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The following species of Cortinarius subg. Dermocybe are recorded from Greenland: C. cinnamomeus, C. croceus, C. norvegicus, C. croceoconus, C. huronensis var. huronensis, C. uliginosus, C. cinnamomeoluteus , and C. polaris . Ecological and plant geographical features are discussed for each species. Cortinarius cinnamomeus and C. uliginosirs seem to be southern species never penetrating into the arctic zones; C. croceus, C. croceoconus, C. huronensis var. huronensis , and C. cinnamomeoluteus southern species penetrating into the arctic zones; and C. norvegicus and C. polaris true arctic species. Cortinarius norvegicus is probably continental, while the other species are distributed in continental as well as oceanic areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. Subgenus Otarrha is established in genus Chimarra to include eighteen described species formerly placed either in subgenus Chimarra or unplaced to subgenus, and thirteen new species. All species are Neotropical, with collective distributions primarily in the Antilles (Greater and Lesser) and northern South America. One species occurs in southeastern Brazil and another species in Costa Rica and Panama. New species are described, recognized species redescribed (except for C. diannae and C. koki ), and a key to the identification of males in the subgenus is provided. Additionally, characters supporting monophyly of the subgenus and a phylogeny of its species are proposed. Described species transferred to this subgenus include Chimarra cubanorum Botosaneanu, C . diakis Flint, C . diannae Flint & Sykora, C . dominicana Flint, C . garciai Botosaneanu, C . guapa Botosaneanu, C . jamaicensis Flint, C . koki Botosaneanu, C . machaerophora Flint, C . patosa Ross, C . puertoricensis Flint, C . quadrifurcata Botosaneanu, C . retrorsa Flint, C . rossi Bueno-Soria, C . sensillata Flint, C . septemlobata Flint, C . septifera Flint and C . spinulifera Flint. Chimarra patosa is designated the type species of the subgenus. New species described in Otarrha include Chimarra amazonia (Peru), C . barinas (Venezuela), C . darlingtoni (Cuba), C . diaphora (Venezuela), C . incipiens (Venezuela), C . odonta (Brazil), C . parene (Peru), C . parilis (Peru), C . particeps (Peru), C . peruana (Peru), C . phthanorossi (Colombia), C . redonda (Dominican Republic) and C . tachuela (Venezuela). Two additional species are described and left incertae sedis to subgenus, Chimarra usitatissima Flint and C . angularis , sp.n. (Venezuela, Guyana).  相似文献   

Five new species of Crotonia from New Zealand ( C. cervicorna, C. cupulata, C. longibulbula, C. tuberculata and C. reticulata ) are described as new, and two species ( C. cophinana (Michael 1908) and C. caudatis (Hammer 1966)) are redescribed. Five species groups of the genus are characterized and a key to the adequately described species of the world is presented.  相似文献   

Three species of Anthericum and 32 species of Chlorophytum are recognized in Ethiopia and Somalia. Nine new species of Chlorophytum are described, illustrated and mapped: C. applanatum, C. filifolium, C. hiranense, C. littorale, C. nervosum, C. pendulum, C. petraeurn, C. pterocarpum , and C. ramosissimum . Several names are reduced to synonymy and lectotypifications are made in a number of cases. A key to the taxa is presented. One of the species of Anthericum and 16 of the species of Chlorophyturn are confined to the Somalia-Masai Region and endemic or near-endemic in the study area, while one Anthericum and two Chlorophytums are Afromontane endemics or near-endemics in Ethiopia. Most of the other species are more or less widespread mainly Sudano-Zambezian elements.  相似文献   

Species of Calvatia (Lycoperdaceae) from arctic and subarctic regions are described. The diagnostic characters in Calvatia are discused with emphasis on strutures of peridium and capillitium and colour of gleba. Ten species are recognized. Three species: C. Candida, C. excipuliformis, C. utriformis are confined to subarctic stations, while seven species have their main distribution in the arctic zones. Three of these are new species: C. connivens, C. horrida, C. septentrionalis , while three other species are redefined after studies of type material: C. arctica, C. bellii and C. turneri. Several specimens studied show characters pointing to a hybrid origin.  相似文献   

Asgari B  Zare R 《Mycologia》2011,103(4):863-882
Twenty-one species of Chaetomium known from Iran were compared on the basis of morphological and molecular characters. Six new species are recognized, five isolated from cereals and one from nematode cysts. A combined sequence dataset of the ITS region, partial LSU rDNA, and β-tubulin gene sufficiently resolved five species groups of Chaetomium that are largely concordant with combined features of peridium structure, ascospore shape and germ pore position. Among the new species C. undulatulum is a close relative of C. globosum, C. rectangulare is close to C. elatum, C. interruptum and C. grande are close to C. megalocarpum, altogether forming the C. globosum species group. Chaetomium iranianum and C. truncatulum are members of the C. carinthiacum species group, characterized by spirally coiled ascomatal hairs and fusiform ascospores. A chrysosporium-like anamorph is newly described for C. acropullum.  相似文献   

我国2007年修订公布的《中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物名录》将异胫长小蠹属非中国种作为我国进境植物检疫性有害生物。因此开展该类群中国记录种的厘订工作具有重要意义。本文记述了异胫长小蠹属中国记录种13种,即针叶异胫长小蠢Crossotarsus conife瑚、缺刻异胫长小蠹cemancipatus、外齿异胫长小蠹cexternedentatus、壳斗异胫长小蠹cfagacearum、黄翅长小蠹c伽o,,啪u纽础、端刺异胫长小蠢Cimpariporus,日本异胫长小蠢cniponicus、黑异胫长小蠹c.piceus、台湾异胫长小蠢csauteri、简长小蠹csimplex、鳞异胫长小蠹c.squamulatus、端异胫长小蠢Cterminatus和华氏异胫长小蠹c.wallacei,对这些种类的主要形态特征进行了描述,并编制了种类检索表。同时整理出了这些种类的寄主及分布。  相似文献   

本文报道9种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种:蟹甲草尾孢 Cercospora cacaliae Y. L. Guo & Y.Jiang和菜蓟尾孢Cercospora  cynarae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang,中国新记录种有迪氏尾孢Cercosporademetrioniana  G. Winter,田菁生尾孢 Cercospora  glothidiicola  Tracy &  Earle,甘草尾孢 Cercosporaglycyrrhizae  (Savulescu & Sandu)Chupp,野桐尾孢Cercospora malloti Ellis &  Evsrh,木薯尾孢Cercospora manihobae Viegas,补骨脂尾孢 Cercospora psoraleae-bituminosae Savul.& Sandu和香豆尾孢Cercospora traversiana Sacc。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

记述了中国鼓瘿蚊亚科钩瘿蚊属7种,其中2种:长角钩瘿蚊C.longicornis sp.nov.(模式产地:陕西凤县)、背折钩瘿蚊C.retrorsa sp.nov.(模式产地:云南屏边)为科学上的新种,另外5种:美丽钩瘿蚊C.formosa(Bremi)(分布:湖南、云南、吉林),日本钩瘿蚊C.mpponensis Yukawa(分布: 甘肃、四川、湖北),尖瓣钩瘿蚊C.hamata (Felt) (分布:湖南、贵州),狭眼钩瘿蚊C.neueitasis (Zetterstedt)(分布:甘肃)和锯齿钩瘿蚊C.serrata Yukawa (分布:陕西、甘肃、福建)为中国新纪录种.编制了钩瘿蚊属中国已知种种类检索表.模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

There are more than 20 species of Calligonum in China, of which 17 are known from Xinjiang. They are divided into four sections. This paper aims to study the evolutionary relations of some species of Calligonum in Xinjiang. The chromosome numbers of 13 species and the anatomic structures of young branch of 8 species have been examined. Among 13 species, the, basic chromosome number x=9.9 species are diploids. 4 species are tetraploids. The evolutionary relations of these plants are arranged as follows: Section Calligonum (Fisch. et Mey.) Borszcz. 1. C. junceum (Fisch. et Mey.) Litv. Section Pterococcus (Pall.) Borszcz. 2. C. leucocladum (Schrenk) Bge. 3. C. aphyllum (Pall.) Gürke. 4. C. rubicundum Bge. Section Calligonum ,. 5. C. cordatum Eug. Kor. 6. C. densum Borszcz. 7. C. klementzii A. Los. Section Medusa Sosk et Alexandra 8. C. mongolicum Turcz. 9. C. pumilum A. Los. 10. C. ebi-nuricum Ivanova 11. C. arborescens Litv. 12. C. caput-medusae Schrenk 13.C. roborovskii A. Los.  相似文献   

Six species of Hypselodoris and three species of Chromodoris axe described from the coast of East Africa. Three species of Hypselodoris and one species of Chromodoris are new species. Two species of Chromodoris from the tropical West Pacific are also described. The eleven species fall into three groups of similarly coloured species.
Hypselodoris nigrostriata and a new species of Hypselodoris are compared with H. infucata, H. festiva, H. obscura and two unnamed species from the literature. It is concluded that all these are distinct species.
H. nigrolineata and two new species, are compared with H. lineata and H. hilaris and all are considered distinct.
H. regina, Chromodoris quadricolor, C. africana, C. elisabethina, C. magnified and a new species of Chromodoris, are compared with C. westraliensis and two unnamed species from the literature. All these species are considered distinct.
All other names for forms falling into these three colour groups are considered synonyms of one or other of the above named species. Full synonymies are given.  相似文献   

六种尾孢菌被报道,其中有2个新种:寄生在结香Edgeworthiapapyrifera上的结香生尾孢Cercosporaedgeworthiicola和寄生在印度枣Ziziphusincurva上的枣生尾孢C.ziziphigena。4个为新记录种:昂天莲尾孢Cercosporaabromae,滇芎尾孢C.arracacina,玄参尾孢C.scrophulariae和毛蕊花生尾孢C.verbascicola。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、英文描述并附图。研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

蒋毅  郭英兰 《菌物学报》2001,20(1):25-28
本文报道9种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种蟹甲草尾孢Cercospora cacaliae Y.L.Guo & Y.Jiang和菜蓟尾孢Cercospora cynarae Y.L.Guo & Y.Jiang,中国新记录种有迪氏尾孢Cercospora demetrioniana G.Winter,田菁生尾孢Cercospora glothidiicola Tracy & Earle,甘草尾孢Cercospora glycyrrhizae (Sǎvulescu & Sandu)Chupp,野桐尾孢Cercospora malloti Ellis & Everh.,木薯尾孢Cercospora manihobae Viégas,补骨脂尾孢Cercospora psoraleae-bituminosae Sǎvul. & Sandu和香豆尾孢Cercospora traversiana Sacc.。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

六种尾孢菌被报道,其中有2个新种:寄生在结香Edgeworthiapapyrifera上的结香生尾孢Cercosporaedgeworthiicola和寄生在印度枣Ziziphusincurva上的枣生尾孢C.ziziphigena。4个为新记录种:昂天莲尾孢Cercosporaabromae,滇芎尾孢C.arracacina,玄参尾孢C.scrophulariae和毛蕊花生尾孢C.verbascicola。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、英文描述并附图。研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Chromodorid opisthobranch Mollusca from the Indo-West Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven species of Chromodoris and one of Hypselodoris are described from collections from the Indo-West Pacific. Of the species of Chromodoris, two are from Fiji, two are from the Gulf of Kutch in north-western India, one being a new species, and three are from the coast of East Africa. Hypselodoris infucata is described from both the Gulf of Kutch and Zanzibar.
C. youngbleuthi and C. inopinata are compared with published accounts of five other species with red reticulate markings (C. tinctoria, C. alderi, C. reticulata, C. obsoleta and Risbecia reticulata) and it is suggested that apart from C. alderi, which is considered a junior synonym of C. tinctoria, all these species are distinct.
C. inornata Pease, which has often been confused with other forms with red or purple spots, is compared with published information on eight other species (C. petechialis, C. daphne, C. festiva (Angas), C. splendida, C. tenuis, C. tumulifera, C. splendens and C. inornata Gohar & Soliman). It is suggested that all these forms are distinct and that C. inornata Gohar & Soliman, which is distinct from C. inornata Pease, should take the name Chromodoris dollfusi Pruvot-Fol 1933.  相似文献   

C(4) photosynthesis evolved multiple times in the Amaranthaceae s.s., but the C(4) evolutionary lineages are unclear because the photosynthetic pathway is unknown for most species of the family. To clarify the distribution of C(4) photosynthesis in the Amaranthaceae, we determined carbon isotope ratios of 607 species and mapped these onto a phylogeny determined from matK/trnK sequences. Approximately 28% of the Amaranthaceae species use the C(4) pathway. C(4) species occur in 10 genera-Aerva, Amaranthus, Blutaparon, Alternanthera, Froelichia, Lithophila, Guilleminea, Gomphrena, Gossypianthus, and Tidestromia. Aerva, Alternanthera, and Gomphrena contain both C(3) and C(4) species. In Aerva, 25% of the sampled species are C(4). In Alternanthera, 19.5% are C(4), while 89% of the Gomphrena species are C(4). Integration of isotope and matK/trnK data indicated C(4) photosynthesis evolved five times in the Amaranthaceae, specifically in Aerva, Alternanthera, Amaranthus, Tidestromia, and a lineage containing Froelichia, Blutaparon, Guilleminea, Gomphrena pro parte, and Lithophila. Aerva and Gomphrena are both polyphyletic with C(3) and C(4) species belonging to distinct clades. Alternanthera appears to be monophyletic with C(4) photosynthesis originating in a terminal sublineage of procumbent herbs. Alpine C(4) species were also identified in Alternanthera, Amaranthus, and Gomphrena, including one species (Gomphrena meyeniana) from 4600 m a.s.l.  相似文献   

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