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In Pterostichus melanarius, the seasonal dynamics of activity is characterized by two peaks (in mid-June-early July and in late July-mid-August). In southwestern Moldova, these peaks were registered twenty days later than in Moscow Province. In both regions, larvae and adults hibernate. Both hibernated immature adults and adults that had already bred before wintering start reproduction simultaneously. In hibernated immature individuals, the average number of eggs per female constituted 1.5 times that in the postgenerative females. In the steppe zone, the total number of eggs laid by immature females was closed to that laid by previously bred females, while in the southern taiga zone, hibernated immature females laid a greater number of eggs. In the steppe zone, females of a new generation lay a somewhat lower number of eggs in comparison with hibernated immature females, whereas the total number of laid eggs is significantly higher. In the southern taiga zone, both the average number of laid eggs and their total number are equal in females of a new generation and hibernated immature females. In Moldova, the majority of individuals of a new generation breed in the current season, whereas in Moscow Prov., about half the individuals hibernate without breeding. Over the largest part of the range, the life cycle of P. melanarius combines the one-year development with hibernating larvae with two-year development with the hibernating immature and postgenerative adults. The two subpopulation groups, wintering at different phases of the ontogenesis, are totally isolated at the northern border of the range. Within each subpopulation., individuals are characterized by the biennial life cycle; as a result, the polyvariant character of the life cycle turns into the monovariant one. We suggest that such a life cycle should be designated as the compensatory monovariant cycle, and populations, in which it is realized, as byside populations (from the English “side by side”).  相似文献   

Summary Habitat change by means of flight activities has been observed in the life cycle of the univoltine, macropterous species Amara plebeja Gyll. The hibernation- and reproduction habitats are quite different, viz. deciduous trees and grass vegetation, respectively. Young as well as old females and males are present in both habitats, but at different periods of the year. The flight muscles are generally autolysed but apparently only temporarily. After complete reconstruction of the flight muscles, habitats are changed by mean of flying both in spring and in autumn, if weather conditions are favourable. In spring, when the individuals are flying from hibernation to reproduction habitat they may be drifted by air currents, whereby migration becomes dispersal, and founding or refounding of populations in suitable localities may result. During the autumn, the insects fly from reproduction to hibernation habitats orientating towards distinct silhouettes in the landscape.Communication No. 185 of the Biological Station, Wijster  相似文献   

The density of ground beetle populations was estimated by means of fenced pitfall traps in 2004–2008, in the environs of Biisk (Altai Territory) and Karasuk (Novosibirsk Province). In all, 64 species of ground beetles were revealed. The capture rates were usually higher in open than in fenced plots. No correlation was observed between the time of trap exposure and the captures. By the end of the 3rd–6th week of exposure, the fraction of juvenile and immature adults increased. The beetles captured within a fenced area 1 m2 usually fell into the traps in 2–3 days. The maximal density of carabids in the fenced areas was estimated at 55–60 ind./m2.  相似文献   

  • 1 Food demands of the predatory carabid Notiophilus biguttatus F. and their fulfilment were studied in the laboratory and field.
  • 2 In the laboratory, larval consumption, growth, adult body size and egg production were established for different regimes of temperature and food, the springtail Orchesella cincta.
  • 3 Temperature strongly influenced feeding rate of larvae and adults and consequently growth and oviposition rates. Accordingly, growth rate and ovi-position rate increased with prey supply.
  • 4 Prey supply also had an effect on fat content, but the number of ripe eggs in the ovaries was related neither to temperature nor to prey supply.
  • 5 Adult body size was affected by temperature during the larval period but more so by food supply.
  • 6 Dissection of field fresh females showed them to bear eggs for the whole year, except in late winter/early spring and in July.
  • 7 Fat content was low in spring and, from July on, high in summer and autumn. Survivorship during starvation differed widely between samples and seemed to be related to reproductive status rather than to fat content.
  • 8 Samples of beetles and springtails from eleven pine plantations revealed for the beetles significant differences in fat content and body size, the latter ranging between the maximum and minimum value obtained in the laboratory.
  • 9 Conclusions about food limitation based on body size and fat content were not corroborated by a relationship of these indices with springtail density.

An original classification of the life cycles of ground beetles from Western Palaearctic is proposed. The classification is based on a combination of five criteria: duration, number of generations per season, phenology of reproduction, stability, and repeatability of reproduction. According to the individual lifespan, the cycles are subdivided into annual and biennial ones. The annual life cycles may be uni-and bivoltine, whereas biennial ones are always univoltine. By the time of reproduction, winter-spring, spring, spring-summer, early summer, summer, late summer, summer-autumnal, autumnal, autumn-winter, winter, and aseasonal species are distinguished. The biennial and bivoltine cycles may be of both facultative and obligate nature. Species living only one season and having a continuous reproductive period are designated as semelparous, while those breeding during two or more years or having several distinct periods of reproduction in one season, as iteroparous. By now, 30 variants of life cycles in Carabidae from western Palaearctic have been established. Repeated similarly directed modifications of the life cycle may produce essentially different seasonal rhythms in some individuals. In this case, two subpopulation groups usually appear within the population. Under the most unfavorable conditions, these groups become practically isolated and hibernate at different ontogenetic stages. The individual development in each of these groups takes two years with the same seasonal rhythm. Among the types considered, only obligate-bivoltine life cycles are always polyvariant, but annual univoltine and obligate-biennial ones are always univariant. The facultative-bivoltine and biennial life cycles may be realized as uni-and polyvariant ones, depending on the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Life cycles of California populations of the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes, varied along an altitudinal gradient. Temperature records indicate a longer season at low altitude on the coast, based on computation of degree days available for development, even though summer air temperatures are cooler than at high altitude; this is a result of warm soil temperatures. At high and low altitudes there was a high proportion of diapause eggs oviposited, while intermediate proportions of diapause eggs occurred at mid altitudes. The low altitude, and especially sea level, populations diapaused at all stages of embryonic development, while at high altitudes most diapause occurred in the late stages just before hatch. Diapause was more intense at high altitudes. One result of diapause differences was delayed hatching in the sea level population. Nymphal development and development of adults to age at first reproduction were both accelerated at high altitude relative to sea level. At lower temperatures (27° C) there was a tendency for short days to accelerate development of sea level nymphs, but not high altitude nymphs. In both sea level and high altitude grasshoppers, short days accelerated maturation of adults to onset of oviposition at warm temperature (33° C); there was little reproduction at 27° C. Population differences for all traits studied appear to be largely genetic with some maternal effects possible. We interpret diapause variation at low and mid altitudes to be responses to environmental uncertainty and variations in development rates to be adaptations to prevailing season lengths.  相似文献   

Putchkov A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):503-515
A review of the ground beetles of the Ukrainian fauna is given. Almost 750 species from 117 genera of Carabidae are known to occur in the Ukraine. Approximately 450 species of ground beetles are registered in the Carpathian region. No less than 300 species of ground beetles are found in the forest zone. Approximately 400 species of Carabidae present in the forest-steppe zone are relatively similar in species composition to those in the forest territories. Some 450 species of Carabidae are inhabitants of the steppe zone. Representatives of many other regions of heterogeneous biotopes such as forest, semi desert, intrazonal, etc. can be found in the steppe areas. The fauna of Carabidae (ca. 100 species) of the lowlands of southern Ukraine (sandy biotopes), situated mostly in the Kherson region, is very peculiar. The fauna of the Crimean mountains contains about 300 species. Conservation measures for the Carabidae are discussed.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in carabids (Coleoptera, Carabidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Butovsky RO 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):215-222
Carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) are one of the most studied soil groups in relation to heavy metal (HM) accumulation and use for bioindication of environmental pollution. Accumulation of Zn and Cu in carabid beetles was species-, sex- and trophic group-specific. No differences were found in HM contents between omnivorous and carnivorous species. The use of carabid beetles as indicators of HM accumulation appears to be rather limited.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(2):85-105
Members of the Vietnamese carabid fauna are arranged and nomenclaturally revised. As the result, 178 species belonging to 74 genera of 12 subfamilies, Brachininae, Omophroninae, Carabinae, Scaritinae, Bembidiinae, Trechinae, Pterostichinae, Harpalinae, Callistinae, Oodinae, Odacanthinae, and Lebiinae, are recorded from Vietnam. Within these, four species, Abacetus leucocetes Bates, 1873, Ago-nom (Metacolpodes) buchanani Hope, 1831, Steno-lopus (Egadromd) difficilis (Hope, 1845), and Phe-ropsophus {Stenaptinus) beckeri Jedlicka, 1930 are newly recorded. A species checklist with taxonomie information, type localities and worldwide distribution are provided.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics and demographic structure was studied in 15 dominant ground beetle species in the mountain taiga and mountain forest-steppe belts of the Eastern Sayan (Okinskoe Plateau). Life cycles of the dominant ground beetle species were classified by developmental time, seasonal dynamics, and intrapopulation groups with different reproduction timing. The strategies of carabid life cycles adapted to severe mountain conditions of the Eastern Sayan were revealed.  相似文献   

Work TT  Onge BS  Jacobs JM 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):623-639
Biodiversity monitoring is increasingly being bolstered with high resolution data derived from remote sensing such as LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). We derived a series of topographical variables, including slope, azimuth, ground curvature and flow accumulation from LIDAR images and compared these to captures of female carabids in pitfall traps in Eastern boreal mixedwood forests. We developed a series of species-specific logistic models predicting the proportion of females for eight dominant species, including Agonum retractum, Calathus ingratus, Platynus decentis, Pterostichus adstrictus, Pterostichus coracinus, Pterostichus pensylvanicus, Sphaeroderus nitidicollis and Synuchus impunctatus. We used these models to test three hypotheses related to how the modest topography in boreal forests could influence the availability of microhabitats and possibly potential sites for oviposition and larval development. In general, topographic features such as north facing slopes and high flow accumulation were important predictors of the proportion of females. Models derived from larger scale topography, such as hillsides or small watersheds on the order of ¼-1 ha were better predictors of the proportion of females than were models derived from finer scale topography such as hummocks and small depressions. We conclude that topography likely influences the distribution of carabids based on hydrological mechanisms rather than factors related to temperature. We further suggest based on the scale of responses that these hydrological mechanisms may be linked to the attenuation of past disturbances by wildfire and the propensity of unburned forest patches and fire skips.  相似文献   

An account is given of the species and degree of parasitism by insect and nematode parasites from eight species of Carabidae collected in pitfall traps in arable fields.  相似文献   

  • 1 Pterostichus species were sampled on ninety-two sites distributed throughout north-east England using pitfall trapping.
  • 2 The incidence of each species was related to measured site environmental variables using logistic regression.
  • 3 Four species groups were identified on the basis of size. The extent of overlap in habitat types between species in each group varied. Two large species overlapped considerably whilst the smaller species showed different responses to one or more environmental variable.
  • 4 Possible causes of the differences in habitat overlap between Pterostichus species are discussed.

The polytypic carabid Carabus punctatoauratus, which inhabits the northern chains of the middle and eastern Pyrenees, was investigated with respect to allozyme polymorphisms. Twenty-nine local populations distributed over nearly the entire range of the species were studied. Out of 18 enzymes tested, four were found to be polymorphic: aspartate aminotransferase-1 (AAT-1), an esterase (EST-X), gulcose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD). The total number of allozymes detected was 7 for AAT-1, 14 for EST-X, 13 for GPE and 7 for 6-PGD; in local populatins, the sum of the number of allozymes varied from 7 to 24. With a few exceptions, the genotype frequencies of the local populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrum. In two loci (Est-x and Gpi) an allele frequency gradient along the WNW-ESE axis of the range was detected. Moreover, several alleles with a discontinuous spatial change of frequency were found. The peripheral populations studied (from the Massif du Ganigou in the east and from the Massif du Midi de Bigorre in the west) were substantially differentiated. On the other hand, populations distributed over the large central region of the species exhibited similar sets of allozymes. Thus, in the central region, a congruence int he degree of morphological and biochemical differentiation has not been found. However, in several cases, local populations obviously belonging to the same metapopulation showed significant differentiations, which seem to be caused by genetic drift. It is concluded that, in Carabus punctatoauratus, allozyme differentiations among local populations are usually trasient phenomena, whichare levelled agina by metapopulation dynamics (‘drift levelling’).  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the activity and the demographic structure of Calathus melanocephalus and C. micropterus populations were studied in the northern taiga of Arkhangelsk Province. The period of adult activity lasts from early June to mid-or late September with the maximum surface activity observed in the middle of summer. In C. melanocephalus, mature individuals are recorded from early June to early September, and in C. micropterus, during the entire season. The data on seasonal changes of the demographic structure of the population demonstrate that in the northern taiga, these species probably possess a biennial life cycle with summer reproduction. The geographical variability of the demographic structure of populations and of life cycles of two species of the genus Calathus was demonstrated. Northwards from the south, the period of activity decreases and the period of reproduction increases and shifts from autumn to the middle of summer. A hypothesis was formulated, according to which in the species studied the annual life cycle in the central part of the range is replaced by the biennial cycle in the north.  相似文献   

Rozek M  Lachowska D 《Folia biologica》2003,51(3-4):143-146
The C-banding pattern of Bembidion punctulatum, B. varium, B. varicolor, B. ascedens, B. tibiale, B. ustulatum, B. decorum, and B. modestum are presented. All examined species have a symmetrical karyotype with meta- and submentacentric chromosomes and meioformula n=11+XY. All of them have an achiasmatic spermatogenesis in common. The present data confirm earlier studies indicating a considerable morphological and numerical stability of the Bembidiini karyotype. The C-banding showed the existence of heterochromatin in the paracentric regions of chromosomes, and also 2-3 intercalar C-positive segments were observed. The Y chromosome is entrely euchromatic. The C-banded karyotype of the analysed species in genus Bembidion has large heterochromatin segments on chromosomes, an exception in Coleoptera.  相似文献   

A list of species and the structure of ground beetle assemblages in the forest-steppe of Eravninskaya (= Sosnovoozerskaya) Depression situated in the permafrost area are presented. Ground beetle assemblages dwelling in larch, mixed, and small-leaved forests (intact and after fires), and also in the meadow steppe and waterlogged meadows with varying degrees of humidity were studied. The data obtained demonstrate that the communities examined are intermediate between those revealed in adjacent territories of the Selenga River basin, mid-altitude mountains, and of the northern Transbaikalia. The gentle sauce-shaped relief of Eravninskaya Depression is responsible for the concentric circular distribution of carabid assemblages, occasionally interrupted by forest-steppe fragments in isolated forests and meadow steppes. All the hill slopes surrounding the depression are populated by taiga carabid assemblages, whereas the bottom of the depression is the habitat for meadow-steppe and forest-steppe assemblages.  相似文献   

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