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The Escherichia coli replication fork arrest complex Tus/Ter mediates site-specific replication fork arrest and homologous recombination (HR) on a mammalian chromosome, inducing both conservative “short tract” gene conversion (STGC) and error-prone “long tract” gene conversion (LTGC) products. We showed previously that bidirectional fork arrest is required for the generation of STGC products at Tus/Ter-stalled replication forks and that the HR mediators BRCA1, BRCA2 and Rad51 mediate STGC but suppress LTGC at Tus/Ter-arrested forks. Here, we report the impact of Ter array length on Tus/Ter-induced HR, comparing HR reporters containing arrays of 6, 9, 15 or 21 Ter sites—each targeted to the ROSA26 locus of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Increasing Ter copy number within the array beyond 6 did not affect the magnitude of Tus/Ter-induced HR but biased HR in favor of LTGC. A “lock”-defective Tus mutant, F140A, known to exhibit higher affinity than wild type (wt)Tus for duplex Ter, reproduced these effects. In contrast, increasing Ter copy number within the array reduced HR induced by the I-SceI homing endonuclease, but produced no consistent bias toward LTGC. Thus, the mechanisms governing HR at Tus/Ter-arrested replication forks are distinct from those governing HR at an enzyme-induced chromosomal double strand break (DSB). We propose that increased spatial separation of the 2 arrested forks encountering an extended Tus/Ter barrier impairs the coordination of DNA ends generated by the processing of the stalled forks, thereby favoring aberrant LTGC over conservative STGC.  相似文献   

The conserved MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) complex is an important sensor of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and facilitates DNA repair by homologous recombination (HR) and end joining. Here, we identify NBS1 as a target of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) phosphorylation. We show that NBS1 serine 432 phosphorylation occurs in the S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle and requires CDK activity. This modification stimulates MRN-dependent conversion of DSBs into structures that are substrates for repair by HR. Impairment of NBS1 phosphorylation not only negatively affects DSB repair by HR, but also prevents resumption of DNA replication after replication-fork stalling. Thus, CDK-mediated NBS1 phosphorylation defines a molecular switch that controls the choice of repair mode for DSBs.  相似文献   

Targeted gene replacement (TGR) in yeast and mammalian cells is initiated by the two free ends of the linear targeting molecule, which invade their respective homologous sequences in the chromosome, leading to replacement of the targeted locus with a selectable gene from the targeting DNA. To study the postinvasion steps in recombination, we examined the effects of DNA structure-specific proteins on TGR frequency and heteroduplex DNA formation. In strains deleted of RAD1, MSH2, or MSH3, we find that the frequency of TGR is reduced and the mechanism of TGR is altered while the reverse is true for deletion of SGS1, suggesting that Rad1 and Msh2:Msh3 facilitate TGR while Sgs1 opposes it. The altered mechanism of TGR in the absence of Msh2:Msh3 and Rad1 reveals a separate role for these proteins in suppressing an alternate gene replacement pathway in which incorporation of both homology regions from a single strand of targeting DNA into heteroduplex with the targeted locus creates a mismatch between the selectable gene on the targeting DNA and the targeted gene in the chromosome.  相似文献   

The Rad52 pathway has a central function in the recombinational repair of chromosome breaks and in the recovery from replication stress. Tolerance to replication stress also depends on the Mec1 kinase, which activates the DNA replication checkpoint in an Mrc1‐dependent manner in response to fork arrest. Although the Mec1 and Rad52 pathways are initiated by the same single‐strand DNA (ssDNA) intermediate, their interplay at stalled forks remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that the replication checkpoint suppresses the formation of Rad52 foci in an Mrc1‐dependent manner and prevents homologous recombination (HR) at chromosome breaks induced by the HO endonuclease. This repression operates at least in part by impeding resection of DNA ends, which is essential to generate 3′ ssDNA tails, the primary substrate of HR. Interestingly, we also observed that the Mec1 pathway does not prevent recombination at stalled forks, presumably because they already contain ssDNA. Taken together, these data indicate that the DNA replication checkpoint suppresses genomic instability in S phase by blocking recombination at chromosome breaks and permitting helpful recombination at stalled forks.  相似文献   

Cohesion establishment is central to sister chromatid tethering reactions and requires Ctf7/Eco1-dependent acetylation of the cohesin subunit Smc3. Ctf7/Eco1 is essential during S phase, and a number of replication proteins (RFC complexes, PCNA and the DNA helicase Chl1) all play individual roles in sister chromatid cohesion. While the mechanism of cohesion establishment is largely unknown, a popular model is that Ctf7/Eco1 acetylates cohesins encountered by and located in front of the fork. In turn, acetylation is posited both to allow fork passage past cohesin barriers and convert cohesins to a state competent to capture subsequent production of sister chromatids. Here, we report evidence that challenges this pre-replicative cohesion establishment model. Our genetic and biochemical studies link Ctf7/Eco1 to the Okazaki fragment flap endonuclease, Fen1. We further report genetic and biochemical interactions between Fen1 and the cohesion-associated DNA helicase, Chl1. These results raise a new model wherein cohesin deposition and establishment occur in concert with lagging strand-processing events and in the presence of both sister chromatids.  相似文献   

Recombination is thought to occur only rarely in animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). However, detection of mtDNA recombination requires that cells become heteroplasmic through mutation, intramolecular recombination or 'leakage' of paternal mtDNA. Interspecific hybridization increases the probability of detecting mtDNA recombinants due to higher levels of sequence divergence and potentially higher levels of paternal leakage. During a study of historical variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) mtDNA, an individual with a recombinant haplotype containing sequence from both Atlantic salmon and brown trout (Salmo trutta) was detected. The individual was not an F1 hybrid but it did have an unusual nuclear genotype which suggested that it was a later-generation backcross. No other similar recombinant haplotype was found from the same population or three neighbouring Atlantic salmon populations in 717 individuals collected during 1948-2002. Interspecific recombination may increase mtDNA variability within species and can have implications for phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Salient features of the first meiotic division are independent segregation of chromosomes and homologous recombination (HR). In non-sexually reproducing, homozygous species studied to date HR is absent. In this study, we constructed the first linkage maps of homozygous, bivalent-forming Oenothera species and provide evidence that HR was exclusively confined to the chromosome ends of all linkage groups in our population. Co-segregation of complementary DNA-based markers with the major group of AFLP markers indicates that HR has only a minor role in generating genetic diversity of this taxon despite its efficient adaptation capability. Uneven chromosome condensation during meiosis in Oenothera may account for restriction of HR. The use of plants with ancient chromosomal arm arrangement demonstrates that limitation of HR occurred before and independent from species hybridizations and reciprocal translocations of chromosome arms-a phenomenon, which is widespread in the genus. We propose that consecutive loss of HR favored the evolution of reciprocal translocations, beneficial superlinkage groups and ultimately permanent translocation heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Cheng E  Vaisica JA  Ou J  Baryshnikova A  Lu Y  Roth FP  Brown GW 《Genetics》2012,192(1):147-160
Genetic screens of the collection of ~4500 deletion mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have identified the cohort of nonessential genes that promote maintenance of genome integrity. Here we probe the role of essential genes needed for genome stability. To this end, we screened 217 tetracycline-regulated promoter alleles of essential genes and identified 47 genes whose depletion results in spontaneous DNA damage. We further showed that 92 of these 217 essential genes have a role in suppressing chromosome rearrangements. We identified a core set of 15 genes involved in DNA replication that are critical in preventing both spontaneous DNA damage and genome rearrangements. Mapping, classification, and analysis of rearrangement breakpoints indicated that yeast fragile sites, Ty retrotransposons, tRNA genes, early origins of replication, and replication termination sites are common features at breakpoints when essential replication genes that suppress chromosome rearrangements are downregulated. We propose mechanisms by which depletion of essential replication proteins can lead to double-stranded DNA breaks near these features, which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination at repeated elements.  相似文献   

Mutations in human homologues of the bacterial RecQ helicase cause diseases leading to cancer predisposition and/or shortened lifespan (Werner, Bloom, and Rothmund–Thomson syndromes). The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has one RecQ helicase, Sgs1, which functions with Top3 and Rmi1 in DNA repair. Here, we report separation‐of‐function alleles of SGS1 that suppress the slow growth of top3Δ and rmi1Δ cells similar to an SGS1 deletion, but are resistant to DNA damage similar to wild‐type SGS1. In one allele, the second acidic region is deleted, and in the other, only a single aspartic acid residue 664 is deleted. sgs1‐D664Δ, unlike sgs1Δ, neither disrupts DNA recombination nor has synthetic growth defects when combined with DNA repair mutants. However, during S phase, it accumulates replication‐associated X‐shaped structures at damaged replication forks. Furthermore, fluorescent microscopy reveals that the sgs1‐D664Δ allele exhibits increased spontaneous RPA foci, suggesting that the persistent X‐structures may contain single‐stranded DNA. Taken together, these results suggest that the Sgs1 function in repair of DNA replication intermediates can be uncoupled from its role in homologous recombinational repair.  相似文献   

J S Lopes  M Arenas  D Posada  M A Beaumont 《Heredity》2014,112(3):255-264
The estimation of parameters in molecular evolution may be biased when some processes are not considered. For example, the estimation of selection at the molecular level using codon-substitution models can have an upward bias when recombination is ignored. Here we address the joint estimation of recombination, molecular adaptation and substitution rates from coding sequences using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). We describe the implementation of a regression-based strategy for choosing subsets of summary statistics for coding data, and show that this approach can accurately infer recombination allowing for intracodon recombination breakpoints, molecular adaptation and codon substitution rates. We demonstrate that our ABC approach can outperform other analytical methods under a variety of evolutionary scenarios. We also show that although the choice of the codon-substitution model is important, our inferences are robust to a moderate degree of model misspecification. In addition, we demonstrate that our approach can accurately choose the evolutionary model that best fits the data, providing an alternative for when the use of full-likelihood methods is impracticable. Finally, we applied our ABC method to co-estimate recombination, substitution and molecular adaptation rates from 24 published human immunodeficiency virus 1 coding data sets.  相似文献   

Genome stability relies on faithful DNA repair both in mitosis and in meiosis. Here, we report on a Caenorhabditis elegans protein that we found to be homologous to the mammalian repair-related protein CtIP and to the budding yeast Com1/Sae2 recombination protein. A com-1 mutant displays normal meiotic chromosome pairing but forms irregular chromatin aggregates instead of diakinesis bivalents. While meiotic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed, they appear to persist or undergo improper repair. Despite the presence of DSBs, the recombination protein RAD-51, which is known to associate with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) flanking DSBs, does not localize to meiotic chromosomes in the com-1 mutant. Exposure of the mutant to gamma-radiation, however, induces RAD-51 foci, which suggests that the failure of RAD-51 to load is specific to meiotic (SPO-11-generated) DSBs. These results suggest that C. elegans COM-1 plays a role in the generation of ssDNA tails that can load RAD-51, invade homologous DNA tracts and thereby initiate recombination. Extrapolating from the worm homolog, we expect similar phenotypes for mutations in the mammalian tumor suppressor CtIP.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(3):112174
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《Molecular cell》2022,82(14):2571-2587.e9
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Fossum S  Crooke E  Skarstad K 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(21):4514-4522
The replication period of Escherichia coli cells grown in rich medium lasts longer than one generation. Initiation thus occurs in the 'mother-' or 'grandmother generation'. Sister origins in such cells were found to be colocalized for an entire generation or more, whereas sister origins in slow-growing cells were colocalized for about 0.1-0.2 generations. The role of origin inactivation (sequestration) by the SeqA protein in origin colocalization was studied by comparing sequestration-deficient mutants with wild-type cells. Cells with mutant, non-sequesterable origins showed wild-type colocalization of sister origins. In contrast, cells unable to sequester new origins due to loss of SeqA, showed aberrant localization of origins indicating a lack of organization of new origins. In these cells, aberrant replisome organization was also found. These results suggest that correct organization of sister origins and sister replisomes is dependent on the binding of SeqA protein to newly formed DNA at the replication forks, but independent of origin sequestration. In agreement, in vitro experiments indicate that SeqA is capable of pairing newly replicated DNA molecules.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the spnab2 gene encodes an ortholog of the budding yeast nuclear abundant poly(A)+ RNA-binding protein 2 (Nab2) that is an essential protein required for both mRNA biogenesis and nuclear export of mRNA to the cytoplasm. We have previously isolated three mutants (SLnab1–3) that showed synthetic lethality under the repressed condition of spnab2 expression. In this study, we isolated a novel rmn1 gene as a multicopy suppressor that complemented the defects in growth and mRNA export of SLnab1 mutant cells. The rmn1 gene contained three introns and encoded a 589 amino-acid protein with the RNA recognition motif (RRM) in the central region. The Δrmn1 null mutant was viable but showed a s light mRNA export defect. However, its over-expression caused a deleterious effect on growth accompanied by intense accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus. The combination of Δrmn1 with Δspnab2 or Δspmex67 also inhibited growth. In addition, Rmn1p was associated with Rae1p in vivo. These results suggest that rmn1 is a novel gene that is functionally linked to spnab2.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, mating-type switching involves replacing genetic information contained at the expressed mat1 locus by that of either the mat2P or mat3M donor loci. Donor selection is nonrandom, as mat1P cells preferentially use mat3M for switching, whereas mat1M cells use mat2P. Switching directionality is determined by the cell-type-specific distribution of the Swi2-Swi5 complex that, in mat1P cells, localises to mat3M and, only in mat1M cells, spreads to mat2P in a heterochromatin-dependent manner. Mechanisms regulating spreading of Swi2-Swi5 across heterochromatin are not fully understood. Here, we show that the fission yeast homologue of CENP-B, Abp1, binds to the silent domain of the mating-type locus and regulates directionality of switching. Deletion of abp1 prevents utilisation of mat2P, as when heterochromatin is disrupted and spreading of Swi2-Swi5 is impaired. Our results show that, indeed, deletion of abp1 abolishes spreading of Swi2-Swi5 to mat2P. However, in abp1Delta cells, heterochromatin organisation at the mating-type locus is preserved, indicating that Abp1 is actually required for efficient spreading of Swi2-Swi5 through heterochromatin. Cbh1 and Cbh2, which are also homologous to CENP-B, have only a minor contribution to the regulation of directionality of switching, which is in contrast with the strong effects observed for Abp1.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA replication requires two protein kinases: cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) and Cdc7. Although S phase Cdk activity has been intensively studied, relatively little is known about how Cdc7 regulates progression through S phase. We have used a Cdc7 inhibitor, PHA-767491, to dissect the role of Cdc7 in Xenopus egg extracts. We show that hyperphosphorylation of mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins by Cdc7 is required for the initiation, but not for the elongation, of replication forks. Unlike Cdks, we demonstrate that Cdc7 executes its essential functions by phosphorylating MCM proteins at virtually all replication origins early in S phase and is not limiting for progression through the Xenopus replication timing programme. We demonstrate that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is recruited to chromatin and rapidly reverses Cdc7-mediated MCM hyperphosphorylation. Checkpoint kinases induced by DNA damage or replication inhibition promote the association of PP1 with chromatin and increase the rate of MCM dephosphorylation, thereby counteracting the previously completed Cdc7 functions and inhibiting replication initiation. This novel mechanism for regulating Cdc7 function provides an explanation for previous contradictory results concerning the control of Cdc7 by checkpoint kinases and has implications for the use of Cdc7 inhibitors as anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

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