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Cloning and sequencing of the IgA1 protease gene (iga) from Neisseria meningitidis strain HF13 showed an overall structure equivalent to iga genes from Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophilus influenzae, although no region corresponding to the gonococcal α-peptide was evident. An additional 18 N. meningitidis and 3 H. influenzae iga genes were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction technique and sequenced corresponding approximately to the N-terminal half of the mature enzyme. Comparative analyses of a total of 29 iga genes showed that pathogenic Neisseria have iga genes with a significantly lower degree of heterogeneity than H. influenzae iga genes. Recombinational events indicated by mosaic-like structures corresponding to those found among N. gonorrhoeae protease genes were detected among N. meningitidis iga genes. One region showed characteristic differences in sequence and length which correlated with each of the different cleavage specificities. Meningococci were extremely conserved in this region with no evidence of recombination between isolates of different cleavage specificities. Sequences further downstream showed no obvious relationship with enzyme cleavage type. This region consisted of conserved areas interspersed with highly variable areas. Amino acid sequence homologies in the variable regions of meningococci reflected the antigenic types defined by using polyclonal neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Beck SC  Meyer TF 《FEBS letters》2000,480(2-3):287-292
The target Rho GTPases of many guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) of the Dbl family remain to be identified. Here we report a new method: the yeast exchange assay (YEA), a rapid qualitative test to perform a wide range screen for GEF specificity. In this assay based on the two-hybrid system, a wild type GTPase binds to its effector only after activation by a specific GEF. We validated the YEA by activating GTPases by previously reported GEFs. We further established that a novel GEF, GEF337, activates RhoA in the YEA. GEF337 promoted nucleotide exchange on RhoA in vitro and promoted F-actin stress fiber assembly in fibroblasts, characteristic of RhoA activation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of porcine elastase and anhydroelastase by boronic acids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An antiserum against bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bPTI) has been raised in rabbits. The antiserum does not cross-react with known pituitary hormones and other proteins. A specific radioimmunoassay for bPTI has been developed. The ED50 is about 250 fmol per assay tube and the sensitivity is reliable to 15 fmol per tube. Immunoreactivity could be detected in bovine and sheep pituitaries, bovine brain, and adrenal medulla, but not in human, pig, and rat pituitaries. In the bovine pituitary the immunoreactivity is restricted to the posterior lobe.  相似文献   

When Candida albicans is present on Transgrow specimens, Neisseria gonorrhoeae is detected less frequently or else can be seen in Gram stains but cannot be readily cultured. When C. albicans and N. gonorrhoeae are grown together on Transgrow, the gonococcal cells die off much more readily than N. gonorrhoeae grown on Transgrow alone. By use of a cross-streaking technique on agar plates, it has been demonstrated that C. albicans produces a soluble substance inhibitory to N. gonorrhoeae, although not to other microorganisms tested. Preliminary results indicate that this inhibitory factor can be extracted by the use of tertiary butanol. Since approximately one-third of the Transgrow specimens with growth contains yeasts, of which C. albicans is by far the most frequent, this factor presents an important complication in the diagnosis of gonorrhea in women.  相似文献   

Phospholipids and fatty acids of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The phospholipids and fatty acids of two strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae of different penicillin susceptibilities were examined. The phospholipids, which comprise about 8% of the dry weight of the cells, consisted of phosphatidylethanolamine (70%) and phosphatidylglycerol (20%); small amounts of phosphatidylcholine and traces of cardiolipin were also present. Growing and stationary-phase cells were similar in content and composition of phospholipids except for phosphatidylcholine, which increased two- to fivefold in the stationary-phase cells. The fatty acids of the phospholipids were characterized by two major acids, palmitic and a C16:1, with myristic and a C18:1 acid present in smaller amounts. The fatty acids present in purified phospholipid fractions varied considerably in relative proportions from fraction to fraction. No significant difference in the composition of phospholipids from the two strains was evident. Large amounts of beta-hydroxy lauric acid were detected only after saponification of the organisms. Differences in the lipid composition between the gonococcus and other gram-negative bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

A cloned 5 bk DNA fragment from Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain MS11 promotes expression and excretion of IgA protease in E. coli and other Gram-negative hosts. DNA sequencing reveals a large open reading frame coding for a prcursor molecule of 169 kd. The 106 kd mature IgA protease is released from the bacteria in conjunction with a 15 kd soluble precursor segment, the -protein. In contrast, the carboxy terminal portion of the precursor, the -protein (45 kd), remains associated with the outer bacterial membrane. The three proteins result form autoproteolytic cleavage at sites in the precursor which are similar to the target site in IgA1. Consensus sequences of the specific cleavage sites are found in a number of relevant human proteins. IgA protease may therefore have other natural substrates besides IgA1. The soluble -protein as well as the membrane bound -protein, both associated with IgA protease, may confer additional virulence functions to the gonococcus.  相似文献   

Auxotypes of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are usually distinguishable by their particular requirements for growth; these requirements often include amino acids. It is possible that strains needing particular substrates to grow can be distinguished not merely by their growth requirements but also by their metabolism of these particular substrates. In this work amino acid utilization and oxidation studies were performed enabling prototype, pro- and thia-strains to be distinguished. The metabolism study also underlined the importance of proline as an energy source and pointed to the probability of distinct relationships with the metabolism of the key amino acids, glutamic and aspartic acids, for the three auxotypes.It is proposed that the specific amino acid required by the naturally occurring auxotype serves as an energy source at the site of infection and has important implications with respect to particular auxotypes at various sites.  相似文献   

Three alpha-aminoboronic acid-containing analogs of good peptide substrates for serine proteases were synthesized, MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-boro-Phe-OH, MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-boro-Ala-OH, and MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-boro-Val-OH. They were effective inhibitors of chymotrypsin, cathepsin G, and both leukocyte and pancreatic elastase at nanomolar concentrations (0.10-20 nM). Except for cathepsin G, inhibition was not simply competitive, but showed kinetic properties corresponding to the mechanism for slow-binding inhibition, i.e. E + I in equilibrium EI in equilibrium EI*, where EI and EI* are enzyme-inhibitor complexes and EI* is more stable than EI. This type of inhibition has not been observed previously for synthetic inhibitors or serine proteases and in this study it was observed only for peptide boronic acids which satisfy the primary specificity requirements of the protease.  相似文献   

We characterized the inhibition of Neisseria gonorrhoeae type II topoisomerases gyrase and topoisomerase IV by AZD0914 (AZD0914 will be henceforth known as ETX0914 (Entasis Therapeutics)), a novel spiropyrimidinetrione antibacterial compound that is currently in clinical trials for treatment of drug-resistant gonorrhea. AZD0914 has potent bactericidal activity against N. gonorrhoeae, including multidrug-resistant strains and key Gram-positive, fastidious Gram-negative, atypical, and anaerobic bacterial species (Huband, M. D., Bradford, P. A., Otterson, L. G., Basrab, G. S., Giacobe, R. A., Patey, S. A., Kutschke, A. C., Johnstone, M. R., Potter, M. E., Miller, P. F., and Mueller, J. P. (2014) In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of AZD0914: A New Spiropyrimidinetrione DNA Gyrase/Topoisomerase Inhibitor with Potent Activity against Gram-positive, Fastidious Gram-negative, and Atypical Bacteria. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 59, 467–474). AZD0914 inhibited DNA biosynthesis preferentially to other macromolecules in Escherichia coli and induced the SOS response to DNA damage in E. coli. AZD0914 stabilized the enzyme-DNA cleaved complex for N. gonorrhoeae gyrase and topoisomerase IV. The potency of AZD0914 for inhibition of supercoiling and the stabilization of cleaved complex by N. gonorrhoeae gyrase increased in a fluoroquinolone-resistant mutant enzyme. When a mutation, conferring mild resistance to AZD0914, was present in the fluoroquinolone-resistant mutant, the potency of ciprofloxacin for inhibition of supercoiling and stabilization of cleaved complex was increased greater than 20-fold. In contrast to ciprofloxacin, religation of the cleaved DNA did not occur in the presence of AZD0914 upon removal of magnesium from the DNA-gyrase-inhibitor complex. AZD0914 had relatively low potency for inhibition of human type II topoisomerases α and β.  相似文献   

IgA1 proteases from H. influenzae, N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, and S. sanguis were compared with respect to site of cleavage in the IgA1 molecule and EDTA sensitivity. Proteases from S. sanguis and S. pneumoniae cleaved the Pro (227)-Thr (228) bond within the hinge region of the alpha 1 chain and were inhibited by EDTA. H. influenzae IgA1 protease cleaved the Pro (231)-Ser (232) peptide bond. The activity of IgA1 proteases from H. influenzae and N. meningitidis was unaffected by EDTA. Purified and denatured alpha 1 chain was cleaved only in the hinge region. Other component chains of secretory IgA (secretory component, light and J chains) were not susceptible. In addition to IgA1 protease, S. pneumoniae released exo- and endoglycosidases that removed a considerable portion of carbohydrate side chains of IgA1; this activity was absent from crude IgA1 protease preparations of the other three bacterial species. Association in vitro of polymeric IgA1 with SC did not inhibit the degradation of IgA1 proteases. The considerable resistance of secretory IgA to cleavage by IgA1 proteases may be explained in part by the presence of IgA1 protease-neutralizing antibodies in secretory IgA.  相似文献   

The hinge in IgA1 and the linker in endoglucanase A (CenA) are quite similar. The IgA1 hinge is 18 amino acids long and contains only proline, threonine and serine. The linker in CenA is 27 amino acids long and contains only proline, threonine and a single serine. IgA proteases from Neisseria gonorrhoeae cleave Pro-Ser and Pro-Thr bonds within the IgA1 hinge sequence, but they do not attack CenA. When the linker sequence of CenA is replaced with the hinge sequence of IgA1, the hybrid polypeptide is susceptible to the N. gonorrhoeae proteases. It is cleaved within the hinge sequence at the same sites as IgA1.  相似文献   

The rate of production of acid-soluble material during degradation of duplex DNA by Hemophilus influenzae ATP-dependent DNAse (Hind exonuclease V) has been shown to be directly dependent upon the Mg2+ concentration in the reaction mixture. At high concentrations of Mg2+ (5 to 20 mM), DNA degradation to acid-soluble products is rapid and the rate of ATP hydrolysis is slightly depressed. At low concentrations of Mg2+ (0.1 to 0.5 mM), the enzyme rapidly hydrolyzes ATP and converts up to 35% of linear duplex DNA to single-stranded material while degrading less than 0.2% of the DNA to acid-soluble products. We refer to this enzymatic production of single-stranded DNA as the "melting" activity. Under the conditions of our assay, the initial melting reaction is processive, lasting about 70s on phage T7 DNA. Using DNAs with several different lengths, we have established that the duration of the initial reaction is dependent upon DNA length, requiring approximately 1 s per 0.18 mum. The products of the initial reaction on phage T7 DNA are somewhat heterogeneous, consisting of short duplex fragments approximately 0.5 mum long, purely single-stranded products up to 7 mum long, and longer duplex fragments 3 to 11 mum in length, some of which have single-stranded tails. Nearly half of the single-stranded material remains linked to a duplex segment of DNA after the inital processive reaction. We propose that Hind exo V initiates attack at the DNA termini and then acts in a processive manner, migrating along the DNA molecule, converting some regions to single-stranded material by the combined action of the melting activity and limited phosphodiester cleavage, while leaving other regions double-stranded. At the completion of its processive movement through a single DNA molecule, it is released and then recycles onto either intact molecules or the partially degraded products, continuing in this manner until the DNA is finally reduced to oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Clinical studies indicate that Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococci (GC)) has the capacity to enhance HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection. We studied whether GC enhances HIV infection of activated dendritic cells (DCs). The results show that GC can dramatically enhance HIV replication in human DCs during coinfection. The GC component responsible for HIV infection enhancement may be peptidoglycan, which activates TLR2. TLR2 involvement is suggested by bacterial lipoprotein, a TLR2-specific inducer, which stimulates a strong enhancement of HIV infection by human DCs. Moreover, participation of TLR2 is further implicated because GC is unable to stimulate expression of HIV in DCs of TLR2-deficient HIV-1-transgenic mice. These results provide one potential mechanism through which GC infection increases HIV replication in patients infected with both GC and HIV.  相似文献   

The lgtB genes that encode beta-1,4-galactosyltransferases from Neisseria meningitidis ATCC 13102 and gonorrhoeae ATCC 31151 were isolated by a polymerase chain reaction using the pfu DNA polymerase. They were expressed under the control of lac and T7 promoters in Escherichia coli M15 and BL21 (DE3). Although the genes were efficiently expressed in E. coli M15 at 37 degrees C (33 kDa), most of the beta-1,4-galactosyltransferases that were produced were insoluble and proteolysed into enzymatically inactive polypeptides that lacked C-terminal residues (29.5 kDa and 28 kDa) during the purification steps. When the temperature of the cell growth was lowered to 25 degrees C, however, the solubility of the beta-1,4-galactosyltransferases increased substantially. A stable N-terminal his-tagged recombinant enzyme preparation could be achieved with E. coli BL21 (DE3) that expressed lgtB. Therefore, the cloned beta-1,4-galactosyltransferases were expressed under the control of the T7 promoter in E. coli BL21 (DE3), mostly to the soluble form at 25 degrees C. The proteins were easily purified to homogeneity by column chromatography using Ni-NTA resin, and were found to be active. The galactosyltransferases exhibited pH optimum at 6.5-7.0, and had an essential requirement for the Mn(+2) ions for its action. The Mg(+2) and Ca(+2) ions showed about half of the galactosyltransferase activities with the Mn(+2) ion. In the presence of the Fe(+2) ion, partial activation was observed with the beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase from N. meningitidis (64% of the enzyme activity with the Mn(+2) ion), but not from N. gonorrhoeae. On the other hand, the N(+2), Zn(+2), and Cu(+2) ions could not activate the beta-1,4- galactosyltransferase activity. The inhibited enzyme activity with the Ni(+2) ion was partially recovered with the Mn(+2) ion, but in the presence of the Fe(+2), Zn(+2), and Cu(+2) ions, the Mn(+2) ion could not activate the enzyme activities. Also, the beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase activity was 1.5-fold stimulated with the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 (0.1-5 percent).  相似文献   

Partial recovery of ultraviolet-damaged denatured or native transforming DNA from Hemophilus influenzae, has been obtained by exposing the irradiated DNA in the denatured form to nitrous acid. Some factors that affect this recovery are described. An erythromycin marker (E20) was not reactivated. The UV damage reactivable by nitrous acid is different from that repaired by the photoreactivating enzyme from bakers' yeast. The pretreatment with nitrous acid affords a slight protection for denatured C25 DNA and Sm250 DNA against ultraviolet irradiation, but this pretreatment sensitized the E20 DNA to this irradiation.  相似文献   

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