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In the past two decades, keratin biomaterials have shown impressive results as scaffolds for tissue engineering, wound healing, and nerve regeneration. In addition to its intrinsic biocompatibility, keratin interacts with specific cell receptors eliciting beneficial biochemical cues. However, during extraction from natural sources, such as hair and wool fibers, natural keratins are subject to extensive processing conditions that lead to formation of unwanted by‐products. Additionally, natural keratins suffer from limited sequence tunability. Recombinant keratin proteins can overcome these drawbacks while maintaining the desired chemical and physical characteristics of natural keratins. Herein, we present the bacterial expression, purification, and solution characterization of human hair keratins K31 and K81. The obligate heterodimerization of the K31/K81 pair that results in formation of intermediate filaments is maintained in the recombinant proteins. Surprisingly, we have for the first time observed new zero‐ and one‐dimensional nanostructures from homooligomerization of K81 and K31, respectively. Further analysis of the self‐assembly mechanism highlights the importance of disulfide crosslinking in keratin self‐assembly.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro assembly and morphological characteristics of purified 58 kDa, 52 kDa, 50 kDa, and 45 kDa polypeptides in the leaves and the cotyledons of the cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupt.) were investigated by electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. The three or four purified intermediate filament (IF) polypeptides can spontaneously assemble into intermediate filaments in vitro with a 23–24 nm axial repeat, which indicates that keratin IFs in higher plant cells have the same molecular arrangement as in animal cells. STM images suggest that the plant keratin filaments display a pronounced structural polymorphism, which can be composed of 3 nm, 4.5 nm, or 6 nm wide keratin protofilaments.Abbreviation IF intermediate filament - STM scanning tunneling microscopy - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - BCIP 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate-toluidine - NBC p-nitroblue tetrazolium chloride - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride - HOPG high oriented pyrolytic graphite  相似文献   

Characterization of recombinant human factor VIII   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently, complete human factor VIII DNA clones have been obtained and subsequently expressed in baby hamster kidney cells (Wood, W. I., Capon, D. J., Simonsen, C. C., Eaton, D. L., Gitschier, J., Keyt, B., Seeburg, P. H., Smith, D. H., Hollingshead, P., Wion, K. L., Delwart, E., Tuddenham, E. G. D., Vehar, G. A., and Lawn, R. M. (1984) Nature 312, 330-337). The recombinant factor VIII (rVIII) protein secreted from these cells has now been purified allowing its structural analysis and comparison to plasma-derived factor VIII (pdVIII). Analysis of purified rVIII by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that it consists of multiple polypeptides with relative mobilities (Mr) ranging from 80,000-210,000. The same pattern of polypeptides is also observed for pdVIII resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The proteins associated with rVIII are recognized by pdVIII antibodies in a Western blot. When rVIII and pdVIII are subjected to isoelectric focusing they are resolved into a similar pattern of protein bands. Thrombin, factor Xa, and activated protein C, which modulate factor VIII activity by proteolysis, process rVIII in the same manner they do pdVIII. As is the case for pdVIII, thrombin activation of rVIII coagulant activity correlates with the generation of subunits with Mr of 73,000, 50,000 and 43,000. These subunits appear to form a metal-(perhaps Ca2+) linked complex. EDTA inactivates thrombin-activated rVIII and pdVIII, with the activity being regenerated after the addition of a molar excess of MnCl2. The results suggest that rVIII is structurally and functionally very similar to pdVIII.  相似文献   

The hair follicle consists of a complex system of multiple tissue compartments that are clearly distinguishable by their morphology and type of differentiation. We have synthesized hair follicle-specific keratins from the companion layer (K6hf, K17) and the hair cortex (Ha1, Hb3, Hb6) in Escherichia coli. The assembly of purified keratins in mixtures of K6hf/K17 and in mixtures of hair cortex keratins was compared in urea solutions, low ionic strength and physiological strength buffers, by urea melting gels, electron microscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation. Both types of keratin mixtures, keratins from the companion layer and keratins from the hair cortex, formed heterotypic complexes at 5 M urea. In low ionic strength buffers, the keratins from the companion layer were assembled to bona fide intermediate filaments. In contrast, mixtures of hair cortex keratins stayed in an oligomeric state with a mean s value of 9 as determined in sedimentation velocity experiments. Hair cortex keratins were, however, assembled into intermediate filaments at physiological salt conditions. A point mutated hair cortex keratin [Hb6(Glu402Lys)] formed no long filaments when mixed with Ha1; instead, the assembled structures showed a length distribution of 50.8 +/- 13.4 nm, comparable to the size distribution of assembly intermediates called 'unit-length' filaments.  相似文献   

Early electron microscope studies of developing wool and hair established that trichocyte (hard alpha-) keratin fibers have a composite structure in which filaments, subsequently shown to belong to the class of intermediate filaments (IF), were embedded in a matrix of sulfur-rich proteins. These studies also showed that the IF aggregate in a variety of ways to form what have been termed macrofibrils. Assembly into sheets appears to be an important initial factor in aggregation, and in the present contribution the structural principles governing sheet formation are formulated and specific models for the interaction between neighboring IF in a sheet are proposed, based on existing X-ray diffraction, electron microscope, and crosslinking data. All of the trichocyte keratins so far examined by electron microscopy exhibit similar filament/matrix textures and the mechanism of sheet formation proposed here is likely to have general applicability.  相似文献   

SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptor) proteins assemble into a stable complex essential for vesicle-membrane fusion. To further understand SNARE function we have used solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to characterize three assembly states of a yeast SNARE complex: first, the 'closed' conformation of Sso1; second, the binary complex of Sso1 and Sec9; and third, the ternary complex of Sso1, Sec9 and Snc1. Sec9 and Snc1 are unstructured in isolation. Sso1 likely consists of a four helix bundle formed by part of the C-terminal Hcore domain and the N-terminal H(A)H(B)H(C) domain, and this bundle is flanked on both sides by large flexible regions. Sso1 switches to an 'open' state when its Hcore domain binds Sec9. Conformational switching of the Hcore domain, via H(A)H(B)H(C), may provide a key regulatory mechanism in SNARE assembly. Formation of binary and ternary complexes induces additional alpha-helical structure in previously unstructured regions. Our data suggest a directed assembly process beginning distal to the membrane surfaces and proceeding toward them, bringing membranes into close proximity and possibly leading to membrane fusion.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of recombinant human alphaA- and alphaB-crystallins in the heat-induced inactivation and aggregation of citrate synthase. Homo-multimers of both alphaA- and alphaB-crystallins confer protection against heat-induced inactivation in a concentration-dependent manner and also prevent aggregation. Interaction of crystallins with early unfolding intermediates of citrate synthase reduces their partitioning into aggregation-prone intermediates. This appears to result in enhanced population of early unfolding intermediates that can be reactivated by its substrate, oxaloacetate. Both these homo-multimers do not form a stable complex with the early unfolding intermediates. However, they can form a soluble, stable complex with aggregation-prone late unfolding intermediates. This soluble complex formation prevents aggregation. Thus, it appears that the chaperone activity of alpha-crystallin involves both transient and stable interactions depending on the nature of intermediates on the unfolding pathway; one leads to reactivation of the enzyme activity while the other prevents aggregation.  相似文献   

Nakao M  Maki K  Arai M  Koshiba T  Nitta K  Kuwajima K 《Biochemistry》2005,44(17):6685-6692
The intermediate in the equilibrium unfolding of canine milk lysozyme induced by a denaturant is known to be very stable with characteristics of the molten globule state. Furthermore, there are at least two kinetic intermediates during refolding of this protein: a burst-phase (first) intermediate formed within the dead time of stopped-flow measurements and a second intermediate that accumulates with a rate constant of 22 s(-)(1). To clarify the relationships of these intermediates with the equilibrium intermediate, and also to characterize the structural changes of the protein during refolding, here we studied the kinetic refolding reactions using stopped-flow circular dichroism at 10 different wavelengths and obtained the circular dichroism spectra of the intermediates. Comparison of the circular dichroism spectra of the intermediates, as well as the absence of observed kinetics in the refolding from the fully unfolded state to the equilibrium intermediate, has demonstrated that the burst-phase intermediate is equivalent to the equilibrium intermediate. The difference circular dichroism spectrum that represented changes from the kinetic intermediate to the native state had characteristics of an exciton coupling band, indicating that specific packing of tryptophan residues in this protein occurred in this phase. From these findings, we propose a schematic model of the refolding of canine milk lysozyme that is consistent with the hierarchical mechanism of protein folding.  相似文献   

Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) have been demonstrated to stimulate microtubule assembly measured in the in vitro assembly system. The process is substoichiometric occurring when the interferon concentrations are below that of tubulin. IFN-gamma is a more potent effector than IFN-alpha. The critical tubulin concentration describing microtubule assembly decreases from 1.5 mg/ml measured in the absence of added effector to 1.05 mg/ml and 1.3 mg/ml when measured in the presence of 2.16.10(-6) M IFN-gamma and 3.06.10(-6) M IFN-alpha, respectively.  相似文献   

Ferritin is an iron storage protein found in most living organisms as a natural assembled macromolecule. For studying the functional ability of the ferritin assembly, human H- and L-ferritins were expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris strain GS115. The recombinant H- and L-ferritins showed a globular form with transmission electron microscopy. The rate of iron uptake for H-ferritin was significantly faster than that for the L-ferritin in vitro. By gel permeation chromatography analysis, recombinant ferritins were confirmed as multimeric subunits with high molecular weight and it was indicated that assembled subunits were able to store iron in vivo.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus Gag protein self-assembles into spherical particles, and recent reports suggest the formation of assembly intermediates during the process. To understand the nature of such assembly intermediates along with the mechanism of Gag assembly, we employed expression in Escherichia coli and an in vitro assembly reaction. When E. coli expression was performed at 37 degrees C, Gag predominantly assembled to a high order of multimer, apparently equivalent to the virus-like particles obtained following Gag expression in eukaryotic cells, through the formation of low orders of multimer characterized with a discreet sedimentation value of 60 S. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of spherical particles in the E. coli cells. In contrast, expression at 30 degrees C resulted in the production of only the 60 S form of Gag multimer, and crescent-shaped structures or small patches with double electron-dense layers were accumulated, but no complete particles. In vitro assembly reactions using purified Gag protein, when performed at 37 degrees C, also produced the high order of Gag multimers with some 60 S multimers, whereas the 30 degrees C reaction produced only the 60 S multimers. However, when the 60 S multimers were cross-linked so as not to allow conformational changes, in vitro assembly reactions at 37 degrees C did not produce any higher order of multimers. ATP depletion did not halt Gag assembly in the E. coli cells, and the addition of GroEL-GroES to in vitro reactions did not facilitate Gag assembly, indicating that conformational changes rather than protein refolding by chaperonins, induced at 37 degrees C, were solely responsible for the Gag assembly observed here. We suggest that Gag assembles to a capsid through the formation of the 60 S multimer, possibly a key intermediate of the assembly process, accompanied with conformational changes in Gag.  相似文献   

We have determined the mass-per-length (MPL) composition of distinct early assembly products of recombinant intermediate filament (IF) proteins from the four cytoplasmic sequence homology classes, and compared these values with those of the corresponding mature filaments. After two seconds under standard assembly conditions (i.e. 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 50 mM NaCl, 37 degrees C), vimentin, desmin and the neurofilament triplet protein NF-L aggregated into similar types of "unit-length filaments" (ULFs), whereas cytokeratins (CKs) 8/18 already yielded long IFs at this time point, so the ionic strength had to be reduced. The number of molecules per filament cross-section, as deduced from the MPL values, was lowest for CK8/18, i.e. 16 and 25 at two seconds compared to 16 and 21 at one hour. NF-L exhibited corresponding values of 26 and 30. Vimentin ULFs yielded a pronounced heterogeneity, with major peak values of 32 and 45 at two seconds and 30, 37 and 44 after one hour. Desmin formed filaments of distinctly higher mass with 47 molecules per cross-section, at two seconds and after one hour of assembly. This indicates that individual types of IF proteins generate filaments with distinctly different numbers of molecules per cross-section. Also, the observed significant reduction of apparent filament diameter of ULFs compared to the corresponding mature IFs is the result of a "conservative" radial compaction-type reorganization within the filament, as concluded from the fact that both the immature and mature filaments contain very similar numbers of subunits per cross-section. Moreover, the MPL composition of filaments is strikingly dependent on the assembly conditions employed. For example, vimentin fibers formed in 0.7 mM phosphate (pH 7.5), 2.5 mM MgCl2, yield a significantly increased number of molecules per cross-section (56 and 84) compared to assembly under standard conditions. Temperature also strongly influences assembly: above a certain threshold temperature "pathological" ULFs form that are arrested in this state, indicating that the system is forced into strong but unproductive interactions between subunits. Similar "dead-end" structures were obtained with vimentins mutated to introduce principal alterations in subdomains presumed to be of general structural importance, indicating that these sequence changes led to new modes of intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was the chemical characterization of variants of the recombinant human brain derived neurotrophic factor (rHu-BDNF), expressed in Escherichia coli. This paper also addresses the question of the in vitro activity of these variants. Chemical characterization of the variants employed peptide mapping using Glu-C protease and cyanogen bromide digestion on reduced and alkylated variants followed by the analysis of the digested peptides using mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing. The BDNF variants in this work have been designated by the order of their elution as observed from the high temperature RPLC assay. It was determined that Peaks 1 and 2, which eluted just before the predominant BDNF peak, had methionine sulfoxide instead of methionine at positions 31 and 61, respectively. Peak 4, which is chromatographically a single peak, contained three variants. Two of these variants had norleucine instead of methionine, at positions 61 and 92, respectively, while the third had methionine sulfoxide instead of methionine at position 92. Peak 5 had norleucine at position 31 instead of methionine. All of these variants showed in vitro biological activity consistent with the BDNF standard, suggesting the preservation of the trkB receptor-ligand binding domain of the variants.  相似文献   

Dong B  Liu R 《Biochimie》2008,90(9):1362-1371
Calpain-10 is a novel ubiquitous calpain family member that has been implicated as a susceptibility gene for type 2 diabetes. One of the major challenges is that the function of calpain-10 is not yet known. To address this problem, we purified human calpain-10 from different sources, including the endogenous and the recombinant calpain-10 from HeLa S3 and 293F cells, respectively. Both endogenous and recombinant calpain-10 were present as two major forms with different origins. Interestingly, radiolabeled calpain-10 was found to be efficiently cleaved at the N-terminal region by calpain-2, but not by other proteases. None of these calpain-10 proteins have putative proteolytic activity under in vitro conditions when examined using different peptide substrates, including more than 70 in vitro translated, radiolabeled oligopeptides. Our results raise the possibility that calpain-10 may require a special intracellular localization or interacting partner(s) to acquire proteolytic activity, or it functions by interacting with other proteins rather than through its proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Donald T. Downing 《Proteins》1995,23(2):204-217
Mammalian epidermal keratin molecules adopt rod-shaped conformations that aggregate to form cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. To investigate these keratin conformations and the basis for their patterns of molecular association, graphical methods were developed to relate known amino acid sequences to probable spacial configurations. The results support the predominantly α-helical conformation of keratin chains, interrupted by short non-α-helical linkages. However, it was found that many of the linkages have amino acid sequences typical of β-strand conformations. Space-filling atomic models revealed that the β-strand sequences would permit the formation of 2-chain and 4-chain cylindrical β-helices, fully shielding the hydrophobic amino acid chains that alternate with hydrophilic residues in these sequences. Because of the locations of the β-helical regions in human and mouse stratum corneum keratin chains, only homodimers of the keratins could interact efficiently to form 2-chain and 4-chain β-helices. Tetramers having the directions and degrees of overlap of constituent dimers that have been identified by previous investigators are also predicted from the interactions of β-helical motifs. Heterotetramers formed from dissimilar homodimers could combine, through additional β-helical structures, to form higher oligomers having the dimensions seen in electron microscopic studies. Previous results from chemical crosslinking studies can be interpreted to support the concept of homodimers rather than heterodimers as the basis for keratin filament assembly. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction, infrared and electron microscope studies of avian and reptilian keratins, and of stretched wool and hair, have played a central role in the development of models for the β-conformation in proteins. Both α- and β-keratins contain sequences that are predicted to adopt a β-conformation and these are believed to play an important part in the assembly of the filaments and in determining their mechanical properties. Interactions between the small β-sheets in keratins provide a simple mechanism through which shape and chemical complementarity can mediate the assembly of molecules into highly specific structures. Interacting β-sheets in crystalline proteins are often related to one another by diad symmetry and the data available on feather keratin suggest that the filament is assembled from dimers in which the β-sheets are related by a perpendicular diad. The most detailed model currently available is for feather and reptilian keratin but the presence of related β-structural forms in mammalian keratins is also noted.  相似文献   

Human keratin 18 (K18) and keratin 8 (K8) and their mouse homologs, Endo B and Endo A, respectively, are expressed in adult mice primarily in a variety of simple epithelial cell types in which they are normally found in equal amounts within the intermediate filament cytoskeleton. Expression of K18 alone in mouse L cells or NIH 3T3 fibroblasts from either the gene or a cDNA expression vector results in K18 protein which is degraded relatively rapidly without the formation of filaments. A K8 cDNA containing all coding sequences was isolated and expressed in mouse fibroblasts either singly or in combination with K18. Immunoprecipitation of stably transfected L cells revealed that when K8 was expressed alone, it was degraded in a fashion similar to that seen previously for K18. However, expression of K8 in fibroblasts that also expressed K18 resulted in stabilization of both K18 and K8. Immunofluorescent staining revealed typical keratin filament organization in such cells. Thus, expression of a type I and a type II keratin was found to be both necessary and sufficient for formation of keratin filaments within fibroblasts. To determine whether a similar proteolytic system responsible for the degradation of K18 in fibroblasts also exists in simple epithelial cells which normally express a type I and a type II keratin, a mutant, truncated K18 protein missing the carboxy-terminal tail domain and a conserved region of the central, alpha-helical rod domain was expressed in mouse parietal endodermal cells. This resulted in destabilization of endogenous Endo A and Endo B and inhibition of the formation of typical keratin filament structures. Therefore, cells that normally express keratins contain a proteolytic system similar to that found in experimentally manipulated fibroblasts which degrades keratin proteins not found in their normal polymerized state.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Piflp helicase is the founding member of the Pifl subfamily that isconserved from yeast to human.The potential human homolog of the yeast PIFI gene has been cloned fromthe cDNA library of the Hek293 cell line.Here,we described a purification procedure of glutathione S-transferase(GST)-fused N terminal truncated human Pifl protein(hPif1ΔN)from yeast and characterizedthe enzymatic kinetics of its ATP hydrolysis activity.The ATPase activity of human Pif1 is dependent ondivalent cation,such as Mg~(2 ),Ca~(2 )and single-stranded DNA.Km for ATP for the ATPase activity isapproximately 200 μM.As the ATPase activity is essential for hPifl's helicase activity,these results willfacilitate the further investigation on hPif1.  相似文献   

Tritel M  Resh MD 《Journal of virology》2000,74(13):5845-5855
The assembly and budding of lentiviruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), are mediated by the Gag protein precursor, but the molecular details of these processes remain poorly defined. In this study, we have combined pulse-chase techniques with density gradient centrifugation to identify, isolate, and characterize sequential kinetic intermediates in the lentivirus assembly process. We show that newly synthesized HIV-1 Gag rapidly forms cytoplasmic protein complexes that are resistant to detergent treatment, sensitive to protease digestion, and degraded intracellularly. A subpopulation of newly synthesized Gag binds membranes within 5 to 10 min and over several hours assembles into membrane-bound complexes of increasing size and/or density that can be resolved on Optiprep density gradients. These complexes likely represent assembly intermediates because they are not observed with assembly-defective Gag mutants and can be chased into extracellular viruslike particles. At steady state, nearly all of the Gag is present as membrane-bound complexes in various stages of assembly. The identification of sequential assembly intermediates provides the first demonstration that HIV-1 particle assembly proceeds via an ordered process. Assembly intermediates should serve as attractive targets for the design of antiviral agents that interfere with the process of particle production.  相似文献   

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