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A study of spermatozoa in the isthmus of the oviduct and of the surrounding epithelial cells in the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, was carried out. At least 10% of the ejaculated spermatozoa probably populate the isthmus region, where many come to reside in crypts until around the time of ovulation. Ultrastructural observations of spermatozoa in this region indicated that they had intact acrosomes and were identical in their morphology with those in the cauda epididymidis. After ovulation spermatozoa rapidly disappeared, some of which may be phagocytosed by the cells lining the crypts. These epithelial cells were also found to have many large, electron-dense granules at the time of sperm storage, but the contents did not appear to be released until the zygotes passed along the tract. The secretory activity of these cells may thus relate more to the production of the shell membrane that comes to surround the zygote than to the cells performing a nutritive or protective function for the spermatozoa during their period of storage within the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

While sperm competition risk favours males transferring many sperm to secure fertilizations, females of a variety of species actively reduce sperm numbers reaching their reproductive tract, e.g. by extrusion or killing. Potential benefits of spermicide to females include nutritional gains, influence over sperm storage and paternity, and the elimination of sperm bearing somatic mutations that would lower zygote fitness.We investigated changes in sperm viability after in vivo and in vitro exposure to the female tract in the polyandrous fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Sperm viability was significantly lower in the females' spermathecae immediately after mating than in the experimental males' testes. Males also varied significantly in the proportion of live sperm found in storage in vivo. However, the exact mechanism of sperm degradation remains to be clarified. In vitro exposure to extracts of the female reproductive tract, including female accessory glands, failed to significantly lower sperm viability compared to controls. These results are consistent either with postcopulatory sperm mortality in vivo depending entirely on the male (with individual differences in sperm viability, motility or longevity) or with postcopulatory sperm mortality being subtly affected by female effects which were not detected by the in vitro experimental conditions. Importantly, we found no evidence in support of the hypothesis that female accessory glands contribute to sexual conflict via spermicide. Therefore, female muscular control remains to date the only ascertained mechanism of female influence on sperm storage in this species.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of male and female genotypes on the transport of sperm to the site of fertilization. We mated B10.BR, B10.BR-Ydel and BALB/c males with B10.BR and BALB/c females and then analyzed the quality and quantity of spermatozoa found five hours post coitus in three successive parts of the female reproductive tract. We found that B10.BR and B10.BR-Ydel spermatozoa are very effectively selected by the uterotubaljunction and other barriers of the female genital tract. On the contrary, severely deformed BALB/c spermatozoa appeared to be able to cross selective barriers and were present both in oviducts and in cumulus oophorus. It cannot be excluded that these morphologically abnormal male gametes take part in fertilization. B10.BR-Ydel spermatozoa were very rarely observed above the uterotubaljunction. This shows that in vivo they migrate with delay and with difficulties pass the border between uterus and oviducts. This finding is in agreement with previous in vitro analyzes, which revealed many irregularities in movement of B10.BR-Ydel spermatozoa. Sperm quality and quantity in the reproductive tracts of B10.BR and BALB/c females were convergent if they were mated with males belonging to one strain, proving that migration and selection of spermatozoa in the female genital tract depend mostly on male genotype.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic sperm recovery from the pouch of Douglas and tubal fimbriae was performed in 64 infertile couples. Spermatozoa were recovered from 16/35 couples investigated after AIH, and from 13/29 couples post coitum. The method of insemination had no effect on the result, which was positive in 45.3% of all couples, although AIH did result in significantly larger numbers of peritoneal spermatozoa. The number of peritoneal spermatozoa did not show any direct correlation with the number inseminated, but there were reductions along the tract of 5.83 (+/- 1.4 s.d.) orders of magnitude for total sperm count, and 5.52 (+/- 1.21 s.d.) for the number of motile spermatozoa. Only sperm motility had a significant influence on the success of sperm transport; spermatozoa were recovered from patients with sperm densities as low as 3.0 and 3.5 x 10(6)/ml, but with 56 and 44% motile spermatozoa. No influence of cycle day within the range +/- 4 days of ovulation on sperm transport was found. In 45 couples, routine semen analyses were apparently completely normal, but the incidence of sperm recovery was still only 49% (22/45), suggesting that a failure of sperm transport may have been a significant causative factor in their infertility.  相似文献   

The role of the excurrent duct system in producing and/or eliminating morphologically abnormal spermatozoa may modify the semen parameters and interfere with sperm fertilizing capacity. To study this process, changes in the morphology of spermatozoa during their transit through the reproductive tract in sexually mature rabbits were investigated. The incidence of head, midpiece and tail abnormalities as well as of multiple defects in a single spermatozoon, and the position of the cytoplasmic droplet along the sperm midpiece were evaluated in samples from the testis, 6 regions of the epididymis and the vas deferens. Spermatozoa were characterized by rapid migration of the cytoplasmic droplet when passing from the proximal to the distal caput of the epididymis, and spermatozoa with no droplet predominated in the distal epididymis and vas deferens. In passing from the testis to the proximal caput of the epididymis, the incidence of spermatozoa with an abnormal midpiece and those with multiple defects decreased significantly. The proportion of spermatozoa with abnormal heads was also lower in the testis, but no statistically significant differences were found, whereas there was no change in the proportion of those with abnormal tails. These results indicate that there must be a mechanism for the disposal of defective spermatozoa. No evidence of spermiophagy by luminal macrophages was observed in the extracts, although a few spermatozoa exhibited signs of degeneration, suggesting, that although intraepithelial phagocytosis has not been clearly demonstrated in the nonexperimental rabbit, sperm cells may undergo a form of autolysis within the lumen of the duct.  相似文献   

The microflora of the female reproductive tract is very diverse and plays an important role in both normal and pathological states. The data on the mechanisms of colonization resistance which involve the vaginal microbios (the production of H2O2, organic acids, bacteriocin-like substances, competition for adhesion sites) are presented. The data on the role of individual antagonistically active substances of anaerobic bacteria in suppressing gonococci, fungi, microorganisms, associated with bacterial vaginosis, etc. are given. The leading role of anaerobic microorganisms in the appearance of microecological disturbances, including bacterial vaginosis, is emphasized. The role of the pathogenic properties of anaerobic bacteria for the development of different pathological processes, such as premature birth, postnatal and postoperative purulent septic diseases, inflammation of pelvic organs, cancer of the neck of uterus, is discussed.  相似文献   

Yin Y  Ma L 《Journal of biochemistry》2005,137(6):677-683
The female reproductive tract (FRT), which includes the oviduct, uterus, cervix and vagina, is critical for mammalian reproduction. Recent research using knockout mice has contributed substantially to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing FRT development. Aside from satisfying our curiosities about the origin of life, these studies have provided us with a better understanding of FRT disorders and ways to improve female fertility. Here we review genes that are involved in various stages of sexual duct formation and development in mammals. In addition, the effect of exogenous estrogen such as DES on FRT development is also discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. myo-Inositol concentrations in oviduct, ovary and uterus were many-fold those of blood serum during all four stages of the estrous cycle of the female rat.
  • 2.2. Inositol concentration was higher in oviduct than in ovary or uterus and was lower in uterine fluid than in uterus.
  • 3.3. Estrus uteri had higher inositol concentrations than uteri in other phases of the cycle.
  • 4.4. In order to measure dynamic aspects of the distribution of inositol. the distribution of radioactivity among organs of the reproductive tract of mature female rats was measured 45 min after i.p, injection of [2-3H]myo-inositol.
  • 5.5. These organs concentrated inositol from the blood, and the tissue radioactivity (expressed as dpm/mg wet wt of tissue) increased in the sequence: vagina < cervix < uterus < ovary < oviduct.
  • 6.6. The uterus and ovary concentrated myo-inositol more strongly during proestrus than during metestrus. diestrus or estrus.
  • 7.7. The contents of proestrus follicles were more highly radioactive than was the ovary itself, whereas proestrus uterine fluid was less radioactive than the uterine tissue.

小黄蝠是分布在我国南方典型的翼手类.为探讨小黄蝠是否具有精子储存的现象,利用组织学切片技术,研究不同月份小黄蝠性腺的发育情况,采用放射免疫测定方法测定了不同月份的小黄蝠血清性类固醇激素含量(雌二醇E2和睾酮T)的变化.结果显示:雄性小黄蝠5月份的附睾有部分的管腔呈中空状态,部份还有精子残留;7月附睾管腔细小、中空、尚未...  相似文献   

This study investigated sperm transport following superovulation and artificial insemination (AI) in the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula. Females were superovulated by treatment with 15 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) then 4 mg luteinizing hormone (LH) 78 h later. Inseminations were performed 27 h after LH (4 million motile spermatozoa/uterus). At 1.5, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after AI (n=5 per group), females were euthanised and reproductive tracts removed for examination and flushed for sperm. No ovulations had occurred by 1.5 h, but 20% of animals had ovulated by 3 or 6 h, and 80% by 9 or 12 h. The mean numbers of spermatozoa recovered ranged from 249 to 275x10(3) in the uterus; 16-51x10(3) in the isthmus; 8-11x10(3) in the middle segment; and 6-16x10(3) in the ampulla at 1.5, 3 and 6 h after AI. Sperm numbers in all regions decreased at later times (P<0.05) except the isthmus, where 100x10(3) sperm were recovered by 12 h. Highly motile thumbtack sperm (a putative indicator of capacitation in marsupials), were recovered from the isthmus (20%), middle segment (50%) and ampulla (90%) at all sampling times, but not from the uterus. The epithelium of the oviduct segments contained mucus-secreting and ciliated cells and peak secretory activity was observed in the ampulla at 6 h. At 3, 6 and 12 h, many spermatozoa were found in epithelial folds within the isthmus. The present study has provided basic information on sperm transport and storage events within the female reproductive tract of T. vulpecula following superovulation and AI. It is concluded that this model may be useful to better understand pre-fertilization sperm maturation events in the possum, which could facilitate the development of IVF technology.  相似文献   

The female reproductive tract receives the oocytes for fertilization, supports the development of the fetus and provides the passage for birth. Although abnormalities of this organ system can result in infertility and even death, until recently relatively little was known about the genetic processes that underlie its development. By drawing primarily on mouse mutagenesis studies and the analysis of human mutations we review the emerging genetic pathways that regulate female reproductive-tract formation in mammals and that are implicated in congenital abnormalities of this organ system. We also show that these pathways might be conserved between invertebrates and mammals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of various antihuman antibodies directed against immunocomponent cells to identify components involved in cellular and humoral immune responses in the immune organs of a female baboon, and to use these reagents to analyze the immunobiology of its reproductive tract. A female baboon of reproductive age was euthanized in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, and samples of spleen, intestines, tonsil, lymph nodes, Fallopian tube, uterus, cervix, and vagina were removed. Tissues were either fixed in 10% unbuffered formaldehyde, Bouin's fluid, or 95% ethanol containing 5% glacial acetic acid, and embedded in paraffin, or frozen unfixed. Frozen sections were then fixed in 100% acetone. Subsequently, tissue sections were reacted with the following antihuman antibodies directed against CD3, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68, HLA-DR, CD57, CD103, CD15, and TIA-1: IgA, IgG, IgM, J-chain, secretory component, and neutrophil elastase, using routine immunohistology techniques. Human tissues (spleen, small intestine, lymph node, and tonsil) were used as positive controls. All antihuman antibodies crossreacted with baboon tissues, except neutrophil elastase, CD15, CD45RO, CD57, and CD1A. The distribution of immune cells in the reproductive tract of the female baboon was comparable to that in the human and offers the potential for this primate to be used as a model for the study of human reproductive immunology.  相似文献   

In most insects, sperm transferred by the male to the female during mating are stored within the female reproductive tract for subsequent use in fertilization. In Drosophila melanogaster, male accessory gland proteins (Acps) within the seminal fluid are required for efficient accumulation of sperm in the female's sperm storage organs. To determine the events within the female reproductive tract that occur during sperm storage, and the role that Acps and sperm play in these events, we identified morphological changes that take place during sperm storage in females mated to wild-type, Acp-deficient or sperm-deficient males. A reproducible set of morphological changes occurs in a wild-type mating. These were categorized into 10 stereotypic stages. Sperm are not needed for progression through these stages in females, but receipt of Acps is essential for progression beyond the first few stages of morphological change. Furthermore, females that received small quantities of Acps reached slightly later stages than females that received no Acps. Our results suggest that timely morphological changes in the female reproductive tract, possibly muscular in nature, may be needed for successful sperm storage, and that Acps from the male are needed in order for these changes to occur.  相似文献   

In mammals, the female reproductive tract (FRT) develops from a pair of paramesonephric or Müllerian ducts (MDs), which arise from coelomic epithelial cells of mesodermal origin. During development, the MDs undergo a dynamic morphogenetic transformation from simple tubes consisting of homogeneous epithelium and surrounding mesenchyme into several distinct organs namely the oviduct, uterus, cervix and vagina. Following the formation of anatomically distinctive organs, the uniform MD epithelium (MDE) differentiates into diverse epithelial cell types with unique morphology and functions in each organ. Classic tissue recombination studies, in which the epithelium and mesenchyme isolated from the newborn mouse FRT were recombined, have established that the organ specific epithelial cell fate of MDE is dictated by the underlying mesenchyme. The tissue recombination studies have also demonstrated that there is a narrow developmental window for the epithelial cell fate determination in MD-derived organs. Accordingly, the developmental plasticity of epithelial cells is mostly lost in mature FRT. If the signaling that controls epithelial differentiation is disrupted at the critical developmental stage, the cell fate of MD-derived epithelial tissues will be permanently altered and can result in epithelial lesions in adult life. A disruption of signaling that maintains epithelial cell fate can also cause epithelial lesions in the FRT. In this review, the pathogenesis of cervical/vaginal adenoses and uterine squamous metaplasia is discussed as examples of such incidences.  相似文献   

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