-infected animals in the laboratory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We have measured binding of fluorescein-conjugated succinyl-concanavalin A (Fl-s-Con A) to bloodstream and procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and to bloodstream forms of T. b. rhodesiense by flow cytofluorimetry. Bloodstream forms bound an order of magnitude less lectin than procyclic forms. Trypsin-treating cells enhanced binding of Fl-s-Con A to bloodstream forms 3–16-fold depending on the strain and the length of trypsinization but had little effect on Fl-s-Con A binding by procyclics. The trypsinization protocol used did not remove major common glycoproteins detected on lectin blots of either life cycle form but removed >95% of the variant specific glycoprotein and fragments derived from this protein of bloodstream forms. Microscopically detectable Fl-s-Con A binding to bloodstream forms was confined to the flagellar pocket. Trypsinized bloodstream forms and procyclics bound Fl-s-Con A in the flagellar pocket, on the flagellum, and on the cell surface. Lectin remained cell associated but appeared to redistribute towards the flagellum and pocket when cells that had bound lectin on ice were subsequently incubated at physiological temperatures. The Fl-s-Con A binding had specificity characteristic of the interaction between the lectin and oligosaccharides. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the variant specific surface glycoprotein blocks binding of the lectin to surface glycoproteins of bloodstream forms and suggest that concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins are abundant in the flagellar pocket of both life cycle forms.  相似文献   

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