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The chloride intracellular channel (CLIC) gene family has been implicated in chloride ion transport within various subcellular compartments. We report here the molecular, biochemical, and cellular characterization of a new member of this gene family termed CLIC5. CLIC5 was isolated from extracts of placental microvilli as a component of a multimeric complex consisting of several known cytoskeletal proteins, including actin, ezrin, alpha-actinin, gelsolin, and IQGAP1. We cloned human cDNAs and generated antibodies specific for CLIC5, CLIC1/NCC27, and CLIC4/huH1/p64H1. CLIC5 shares 52-76% overall identity with human CLIC1, CLIC2, CLIC3, and CLIC4. Northern blot analysis showed that CLIC5 has a distinct pattern of expression compared with CLIC1 and CLIC4. Immunoblot analysis of extracts from placental tissues demonstrated that CLIC4 and CLIC5 are enriched in isolated placental microvilli, whereas CLIC1 is not. Moreover, in contrast to CLIC1 and CLIC4, CLIC5 is associated with the detergent-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction of microvilli. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that CLIC4 and CLIC5 are concentrated within the apical region of the trophoblast, whereas CLIC1 is distributed throughout the cytoplasm. These studies suggest that CLIC1, CLIC4, and CLIC5 play distinct roles in chloride transport and that CLIC5 interacts with the cortical actin cytoskeleton in polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated cDNAs representing a previously unrecognized human gene that apparently encodes a protein-tyrosine kinase. We have designated the gene as HCK (hemopoietic cell kinase) because its expression is prominent in the lymphoid and myeloid lineages of hemopoiesis. Expression in granulocytic and monocytic leukemia cells increases after the cells have been induced to differentiate. The 57-kilodalton protein encoded by HCK resembles the product of the proto-oncogene c-src and is therefore likely to be a peripheral membrane protein. HCK is located on human chromosome 20 at bands q11-12, a region that is affected by interstitial deletions in some acute myeloid leukemias and myeloproliferative disorders. Our findings add to the diversity of protein-tyrosine kinases that may serve specialized functions in hemopoietic cells, and they raise the possibility that damage to HCK may contribute to the pathogenesis of some human leukemias.  相似文献   

Shc family proteins serve as phosphotyrosine adaptor molecules in various receptor-mediated signaling pathways. In mammals, three distinct Shc genes have been described that encode proteins characterized by two phosphotyrosine-interaction modules, an amino-terminal phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain and a carboxy-terminal Src homology 2 domain. Here, we report the analysis of an uncharacterized fourth Shc family protein, ShcD/Shc4, that is expressed in adult brain and skeletal muscle. Consistent with this expression pattern, we find that ShcD can associate via its PTB domain with the phosphorylated muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) receptor tyrosine kinase and undergo tyrosine phosphorylation downstream of activated MuSK. Interestingly, additional sites of tyrosine phosphorylation, including a novel Grb2 binding site, are present on ShcD that are not found in other Shc family proteins. Activation of MuSK upon agrin binding at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) induces clustering and tyrosine phosphorylation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) required for synaptic transmission. ShcD is coexpressed with MuSK in the postsynaptic region of the NMJ, and in cultured myotubes stimulated with agrin, expression of ShcD appears to be important for early tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR. Thus, we have characterized a new member of the Shc family of docking proteins, which may mediate a specific aspect of signaling downstream of the MuSK receptor.  相似文献   

A C Chan  M Iwashima  C W Turck  A Weiss 《Cell》1992,71(4):649-662
Protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) play an integral role in T cell activation. Stimulation of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) results in tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of cellular substrates. One of these is the TCR zeta chain, which can mediate the transduction of extracellular stimuli into cellular effector functions. We have recently identified a 70 kd tyrosine phosphoprotein (ZAP-70) that associates with zeta and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation following TCR stimulation. Here we report the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding ZAP-70. ZAP-70 represents a novel PTK and is expressed in T and natural killer cells. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylation and association of ZAP-70 with zeta require the presence of src family PTKs and provide a potential mechanism by which the src family PTKs and ZAP-70 may interact to mediate TCR signal transduction.  相似文献   

CRMPs (collapsin response mediator proteins)/ULIPs (unc-33-like proteins) are a family of intracytoplasmic proteins that are expressed mainly in the brain. The involvement of CRMP/ULIP members in neuronal differentiation, growth cone motility and axonal collapse has been suggested. We recently found that a member of this family, CRMP3/ULIP4, corresponds to POP66 (paraneoplastic oligodendrocyte protein of 66 kDa), a protein which may be associated with auto-immune induced-neuronal degeneration in paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. However, the physiological functions of these proteins remain to be elucidated. Further studies, including the generation of cell lines and of animals with modified/disrupted CRMP/ULIP gene expression, are necessary to explore the functions of this protein. We have cloned and determined the organization and chromosomal localization of the mouse gene encoding CRMP3/ULIP4. The gene is composed of 14 exons and spans more than 20 kb. We assigned the mouse CRMP3/ULIP4 gene to the distal end of chromosome 7. In mouse brain, in situ hybridization showed that CRMP3/ULIP4 mRNA is expressed mainly in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus, in the granular layers of cerebellum and in the inferior olive of the pons, the nucleus which controls movement and posture, and adjusts the major output of descending motor system.  相似文献   

Extracts of bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) contain protein-tyrosine kinase activity that can be detected with a synthetic Glu-Tyr copolymer as substrate (G. Schieven, J. Thorner, and G.S. Martin, Science 231:390-393, 1986). By using this assay in conjunction with ion-exchange and affinity chromatography, a soluble tyrosine kinase activity was purified over 8,000-fold from yeast extracts. The purified activity did not utilize typical substrates for mammalian protein-tyrosine kinases (enolase, casein, and histones). The level of tyrosine kinase activity at all steps of each preparation correlated with the content of a 40-kDa protein (p40). Upon incubation of the most highly purified fractions with Mn-ATP or Mg-ATP, p40 was the only protein phosphorylated on tyrosine. Immunoblotting of purified p40 or total yeast extracts with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies and phosphoamino acid analysis of 32P-labeled yeast proteins fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the 40-kDa protein is normally phosphorylated at tyrosine in vivo. 32P-labeled p40 immunoprecipitated from extracts of metabolically labeled cells by affinity-purified anti-p40 antibodies contained both phosphoserine and phosphotyrosine. The gene encoding p40 (YPK1) was cloned from a yeast genomic library by using oligonucleotide probes designed on the basis of the sequence of purified peptides. As deduced from the nucleotide sequence of YPK1, p40 is homologous to known protein kinases, with features that resemble known protein-serine kinases more than known protein-tyrosine kinases. Thus, p40 is a protein kinase which is phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro at both tyrosine and serine residues; it may be a novel type of autophosphorylating tyrosine kinase, a bifunctional (serine/tyrosine-specific) protein kinase, or a serine kinase that is a substrate for an associated tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

Rab3A is a small, Ras-like GTPase expressed in neuroendocrine cells, in which it is associated with secretory vesicle membranes and regulates exocytosis. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have identified a rat brain cDNA encoding a novel 50-kDa protein, which we have named Rabin3, that interacts with Rab3A and Rab3D but not with other small GTPases (Rab3C, Rab2, Ran, or Ras). Several independent point mutations in the effector domain of Rab3A (F51L, V55E, and G56D) which do not alter nucleotide binding by the GTPase abolish the interaction with Rabin3, while another mutation (V52A) appears to increase the interaction. These results demonstrate that the interaction is highly specific. However, a glutathione S-transferase-Rabin3 fusion protein associates only weakly in vitro with recombinant Rab3A and possesses no detectable GTPase-activating protein or nucleotide exchange activity, and Rabin3 overexpressed in adrenal chromaffin cells has no observable effect on secretion. The protein possess a sequence characteristic of coiled-coil domains and a second small region with sequence similarity to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, Sec2p, Sec2p is essential for constitutive secretion in yeast cells and interacts with Sec4p, a close relative of the Rab3A GTPase. Rabin3 mRNA and protein are widely expressed but are particularly abundant in testes.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) form a novel and important class of cell regulatory proteins. We evaluated the expression of PTPases in mouse brain by polymerase chain amplification of cDNA segments that encode the catalytic domains of these enzymes. Degenerate primer pairs devised on the basis of conserved protein motifs were used to generate a series of distinct PCR-derived clones. In this way, murine homologues of the human PTPases LRP, PTP, PTP, PTP and LAR were obtained. Corresponding regions in their catalytic domains were used to reveal the evolutionary relationships between all currently known mammalian PTPase protein family members. Phylogenetic reconstruction displayed considerable differences in mutation rates for closely related PTPases.  相似文献   

Human Brox is a newly identified 46 kDa protein that has a Bro1 domain-like sequence and a C-terminal thioester-linkage site of isoprenoid lipid (CAAX motif) (C standing for cysteine, A for generally aliphatic amino acid, and X for any amino acid). Mammalian Alix and its yeast ortholog, Bro1, are known to associate with charged multivesicular body protein 4 (CHMP4), a component of endosomal sorting complex required for transport III, via their Bro1 domains and to play roles in sorting of ubiquitinated cargoes. We investigated whether Brox has an authentic Bro1 domain on the basis of its capacity for interacting with CHMP4s. Both Strep Tactin binding sequence (Strep)-tagged wild-type Brox (Strep-Brox(WT)) and Strep-tagged farnesylation-defective mutant (Cys-->Ser mutation; Strep-Brox(C408S)) pulled down FLAG-tagged CHMP4b that was coexpressed in HEK293 cells. Treatment of cells with a farnesyltransferase inhibitor, FTI-277, caused an electrophoretic mobility shift of Strep-Brox(WT), and the mobility coincided with that of Strep-Brox(C408S). The inhibitor also caused a mobility shift of endogenous Brox detected by western blotting using polyclonal antibodies to Brox, suggesting farnesylation of Brox in vivo. Fluorescence microscopic analyses revealed that Strep-Brox(WT) exhibited accumulation in the perinuclear area and caused a punctate pattern of FLAG-CHMP4b that was constitutively expressed in HEK293 cells. On the other hand, Strep-Brox(C408S) showed a diffuse pattern throughout the cell, including the nucleus, and did not cause accumulation of FLAG-CHMP4b. Fluorescent signals of monomeric green fluorescent protein (mGFP)-fused Brox(WT) merged partly with those of Golgi markers and with those of abnormal endosomes induced by overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of AAA type ATPase SKD1/Vps4B in HeLa cells, but such colocalization was less efficient for mGFP-Brox(C408S). These results suggest a physiological significance of farnesylation of Brox in its subcellular distribution and efficient interaction with CHMP4s in vivo.  相似文献   

The CRMP (collapsin response mediator protein) family is thought to play key roles in growth cone guidance during neural development. The four members (CRMP1-4) identified to date have been demonstrated to form hetero-multimeric structures through mutual associations. In this study, we cloned a novel member of this family, which we call CRMP5, by the yeast two-hybrid method. This protein shares relatively low amino acid identity with the other CRMP members (49-50%) and also with dihydropyrimidinase (51%), whereas CRMP1-4 exhibit higher identity with each other (68-75%), suggesting that CRMP5 might be categorized into a third subfamily. The mouse CRMP5 gene was located at chromosome 5 B1. Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses indicated that CRMP5 is expressed throughout the nervous system similarly to the other members (especially CRMP1 and CRMP4) with the expression peak in the first postnatal week. Association experiments using the yeast two-hybrid method and co-immunoprecipitation showed that CRMP5 interacts with dihydropyrimidinase and all the CRMPs including itself, except for CRMP1, although the expression profile almost overlaps with that of CRMP1 during development. These results suggest that CRMP complexes in the developing nervous system are classifiable into two populations that contain either CRMP1 or CRMP5. This indicates that different complexes may have distinct functions in shaping the neural networks.  相似文献   

Duan W  Sun B  Li TW  Tan BJ  Lee MK  Teo TS 《Gene》2000,256(1-2):113-121
We describe the cloning and expression of cDNAs encoding a novel human protein of 208 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 22.6kDa and its mouse homologue. We name this protein as AWP1 (associated with PRK1). AWP1 is a ubiquitously expressed protein, and the Awp1 gene is switched on during early human and mouse development. When expressed in COS-1 cells, the Myc-tagged AWP1 has an apparent molecular mass higher than that deduced from its amino acid sequence. AWP1 possesses a conserved zf-A20 zinc finger domain at its N-terminal and a zf-AN1 zinc finger domain at its C-terminal. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that mouse AWP1 specifically interacts with a rat serine/threonine protein kinase PRK1 in vivo. Hence, AWP1 may play a regulatory role in mammalian signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

hsp27 is involved in development of tolerance to stress, possibly by its involvement in molecular chaperoning, maintenance of glutathione status, and/or modulation of microfilament structure and function. We hypothesize that hsp27 function depends on specific association with other proteins. To discover proteins that associate with hsp27, we made a differentiated rat Sertoli cell cDNA expression library and screened it using the yeast two-hybrid system. We obtained a cDNA coding for a novel protein of 428 amino acids that we have named PASS1 (protein associated with small stress proteins 1). BLAST searches did not reveal major similarity of PASS1 to any known protein, but the cDNA sequence matched several mouse EST clones and shares 34% homology with a Caenorhabditis elegans genomic sequence. In vitro, bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase-PASS1 fusion protein bound to hsp27, and hsp27 was co-immunoprecipitated with c-Myc-tagged PASS1 overexpressed in several cell lines. The region of PASS1 responsible for association with hsp27 was identified as existing predominantly between amino acids 108 and 208 of PASS1. Northern hybridization and Western blot analysis demonstrated that PASS1 is expressed in several tissues, with the highest expression occurring in testis, primarily in Sertoli cells. The presence of a 1.4-kilobase PASS1 mRNA in kidney as well as the 1. 8-kilobase mRNA seen in other tissues suggests that alternate splicing may occur in this organ. Ectopic expression of PASS1 in two cultured cell lines was observed to inhibit the ability of hsp27 to protect cells against heat shock, indicating that PASS1 does interact with hsp27 in the live cell.  相似文献   

APG-2 protein is a member of the heat shock protein 110 family, and it is thought to play an important role in the maintenance of neuronal functions under physiological and stress conditions. However, neither the tissue-distribution of APG-2 protein nor developmental change of its expression has been studied at the protein level. Therefore, we generated an antiserum against APG-2 protein and studied expression of this protein in rat brain and other tissues by use of the Western blot method. The results showed a high expression of APG-2 protein in various regions of the central nervous system (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, midbrain, hypothalamus, cerebellum, medulla pons, and spinal cord) throughout the entire postnatal stage. Similarly, a high level of APG-2 protein was detected in the whole brain of rat embryos and in adult rat tissues such as liver, lung, spleen, and kidney. In contrast, its expression in heart was high at postnatal days 1 and 3, but thereafter drastically decreased to a low level. Furthermore, APG-2 protein was detected in neuronal primary cultures prepared from rat cerebral cortex, and its level did not change notably during neuronal differentiation. These results show that APG-2 protein is constitutively expressed in various tissues and also in neuronal cells throughout the entire embryonic and postnatal period. suggesting that it might play an important role in these tissues under non-stress conditions.  相似文献   

The mouse UGRP gene family consists of two genes, Ugrp1 and Ugrp2. In this study, the genomic structure and expression patterns of Ugrp2 and its alternative spliced form were characterized. The authentic Ugrp2 gene has three exons and two introns, similar to the Ugrp1 gene, which produces a secreted protein. The Ugrp2 variant uses a sequence located between authentic exons 1 and 2, resulting in a cytoplasmic form due to a termination codon within the inserted sequence. Both mouse and human UGRP2 mRNAs are expressed in lung. In the case of human, the mRNA is expressed at the highest level in trachea, followed by salivary gland at a level similar to lung. Weak expression was also found in fetal lung and mammary gland. Ugrp2 was mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization to mouse chromosome 11A5-B1 and human chromosome 5q35. These regions are known to be homologous. Interspecific mouse backcross mapping was also performed to obtain further detailed localization of mouse Ugrp1 and Ugrp2.  相似文献   

Previous studies (F. C. Purves, D. Spector, and B. Roizman, J. Virol. 65:5757-5764, 1991) have shown that the protein kinase encoded by the U(S)3 gene mediates posttranslational modification of a viral phosphoprotein with an apparent M(r) of 30,000 encoded by the UL34 gene. Here we report the following. (i) UL34 protein is not phosphorylated in cells infected with recombinant viruses deleted in the U(S)3 gene. (ii) Several new phosphoproteins (apparent M(r)s, 25,000 to 35,000) are present in cells infected with recombinant viruses deleted in the U(S)3 gene or with viruses carrying a mutation in the UL34 gene that precluded phosphorylation of the UL34 gene product by the U(S)3 protein kinase, but not in cells infected under conditions which permit phosphorylation of the UL34 protein. These proteins are genetically unrelated to the product of the UL34 gene. (iii) Polyclonal rabbit anti-UL34 protein serum precipitated not only the UL34 protein but also the other (25,000- to 35,000-M(r)) phosphoproteins from lysates of cells infected with U(S)3- virus. (iv) The UL34 gene product is a membrane protein inasmuch as the polyclonal anti-UL34 serum reacted with surfaces of intact, unfixed, infected cells and the antigen-antibody complex formed in this reaction contained the UL34 protein. (v) Small amounts of the UL34 protein were present in virions of infected cells. We conclude that the UL34 gene product is a membrane protein exclusively phosphorylated by the U(S)3 protein kinase which can either directly or indirectly form complexes with several other phosphoproteins. Experiments done thus far suggest that these phosphoproteins are present only under conditions in which the UL34 protein is not phosphorylated.  相似文献   

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