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The contractile systems of vertebrate smooth and striated muscles are compared. Smooth muscles contain relatively large amounts of actin and tropomyosin organized into thin filaments, and smaller amounts of myosin in the form of thick filaments. The protein contents are consistent with observed thin:thick filament ratios of about 15-18:1 in smooth compared to 2:1 in striated muscle. The basic characteristics of both types of contractile proteins are similar; but there are a variety of quantitative differences in protein structures, enzymatic activities and filament stabilities. Biochemical and X-ray diffraction data generally support recent ultrastructural evidence concerning the organization of the myofilaments in smooth muscle, although a basic contractile unit comparable to the sarcomere in striated muscle has not been discerned. Myofilament interactions and contraction in smooth muscle are controlled by changes in the Ca2+ concentration. Recent evidence suggests the Ca2+-binding regulatory site is associated with the myosin in vertebrate smooth muscle (as in a variety of invertebrate muscles), rather than with troponin which is the regulatory protein associated with the thin filament in vertebrate striated muscle.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of formation of 2D arrays of protein macromolecules in liquid films we carried out model experiments with μm-sized latex particles. The direct observations revealed that the process of ordering is triggered by attractive lateral capillary forces due to the overlap of the menisci formed around the particles. Two types of lateral capillary forces, flotation and immersion, can be distinguished, and a theory of these interactions is developed. Similar forces are operative between inclusions (proteins) incorporated in lipid membranes. We develop an appropriate model of a lipid bilayer, which is described as an elastic layer (the hydrocarbon chain region) sandwiched between two Gibbs dividing surfaces (the two headgroup regions). The range of the interaction between two cylindrical inclusions turns out to be of the order of several inclusion radii. The results, which are in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations, can be applied to the interpretation of membrane processes and mechanisms such as protein aggregation in lipid membranes.  相似文献   

Cultured human dermal fibroblasts suspended in a rapidly polymerizing collagen matrix produce a fibroblast-populated collagen lattice. With time, this lattice will undergo a reduction in size referred to as lattice contraction. During this process, two distinct cell populations develop. At the periphery of the lattice, highly oriented sheets of cells, morphologically identifiable as myofibroblasts, show cell-to-cell contacts and thick, actin-rich staining cytoplasmic stress fibers. It is proposed that these cells undergoing cell contraction produce a multicellular contractile unit which reorients the collagen fibrils associated with them. The cells in the central region, referred to as fibroblasts, are randomly oriented, with few cell-to-cell contacts and faintly staining actin cytoplasmic filaments. In contrast it is proposed that cells working as single units use cell locomotion forces to reorient the collagen fibrils associated with them. Using this model, we sought to determine which of these two mechanisms, cell contraction or cell locomotion, is responsible for the force that contracts collagen lattices. Our experiments showed that fibroblasts produce this contractile force, and that the mechanism for lattice contraction appears to be related to cell locomotion. This is in contrast to a myofibroblast; where the mechanism for contraction is based upon cell contractions. Fibroblasts attempting to move within the collagen matrix reorganize the surrounding collagen fibrils; when these collagen fibrils can be organized no further and cell-to-cell contacts develop, which occurs at the periphery of the lattice first, these cells can no longer participate in the dynamic aspects of lattice contraction.  相似文献   



During the last years, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain has been introduced as a new tool to measure consciousness, both in a clinical setting and in a basic neurocognitive research. Moreover, advanced mathematical methods and theories have arrived the field of fMRI (e.g. computational neuroimaging), and functional and structural brain connectivity can now be assessed non-invasively.


The present work deals with a pluralistic approach to "consciousness'', where we connect theory and tools from three quite different disciplines: (1) philosophy of mind (emergentism and global workspace theory), (2) functional neuroimaging acquisitions, and (3) theory of deterministic and statistical neurodynamics – in particular the Wilson-Cowan model and stochastic resonance.


Based on recent experimental and theoretical work, we believe that the study of large-scale neuronal processes (activity fluctuations, state transitions) that goes on in the living human brain while examined with functional MRI during "resting state", can deepen our understanding of graded consciousness in a clinical setting, and clarify the concept of "consiousness" in neurocognitive and neurophilosophy research.

For human locomotion along the hard ground it was shown that the power of bearing reaction was approximately ten times less than that of the mulscles. Therefore the control of locomotion on the hard surface may be accomplished practically without any information on forces acting between body and support.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of yeast enolase 1 was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under conditions of subunit association/dissociation, enzymatic activity or substrate binding without turnover and substrate analogue binding. Subunit association stabilizes the enzyme, that is, the enzyme dissociates before denaturing. The conformational change produced by conformational metal ion binding increases thermal stability by reducing subunit dissociation. 'Substrate' or analogue binding additionally stabilizes the enzyme, irrespective of whether turnover is occurring, perhaps in part by the same mechanism. More strongly bound metal ions also stabilize the enzyme more, which we interpret as consistent with metal ion loss before denaturation, though possibly the denaturation pathway is different in the absence of metal ion. We suggest that some of the stabilization by 'substrate' and analogue binding is owing to the closure of moveable polypeptide loops about the active site, producing a more 'closed' and hence thermostable conformation.  相似文献   

In this minireview, the nature of the forces controlling selectivity in the high performance capillary electrochromatographic (HP-CEC) separation of peptides has been examined. For uncharged and charged peptides, a synergistic interplay occurs in HP-CEC systems between adsorptive/partitioning events and electrokinetically driven motion. Moreover, at high field strengths, both bulk electrophoretic migration and surface electrodiffusion occur. Thus, the migration behavior of peptides in different HP-CEC systems can be rationalized in terms of the combined consequences of these various processes. Moreover, in HP-CEC, the buffer electrolyte interacts with both the peptide analytes and the sorbent as bulk phenomena. These buffer-mediated processes control the solvational characteristics, ionization status and conformational behavior of the peptides as well as regulate the double-layer properties of the sorbent, and the ion flux and electro-osmotic flow characteristics of the HP-CEC system per se. These buffer electrolyte effects mediate mutual interactions between the peptide and the sorbent, irrespective of whether the interaction occurs at the surface of microparticles packed into a capillary, at the surface of a contiguous monolithic structure formed or inserted within the capillary or at the walls of the capillary as is the case with open tubular HP-CEC. Diverse molecular and submolecular forces thus coalesce to provide the basis for the different experimental modes under which HP-CEC can be carried out. As a consequence of this interplay, experimental parameters governing the separation of peptides in HP-CEC can be varied over a wide range of conditions, ensuring numerous options for enhanced selectivity, speed, and resolution of peptides. The focus of the peptide separation examples presented in this minireview has been deliberately restricted to the use of HP-CEC capillaries packed with n-alkyl-bonded silicas or mixed-mode strong ion exchange sorbents, although other types of sorbent chemistries can be employed. From these examples, several conclusions have been drawn related to the use of HP-CEC in the peptide sciences. These observations confirm that variation of a specific parameter, such as the pH or the content of the organic solvent modifier in the buffer electrolyte, simultaneously influences all other physicochemical aspects of the specific HP-CEC separation. Peptide selectivity in HP-CEC thus cannot be fine-tuned solely through the use of single parameter optimization methods. In this context, HP-CEC differs significantly from the analogous reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) procedures with peptides. Rather, more sophisticated multiparameter optimization procedures, involving knowledge of (a) the field strength polarity, (b) its contour and flux characteristics, (c) effects of buffer electrolyte composition and pH, (e) the influence of the temperature, and (f) the impact of the sorbent characteristics, are required if the full capabilities offered by HP-CEC procedures are to be exploited. In this minireview, the HP-CEC migration behavior of several different sets of synthetic peptides has been examined, and general guidelines elaborated from these fundamental considerations to facilitate the interpretation and modulation of peptide selectivity in HP-CEC.  相似文献   

Apart from a few experimental studies muscle viscosity has not received much recent analytical attention as a determinant of the contractile process. This is surprising, since any muscle cell is 80% water, and may undergo large shape changes during its working cycle. Intuitively one might expect the viscosity of the solvent to be an important determinant of the physiological activity of muscle tissue. This was apparent to pioneers of the study of muscle contraction such as Hill and his contemporaries, whose putative theoretical formulations contained terms related to muscle viscosity. More recently, though, a hydrodynamic calculation by Huxley, using a solvent viscosity close to that of water, has been held to demonstrate that viscous forces are negligible in muscle contraction. We have re-examined the role of viscosity in contraction, postulating impulsive acto-myosin forces that are opposed by a viscous resistance between the filaments. The viscous force required, 104 times the hydrodynamic estimate, is close to recent experimental measurements, themselves 102–103 times the hydrodynamic estimate. This also agrees with contemporary measurements of cytoplasmic viscosity in other biological cells using magnetic bead micro-rheometry. These are several orders of magnitude greater than the viscosity of water. In the course of the analysis we have derived the force-velocity equation for an isolated half-sarcomere containing a single actin filament for the first time, and from first principles. We conclude that muscle viscosity is indeed important for the contractile process, and that it has been too readily discounted.  相似文献   

Melanic and typical morphs of Biston betularius (L.), Oligia latruncula (D. & S.) and 0. strigilis (L.) made choices between vertical trunks and horizontal branches, sprayed with white and black paints, in a transparent plastic cylinder in natural illumination. The moths settled in exposed positions. In neither Biston nor Oligia did the choice for white/black backgrounds differ between the morphs. Biston moths settle on narrow branches (not on twigs) with the body at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the branch. The Oligias showed an asymmetrical light reaction: one eye is kept in shadow so that they settle as a continuation of an irregularity of the surface, often of a lichen.
In nature, Biston betularius probably rests high up in the canopies, on the under surfaces of horizontal branches. The visual selection acting on the morphs is expected to be less intensive than that measured on tree trunks. The mark-release-recapture results of Kettlewell (1955a, 1956) do not show any qualitative change during the self-determination of the moths but the material is too limited for firm conclusions.
Newly-hatched Biston males take off straight from the trunk where they have expanded their wings but the females may climb higher in the tree. A hypothesis is presented to explain the black-and-white coloration of f. carbonaria : the short-winged moths climbing up the trunks might deter bird predation.  相似文献   

We measured the external moments and digit-tip force directions acting on a freely moveable object while it was grasped and manipulated by old (OA) and young (YA) adults. Participants performed a grasp and lift task and a precision orientation (key-slot) task with a precision (thumb-finger) grip. During the grasp-lift task the OA group misaligned their thumb and finger contacts and produced greater grip force, greater external moments on the object around its roll axis, and oriented force vectors differently compared with the YA group. During the key-slot task, the OA group was more variable in digit-tip force directions and performed the key-slot task more slowly. With practice the OA group aligned their digits, reduced their grip force, and minimized external moments on the object, clearly demonstrating that the nervous system monitored and actively manipulated one or more variables related to object tilt. This was true even for the grip-lift task, a task for which no instructions regarding object orientation were given and which could tolerate modest amounts of object tilt without interfering with task goals. Although the OA group performed the key-slot task faster with experience, they remained slower than the YA group. We conclude that with old age comes a reduced ability to control the forces and moments applied to objects during precision grasp and manipulation. This may contribute to the ubiquitous slowing and deteriorating manual dexterity in healthy aging.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of cardiac myofibrils in cells from the atrial wall in human embryos was studied. Z-band substance appears throughout the cytoplasm as irregular electron dense patches in a network of thin filaments. The thin and thick filaments are synthesized as separate units in the sarcoplasm and are later aggregated into myofibrils. Complexes of Z substance and thin filaments occur numerously at different stages of myofibrillar organisation. Thick filaments are formed in close proximity to free ribosomes and are later incorporated in an hexagonal pattern into the Z-band/thin filament complex.This work was supported by grants from The Norwegian Council on Cardiovascular Disease and from The Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities  相似文献   

We have studied rates of formation of glucose, urea and lactate by isolated hepatocytes incubated with a variety of inhibitors of energy transduction. Linear relationships have been found between these metabolic rates and mitochondrial forces (membrane, redox and phosphorylation potentials). The findings are suggestive of extensive enzyme organization within these metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

The oxidation state of copper in resting tyrosinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Epithelial cells undergo striking morphological changes during division to ensure proper segregation of genetic and cytoplasmic materials. These morphological changes occur despite dividing cells being mechanically restricted by neighboring cells, indicating the need for extracellular force generation. Beyond driving cell division itself, forces associated with division have been implicated in tissue-scale processes, including development, tissue growth, migration, and epidermal stratification. While forces generated by mitotic rounding are well understood, forces generated after rounding remain unknown. Here, we identify two distinct stages of division force generation that follow rounding: (1) Protrusive forces along the division axis that drive division elongation, and (2) outward forces that facilitate postdivision spreading. Cytokinetic ring contraction of the dividing cell, but not activity of neighboring cells, generates extracellular forces that propel division elongation and contribute to chromosome segregation. Forces from division elongation are observed in epithelia across many model organisms. Thus, division elongation forces represent a universal mechanism that powers cell division in confining epithelia.  相似文献   

On the nature of calcium ion binding between phosphatidylserine lamellae   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
G W Feigenson 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5819-5825
Ca2+ binding between phosphatidylserine (PS) lamellae gives rise to a phase with the composition Ca(PS)2. When aqueous Ca2+, hydrated PS, and Ca(PS)2 coexist at equilibrium, the aqueous Ca2+ concentration is invariant. At Ca2+ concentrations below this critical value, no binding of Ca2+ to PS is detected. Above this value, Ca2+ binds to PS to form Ca(PS)2. The invariant Ca2+ concentration is 0.14 microM for palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylserine (POPS) and 3.0 microM for dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS). For the mixed acyl chain PS derived from bovine brain (BBPS) this Ca2+ concentration ranges from 0.25 to 0.7 microM. The observed phase behavior is described by the phase rule for the three-component system of water, Ca2+, and PS, with temperature and pressure constant. In order for Ca2+ to bind between PS lamellae to form the Ca(PS)2 phase, the aqueous Ca2+ concentration must be supersaturated. The equilibrium Ca2+ concentration is determined by dissolving Ca(PS)2 by use of Ca2+ chelators.  相似文献   

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