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Because cats with pontile lesions exhibit an abnormal behavior that is under photoperiodic control, and because circadian rhythms are implicated in photoperiodic control mechanisms, an effort was made to detect circadian rhythms in the cat. Cats were isolated from all extraneous stimuli in soundproof chambers for extended periods of time. Photocells were used to monitor activity, eating and drinking in different LD cycles, in constant light at two intensities, and in constant dark. Freerunning circadian rhythms were found in the constant conditions, and entrained nocturnal patterns occurred in most of the LD cycles. The higher intensities of ambient illumination disrupted the freerunning rhythms. The freerunning rhythms were always greater than 24 h, ranging from 24.2 to 25 h. Measurements of food intake of cats living in a large colony room, obtained by weighing the food, revealed that a nocturnal pattern of entrainment was not present in the majority of the cats. Instead, most cats in the colony exhibited a random pattern of eating throughout the light and dark period of the LD cycle. However, the variation among the cats in the colony was considerable, extending from nocturnal to diurnal patterns of eating. A diurnal pattern of human activity was present in the colony and may account for the disruption of a basic nocturnal pattern. The presence of circadian rhythms in the cat leads us to consider the coincidence models for photoperiodic induction as possible explanations of the photoperiodic control of the lesion‐induced abnormal behavior.  相似文献   

The circadian variation of pheromone production in the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, was characterized by quantifying (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (Z7-12:OAc), the most abundant pheromone component produced by female turnip moth, at different times of day. Under 17:7 h light-dark cycle (LD), the peak of Z7-12:OAc production occurred around 4 h into the scotophase, while there was very little pheromone production during the photophase. When females were maintained under constant darkness (DD), the periodicity of pheromone production was sustained for 3 consecutive days. Furthermore, the rhythm in pheromone production could be entrained to a shifted LD. These results demonstrate that the pheromone production in the turnip moth is regulated endogenously by a circadian clock. To understand how the circadian rhythm of pheromone production is generated, circadian variation of pheromone- biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN)-like activity in the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complexes (Br-SOG), hemolymph, and ventral nerve cord (VNC) was also examined. Under both LD and DD, only the VNC displayed a circadian variation in the PBAN-like activity, which was significantly higher during the late-photophase than that in the scotophase. In addition, the present study showed that removal of VNC in isolated abdomen did not affect PBAN stimulation of pheromone production, while severing the VNC impaired normal pheromone production. The role of Br-SOG, VNC, and hemolymph in the regulation of the periodicity of pheromone production is discussed.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in physiological processes and behaviors were compared with hypothalamic circadian rhythms in norepinephrine (NE) metabolites, adrenergic transmitter receptors, cAMP, cGMP and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) arginine vasopressin (AVP) in a single population of rats under D:D conditions. Eating, drinking and locomotor activity were high during the subjective night (the time when lights were out in L:D) and low during the subjective day (the time when lights were on in L:D). Plasma corticosterone concentration rose at subjective dusk and remained high until subjective dawn. Binding to hypothalamic alpha 1- and beta-adrenergic receptors also peaked during the subjective night. Cyclic cGMP concentration was elevated throughout the 24-hr period except for a trough at dusk, whereas DHPG concentration peaked at dawn. Arginine vasopressin levels in the suprachiasmatic nucleus peaked in the middle of the day. No rhythm was found either in binding to the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor, or in MHPG or cAMP concentration. Behavioral and corticosterone rhythms, therefore, are parallel to rhythms in hypothalamic alpha 1- and beta-receptor binding and NE-release. Cyclic GMP falls only at dusk, suggesting the possibility that cGMP inhibits activity much of the day and that at dusk the inhibition of nocturnal activity is removed. SCN AVP, on the other hand, peaking at 1400 hr, may play a role in the pacemaking function of the SCN that drives these other rhythms.  相似文献   

Two clock-controlled processes, overt circadian rhythmicity and the photoperiodic induction of diapause, are described in the blow fly,Calliphora vicina and the fruit fly,Drosophila melanogaster. Circadian locomotor rhythms of the adult flies reflect endogenous, self-sustained oscillations with a temperature compensated period. The free-running rhythms become synchronised (entrained) to daily light:dark cycles, but become arrhythmic in constant light above a certain intensity. Some flies show fragmented rhythms (internal desynchronisation) suggesting that overt rhythmicity is the product of a multioscillator (multicellular) system. Photoperiodic induction of larval diapause inC. vicina and of ovarian diapause inD. melanogaster is also based on the circadian system but seems, to involve a separate mechanism at both the molecular and neuronal levels. For both processes in both species, the compound eyes and ocelli are neither essential nor necessary for photic entrainment, and the circadian clock mechanism is not within the optic lobes. The central brain is the most likely site for both rhythm generation and extra-optic photoreception. InD. melanogaster, a group of lateral brain neurons has been identified as important circadian pacemaker cells, which are possibly also photo-sensitive. Similar lateral brain neurons, staining for arrestin, a protein in the phototransduction ‘cascade’ and a selective marker for photoreceptors in both vertebrates and invertebrates, have been identified inC. vicina. Much less is known about the cellular substrate of the photoperiodic mechanism, but this may involve thepars intercerebralis region of the mid-brain.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the circadian clock is a significant driver of photosynthesis that becomes apparent when environmental cues are experimentally held constant. We studied whether the composition of photosynthetic pigments is under circadian regulation, and whether pigment oscillations lead to rhythmic changes in photochemical efficiency. To address these questions, we maintained canopies of bean and cotton, after an entrainment phase, under constant (light or darkness) conditions for 30–48 h. Photosynthesis and quantum yield peaked at subjective noon, and non‐photochemical quenching peaked at night. These oscillations were not associated with parallel changes in carbohydrate content or xanthophyll cycle activity. We observed robust oscillations of Chl a/b during constant light in both species, and also under constant darkness in bean, peaking when it would have been night during the entrainment (subjective nights). These oscillations could be attributed to the synthesis and/or degradation of trimeric light‐harvesting complex II (reflected by the rhythmic changes in Chl a/b), with the antenna size minimal at night and maximal around subjective noon. Considering together the oscillations of pigments and photochemistry, the observed pattern of changes is counterintuitive if we assume that the plant strategy is to avoid photodamage, but consistent with a strategy where non‐stressed plants maximize photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Male Long-Evans rats were maintained in light proof cabinets while drinking, activity, and telemetered body temperature (Tb) data were collected. After suprachiasmatic nuclear (SCN) lesions, the rats were exposed to a 12:12 light-dark cycle, a 6-hr delay in the lighting cycle, and constant dark. Lesions that abolished the drinking and activity rhythms did not eliminate the Tb rhythm. However, the amplitude, phase, and free-running period of the Tb rhythm were altered. Lesions that only partially damaged the SCN had similar, though lesser effects. In some cases, Tb rhythms remained normal, activity rhythms were only temporarily disrupted, and drinking rhythms were eliminated in the same animals. These results support the conclusion that Tb can remain rhythmic after lesions that permanently or temporarily disrupt other circadian rhythms. Of the three rhythms, it appears that drinking rhythms are most easily and Tb rhythms least easily disrupted by SCN lesions.  相似文献   

This research dealt with rhythmometric methods for estimating the main circadian parameters characterizing the temporal structure of feeding activities in the mouse. Such experiments provide a quantitative approach for studying some neurobiological mechanisms regulating the feeding behaviors. These basic motivational manifestations would appear to be modulated by the circadian fluctuations of vigilance.  相似文献   

A neural theory of the circadian pacemaker within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is used to explain parametric data about mammalian operant behavior. The intensity, duration, and patterning of ultradian activity-rest cycles and the duration of circadian periods due to parametric (LL) and nonparametric (LD) lighting regimes are simulated. Paradoxical data about split rhythms and after-effects are explained using homeostatic and nonhomeostatic neural mechanisms that modulate pacemaker activity. These modulatory mechanisms enable the pacemaker to adjust to pervasive changes in its lighting regime, as during the passage of seasons, and to ultradian changes in internal metabolic conditions. The model circadian mechanisms are homologous to mechanisms that model hypothalamically mediated appetitive behaviors, such as eating. The theory thus suggests that both circadian and appetitive hypothalamic circuits are constructed from similar neural components. Mechanisms of transmitter habituation, opponent feedback interactions between on-cells and off-cells, homeostatic negative feedback, and conditioning are used in both the circadian and the appetitive circuits. Output from the SCN circadian pacemaker is assumed to modulate the sensitivity of the appetitive circuits to external and internal signals by controlling their level of arousal. Both underarousal and overarousal can cause abnormal behavioral syndromes whose properties have been found in clinical data. A model pacemaker can also be realized as an intracellular system.  相似文献   

On mathematical modeling of circadian rhythms, performance, and alertness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mathematical models of neurobehavioral performance and alertness have both basic science and practical applications. These models can be especially useful in predicting the effect of different sleep-wake schedules on human neurobehavioral objective performance and subjective alertness under many conditions. Several relevant models currently exist in the literature. In principle, the development and refinement of any mathematical model should be based on an explicit modeling methodology, such as the Box modeling paradigm, that formally defines the model structure and calculates the set of parameters. While most mathematical models of neurobehavioral performance and alertness include homeostatic, circadian, and sleep inertia components and their interactions, there may be fundamental differences in the equations included in these models. In part, these may be due to differences in the assumptions of the underlying physiology. Because the choice of model equations can have a dramatic influence on the results, it is necessary to consider these differences in assumptions when examining the results from a model and when comparing results across models. This article presents principles of mathematical modeling and examples of how such procedures can be applied to the development and refinement of mathematical models of neurobehavioral performance and alertness. This article also presents several methods of testing and comparing these models, suggests different uses of the models, and discusses problems with current models.  相似文献   

岳敏  杨禹  郭改丽  秦曦明 《遗传》2017,39(12):1122-1137
生物钟对生物机体的生存与环境适应具有着重要意义,其相关研究近年来受到人们的广泛关注。生物钟的重要性质之一是内源节律的周期性,当前的研究认为这种周期性是由生物钟相关基因转录翻译的多反馈环路构成核心机制调控着近似24 h的节律振荡。哺乳动物的生物钟系统存在一个多层次的结构,包括位于视交叉上核的主时钟和外周器官和组织的子时钟。虽然主时钟和子时钟存在的组织不同,但是参与调节生物钟的分子机制是一致的。近年来,通过正向、反向遗传学方法和表观遗传学的研究方法,对生物钟的分子机制的解析和认知愈发深入。本文在简单回顾生物钟基因发现历史的基础上,重点从遗传学和表观遗传学两个方面,从振荡周期的角度,对哺乳动物生物钟分子机制的研究进展进行了综述性介绍,以期为靶向调节生物钟来改善机体的稳态系统的研究提供参考,同时希望能促进时间生物学领域与更多其他领域形成交叉研究。  相似文献   

Evolution and selective advantage of circadian rhythms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The review establishes a link between a group of genes which are conserved in evolution and form a molecular oscillator responsible for generation of circadian rhythms and genetic determinants of aging including associated pathways of intracellular signaling. An analysis of mechanisms of development of agedependent pathologies is conducted from the viewpoint of circadian genetics. Systematic data of circadian gene expression studies in animals demonstrating different rates of aging from accelerated to negligible are presented.  相似文献   

Populations of interacting oscillators and circadian rhythms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The explosion of knowledge set off by the characterization of endorphins and their receptors has created opportunities for new perspectives on a variety of phenomena. This brief essay examines one such phenomenon--the human febrile response--and proposes an alteration of the current model of the neuroendocrine circuitry controlling body temperature. Using behavioral thermoregulation as a starting point, we shall touch upon implications of this model for describing other forms of goal-directed motor activity.  相似文献   

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