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P-glycoprotein (P-gp) antagonists inhibit ceramide metabolism at the juncture of glycosylation. The purpose of this study was to test whether targeting P-gp would be a viable alternative to targeting glucosylceramide synthase (GCS) for enhancing ceramide cytotoxicity. A2780 wild-type, and multidrug-resistant 2780AD and NCI/ADR-RES human ovarian cancer cell lines and the cell-permeable ceramide analog, C6-ceramide (C6-cer), were employed. Compared to P-gp-poor A2780 cells, P-gp-rich 2780AD cells converted 3.7-fold more C6-cer to nontoxic C6-glucosylceramide (C6-GC), whereas cell-free GCS activities were equal. 2780AD cells displayed resistance to C6-cer (10 μM) that was reversed by inclusion of the P-gp antagonist tamoxifen (5 μM) but not by inclusion of a GCS inhibitor. Co-administration of C6-cer and P-gp antagonists was also effective in NCI/ADR-RES cells. For example, C6-cer, VX-710 (Biricodar), and cyclosporin A (cyc A) exposure resulted in viabilities of ~ 90% of control; however, C6-cer/VX-710 and C6-cer/cyc A additions were synergistic and resulted in viabilities of 22% and 17%, respectively. Further, whereas C6-ceramide and cyc A imparted 1.5- and 0-fold increases in caspase 3/7 activity, the combination produced a 3.5-fold increase. Although the upstream elements of cell death have not been elucidated, the novel C6-ceramide/P-gp antagonist combination merits further study and assessment of clinical translational potential.  相似文献   

High resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine if the same cell line (MG-63 human osteosarcoma cells) grown in monolayer or as small (about 50-80 microm in diameter), three-dimensional tumor spheroids with no hypoxic center has different metabolic characteristics. Consequently, the (1)H NMR spectra were obtained from both types of cultures and then compared. The results indicate that the type of cellular spatial array determines specific changes in MG-63 cells. In particular, small but significant differences in lactate and alanine indicating a perturbation in energy metabolism were observed in the two cell models. In addition, although variations in CH(2) and CH(3) groups were also seen, it is not possible at this time to establish if lipid metabolism is truly different in cells and spheroids.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of adipogenesis is critical if suitable therapeutics for obesity and related metabolic diseases are to be found. The current study presents proof of feasibility of creating a 3-D spheroid model using human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) and their subsequent adipogenic differentiation. hASC spheroids were formed atop an elastin-like polypeptide-polyethyleneimine (ELP-PEI) surface and differentiated using an adipogenic cocktail. Spheroids were matured in the presence of dietary fatty acids (linoleic or oleic acid) and evaluated based on functional markers including intracellular protein, CD36 expression, triglyceride accumulation, and PPAR-γ gene expression. Spheroid size was found to increase as the hASCs matured in the adipocyte maintenance medium, though the fatty acid treatment generally resulted in smaller spheroids compared to control. A stable protein content over the 10-day maturation period indicated contact-inhibited proliferation as well as minimal loss of spheroids during culture. Spheroids treated with fatty acids showed greater amounts of intracellular triglyceride content and greater expression of the key adipogenic gene, PPAR-γ. We also demonstrated that 3-D spheroids outperformed 2-D monolayer cultures in adipogenesis. We then compared the adipogenesis of hASC spheroids to that in 3T3-L1 spheroids and found that the triglyceride accumulation was less profound in hASC spheroids than that in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, correlated with smaller average spheroids, suggesting a relatively slower differentiation process. Taken together, we have shown the feasibility of adipogenic differentiation of patient-derived hASC spheroids, which with further development, may help elucidate key features in the adipogenesis process.  相似文献   

Summary Sarcoma 180 monolayers spontaneously shed single cells and small multicellular aggregates into the surrounding medium to produce a dual population of floating and substratum-attached cells. Shedding was a motility-associated event that occurred when cells attempted to migrate over one another. It resulted from a combination of cell shape change and active motility, which increased sensitivity to fluid shear dislodgement by reducing a cell's surface area of adhesive contact and increasing strain tension at its adhesive contact points. Shedding occurred at all phases of the cell cycle. Extracellular matrix but not conditioned medium enhanced the floating subpopulation by slowing the kinetics of rattachment to plastic and cellular substrata. Although sarcoma 180 cells are anchorage independent in the sense that they grow readily in single cell suspension, they nevertheless exhibited anchorage modulation of their cell cycle. Short periods in suspension produced a mild G1 accumulation, whereas longer periods of anchorage deprivation led to a mild G2 accumulation which appeared to result from an interference with cytokinesis. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada, The National Cancer Institute of Canada, the Alberta Heritage Savings and Trust Fund for Applied Cancer Research, and the Alberta Heritage Fund for Medical Research.  相似文献   

Summary A novel method of synchronizing monolayer tissue culture cells is described. By limiting the period of attachment of trypsinized cells and the subsequent removal of unattached cells a G1 population of cells is isolated. Evaluation of the degree of synchrony has been carried out by measuring the labeling index and incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA. Further conformation of synchrony, as well as a comparison with synchrony by isoleucine deprivation, was obtained by flow cytometry. The expected peak in DNA synthesis rate following limited attachment was observed. This peak becomes more prominent and shifts to earlier times with shorter attachment intervals. The synchronization method described is simple, rapid, yields a substantial number of cells, and is applicable to many cell lines. This research was supported by a Basic Science Research Grant and a grant from the American Heart Foundation to K. Janakidevi. Paul Held and Christian Sell were also supported by predoctoral training grant HL07194 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering in cardiovascular regenerative therapy requires the development of an efficient oxygen supply system for cell cultures. However, there are few studies which have examined human cardiomyocytes in terms of oxygen consumption and metabolism in culture. We developed an oxygen measurement system equipped with an oxygen microelectrode sensor and estimated the oxygen consumption rates (OCRs) by using the oxygen concentration profiles in culture medium. The heart is largely made up of cardiomyocytes, cardiac fibroblasts, and cardiac endothelial cells. Therefore, we measured the oxygen consumption of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), cardiac fibroblasts, human cardiac microvascular endothelial cell and aortic smooth muscle cells. Then we made correlations with their metabolisms. In hiPSC-CMs, the value of the OCR was 0.71 ± 0.38 pmol/h/cell, whereas the glucose consumption rate and lactate production rate were 0.77 ± 0.32 pmol/h/cell and 1.61 ± 0.70 pmol/h/cell, respectively. These values differed significantly from those of the other cells in human heart. The metabolism of the cells that constitute human heart showed the molar ratio of lactate production to glucose consumption (L/G ratio) that ranged between 1.97 and 2.2. Although the energy metabolism in adult heart in vivo is reported to be aerobic, our data demonstrated a dominance of anaerobic glycolysis in an in vitro environment. With our measuring system, we clearly showed the differences in the metabolism of cells between in vivo and in vitro monolayer culture. Our results regarding cell OCRs and metabolism may be useful for future tissue engineering of human heart.  相似文献   

A human colon adenocarcinoma cell line, WiDr, has been grown in monolayer, as multicellular spheroids, and as xenografted tumors in immune-deprived mice. The growth and radiation responses of the cells under these different growth conditions were compared. The mean doubling time of monolayer cultures was 0.8 day and the initial volume doubling times of spheroids and xenografts averaged 1.2 and 6 days, respectively. The mean total viable cell plating efficiencies were 82, 63, and 7% for cells from monolayers, spheroids, and xenografted tumors, respectively. The radiation responses of single cell suspensions prepared from WiDr tumors (8-10 mm in diameter), exponentially growing monolayer cultures (5 days growth), and spheroids (1200 microns in diameter) irradiated in air at 4 degrees C were similar. Values for D0 were 1.5 Gy and for n between 3 and 5. Nitrogen curves were characterized by a D0 of 5 Gy and n between 3 and 6. Oxygen enhancement ratios were approximately 3.3. Both spheroids and tumors had radioresistant components to the 37 degrees C/air-breathing survival curves with estimated hypoxic fractions of 8 and 12%, respectively. The final portion of the survival curves for irradiations in nitrogen and under normal growth conditions were parallel for both tumors and spheroids. Thus WiDr spheroids appear to model accurately the radiation sensitivity of WiDr tumors.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine, relying on human embryonic stem cell (hESC) technology, opens promising new avenues for therapy of many severe diseases. However, this approach is restricted by limited production of the desired cells due to the refractory properties of hESC growth in vitro. It is further hindered by insufficient control of cellular stress, growth rates, and heterogeneous cellular states under current culture conditions. In this study, we report a novel cell culture method based on a non-colony type monolayer (NCM) growth. Human ESCs under NCM remain pluripotent as determined by teratoma assays and sustain the potential to differentiate into three germ layers. This NCM culture has been shown to homogenize cellular states, precisely control growth rates, significantly increase cell production, and enhance hESC recovery from cryopreservation without compromising chromosomal integrity. This culture system is simple, robust, scalable, and suitable for high-throughput screening and drug discovery.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of normal mammary epithelial and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced adenocarcinoma cells derived from rats and grown in monolayer culture were compared. Normal mammary epithelial cells exhibited different morphology and agglutinability by plant lectins, slower growth rate, and lower saturation density and cloning efficiency. In addition, the normal cells were sensitive to the toxic effect of DMBA, and were unable to grow in soft agar or to form tumors, when inoculated into newborn Sparague-Dawley rats. The converse was true in each case for the adenocarcinoma cells. Supported by Public Health Service Research Grant CA 01237603 from the National Cancer Institute Portions of this paper were presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research at Houston, Texas, 1974.  相似文献   

Summary Normal urinary bladder epithelial cells and cells derived from 2-acetylaminofluorene-induced urothelial carcinomas from male Balb/c mice were grown in monolayer culture and were characterized. Cell lines of normal bladder epithelium were mononucleated, sheet-forming cells, with a modal chromosome number of 40. Bladder epithelial carcinoma cells induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene were polynucleate, relatively fast growing, grew in soft agar, demonstrated a higher cloning efficiency than normal cells and formed tumors when inoculated into syngeneic hosts. Differences in morphology were recorded by photomicrography using phase optics and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Differential temperature sensitivity of normal and cancer cells in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serially-propagated growing heteroploid and growing diploid cell cultures do not survive incubation at 42° for 24 hours, whereas contact-inhibited diploid monolayers are still viable after at least nine days at this elevated temperature. Heat-treated heteroploid HeLa cells and growing diploid cells exhibit a variety of morphologic abnormalities, but contact-inhibited cells are only minimally affected. A similar differential temperature sensitivity exists in the synthesis of cellular macromolecular components such as DNA, RNA, and protein: incorporation of radioactive precursors is drastically reduced in growing diploid and heteroploid cells after 24 hours at 42°, but not in contact-inhibited cells. Incorporation of labelled glucose, choline, or linolenic acid is actually enhanced in heat-treated contact-inhibited cells.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the MGH-U1 human bladder carcinoma cell line and 12 primary bladder carcinoma biopsies for their ability to form spheroids in suspension culture and in multiwell dishes. MGH-U1 cells formed tightly packed spheroids with a necrotic center and viable rim whereas three sublines formed loose aggregates only. Spheroids formed from as few as 100 MGU-U1 cells placed into multiwells. MGH-U1 cells derived from spheroids formed new spheroids more rapidly and consistently than cells derived from monolayer culture. Spheroid diameter increased at a rapid rate of ∼100 μm/d in multiwell dishes, and necrosis occurred only in spheroids of diameter >1 mm. Spheroids placed in spinner culture at a higher concentration (∼1.5 spheroids/ml) grew more slowly and developed necrosis at smaller diameters. The width of the viable rim of spheroids grown in spinner culture was maintained at ∼190 μm over a wide range of spheroid diameters (400 to 1000 μm). Sequential trypsinization of spheroids, which stripped layers of cells from the spheroids, demonstrated no difference in the plating efficiency of cells derived from varying depths into the spheroid. Only one of the 12 primary bladder biopsy specimens demonstrated an ability to form spheroids. This biopsy, designated HB-10, formed spheroids that grew linearly over 40 d, formed colonies in methylcellulose culture and grew as xenografts in immune-deprived mice. These studies characterize the MGH-U1 spheroids that are useful in vitro models to study the effects of various treatments for solid tumors and demonstrate the limited capacity of cells from primary human bladder biopsies to form spheroids. Supported in part by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada and by grant CA29526 NCI through the National Bladder Cancer Project, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Summary N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) were localised histochemically in fixed cells from the 37-day-old rat epididymis grown in static monolayer culture for 2–8 days. ACP and NAG were cytosolic enzymes found in perinuclear positions, whereas staining of AKP was consistent with a membranous position. These enzymes were also examined in frozen tissue sections of the epididymis, from rats of the equivalent age, where NAG had intense activity in both supra- and infra-nuclear cytoplasm and ACP was more active apically. For the first time AKP was localised along basolateral membranes of the epithelium and in the lumen of the mid-caput region. The monolayer in culture was of principal cells only and they maintained their polarity and ultrastructural characteristics, but the height of the cells was reduced compared to that obtained in situ.  相似文献   

A cell culture system is characterized for monolayers of immature rat epididymal epithelial cells grown on permeable supports. Cover of the filters was achieved by days 4-5 and was maintained for 9-12 days. The secretion of acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) into apical and basal compartments of culture chambers was monitored with time in culture for cells from the proximal and distal epididymis of 37-day-old animals. There was independent secretion of the three enzymes: secretion of NAG and AKP was mainly apical, that of ACP basal; daily secretion of ACP and AKP was constant throughout culture, that of NAG declined; there was greater secretion of NAG and AKP by cells from the proximal than the distal region. The initial high apical secretion of NAG is thought to reflect loss of enzyme from unattached cells, whereas the later AKP secretion is truly directional. Secretion was not influenced by the enzymes used in cell preparation. The cytotoxic agent Thimerosal inhibited secretion of all enzymes when placed beneath the cultures, indicating that secretion depended on viable cells, but initially stimulated release of AKP when applied above the cells possibly reflecting release from the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Summary As basic studies of hyperthermia and hypothermia on malignant tumor, the kinetics of proliferative activity, the morphologic changes in the two cell lines, SGF-3 and SGF-5, established in our department after the change of culture temperature were examined. The results obtained were: a) A significant difference was found in the sensitivity to temperatures between the two cell lines originated from human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. The temperature range allowing cultured cell to proliferate were from 31° to 39° C in SGF-3 and from 29° to 41° C in SGF-5. b) Minor difference occurred in the results between the two cell lines examined during the recovery of proliferative activity, but no proliferative activity was discovered after the cells were exposed to 42° C for 72 h. Two cell lines resumed their proliferation after having been exposed to 27° or 28° C for 72 h. c) Morphologic changes of the cell lines cultured at high temperature were cytoplasmic vacuolation and cell aggregation by phase contrast microscope and the increase of heterochromatin, the decrease of granular formation in nucleoli, and nucleolar vacuolation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). At low temperatures the changes observed included cytoplasmic ballooning and circumnuclear halo formation by phase contrast microscope, and the increase of heterochromatin, nucleolar segregation, swelling of mitochondria, and dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) by TEM.  相似文献   

In this study the role of hyperthermia as an apoptotic trigger was analyzed in four human tumor cell lines: HL60, U937, DOHH2, and K562. These cell lines were chosen because of their well known and different expression of bcl-2 and bcr-abl genes, the expression of which is known to be an antiapoptotic condition. HL60 and U937 cells were strongly susceptible to heat exposure, while DOHH2 cells were weakly sensitive and K562 cells were resistant, thus suggesting a possible gene involvement in this type of programmed cell death. The mechanisms underlying this apoptosis were investigated by flow cytometry, agarose gel electrophoresis, and light and electron microscopy. A subdiploid peak and DNA laddering, both of which are parameters specifically correlated to programmed cell death, were present in HL60 and U937 and, even if less evident, in DOHH2 cells undergoing hyperthermic treatment, and were absent in K562 cells. In addition, DNA single-strand cleavage was revealed by in situ nick translation, observed by confocal microscopy. Morphological analysis confirmed these results and revealed the typical chromatin changes, followed by the appearance of micronuclei and apoptotic bodies. Accepted: 26 November 1999  相似文献   

In the present investigation, we found that among the prostanoids that human amnion cells, which are maintained in monolayer culture, secrete into the culture medium, prostaglandin E2 is by far the predominant one. In the presence of inhibitors of prostaglandin synthase, the production of prostaglandin E2 by these cells is abolished. Amnion cells maintained in the presence of fetal calf serum produce greater quantities of prostaglandin E2 than do cells maintained in serumless medium. In the amnion cells, there is little or no metabolism of prostaglandin E2; this also is true of amnion tissue. The unique characteristics of prostaglandin biosynthesis and metabolism by human amnion cells in monolayer culture are identical with those of human amnion tissue. Hence, we suggest that amnion cells in culture constitute an excellent model for investigations of the regulation of prostaglandin E2 biosynthesis in this tissue.  相似文献   

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