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Summary The recA gene of Azotobacter vinelandii was isolated from a genomic library by heterologous complementation of an Escherichia coli recA mutation for resistance to UV radiation. The A. vinelandii recA gene was localized on adjacent PstI fragments of 1.3 and 1.7 kb. The cloned A. vinelandii recA gene was functionally analogous to the E. coli recA gene. It was also able to complement the E. coli recA mutation for homologous recombination. A recA deletion mutant of A. vinelandii was constructed. This mutant was sensitive to DNA-damaging agents like UV rays, methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) and nalidixic acid and was deficient in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the Azotobacter vinelandii ntrA gene has been determined. It encodes a 56916 Dalton acidic polypeptide (AvNtrA) with substantial homology to NtrA from Klebsiella pneumoniae (KpNtrA) and Rhizobium meliloti (RmNtrA). NtrA has been shown to act as a novel RNA polymerase sigma factor but the predicted sequence of AvNtrA substantiates our previous analysis of KpNtrA in showing no substantial homology to other known sigma factors. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of AvNtrA, KpNtrA and RmNtrA identified three regions; two showing>50% homology and an intervening sequence of <10% homology. The predicted protein contains a short sequence near the centre with homology to a conserved region in other sigma factors. The C-terminal region contains a region of homology to the subunit of RNA polymerase (RpoC) and two highly conserved regions one of which is significantly homologous to known DNA-binding motifs. In A. vinelandii, ntrA is followed by another open reading frame (ORF) which is highly homologous to a comparable ORF downstream of ntrA in K. pneumoniae and R. meliloti.  相似文献   

Summary Strains with mutations in 23 of the 30 genes and open reading frames in the major nif gene cluster of A. vinelandii were tested for ability to grow on N-free medium with molybdenum (Nif phenotype), with vanadium (Vnf phenotype), or with neither metal present (Anf phenotype). As reported previously, nifE, nifty, nifU, nifS and nifV mutants were Nif (failed to grow on molybdenum) while nifM mutants were Nif, Vnf and Anf. nifV, nifS, and nifU mutants were found to be unable to grow on medium with or without vanadium, i.e. were Vnf Anf. Therefore neither vnf nor anf analogoues of nifU, nifS, nifV or nifM are expected to be present in A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

The chromosome of Azotobacter vinelandii UW was digested separately with the rape cutter restriction endonucleases Swal (5-ATTTAAAT), PmeI (5GTTTAAAC) and Pacl (5-TTAATTAA) and the products were separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The size of the chromosome was determined to be approximately 4.5 megabase pairs (Mb) based on the sum of the sizes of the restriction fragments. This is almost the same as the size of the chromosome of Escherichia coli. The inability of the undigested DNA to enter the gel has led us to infer that the chromosome is circular.  相似文献   

Summary An open reading frame (ORF) in the same operon as, but downstream of, vnfH in Azotobacter vinelandii can code for a ferredoxin-like protein. The role this ORF may play in the vnf (vanadium-dependent alternative) pathway of nitrogen fixation was investigated. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to alter one base in each of the codons specifying amino acids 18 and 19 generating a unique BglII site. A kanamycin resistance cartridge was cloned into the BglII site. This construct was mobilized into A. vinelandii CA12 ( nifHDK) strain by conjugation and the mutation was introduced into the genome by marker exchange. The resulting mutant was unable to fix nitrogen under conditions in which the vnf pathway of nitrogen fixation operates. This suggests that this ORF is functional and is essential for the vanadium-dependent alternative pathway of nitrogen fixation in A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

Summary Tn5 was introduced into Azotobacter vinelandii on a suicide vector, pGS9. Three Nif- mutants were found to carry Tn5 in nifH (MV6), in nifN (MV22), and in or near nifM (MV21), from the results of hybridisation experiments. For MV21 and MV22 this was also shown by complementation with the nif genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae on pRD1. MV6 failed to synthesis the nifH, D and K gene products. MV6 and MV22 fixed nitrogen in the absence of supplied molybdenum while mutant MV21 did not, suggesting that the nifM gene product may be required for the alternative nitrogenase system synthesised in azotobacteria under conditions of molybdenum deprivation. Reconstitution experiments with mutant extracts showed that MV22 (nifN -) lacked the FeMo cofactor and that MV21 (NifM-) synthesised inactive Fe protein. These biochemical phenotypes are identical to those of the K. pneumoniae nifN and nifM mutants, respectively, demonstrating that these genes have the same function in both K. pneumoniae and A. vinelandii. Complementation of the A. vinelandii mutants with pLAFR1 gene banks of A. vinelandii or a. chroococcum yielded three cosmids of interest. pLV10 complemented UW91, a nifH mutant, and corrected the defect in MV6 after recombination with the mutant genome. It also carried nifD (but not nifK) and about 18 kb of DNA upstream from nifH. pLV1 from the A. vinelandii gene bank complemented both MV21 and MV22 as did pLC11, isolated from the A. chroococcum gene bank. Both pLV1 and pLC11 carried part of the nif cluster downstream of nifHDK which also includes nifEN and nifMVS on about 22 kb of DNA.  相似文献   

New metabolites exhibiting antifungal activity were isolated from the culture liquid of Azotobacter vinelandii strain IB 4. The metabolites were characterized by IR and 13C-NMR spectroscopy and defined as sucrose polythiophosphates of tetraamine (α-D-2,3-diaminoglucopyranosyl-β-D-3,4-diaminofructofuranose).  相似文献   

Azotobacter vinelandii takes up the ammonium analog methylammonium from the external medium and metabolizes it to a less polar compound which has been identified as N-methylglutamine. The enzyme glutamine synthetase appears responsible for methylammonium metabolism in this organism and full activity of the enzyme is required for maximal rates of methylammonium uptake. L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine or L-methionine sulfone, inhibitors of glutamine synthetase activity, were shown to reduce the rate of methylammonium uptake by wild type cultures. A mutant strain with low glutamine synthetase activity was shown to be unable to carry out in vitro N-methylglutamine synthesis or in vivo uptake of methylammonium. Thus, methylammonium uptake assays may prove useful as a method of identifying mutants with altered glutamine synthetase activity.Abbreviations MSX L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine - MSF L-methionine sulfone  相似文献   

Two synthetic oligonucleotide probe mixtures, whose sequences were inferred from two separate stretches of amino acids, one closer to the carboxy terminal and the other closer to the amino terminal, of ferredoxin I protein ofAzotobacter vinelandii, were used to select ferredoxin I gene clones from a cosmid gene library ofAzotobacter vinelandii. Restriction analysis revealed that 7 out of 10 selected clones were of the same type. All these clones were found to hybridize withfixABCX genes ofRhizobium meliloti.  相似文献   

The two enzymes involved in the assimilatory pathway of nitrate in Azotobacter vinelandii are corregulated. Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase are inducible by nitrate and nitrite. Ammonium represses induction by nitrate of both reductases. Repression by ammonium is higher in media containing 2-oxo-glutarate as carbon source than in media containing sucrose. Mutants in the gene ntrC lost nitrate and nitrite reductase simultaneously. Ten chlorate-resistant mutants with a new phenotype were isolated. In media without ammonium they had a normal phenotype, being sensitive to the toxic effect of chlorate. In media containing low ammonium concentrations they were resistant to chlorate. These mutants seem to be affected in the repression of nitrate and nitrite reductases by ammonium.  相似文献   

The genome ofAzotobacler vinelandii has been taggedin vivo with transposons. The cells have then been allowed to divide and the pattern of segregation of the genomes has been studied. The results suggest the presence of multiple (possibly identical) copies of the genome inA. vinelandii. Only a fraction of the total number of genomes seem to have been tagged with transposon and an equilibrium between alleles of the same gene with and without the transposon was evident during random segregation.  相似文献   

Summary A chromosomal map of Azotobacter vinelandii strain UW was constructed. The map was based on measures of cotransfer of various markers mediated by plasmids R68.45 and pJB3JI, on results obtained from conjugal experiments with R-primes, and on recombinants obtained by chromosomal transfer mediated by RP4/Tn5-Mob.  相似文献   

Summary A sequence homologous to the conventional nifH gene has been cloned from a different region of the Azotobacter vinelandii genome. Tn5 insertions were obtained in this clone and the mutagenized plasmid was used for marker exchange with A. vinelandii strain CA12 (nifHDK) to obtain Tn5 mutants. These mutants exhibited a Nif- phenotype in the presence of vanadium, unlike CA12 which was Nif+ on vanadium-containing medium. The gene in the cloned nifH-like region is therefore apparently involved in the vanadium dependent alternative pathway of nitrogen fixation. This gene, nifH2, has been sequenced and encodes a protein of 289 amino acids that is similar to nifH in nucleotide sequence, deduced amino acid sequence, predicted secondary structure and hydrophobicity profile. A second open reading frame downstream of nifH2 codes for a protein of 64 amino acids, similar to the ferredoxin (Fd)-like protein encoded downstream of nifH * in A. chroococcum. Sequence analysis suggests that the nifH2 and Fd-like genes are in a single operon.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a plasmid-borne 3.9 kb XhoI-SmaI fragment comprising the 3-region of the nifM gene, the nifL and nifA genes and the 5-region of nifB gene of Enterobacter agglomerans was determined. The genes were identified by their homology to the corresponding nif genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae. A typical 54-dependent promoter and a consensus NtrC-binding motif were identified upstream of nifL. The predicted amino acid sequence of NifL showed close similarities to NifL of K. pneumoniae and Azotobacter vinelandii. However, no histidine residue was found to correspond to histidine-304 of A. vinelandii NifL, which had been proposed to be required for the repressor activity of NifL. The NifA sequence with a putative DNA binding motif (Q(X3) A (X3) G (X5)I) and an ATP binding site in the C-terminal and central domains, respectively, resembles that of other known NifA proteins. The function of the nifL and nifA genes was demonstrated in vivo using a binary plasmid system by their ability to activate a nifH promoter-lacZ fusion at different temperatures and concentrations of NH 4 + . Maximal promoter activity occurred at 25°C, and it appears that the sensitivity of NifA to elevated temperatures is independent of NifL. The expression of nifL inhibited promoter activity in the presence of NifA when the initial NH 4 + concentration in the medium exceeded 4 mM.Communicated by H. Böhme  相似文献   

Growth and nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of Azotobacter vinelandii in chemically defined N-free media were studied in the presence of p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, p-coumaric, and ferulic acids at concentrations from 0.01 to 1% (w/v). Growth and nitrogenase activity were only detected when the microorganism was cultured on p-hydroxybenzoic acid either as sole carbon source or mixed with other phenolic acids, suggesting that p-hydroxybenzoic acid could be utilized as a carbon source by A. vinelandii for growing under certain environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity in cell-free extracts of Azotobacter vinelandii declines during encystment. Upon germination a rapid increase in activity is observed, which is suppressed by rifampicin, suggesting that de novo biosynthesis of the nitrogenase proteins is required. The decline of activity during encystment is accompanied by disappearance of both nitrogenase proteins from cell extracts, indicating irreversible proteolysis. Total proteinase activity does not change significantly during encystment.  相似文献   

In cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii inoculated using washed cells (avoiding exhausted broth components) alginates of a higher molecular weight (1200 kDa) than those obtained in cultures conventionally inoculated (350 kDa), were produced. Also, when comparing conventionally inoculated cultures with those inoculated with washed-cells, the alginate lyase activity was delayed and the final polymer concentration decreased from 4.8 to 3.5 g l–1. This suggests that components in the exhausted inoculum broth play important regulatory roles in alginate biosynthesis and needs to be taken into account when describing polymer biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The tetracycline-resistant transposon Tn10 and its high-hopper derivative Tn10HH104 were introduced into the Azotobacter vinelandii genome using suicide conjugative plasmids derived from pRK2013. Several types of mutants induced by either of these elements are described. Nif- mutants (deficient in nitrogen fixation) were easily isolated, whereas the isolation of other mutant types (auxotrophs, sugar non-users) required special selection conditions. The characterization of the mutations as transposon insertions was often complicated and sometimes required a combination of genetic and physical tests. A common source of complication, the existence of double inserts, was found among the mutants induced by Tn10HH104 but not among those induced by Tn10. Both the high-hopper and the wild-type element proved to undergo secondary transpositions, albeit at different frequencies. Another type of complication, the existence of heterozygotes, occurred because of the high level of redundancy of the A. vinelandii genome.  相似文献   

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