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The paratypes of Trebius akajeii Shiino, 1954, originally collected from Dasyatis akajei (Müller & Henle) at Owase, Japan, and the paratypes and newly collected specimens of T. latifurcatus Wilson, 1921, previously collected from Urolophus and Myliobatis at Venice, California, are redescribed. New host records for T. latifurcatus are: Torpedo californica Ayres, Squatina californica Ayres, Rhinobatos productus (Ayres), Platyrhinoides triseriata (Jordan & Gilbert), Raja inornata (Jordan & Gilbert) and Gymnura marmorata (Cooper). A new species, Trebius heterodonti, is described from the horn shark Heterodontus francisci (Girard) collected from southern California waters. These three species of Trebius are apparently closely related to each other. Diagnostic characters of the species are provided along with a discussion on the taxonomic value of selected features.  相似文献   

Araujo  H. M. P.  Boxshall  G. A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):197-202
The pre-metamorphic female of Therodamas serrani Krøyer, 1863 is described for the first time based on new material collected from the upper reaches of Piauí River estuary, northeastern Brazil. Females are present in the plankton throughout the year, and are common during the rainy season. Five of the six currently accepted species of Therodamas are known only from metamorphic females, making identification of pre-metamorphic stages problematic. Identification of T. serrani was made on the basis of the leg setation and the very similar proportions of the two apical endopodal spines on leg 1.  相似文献   

Summary Thysanote alternans n. sp., a lernaeopodid copepod parasitic on Polynemus sextarius is described and illustrated. A key to 19 species of Thysanote is provided (two unnamed species included). Specific diagnosis within the genus is based on the number and shape of maxillary and posterior trunk processes. The limitations of their value as discriminant characteristics are discussed. Host affiliations of the members of the genus are examined. Distribution of Thysanote is shown to have two centres, one in the Indian Ocean and another, a smaller one, in the Caribbean. The connections between them are tenuous. ac]19810127  相似文献   

The effect of food concentration on gut clearance time of a pelagic copepod, Pseudocalanus minutus Krøyer, was investigated. Gut clearance time was estimated from ingestion rate and gut content pigment of copepods which were continuously fed during experiments. The time estimated by this method was longer than that estimated by evacuation of gut content pigment in filtered sea water by a factor of 1.3 to 2.6. Gut clearance time showed fluctuation with food concentration over 1.6 to 3.3. h, whereas food category had little effect on the time.  相似文献   

Volbehr  Ute  Rachor  Eike 《Hydrobiologia》1997,358(1-3):71-76
The work of Kazutsugu Hirayama over the past 25 yearspromoted the wide use of the marine rotifer Brachionusplicatilis as an experimental model in zooplanktonecology. His reports about the nature of geneticvariation in the B. plicatilis complex stimulated usto investigate how mate recognition maintains speciesboundaries. For the past several years, we haveexamined chemical communication between female andmale B. plicatilis. Here we report on the comparativebinding of polyclonal antibody against the materecognition pheromone (MRP) to three B. plicatilisstrains and three B. rotundiformis strains.Quantification of anti-MRP binding permitsinvestigation of how the female mating signal differsamong closely related Brachionus species and strains.Antibody binding reflects differentiation independentof the male receptor which has been describedelsewhere. Anti-MRP bound to females of all sixstrains and was localized in the corona. Antibodybinding greatly reduced mating in all three B. plicatilis strains. However, antibody bindingsignificantly reduced mating in only one of the B. rotundiformis strains. The MRP of both species has asimilar molecular weight, but the differential bindingsuggests that the mate recognition pheromone onfemales has differentiated in B. plicatilis and B. rotundiformis.  相似文献   


Kabata separated species of Pseudocharopinus Kabata, 1964 and Charopinus Krøyer, 1863 in 1964 based mainly on four characteristics. Currently Pseudocharopinus has 11 species while Charopinus consists of three species considered valid. Pseudocharopinus malleus (Rudolphi in Nordmann, 1832) and Charopinus dubius T. Scott, 1900 were collected and studied from hosts off South Africa. Additional to previous reports from South African waters, P. malleus is reported from Torpedo sinuspersici Olfers and T. fuscomaculata Peters while C. dubius is reported from Leucoraja wallacei (Hulley) and Rajella dissimilis (Hulley), all new host records. In an attempt to estimate the evolutionary relationships among Pseudocharopinus spp. a cladistic analysis was performed by means of parsimony using described and illustrated features of the adult females. Due to the mostly unresolved 50% majority rule tree, a key for the identification of the adult females of Pseudocharopinus spp. is compiled. Additionally, a key for the identification of adult females of Charopinus spp. is provided.


Morphological details of the testis, seminal vesicles and vas deferens of Orchestia platensis are described. The follicular lumen of the mature testis contains spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. The histochemical nature of the testis and the vas deferens is elucidated. The spermatozoa and vas deferens contain acid sulphated mucopolysaccharides and neutral mucopolysaccharides. In addition, they contain basic proteins, disulphide groups, lipids, phospholipids, RNA and DNA.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption rates (QO2) of laboratory reared stage one zoeae of Pandalus borealis (Krøyer) at 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, and 9°C were 1.5, 2.2, 2.6, 3.6 and 4.1μ O2 · mg?1 · h?1, respectively. These values of QO2 correspond to 0.26, 0.38, 0.44, 0.60, and 0.70 μl O2 · individual?1 · h?1. At 10.5 °C oxygen consumption rates decreased suggesting thermally induced respiratory stress.The equation log10QO2 = 0.55 log10T°C + 0.086 describes the relationship between QO2 (μl O2 · mg?1 · h?1) and sea-water temperature between 1.5 and 9°C. Corresponding values of QO2 for an individual (μl O2 · h?1) exhibited the relationship log10QO2 = 0.55 log10T°C ?0.686.The minimum daily metabolic caloric requirements for an individual zoea ranged from 0.04 at 3 °C to 0.07 calories per day at 8 °C. The number of calories ingested daily ranged from 0.4 to 0.5 at 3 to 8 °C.  相似文献   

The first record of the juvenile northern wolffish Anarhichas denticulatus was reported 570 km away from the nearest border of the species natural habitat near the island of Jan Mayen, on the continental slope of Northeast Greenland. Also original and published data on the occurrence of juvenile northern wolffish in the European Arctic and North Atlantic are presented.  相似文献   

The Lamina ganglionaris (first optic neuropile) of the decapod crustacean Pandalus borealis has its optic cartridges (synaptic compartments) arranged in horizontal rows. Each optic cartridge contains seven receptor axon terminals and the branching axis fibres of five monopolar second order neurons. Four types of monopolar neurons are classified. Their cell bodies are arranged in two layers. The inner layer contains the cell bodies of exclusively one of these types, and each cartridge is invaded by two neurons of this neuron type (type M 1:a and M 1:b). The outer layer contains the cell bodies of the remaining three types (M 2, M3 and M4). One gives rise to a large radially branched axis fibre in the centre of the cartridge. The other two have wide branches which may make inter-cartridge contacts, one proximally and the other distally in the plexiform layer, which is clearly bistratified. The receptor axons terminate in two levels corresponding to these strata. Two sets of tangenital fibres form networks in the proximal and the mid-portion of the lamina. Both networks have fibres with primary branches in the vertical plane and secondary branches in the horizontal plane. The fibres of the networks are derived from axons that pass from the second optic neuropile, the medulla externa.  相似文献   

Alebion Krøyer, 1863 is one of the genera of the Caligidae Burmeister, 1835 and can easily be distinguished from other genera by the presence of modified exopodal spines on legs 1–3. Currently there are eight recognised species infecting a variety of elasmobranch hosts. Alebion difficile (van Beneden, 1892) is resurrected based on the difference in the structure of the spermatophores on the genital complex of the female but also the difference in the relative lengths of the posterior processes of the genital complex, the lateral processes on the first abdominal somite and the caudal rami. Additionally, the adult male of A. difficile is described and illustrated and notes provided about the morphology of the sub-adult females and males. Other Alebion species and their hosts collected off South Africa are reported and an updated key to the adult females of the species of Alebion is provided.  相似文献   

The present study re-examines the detailed morphology of the type-species, Diclidophora merlangi (Kuhn, in Nordmann, 1832) Krøyer, 1838, and other Diclidophora species parasitic on gadid fishes: D. denticulata (Olsson, 1876) Price, 1943, D. esmarkii (Th. Scott, 1901) Sproston, 1946, D. luscae (van Beneden & Hesse, 1863) Price, 1943, D. minor (Olsson, 1868) Sproston, 1946, D. palmata (Leuckart, 1830) Diesing, 1850, D. phycidis (Parona & Perugia, 1889) Sproston, 1946, D. pollachii (van Beneden & Hesse, 1863) Price, 1943 and the recently described D. micromesisti Suriano & Martorelli, 1984. An amended generic diagnosis of Diclidophora Krøyer, 1838 (synonym Diclidophora Diesing, 1850) is provided, which includes the presence of a prostatic vesicle in the terminal male genitalia and the distal fusion of the median and peripheral sclerites, a1 and c1 in the clamp anterior jaw. Macrouridophora n. g. is herein proposed for species previously considered in Diclidophora, which are parasitic on macrourid and morid fishes. The clamp morphology in Macrouridophora n. g. has distinct lamellate extension attachments to peripheral sclerites c1 and the distal portion of d1, with no distal fusion between a1 and c1 in the anterior jaw. Macrouridophora macruri (Brinkmann, 1942) n. comb. is chosen as the type-species. Nine other species are herein transferred to Macrouridophora n. g.: M. coelorhynchi (Robinson, 1961) n. comb., M. lotella (Machida, 1972) n. comb., M. nezumiae (Munroe, Campbell & Zwerner, 1981) n. comb. and M. tubiformis (Rohde & Williams, 1987) n. comb. are redescribed, based on the re-examination of type or voucher specimens. Macrouridophora attenuata (Mamaev & Zubtschenko, 1979) n. comb., M. caudata (Mamaev & Zubtschenko, 1984) n. comb., M. papilio (Mamaev & Avdeev, 1981) n. comb., M. paracoelorhynchi (Mamaev & Paruchin, 1979) n. comb. and M. physiculi (Mamaev & Avdeev, 1981) n. comb. have adequately described haptoral clamps in the literature. The clamp morphology in Macrouridophora sp. from Lepidorhynchus denticulatus in Australia is also considered. Diclidophora whitsonii Suriano & Martorelli, 1984 is herein transferred to the genus Macruricotyle Mamaev & Ljadov, 1975, as M. whitsonii (Suriano & Martorelli, 1984) n. comb. D. embiotocae Hanson, 1979 is herein considered a species incertae sedis. D. caudospina Khan & Karyakarte, 1983 and D. paddiforma Deo & Karyakarte, 1979 are herein considered species inquirendae. D. aglandulosa Deo, 1977, D. glandulosa Das, 1972, D. minuta Das, 1972 and D. spindale Deo, 1977 are formally dismissed as nomina nuda. The systematic position of Diclidophora Krøyer, 1838 and Macrouridophora n. g. in the subfamily Diclidophorinae Cerfontaine, 1895 (sensu Mamaev, 1976) is discussed.  相似文献   

Although the great genital diversity of the barklouse genus Trichadenotecnum has been described in previous studies, the specific function of the genital structures during the copulation process has received less investigative attention. We reconstructed 3D-models of each structure of the male and female genitalia of Trichadenotecnum incognitum in copula and those of uncopulated male and female of Trichadenotecnum pseudomedium. By comparing the changes in male and female genital structures and related muscles in copulated and uncopulated states, the function of each genital structure can be described. During the copulation, we found that the female subgenital plate was hooked into the male body by the distal process on the male paraproct and was fixed by the male epiproct, hypandrium and phallosome. In addition, sexual coevolution was suggested by tightly contacting structures, that is, thorny male hypandrium and thickened membrane around the female spermapore plate. These results not only give us a new understanding copulation process of Trichadenotecnum, but also explain the reasons why genital structures are so divers in the genus.  相似文献   

Ampelisca eschrichtii are among the most important prey of the Western North Pacific gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus. The largest and densest known populations of this amphipod occur in the gray whale’s Offshore feeding area on the Northeastern Sakhalin Island Shelf. The remote location, ice cover and stormy weather at the Offshore area have prevented winter sampling. The incomplete annual sampling has confounded efforts to resolve life history and production of A. eschrichtii. Expanded comparisons of population size structure and individual reproductive development between late spring and early fall over six sampling years between 2002 and 2013 however, reveal that A. eschrichtii are gonochoristic, iteroparous, mature at body lengths greater than 15 mm and have a two-year life span. The low frequencies of brooding females, the lack of early stage juveniles, the lack of individual or population growth or biomass increases over late spring and summer, all indicate that growth and reproduction occur primarily in winter, when sampling does not occur. Distinct juvenile and adult size cohorts additionally indicate growth and juvenile production occurs in winter through spring under ice cover. Winter growth thus requires that winter detritus or primary production are critical food sources for these ampeliscid populations and yet, the Offshore area and the Eastern Sakhalin Shelf ampeliscid communities may be the most abundant and productive amphipod population in the world. These A. eschrichtii populations are unlikely to be limited by western gray whale predation. Whether benthic community structure can limit access and foraging success of western gray whales is unclear.  相似文献   

Two types of males are present in the Jalapa population of Xiphophorus helleri: Males with a black or dark brownish mid-lateral stripe ("black males") mature earlier and are smaller than males with a red or brownish mid-lateral stripe ("red males"). We tested the hypothesis that the colour patterns of red males may be regarded as ornaments, which evolved as the result of inter- and/or intrasexual selection. As predicted, in choice tests females exhibited a strong preference for red versus black males. Furthermore, in competition experiments red males became dominant over black males with no exception, both when body size was equal and even when red males were 3–5 mm smaller than black males. However, contrary to our prediction, sneak–chase behaviour in black males was not detected, and courtship displays occurred at similar rates in both morphs. Red males are always heterozygous, with one allele for red and another for black colouration. This genetic constraint potentially prevents the extinction of the black morph. Possibly, the colour patterns of red males are functioning as indicators of heterozygosity. According to the "heterozygosity theory of mate choice", the female's preference for red males may be adaptive.  相似文献   

The male reproductive system and spermatozoa of spiders are known for their high structural diversity. Spider spermatozoa are flagellate and males transfer them to females in a coiled and encapsulated state using their modified pedipalps. Here, we provide a detailed overview of the present state of knowledge of the primary male reproductive system, sperm morphology and the structural diversity of seminal fluids with a focus on functional and evolutionary implications. Secondly, we conceptualized characters for the male genital system, spermiogenesis and spermatozoa for the first time based on published and new data. In total, we scored 40 characters for 129 species from 56 families representing all main spider clades. We obtained synapomorphies for several taxa including Opisthothelae, Araneomorphae, Dysderoidea, Scytodoidea, Telemidae, Linyphioidea, Mimetidae, Synotaxidae and the Divided Cribellum Clade. Furthermore, we recovered synspermia as a synapomorphy for ecribellate Haplogynae and thus propose Synspermiata as new name for this clade. We hope that these data will not only contribute to future phylogenetic studies but will also stimulate much needed evolutionary studies of reproductive systems in spiders.  相似文献   

The serpulid tubeworm Hydroides sanctaecrucis is recorded from tropical northern Australia for the first time. This species is native to the Caribbean, where it is common in coastal lagoons, and has not previously been reliably recorded from the western Pacific. The species was identified after heavy and unusual serpulid fouling was noted on vessel hulls in Cairns, north Queensland, and hull fouling is considered the most probable vector for its translocation to the western Pacific. In northern Australia, H. sanctaecrucis displays similar traits to other fouling and now widely dispersed fouling serpulids such as Hydroides elegans, H. ezoensis and Ficopomatus enigmaticus.  相似文献   

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