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东亚飞蝗滕下器由具橛感器组成,每一具橛感器主要由三类细胞组成,即:感觉细胞、感橛细胞和冠细胞。感觉细胞位于最近端.细胞核圆且大,细胞质内含有丰富的线粒体、高尔基体、多泡小体等细胞器。感觉细胞向近端发出轴突进入中枢神经系统,向远端发出树突。树突内古有大量的线粒体、纵行微管,树突内最复杂的结构当属纤毛根,从近端到远端依次由远端基体、近端基体、主纤毛根和纤毛小报组成。树突顶端,由远端基体发出一条感觉纤毛,纤毛具有典型的“9 0”结构。主纤毛根和纤毛小根具有明暗相间横纹结构,两横纹间的间隔距离约为65nm。感觉纤毛穿过由感橛细胞形成的感橛空隙,末端进入一高电于密度的顶端细胞外结构——帽。感橛细胞内最明显的特征为具有感橛,感橛细胞围绕着远端树突和感觉纤毛部分,冠细胞紧密地包围着感橛细胞和帽。东亚飞蝗膝下器中同时古有一或两个感觉细胞的具橛感器,这在以往研究报道中是较为少见的。本研究的主要目的在于为以后对此器官的生理功能研究提供形态学的基础材料。  相似文献   

有关蝗虫感觉器官的研究报告不很多,其中值得指出的有Slifer(1935,1936,1938,1950,1951,1954)对于几种蝗虫的弦音器、勃氏器、具橛感器等研究,McFarlane(1953)对于小迁移蝗的弦音器研究,Marshall(1945)对于红腿蝗上唇感觉器的研究,其他尚有Fulton(1928)对于直翅目听器的研究,Friedrich(1930)对于直翅目胫节上具橛感器的比较研究,和徐凤早等(1952)对于几种蝗科昆虫的腹昕器和蟋蟀科与螽蟖科昆虫的足听器研究等。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成虫下颚须上的化学感受器   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
七星瓢虫成虫下颚须端节的内侧是一个船背形隆起的平面, 其上着生栓锥形化学感受器约1, 500个, 其中一半左右是味觉感受器, 其余为嗅觉感受器.每一个味觉感受器小体内, 有感受细胞4—8个, 它们的树突远区通过感橛腔时, 或处于同一个感橛腔中, 或在2个感橛腔中, 或在3个感橛腔中.每一个嗅觉感受器小体内, 感受细胞的数目恒为3个, 有限大的感受器淋巴腔.感橛较薄, 终止于栓锥腔的基部.树突在栓锥腔内分枝.栓锥的顶部有许多半球状突起.下颚须内所具有的感受细胞比下唇须内所具有的超百倍之多, 由取食时下颚须的动作来判断, 它们的主要作用在于寻找和试探食物.  相似文献   

马立君  陈晓端 《昆虫学报》1991,34(3):292-296
用扫描电镜观察了1种软蜱和4属8种硬蜱的成虫以及血蜱属3种若虫的须肢感器的外部形态;同时用透射电镜观察了波斯锐缘蜱、中华革蜱和亚洲璃眼蜱3种成虫须肢感器的内部结构.结果表明,须肢感器的外部形态在硬蜱各属成虫之间存在着一定的差异,主要表现在感器形状、顶端感毛数目、类型及形态,基部感毛数目及形态等几个方面.同属各种间差异不大.血蜱属幼期和波斯锐缘蜱幼期之间也有一定的差异,主要表现在感器形状、顶端感毛数目以及基部感毛数目、形态和排列方式.须肢顶端感毛的内部结构在三种蜱中都可分为A、B两种类型.A型具两个腔:其一为圆形腔,内有树突;另一为新月形腔,无树突.靠近感毛顶端有通道通向外界.B型感毛在三种蜱中差异较大,其共同点是只具有一个含有树突的腔.  相似文献   

松毛虫赤眼蜂触角板状感器的超微结构研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
戴玲美  关敦肃 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):319-322
以扫描电镜观察到松毛虫赤眼蜂(Trichogramma dendrolimi)触角板状感器呈穹形长板状隆起在触角的表面.在透射电镜下感器的横切面是一个角质多孔的长圆顶结构,两侧的角质内陷而将感器分成一个中央管和两个侧管.中央管较短,宽为0.7微米,而侧管不明显.树状突远端部分的少量分枝在中央管内成纵行排列,继而分出大量分枝到达圆顶的顶部,每一分枝中包含一根神经小管.感器外部的角质孔板厚为0.19—0.25微米,嗅孔细管位于孔室中,它和树状突分枝的膜相接触.板状感器由神经细胞体、树状突的近端部、纤毛区、树状突的远端部及其分出的分枝等组成.树状突的远端部分横过感器的纵轴呈90°角进入中央管,其分枝到达感器圆顶的顶部.从超微结构研究,它有嗅孔细管存在,说明板状感器有嗅觉作用.  相似文献   

陈铭  赵金良 《动物学杂志》2022,57(3):447-454
本研究采用组织切片和免疫组织化学方法以及扫描电镜和透射电镜观察并描述了鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)嗅囊组织结构特征和早期发育过程。结果显示,鳜具有2对鼻孔,前后鼻孔紧密相连,具有皮瓣。嗅囊位于嗅腔内,由16~20个初级嗅板构成,为G型嗅囊,初级嗅板通过褶皱产生次级嗅板。嗅板远端边缘为非感觉区,感觉区主要位于嗅板中端和近端。嗅上皮细胞可分为6类,即纤毛非感觉细胞、纤毛感觉细胞、微绒毛感觉细胞、支持细胞、基细胞和黏液细胞。从仔鱼到幼鱼阶段,1~7日龄仔鱼嗅基板较薄,表面有纤毛,10日龄嗅窝内陷并形成嗅腔,26日龄稚鱼形成第1对初级嗅板,55日龄幼鱼形成8对初级嗅板。55日龄前,鳜嗅囊发育较迟缓,初级嗅板侧向平行排列,尚未形成次级嗅板。  相似文献   

松褐天牛六种类型的触角感器的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扫描电镜和透射电镜对松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope不同类型触角感器的超微结构进行了观察和研究。在松褐天牛触角上存在6种类型的感器:机械感器、锥形感器、毛型感器、耳形感器、刺形感器和栓锥形感器。机械感器壁厚无孔,淋巴腔中无树突。锥形感器壁薄多孔,有50多个树突分支,每个分支有1~10个微管。毛型感器单壁,壁上有小孔,孔数相对较少,感器内树突1~8个不等,树突内含不同数量的微管。耳形感器,壁薄多孔,内部有少于5个的树突分支,树突内含有数量不等的微管。刺形感器又分为2个亚型:Ⅰ型壁上具纵脊无孔,顶端有孔;Ⅱ型壁上无脊无孔,顶端具单孔。刺形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型均壁厚无孔,树突鞘一直通到顶端小孔。栓锥形感器上半部具纵脊无孔,下端有少量孔,顶端具三瓣状开口的孔。对感受器功能的讨论认为:机械感器不是化学感器;锥形、毛型和耳形感器是嗅觉感器;刺形和栓锥形感器可能是接触化学(味觉)感器。  相似文献   

杂色鲍头触角的显微与亚显微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李娜  石和荣  李海云  柯浩 《动物学报》2006,52(4):755-764
本文采用光镜和电镜方法,研究了杂色鲍(Haliotisdiversicolor)头触角的显微和亚显微结构。结果表明,杂色鲍头触角的表皮布满乳头状突起,突起表面布满微绒毛,顶端具纤毛。头触角作为重要的感觉器官之一,具触觉兼嗅觉功能,其上皮为特殊的感觉上皮,其组成细胞主要包括三种类型:支持细胞、感觉细胞、腺细胞。头触角表皮之下的成分为平滑肌纤维和疏松结缔组织,疏松结缔组织里含胶原纤维、成纤维细胞、肥大细胞、微孔细胞、变形细胞等成分。  相似文献   

椰心叶甲啮小蜂触角感觉器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
辛星  马子龙  覃伟权 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):933-937
应用扫描电镜(SEM)对椰心叶甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière成虫触角感器的超微结构进行观察。结果表明,在触角上共有8种感器,分别为毛形感器、多孔板状感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、耳形感器、乳状感器、腔形感器和Bhm氏鬃毛;其中毛形感器和板形感器是主要感器,数量较多分布较广;雌雄蜂触角有明显的性二型现象,表现为雌雄触角大小不同,触角感器类型、大小、数量、分布不同。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾头部感器的电镜扫描结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用扫描电镜系统观察并描述了苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)成虫及幼虫触角上及口器上的感器。主要研究结果如下:1)苹果蠹蛾成虫触角背面密布鳞片,感器很少,腹面和侧面鳞片稀疏,具大量感器;2)触角上的感器大部分分布于鞭节各节,少部分分布于柄节和梗节;3)雄虫触角上着生10种感器,雌虫触角上着生9种感器,与雄虫相比,雌虫缺少鳞形感器;4)雄虫口器具鳞形感器和刺形感器,雌虫口器仅具刺形感器;5)幼虫触角3节,基节无感器,第2节具2刺形感器且其分布位置存在个体差异,端节端部具呈三角状排列的3个栓锥感器;6)幼虫口器具一定数量和不同形态的感器。  相似文献   

The femoral chordotonal organ (FCO) inChrysoperla carneais situated in the distal part of the femur and consists of two scoloparia, which are fused at their distal end. The distal scoloparium contains 17-20 scolopidia, and the proximal one six scolopidia. Each scolopidium consists of two sensory cells and three types of enveloping cells (glial, scolopale and attachment cell). The sensory cells of different scolopidia do not lie at the same level in the FCO. Therefore the attachment cells of different scolopidia have different lengths. In the FCO, three types of ciliary roots are found in different sensory cells. The dendrite of the sensory cell terminates in a distal process, which has the structure of a modified cilium (9x2+0). The very distal part of the cilium is surrounded by an extracellular electron dense material, the cap, and ends in a terminal dilation. The scolopale cell contains the electron dense scolopale rods, consisting of plentiful microtubules. In their middle third the scolopale rods are fused and form the scolopale. In the FCO septate junctions, desmosomes and hemidesmosomes are found.  相似文献   

The Johnston's organ of the female mosquito, Aedes aegypti, has only three types of scolopidia: types A, B, and C. It lacks the type D scolopidium of the male's organ. The basic structure and the location of each type in the female are similar to the counterparts in the male's organ. A single scolopidium is composed of a scolopale cell, an envelope cell, a long cap, and a third sheath, in addition to the two electron-dense scolopales produced inside the cytoplasm of two satellite cells. Each scolopidium has either two (type A) or three (type B) sensory cells. A type C scolopidium, mononematic in contrast to the amphinematic types A and B scolopidia, has two sensory cells, a microtubular cap cell, two microtubular accessory cells, and a scolopale cell with an intracellular scolopale. Even though the female Johnston's organ has all the components of the male's organ except for the single type D scolopidium, the female's organ shows relatively poorer organization and development. The female has a smaller and thinner basal plate, shorter and thicker prongs, fewer type A sensory cells, and a shorter flagellar flange, in addition to the overall smaller size of the pedicel.The probable function of each scolopidial type is discussed, especially in connexion with the probable identification of a single auditory sensillum in the male.  相似文献   

Summary In this study we examine the fine structure of mechanosensory hairs in the antennule of crayfish. The sensory hair is a stiff shaft with feather-like filaments. The hair's base is a large expansion of membrane which allows the hair shaft to deflect. The sensory transducing elements are located far from the hair, but are coupled mechanically with the hair shaft by a fine extracellular chorda. The sensory element is a type of scolopidium which consists of a scolopale cell and three sensory cells with a 9 + 0 type ciliary process.This type of scolopidium is characteristic of the chordotonal organ that has no cuticular structure on the surface of the exoskeleton. In this crustacean hair receptor, the deflection of the cuticular hair is transmitted through the chorda to the scolopidium which is a tension-sensitive transducer. The present study reveals that the mechanosensory hair of decapod crustaceans is a chordotonal organ accompanied by a cuticular hair structure. We also discuss comparative aspects of cuticular and subcuticular chordotonal organs in arthropods.  相似文献   

Devetak D  Pabst MA 《Tissue & cell》1994,26(2):249-257
REM and TEM studies of the subgenual organ in Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) show that it is composed of three scolopidia, each with one sensory, one scolopale and one cap cell. The distal part of the dendrite shows a cilium with a '9 + 0' structure. The cross-handing pattern of the ciliary root has a periodicity of bands of about 61 nm. The scolopale material in a certain part of the scolopale cell is organized into five rods. The cell bodies of all three cap cells form a lens-like structure. the velum, which is fixed to the leg wall and the trachea with an extracellular material. The importance of the velum is discussed. Four types of intercellular junction are found; spot desmosomes. belt desmosomes, septate junctions and gap junctions.  相似文献   

Summary This study of the ultrastructure of the auditory sensilla of the New Zealand weta, Hemideina crassidens, is the first such study on a member of the orthopteran Superfamily Gryllacridoidea. Ultrastructure of the auditory sensilla is similar in all of the tibial mechanosensory organs, here called subgenual organ, intermediate organ and crista acoustica by analogy with comparable structures in Tettigoniidae.Distal to each sensory soma is a dendrite containing multiple ciliary rootlets that fuse into a single ciliary root. This splits into nine root processes that pass around the outside of the proximal basal body and then rejoin at the level of the distal basal body, distal to which the dendrite has a modified ciliary structure with a circlet of nine peripheral paired tubes and rods as it passes through the proximal extracellular space. It is then enclosed by a zone of scolopale cell cytoplasm before expanding into a dilatation within the distal extracellular space. In some sensilla this space is partially occluded by electron dense material which is part of the scolopale cell. Distal to the dilatation the cilium shrinks and ends surrounded by the scolopale cap.Accessory cells consist of glia enwrapping the sensory neuron in the region of its soma, the scolopale cell surrounding the ciliary portion of the dendrite, and the attachment cell surrounding the scolopale cell and scolopale cap and connected to them by desmosomes. The attachment cells are filled with microtubules in differing densities and orientations. Lamellae are present in the acellular matrix surrounding the attachment cells. Banded fibres, presumably of collagen, are also present in the matrix.  相似文献   

The fine structure of Johnston's organ in the pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer, was studied by electron microscopy to determine if there exists a dimorphism in this organ corresponding to the sexual dimorphism in antennal shape and surface area. The organ is made up of scolopidia that are ultrastructurally similar to those of other insects. The scolopidia, identical in both sexes, comprise three sensory cells bearing two types of sensory processes: Two are shorter and smaller in diameter than the third, which extends into the cuticle of the membrane connecting pedicel and flagellum and terminates at an epicuticular invagination. The dendrites and sensory processes are surrounded by two types of enveloping (glial) cells-a scolopale cell and an attachment cell. Other enveloping cells occur at different levels of the scolopidium. Sexual dimorphism is evident only in the numbers of scolopidial groups: Males have more groups with fewer scolopidia, but both sexes possess about the same total number of scolopidia.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of a simple chordotonal organ, the presumed homologue of the noctuoid moth tympanal organ, is described in the atympanate moth, Actias luna. The organ consists of a proximal scolopidial region and a distal strand, which attaches peripherally to the membranous cuticle ventral to the hindwing alula. The strand is composed of elongate, microtubule-rich cells encased in an extracellular connective tissue sheath. The scolopidial region houses three mononematic, monodynal scolopidia, each comprised of a sensory cell, scolopale cell, and attachment cell. The dendritic apex is octagonally shaped in transverse section, its inner membrane lined by a laminated structure reminiscent of the noctuoid tympanal organ collar. A 9+0-type cilium emerges from the dendritic apex, passes through both the scolopale lumen and cap, and terminates in an extracellular space distal to the latter. Proximal extensions of the attachment cell and distal prolongations of the scolopale cell surrounding the cap are joined by an elaborate desmosome, with which is associated an extensive electron-dense fibrillar plaque. Within the scolopale cell, this plaque constitutes the scolopale rod material. The data are discussed in terms of both the organ's potential function, and its significance as the evolutionary proto-type of the noctuoid moth ear.  相似文献   

The pyrophilous Australian “fire-beetle” Merimna atrata approaches forest fires and possesses abdominal infrared (IR) organs. Each round IR organ is centrally innervated by a sensory complex showing two different units: one thermoreceptive multipolar neuron and one mechanosensitive chordotonal organ (CO) consisting of two scolopidia. We investigated the CO and found that the scolopidia are mononematic (the scolopale cap remains below the cuticle) and monodynal (one sensory cell per scolopidium). The dendrites of the scolopidia extend anteriorly and are attached by their caps to the cuticle about in the middle of the absorbing area. Structural features at the site of innervation suggest that the CO measures minute thermal deformations caused by IR absorption. Therefore, an additional photomechanic component which has been described for the IR receptors of pyrophilous jewel beetles of the genus Melanophila can be proposed for the IR organ of Merimna. Because scolopidia can measure displacements in the subnanometer range, the CO may enhance the sensitivity of the IR organ. The sensory complex of the Merimna IR organ shows the same units and similar cuticular modifications as the tympanal organs of some noctuid moths. Therefore, a parallel evolution of insect ears and the Merimna IR organ is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ontogenesis of single scolopidia of the chordotonal organ of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, takes about 4 days. At 23% embryogenesis (100% = 30 d) the first anlagen of scolopidia were identified within the epithelium by staining with anti-horseradish peroxidase. Reconstruction of the cell lineage of the scolopidial cells was facilitated by two facts: (i) the arrangement of the cells throughout ontogenesis follows a strict pattern, and (ii) daughter cells are recognizable for several hours after mitosis by the cytoplasmic bridge and midbody joining them. When they separate, the midbody undergoes lysosomal degeneration in one of these cells. The earliest recognizable stage is a pair of cells, one of which (cell 1) encloses the other (cell 2) apically. The enclosing cell becomes the accessory cell. Cell 2 divides, yielding the mother cell (cell 3) of two sensory cells which degenerate later, and cell 2. Cell 2 gives rise to the attachment cell and to cell 2, which in turn produces the scolopale cell and the mother cell (cell 2 2) of a second pair of sensory cells; the latter are the definitive sensory cells. The end result is the total of 5 cells characteristic of the adult scolopidium. Secretion of the scolopale and cap together with the migration of the sensory cell perikarya into the antennal lumen complete development.  相似文献   

Summary The sensory receptor responsive to pressure applied internally to the ventral abdominal body wall of the blood-feeding insects, Rhodnius prolixus, is a single sense cell containing, at its distal end, a cilium enclosed within a scolopale, a densely staining structure characteristic of insect scolopidial sensilla. A small spherical structure lies within a dilation near the midregion of the cilium, and contains nine heavily staining bodies, the position of each corresponding to a pair of microtubules in the cilium. Proximal to the dilation, the microtubules are organized in a ring of nine pairs with one microtubule of each pair associated with dyneinlike arms. Dastal to the dilation a central pair of microtubules is present, but dyneinlike arms are absent. The scolopale cell, which gives risc to the scolopale, has cytoplasmic invaginations that form an elaborate array of extracellular compartments surrounding the body wall of the sense cell. These compartments may serve to dampen high frequency vibrations permitting the receptor to respond to pressure exerted by touch, an attribute in keeping with the receptor's proposed function of detecting abdominal distension related to the size and movement of the stomach.  相似文献   

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