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In an individualized athlete's conditioning program, it is desirable to use techniques of single-case research. However, it remains an unsettled question whether statistical analyses are possible in a single-case design. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the conditioning of a tennis player by statistical analyses over a season using a single-case design. Two male collegiate tennis players (subjects A and B) were observed independently and monitored by self-monitoring sheets during a 6-month tennis season (off-season, preseason, and in-season) using parameters such as performance readiness and performance. Factor analysis was used to extract the fluctuation components of performance readiness. A randomization test was used to examine the difference between means of performance readiness between Deltaoff-pre, Deltapre-in, and Deltaoff-in seasons. The performance readiness increased significantly (p < 0.05) toward a peak date in subject B (p < 0.05). In conclusion, a randomization test was an effective coaching tool to evaluate the conditioning of a tennis player over a training season.  相似文献   

Performance data for 261 NCAA Division 1A collegiate football players were analyzed to determine if player position, body weight, body fat, and training time were correlated with changes in performance in the following events: power clean (PC), bench press (BP), squat (SQ), vertical jump (VJ), 40-yd dash (40yd), and 20-yd shuttle (20yd). Individual positions were combined into the following groups: (A) wide receivers, defensive backs, and running backs, (B) linebackers, kickers, tight ends, quarterbacks, and specialists, and (C) linemen. Increases in body weight were positively correlated with increases in BP and PC performance for all groups. Increases in body fat were negatively correlated with performance in the PC and VJ for all groups. For group C, increases in body fat were also negatively correlated with performance in the 40yd and 20yd. Group and training time exhibited no linear relationship with performance in any of the tested events. No linear relationships were observed between the independent variables and performance in the SQ. When individual training data were analyzed longitudinally, a nonlinear increase in performance in the PC, BP, and SQ was observed as training time increased, with the greatest rate of change occurring between the first and second semesters of training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which scientific research influences college strength and conditioning coaching practices and to determine the training methods utilized. A total of 321 surveys were mailed to Division I strength and conditioning coaches, and the response rate was 42.7% (137 of 321 surveys). Results indicate that all subjects held a baccalaureate degree, the majority in a human performance-related field, and that 75% were Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certified. The respondents' most widely utilized professional resources were the Strength and Conditioning Journal (94%) and other collegiate coaches and programs (93%). Forty-seven percent of respondents indicated that other collegiate coaches and their programs were the most important sources of knowledge outside of formal education. The majority indicated that they used a periodization protocol (93%) utilizing multiple sets (97%), plyometrics (90%), explosive movements (88%), and Olympic lifts (85%). Respondents tend to rely on sources of information that may not be defined as scientific, as evidenced by the low priority given to peer-reviewed literature. Respondents also tend to employ the methods they utilized as athletes. Reliance on these sources may not take advantage of advances made through scientific research in exercise physiology, biomechanics, and more specifically the area of strength and conditioning.  相似文献   

Propensity score methods are used to estimate a treatment effect with observational data. This paper considers the formation of propensity score subclasses by investigating different methods for determining subclass boundaries and the number of subclasses used. We compare several methods: balancing a summary of the observed information matrix and equal-frequency subclasses. Subclasses that balance the inverse variance of the treatment effect reduce the mean squared error of the estimates and maximize the number of usable subclasses.  相似文献   

Concussion is a growing public health issue in the United States, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the chief long-term concern linked to repeated concussions. Recently, attention has shifted toward subconcussive blows and the role they may play in the development of CTE. We recruited a cohort of high school football players for two seasons of observation. Acceleration sensors were placed in the helmets, and all contact activity was monitored. Pre-season computer-based neuropsychological tests and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) tests were also obtained in order to assess cognitive and neurophysiological health. In-season follow-up scans were then obtained both from individuals who had sustained a clinically-diagnosed concussion and those who had not. These changes were then related through stepwise regression to history of blows recorded throughout the football season up to the date of the scan. In addition to those subjects who had sustained a concussion, a substantial portion of our cohort who did not sustain concussions showed significant neurophysiological changes. Stepwise regression indicated significant relationships between the number of blows sustained by a subject and the ensuing neurophysiological change. Our findings reinforce the hypothesis that the effects of repetitive blows to the head are cumulative and that repeated exposure to subconcussive blows is connected to pathologically altered neurophysiology.  相似文献   

The periodized resistance-training model has not been well documented in the literature. Further research is needed to determine if periodized resistance training in conjunction with creatine supplementation can cause changes in strength, performance, total body weight, girth, and lean muscle mass. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of periodized resistance training in conjunction with low-dose (LD) and high-dose (HD) creatine supplementation on strength, body composition, and anaerobic muscular endurance. Subjects were divided into 3 groups: LD, HD, and placebo (P). Testing took place pre-, mid-, and postsupplementation for the following: weight, body composition (fat-free mass and fat mass), 1 repetition maximum squat, and anaerobic muscular endurance testing. Results revealed no significant differences in either creatine group when compared with the P group. However, significant differences were noted over time. These data suggest that 10 weeks of periodized resistance training was effective for causing changes in strength, body composition, and anaerobic muscular endurance.  相似文献   

Antibody modeling: implications for engineering and design   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Our understanding of the rules relating sequence to structure in antibodies has led to the development of accurate knowledge-based procedures for antibody modeling. Information gained from the analysis of antibody structures has been successfully exploited to engineer antibody-like molecules endowed with prescribed properties, such as increased stability or different specificity, many of which have a broad spectrum of applications both in therapy and in research. Here we describe a knowledge-based procedure for the prediction of the antibody-variable domains, based on the canonical structures method for the antigen-binding site, and discuss its expected accuracy and limitations. The rational design of antibody-based molecules is illustrated using as an example one of the most widely employed modifications of antibody structures: the humanization of animal-derived antibodies to reduce their immunogenicity for serotherapy in humans.  相似文献   

The vertical jump is a widely used activity to develop explosive strength, particularly in plyometric and maximal power training programs. It is a multijoint action that requires substantial muscular effort from primarily the ankle, knee, and hip joints. It is not known if submaximal performances of a vertical jump have a proportional or differential training effect on the major lower-limb muscles compared to maximal jump performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution that each of the major lower-limb joints makes to vertical jump performance as jump height increases and to comment on the previously mentioned uncertainty. Adult males (N = 20) were asked to perform a series of submaximal (LOW and HIGH) and maximal (MAX) vertical jumps while using an arm swing. Force, motion, and electromyographical data were recorded during each performance and used to compute a range of kinematic and kinetic data, including ankle, knee, and hip joint torques, powers, and work done. It was found that the contribution to jump height made by the ankle and knee joints remains largely unchanged as jump height increases (work done at the ankle: LOW =1.80, HIGH = 1.97, MAX = 2.06 J.kg(-1), F = 3.596, p = 0.034; knee: LOW = 1.62, HIGH = 1.77, MAX = 1.94 J.kg(-1), F = 1.492, p = 0.234) and that superior performance in the vertical jump is achieved by a greater effort of the hip extensor muscles (work done at the hip: LOW = 1.03, HIGH = 1.84, MAX = 3.24 J.kg(-1), F = 110.143, p < 0.001). It was concluded that the role of submaximal and maximal jumps can be differentiated in terms of their effect on ankle, knee, and hip joint muscles and may be of some importance to training regimens in which these muscles need to be differentially trained.  相似文献   

Objective To examine temporal, geographic, and sociodemographic trends in case reporting and case fatality of malaria in the United Kingdom.Setting National malaria reference laboratory surveillance data in the UK.Design Observational study using prospectively gathered surveillance data and data on destinations from the international passenger survey.Participants 39 300 cases of proved malaria in the UK between 1987 and 2006.Main outcome measures Plasmodium species; sociodemographic details (including age, sex, and country of birth and residence); mortality; destination, duration, and purpose of international travel; and use of chemoprophylaxis.Results Reported cases of imported malaria increased significantly over the 20 years of the study; an increasing proportion was attributable to Plasmodium falciparum (P falciparum/P vivax reporting ratio 1.3:1 in 1987-91 and 5.4:1 in 2002-6). P vivax reports declined from 3954 in 1987-91 to 1244 in 2002-6. Case fatality of reported P falciparum malaria did not change over this period (7.4 deaths per 1000 reported cases). Travellers visiting friends and relatives, usually in a country in Africa or Asia from which members of their family migrated, accounted for 13 215/20 488 (64.5%) of all malaria reported, and reports were geographically concentrated in areas where migrants from Africa and South Asia to the UK have settled. People travelling for this purpose were at significantly higher risk of malaria than other travellers and were less likely to report the use of any chemoprophylaxis (odds ratio of reported chemoprophylaxis use 0.23, 95% confidence interval 0.21 to 0.25).Conclusions Despite the availability of highly effective preventive measures, the preventable burden from falciparum malaria has steadily increased in the UK while vivax malaria has decreased. Provision of targeted and appropriately delivered preventive messages and services for travellers from migrant families visiting friends and relatives should be a priority.  相似文献   

The 3D chromatin structure modeling by chromatin interactions derived from Hi-C experiments is significantly challenged by the intrinsic sequencing biases in these experiments. Conventional modeling methods only focus on the bias among different chromatin regions within the same experiment but neglect the bias arising from different experimental sequencing depth. We now show that the regional interaction bias is tightly coupled with the sequencing depth, and we further identify a chromatin structure parameter as the inherent characteristics of Hi-C derived data for chromatin regions. Then we present an approach for chromatin structure prediction capable of relaxing both kinds of sequencing biases by using this identified parameter. This method is validated by intra and inter cell-line comparisons among various chromatin regions for four human cell-lines (K562, GM12878, IMR90 and H1hESC), which shows that the openness of chromatin region is well correlated with chromatin function. This method has been executed by an automatic pipeline (AutoChrom3D) and thus can be conveniently used.  相似文献   

In the natural world, learning emerges from the joy of play, experimentation, and inquiry as part of everyday life. However, this kind of informal learning is often difficult to integrate within structured educational curricula. This report describes an educational program that embeds naturalistic learning into formal high school, college, and graduate school science class work. Our experience is based on work with hundreds of high school, college, and graduate students enrolled in traditional science classes in which mannequin simulators were used to teach physiological principles. Specific case scenarios were integrated into the curriculum as problem-solving exercises chosen to accentuate the basic science objectives of the course. This report also highlights the historic and theoretical basis for the use of mannequin simulators as an important physiology education tool and outlines how the authors' experience in healthcare education has been effectively translated to nonclinical student populations. Particular areas of focus include critical-thinking and problem-solving behaviors and student reflections on the impact of the teaching approach.  相似文献   

Jain A  Bhosle NB 《Biofouling》2009,25(1):13-19
The conditioning film formed on glass panels was analysed for total carbohydrates (CFCHO), total proteins (CFP) and total uronic acids (CFURA). The influence of these compounds on the adhesion of three marine bacterial cultures, Pseudomonas sp. CE-2, Pseudomonas sp. CE-10 and Bacillus sp. SS-10 was also evaluated. One-way analysis of variance suggested a significant increase in the attachment of all three cultures to conditioned glass panels. Moreover, CE-2 (r = 0.874) and CE-10 (r = 0.879) showed a significant positive correlation with CFCHO. Conversely, SS-10 (r = -0.69) showed a significant negative correlation with CFCHO. Backward multiple linear regression analysis indicated that CFCHO were the most predictive component of the conditioning film in explaining bacterial adhesion to the conditioned glass panels.  相似文献   

Optimizing transference of gym-based strength and power gains to sporting performance necessitates a physiological and biomechanical understanding of the weight-training exercise as well as the sporting activity. With this in mind, this paper describes the kinematics and kinetics associated with a seated row. The maximal strength and concentric power-load spectrum (30- 100% 1 repetition maximum [1RM]) for the cable seated row was assessed using Olympic rowers (n = 8). In terms of temporal characteristics, peak force across all loads occurred within the first 25% of movement time. Peak power across loads occurred within 35-45% of movement time. With regard to position, peak force occurred within 8.3% and peak power within 27-35% of the start of the concentric phase. To estimate the load that maximized mechanical power output, a quadratic was fitted to each subject's power output vs. 1RM. In terms of mean power, an estimated load of 81.4% (+/- 9.7%) 1RM was found to maximize power output. A 10 and 20% change in load each side of this maximum resulted in a 1.8 and 7.3% decrease in power output, respectively. The predilection of research to train all subjects at 1 load is fundamentally flawed due to interindividual maximum power differences (range in this study = 69-100% 1RM). Also, the importance of this measure would seem questionable, given that loads either side of the load that maximize power output do not change power output substantially.  相似文献   

Despite predictions that both atmospheric CO2 concentrations and air temperature will rise together, very limited data are currently available to assess the possible interactive effects of these two global change factors on temperate forest tree species. Using yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) as a model species, we studied how elevated CO2 (800 vs. 400 μl l−1) influences seedling growth and physiological responses to a 5°C increase in summer air temperatures (31/26 vs. 26/21°C day/night), and how both elevated CO2 and air temperature during the growing season influence seedling ability to survive freezing stress during the winter dormant season. Our results show that while increased temperature decreases seedling growth, temperature-induced growth reductions are significantly lower at elevated CO2 concentrations (43% vs. 73%). The amelioration of high-temperature stress was related to CO2-induced reductions in both whole-shoot dark respiration and transpiration. Our results also show that increased summer air temperature, and to a lesser degree CO2 concentration, make dormant winter buds less susceptible to freezing stress. We show the relevance of these results to models used to predict how climate change will influence future forest species distribution and productivity, without considering the direct or interactive effects of CO2. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

Recent field trials on blight‐resistant hybrids (BC3F3) of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and Chinese chestnut (C. mollissima) have intensified planning for widespread restoration of Castanea to eastern U.S. forests. Restoration will likely rely on natural seed dispersal from sites planted with chestnut; however, we do not know how dispersal agents such as granivorous rodents will respond to hybrid chestnuts. At one extreme, excessive seed consumption may impede restoration. Alternatively, scatter‐hoarding rodents might facilitate the spread of chestnut by dispersal of seeds from restoration plantings. We conducted trials with five rodent species to quantify foraging preferences and to evaluate the potential role of granivores in chestnut restoration. Specifically, we presented seeds from American and hybrid chestnuts (BC3F2) with other common mast species and recorded the proportion of seeds removed and the fates of tagged seeds. Mice, chipmunks, and flying squirrels harvested both chestnut types preferentially over larger, tougher black walnut, hickory, and red oak seeds, but fox squirrels and eastern gray squirrels preferred larger seeds to chestnuts. All rodents consumed a greater proportion of the chestnuts than other seed types. American and hybrid chestnut also differed in important ways: except for fox squirrels, rodents preferentially removed American chestnuts over hybrid chestnuts, but we estimated that fox squirrels carried a greater proportion of hybrid chestnuts beyond our tag search area, suggesting that hybrids may be dispersed farther and cached more often than American chestnut. These differences indicate that hybrid chestnut may not be functionally equivalent to American chestnut with regard to seed–granivore interactions.  相似文献   

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