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After evidencing the great importance of plants for animals and humans in consequence of the photosynthesis, several considerations on plant evolution are made. One of the peculiar characteristics of the plant is the sessile property, due especially to the cell wall. This factor, principally, strengthened by the photosynthetic process, determined the particular developmental pattern of the plant, which is characterized by the continuous formation of new organs. The plant immobility, although negative for its survival, has been, in great part, overcome by the acquisition of the capacity of adaptation (plasticity) to the environmental stresses and changes, and the establishment of more adapted genotypes. This capacity to react to the external signals induced Trewavas to speak of "plant intelligence". The plant movement incapacity and the evolution of the sexual reproduction system were strongly correlated. In this context, the evolution of the flower in the Angiosperms has been particularly important to allow the male gamete to fertilize the immobile female gamete. Moreover, the formation of fruit and seed greatly improved the dispersal and conservation of the progeny in the environment. With the flower, mechanisms to favour the outcrossing among different individuals appeared, which are essential to increase the genetic variability and, then, the plant evolution itself. Although the Angiosperms seem highly evolved, the plant evolution is not surely finished, because many reported morpho-physiological processes may be still considered susceptible of further improvement. In the last years the relationships among humans, plants and environment are becoming closer and closer. This is due to the use of the DNA recombinant techniques with the aim to modify artificially plant characters. Therefore, the risk of a plant evolution strongly directed towards practical or commercial objectives, or "an artificial evolution", may be hypothesized.  相似文献   

When plants are sequentially attacked by multiple herbivores, herbivore identity and host specialization can greatly influence the patterns of herbivore–herbivore and plant–herbivore interactions. However, how prior herbivory and the resulting induced plant responses potentially affect subsequent herbivores deserves further investigation. In this study, we conducted a common-garden experiment that manipulated sequential herbivory by the specialist caterpillar Gadirtha fusca Pogue (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) and the generalist caterpillar Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Chinese tallow, Triadica sebifera (L.) Small (Euphorbiaceae). We tested how prior exposure to herbivores with different levels of host specialization affected the performance of subsequently arriving con- and heterospecifics, as well as plant growth and defense responses under subsequent herbivory. We found that prior exposure to the specialist G. fusca facilitated the performance of subsequent conspecifics, resulting in a significant decrease in the growth (height and stem diameter at ground level) of tallow plants. However, prior exposure to the generalist S. litura did not affect the feeding of subsequent con- or heterospecifics or the growth of tallow plants. Sequential herbivory by specialist and generalist conspecifics resulted in lower levels of tannins and flavonoids, respectively, in leaves of tallow plants, whereas sequential herbivory by the two species did not affect the levels of tannins or flavonoids, compared to a single damage event. We conclude that herbivore species-specific plant responses appear to be more important than herbivore identity or specialization in determining herbivore–herbivore interactions and plant responses to sequential herbivore attack.  相似文献   

Many studies demonstrated the importance of facilitative effect by nurse plant on seedling establishment. Few studies evaluated the negative effects of consumers on plant establishment under nurse plants by dealing with them during multiple demographic processes. We investigated the balance between the facilitative effect and negative effects of consumers during multiple demographic processes in Malawi in southeastern Africa. We chose Ficus natalensis as a nurse plant and compared it with three other microsites in tropical woodlands: Brachystegia floribunda (a dominant woodland species), Uapaca kirkiana (a woodland species), and a treeless site. We quantified the seed rain, postdispersal seed predation, germination, and seedling survival of Syzygium guineense ssp. afromontanum (a common forest species). Within each microsite, we quantified the overall probability of recruitment. We also measured seedling abundance of S. guineense ssp. afromontanum. We found that Ficus natalensis exerted both positive and negative impacts on the establishment of S. guineense ssp. afromontanum. Ficus natalensis facilitated seed deposition, seed germination, and seedling survival. On the other hand, seed removal at postdispersal stage was highest under F. natalensis. Interestingly, B. floribunda also had positive effects on germination and seedling survival, but not on seed deposition. When we excluded the seed arrival stage from our estimation of the recruitment probability, the highest value was found under B. floribunda, not under F. natalensis. When we included the seed arrival stage, however, the order of recruitment probability between F. natalensis and B. floribunda was reversed. The probability was one order of magnitude higher under F. natalensis than under B. floribunda. Our estimation of the probability which included the seed arrival stage was consistent with natural patterns of S. guineense ssp. afromontanum establishment. Despite the presence of opposite effects, the net effects of F. natalensis on S. guineense ssp. afromontanum recruitment in tropical woodlands can be positive.  相似文献   

Palatability of parasitic plants may be influenced by their host species, because the parasites take up nutrients and secondary compounds from the hosts. If parasitic plants acquired the full spectrum of secondary compounds from their host, one would expect a correlation between host and parasite palatability. We examined the palatability of leaves of the root-hemiparasite Melampyrum arvense grown with different host plants and the palatability of these host plants for two generalist herbivores, the caterpillar of Spodoptera littoralis and the slug Arion lusitanicus. We used 19 species of host plants from 11 families that are known to contain a wide spectrum of anti-herbivore compounds. Growth of M. arvense was strongly influenced by the host species. The palatability of the individual host species for the two herbivores differed strongly. Both A. lusitanicus and S. littoralis discriminated also between hemiparasites grown with different host plants. There was no correlation between the palatability of a host species and that of the parasites grown on that host, i.e., hemiparasites grown on palatable host species were not more palatable than those grown on unpalatable hosts. We suggest an interacting pattern of specific effects of chemical anti-herbivore defences and indirect effects of the hosts on herbivores through effects on growth and tissue quality of the parasites.  相似文献   

1. The leaf beetle, Chrysomela lapponica, originally uses the salicyl glucosides (SGs) of its host plants to sequester salicylaldehyde, which serves as a defence against generalist enemies but attracts specialist enemies. However, some populations of C. lapponica have shifted to SG‐poor hosts, and their secretions do not contain salicylaldehyde. 2. In was suggested that beetles shift to SG‐poor hosts to escape from specialist enemies. To test this hypothesis, we compared field mortality between two populations of C. lapponica that were associated with SG‐rich willow, Salix myrsinifolia (Kola Peninsula and Finland) and two populations that fed on SG‐poor willows, S. glauca (Ural) and S. caprea (Belarus). 3. Mortality from generalist enemies was significantly higher in Belarus than in three other populations, whereas mortality from specialists did not differ among populations. A specialist predator (syrphid fly larvae, Parasyrphus nigritarsis) and specialist parasitoids (phorid flies, Megaselia spp.) were attracted to the secretions of larvae reared on both SG‐rich and SG‐poor hosts. 4. Feeding on leaves of S. caprea and S. myrsinifolia both previously damaged by leaf puncturing and by the larvae of potentially competing species Chrysomela vigintipunctata, decreased the weight and prolonged the development of C. lapponica. 5. Thus, populations of C. lapponica that have shifted to SG‐poor willow species did not obtain enemy‐free space because specialist enemies have developed adaptations to herbivores that switched to a novel host plant. We suggest that in some populations host plant shift was favoured by interspecific competition with the early season SG‐using specialist, C. vigintipunctata.  相似文献   

The phrase, “T. rangeli is pathogenic to its insect vector,” is commonly found in peer‐reviewed publications on the matter, such that it has become the orthodox view of this interaction. In a literature survey, we identified over 20 papers with almost the exact phrase and several others alluding to it. The idea is of particular importance in triatomine population dynamics and the study of vector‐borne T. cruzi transmission, as it could mean that triatomines infected with T. rangeli have lower fitness than uninfected insects. Trypanosoma rangeli pathogenicity was first observed in a series of studies carried out over fifty years ago using the triatomine species Rhodnius prolixus. However, there are few studies of the effect of T. rangeli on its other vector species, and several of the studies were carried out with R. prolixus under non‐physiological conditions. Here, we re‐evaluate the published studies that led to the conclusion that T. rangeli is pathogenic to its vector, to determine whether or not this indeed is the “true” effect of T. rangeli on its triatomine vector.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces euteiches is a polyphagous, homothallic soilborne pathogen producing asexual (zoospores) and sexual (oospores) spores. Even if oospores are essential for disease development and survival, to date, no study has focused on the production rates of oospores or the quality of the offspring produced by oospores. In this study, a nonabrasive oospore extraction method from infected roots of leguminous species (pea, faba bean and vetch) was developed. This methodology includes steps of grinding and filtration. The quality of oospores (viable, dormant and dead) was assessed with tetrazolium bromide staining, and germination of oospores was tested using exudates of peas, faba bean and vetch. The average yield of the extraction method was approximately 21%. Staining revealed some differences between strains and between leguminous species. The germination percentage of oospores extracted from pea, faba bean and vetch was 25%, 62% and 70%, respectively, and a significant difference was observed according to the origin of A. euteiches‐inoculated strains. Application of exudates seems to stimulate the germination of oospores (2% for the control, 18% for pea exudates and 1% for vetch exudates). Differences observed between A. euteiches strains and leguminous species indicate that more knowledge concerning the biology of oospores is needed. This will help to better estimate evolution process of the pathogen and manage resistance and crop successions.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductance ( L 0) of detached, exuding root systems from melon ( Cucumis melo cv. Amarillo oro) was measured. All plants received a half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution, and plants stressed either solely with NaCl (50 mM) or with NaCl (50 mM) following treatment (2 d) with CaCl2 (10 mM) were compared with controls and CaCl2-treated (10 mM) plants. The L 0 of NaCl-treated plants was markedly decreased when compared to control and CaCl2-treated plants, but the decrease was smaller when NaCl was added to plants previously treated with CaCl2. A similar effect was observed when the flux of Ca2+ into the xylem and the Ca2+ concentration in the plasma membrane of the root cells were determined. In control, CaCl2- and NaCl + CaCl2-treated plants, HgCl2 treatment (50 μM) caused a sharp decline in L 0 to values similar to those of NaCl-stressed roots, but L 0 was restored by treatment with 5 mM DTT. However, in NaCl roots only a slight effect of Hg2+ and DTT were observed. The effect of all treatments on L 0 was similar to that on osmotic water permeability ( P f) of individual protoplasts isolated from roots. The results suggest that NaCl decreased the passage of water through the membrane and roots by reducing the activity of Hg-sensitive water channels. The ameliorative effect of Ca2+ on NaCl stress could be related to water-channel function.  相似文献   

In their journey through the oviduct some subpopulations of sperm are preserved in a reservoir, while others are negatively selected. Sperm binding glycoprotein (SBG) is a pig oviductal epithelial cell glycoprotein that produces, under capacitating conditions, acrosome alteration, p97 tyrosine-phosphorylation and reduction of the motility of sperm. In this paper, we show that SBG is accessible at the extracellular surface of the oviductal epithelial cells, supporting a sperm interaction biological role in situ. We analyze the possible dependence of the tyrosine-phosphorylation of p97 on the PKA mechanism, finding that apparently it is not PKA dependent. Also, after SBG treatment the phosphorylated proteins locate mainly at the detached periacrosomal region and at the tail of sperm; the latter may be related to SBG's motility reduction effect. The study of the time course effect of SBG on sperm as detected by chlortetracycline (CTC) staining and of its binding to sperm by immunodetection in conjunction with CTC, shows results in agreement with the hypothesis that this glycoprotein is involved in the alteration of acrosomes in a specific sperm subpopulation. The results suggest that SBG may be part of a mechanism for negative selection of sperm.  相似文献   

Field and bioassay studies with Jacobaea vulgaris (ragwort) have shown that plants grow poorly in soil originating from the rhizosphere of this species and that this can influence the dynamics of ragwort populations during secondary succession. In the present study we examined whether the negative effect of ragwort on conspecifics may be due to autotoxicity. First, we experimentally established that ragwort exerts negative plant–soil feedback. We subsequently examined the inhibitory effects on germination and seedling performance of different strengths of aqueous extracts made from shoot and root tissues of ragwort, and from soil in which ragwort had been growing. The effects of the extracts were tested for seedlings growing in sterilised soil or in glass beads with water. Finally, the inhibitory effect of entire root fragments on seedling performance was tested. We observed that performance of seedlings growing in glass beads was significantly reduced by the high and medium strength root and shoot extracts. Extracts made from soil did not differ significantly from the control, and seedlings growing in sterilised soil were also not affected by ragwort extracts. Seed germination was significantly reduced by the high strength shoot extract only. The root length of seedlings growing in water with root fragments was reduced significantly. We conclude that under laboratory conditions ragwort can be autotoxic and discuss the role that autotoxicity may play in influencing the dynamics of ragwort populations during secondary succession.  相似文献   

An explosion of research in plant nitric oxide (NO) biology during the last two decades has revealed that NO is a key signal involved in plant development, abiotic stress responses and plant immunity. During the course of evolutionary changes, microorganisms parasitizing plants have developed highly effective offensive strategies, in which NO also seems to be implicated. NO production has been demonstrated in several plant pathogens, including fungi, but the origin of NO seems to be as puzzling as in plants. So far, published studies have been spread over multiple species of pathogenic microorganisms in various developmental stages; however, the data clearly indicate that pathogen‐derived NO is an important regulatory molecule involved not only in developmental processes, but also in pathogen virulence and its survival in the host. This review also focuses on the search for potential mechanisms by which pathogens convert NO messages into a physiological response or detoxify both endo‐ and exogenous NO. Finally, taking into account the data available from model bacteria and yeast, a basic draft for the mode of NO action in phytopathogenic microorganisms is proposed.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands are renowned for their unique flora and high levels of endemism. Native island plants, however, are imperilled by non-native species that can become invasive by outcompeting natives. The threat of native island assemblages generally increases with isolation and the number of endemics featured, but also with human-associated disturbance and land use. Based on this, the Canary Island native plant systems should be highly threatened by invasives, similar to other oceanic islands globally. However, Canarian native plant systems are only weakly infiltrated and are rarely directly threatened by invasive plants. Further, highly disturbed areas, usually among the first colonized by invasives on islands, are recolonized here by natives. Based on this, we postulate four hypotheses (climatic filter, well-preservation status, human legacy and permanent colonization) for explaining this unusual behaviour of plant systems on the Canary Islands, providing an opportunity to understand the drivers and processes behind invasion into plant communities on islands.  相似文献   

Raffa KF  Hobson KR  Lafontaine S  Aukema BH 《Oecologia》2007,153(4):1009-1019
Predators and parasites commonly use chemical cues associated with herbivore feeding and reproduction to locate prey. However, we currently know little about mechanisms by which herbivores may avoid such natural enemies. Pheromones are crucial to many aspects of herbivore life history, so radical alterations of these compounds could be disadvantageous despite their exploitation by predators. Instead, minor modifications in pheromone chemistry may facilitate partial escape while maintaining intraspecific functionality. We tested this hypothesis using Ips pini, an endophytic beetle that develops in the phloem tissue of pine trees. Its predominant predators in the Great Lakes region of North America are Thanasimus dubius and Platysoma cylindrica, both of which are highly attracted to I. pini’s pheromones. However, there are significant disparities between prey and predator behaviors that relate to nuances of pheromone chemistry. Thanasimus dubius is most attracted to the (+) stereoisomer of ipsdienol, and P. cylindrica is most attracted to the (−) form; Ips pini prefers racemic mixtures intermediate between each predator’s preferences. Further, a component that is inactive by itself, lanierone, greatly synergizes the attraction of I. pini to ipsdienol, but has a weak or no effect on its predators. A temporal component adds to this behavioral disparity: lanierone is most important in the communication of I. pini during periods when its predators are most abundant. The difficulties involved in tracking prey are further compounded by spatial and temporal variation in prey signaling on a local scale. For example, the preferences of I. pini vary significantly among sites only 50 km apart. This chemical crypsis is analogous to morphological forms of camouflage, such as color and mimicry, that are widely recognized as evasive adaptations against visually searching predators. Presumably these relationships are dynamic, with predators and prey shifting responses in microevolutionary time. However, several factors may delay predator counter adaptations. The most important appears to be the availability of alternate prey, specifically I. grandicollis, whose pheromone ipsenol is highly attractive to the above predators but not cross-attractive with I. pini. Consistent with this view, the specialist parasitoid, Tomicobia tibialis, has behavioral preferences for pheromone components that closely correspond with those of I. pini. These results are discussed in terms of population dynamics and coevolutionary theory. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Strong evidence affirms that incubation temperatures can influence the phenotype of hatchling reptiles, but few studies have examined the fitness consequences of such modifications. Vulnerability to predation is one plausible way that phenotypic shifts could affect an organism's fitness. We incubated the eggs of three sympatric lizard species at temperatures similar to the thermal extremes of natural nests, and measured several traits that are likely to influence a hatchling's susceptibility to a natural (snake) predator. We also examined the lizards' actual vulnerability to snake predators in direct encounters in the laboratory. Our results show that incubation temperature can affect an individual's date of hatching, morphology, locomotor performance, chemosensory responses to snake scent, and ability to avoid a snake predator during staged laboratory encounters. Incubation temperature did not modify the hatchling's `attractiveness' to snakes (as measured via chemical cues) or its antipredator tactics (propensity to escape predation through fleeing or caudal autotomy). The magnitude and direction of incubation- induced phenotypic shifts varied among the three species (even those with similar life histories, thermoregulatory preferences, and microhabitat requirements), and depended on body temperatures and hatchling age. We conclude that incubation-induced modifications to a lizard's phenotype affect a suite of traits that are likely to influence its vulnerability, and also its actual ability to escape from a predator. This result suggests that incubation regimes can influence organismal fitness via their effects on predator-prey interactions. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 23 March 1999  相似文献   

Many viruses usurp the functions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for virus-encoded membrane proteins proper functional folding or assembly to promote virus spread. Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV), a plant reovirus, exploits virus-containing tubules composed of nonstructural membrane protein P7-1 to spread in its planthopper vector Sogatella furcifera. Here, we report that two factors of the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) machinery, the ER chaperone DNAJB12 and its cytosolic co-chaperone Hsc70, are activated by SRBSDV to facilitate ER-to-cytosol export of P7-1 tubules in S. furcifera. Both P7-1 of SRBSDV and Hsc70 directly bind to the J-domain of DNAJB12. DNAJB12 overexpression induces ER retention of P7-1, but Hsc70 overexpression promotes the transport of P7-1 from the ER to the cytosol to initiate tubule assembly. Thus, P7-1 is initially retained in the ER by interaction with DNAJB12 and then delivered to Hsc70. Furthermore, the inhibitors of the ATPase activity of Hsc70 reduce P7-1 tubule assembly, suggesting that the proper folding and assembly of P7-1 tubules is dependent on the ATPase activity of Hsc70. The DNAJB12–Hsc70 chaperone complex is recruited to P7-1 tubules in virus-infected midgut epithelial cells in S. furcifera. The knockdown of DNAJB12 or Hsc70 strongly inhibits P7-1 tubule assembly in vivo, finally suppressing effective viral spread in S. furcifera. Taken together, our results indicate that the DNAJB12–Hsc70 chaperone complex in the ERAD machinery facilitates the ER-to-cytosol transport of P7-1 for proper assembly of tubules, enabling viral spread in insect vectors in a manner dependent on ATPase activity of Hsc70.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the influence of temperature on the activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is decreased when the cells are immobilized. This is contrary to normal expectations and the work presented here indicates that it is not, in fact, the case. Experimental results are presented which show that the kinetics of Fe(II) oxidation by biofilms at 30°C are significantly faster than those at 20°C. Temperature, therefore, plays an important role in the activity of T. ferrooxidans, even in the immobilized form, and results indicate that it can also be used to control the level of biomass within the immobilized cell bioreactor.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,47(1):11-14
Wounding delays the loss of chlorophyll (Chl) that normally occurs when oat (Avena sativa L.) leaf segments are held in the dark. There was a continued increase in ethylene production during the senescence of the control segments; in contrast, ethylene production by the wounded segments, although it increased by a factor of 2–3 times, reached its peak in 48 h and then dropped sharply to below the basal level. Added 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) caused a very large increase in ethylene production in both control and wounded segments, but it increased the rate of Chl loss, though only marginally. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) inhibited ethylene production by both control and wounded segments and this did decrease the Chl loss, but only in the control segments. In the wounded segments, AVG antagonized the Chl-retaining action of the wound. Since wounding delayed the loss of Chl and yet caused a moderate increase in ethylene production, we conclude that the ethylene production by senescing oat leaves is not the main controlling influence in the wounding effect. The data also throw doubt on the causal participation of ethylene in normal Chl loss by these leaves in darkness.  相似文献   

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