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Some metric characters of nests built during the founding phase by foundresses were compared between two consubgenericPolistes wasps,P. (Polistes) riparius andP. (P.) chinensis, the former of which inhabit higher latitudes. Volumes and dry weights ofP. riparius nests were strikingly larger than those ofP. chinensis, even when standardized by the foundress weight (2.5 times for volume and 2 times for weight), showing that foundresses ofP. riparius invest much more in the nest construction than those ofP. chinensis. However, percent weights of oral secretion used for nests to total nest weights were smaller inP. riparius than inP. chinensis (52.1% vs. 60.4%). The differences in the investment by foundresses of the two species in the construction and maintenance of nests were discussed in relation to climatic and other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Summary The nesting behavior of the euglossine beeEulaema nigrita was observed in the laboratory after being transferred from three nests to observation boxes. Nests were re-used by successive generations with more than one female working in each re-use process. Associated females were always of the same generation. All females that shared a nest foraged for construction materials (mud, excrement and resin) and each constructed, provisioned and oviposited in her own cells. The number of cells constructed by each female ranged from one to 23. Females stayed in the nests for periods ranging from 15 to 59 days during the hot and wet season and from five to 78 days during the cool and dry season. The egg-to-adult period was related to climatic conditions, and in all re-use processes it was longer than the time of residence of the females in the nests. The meloid beetleMeloetyphlus attacephalus was the only nest parasite. Due to the attack method employed by this parasite, the presence of more than one female in the nest did not result in improved nest defense.  相似文献   

大分舌蜂营巢生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵延会  丁亮  袁峰  张彦周  图立红  朱朝东 《昆虫学报》2010,53(11):1287-1294
于2009和2010年对广东河源大分舌蜂Colletes gigas的巢穴结构及生物学习性进行了初步研究。对分布在同一区域大分舌蜂的巢穴进行了挖掘, 详细记录了两个巢穴的结构; 挖出的卵、 幼虫及蛹的形态进行了解剖镜和电镜观察, 并做了简要描述。另外, 还通过分子及形态学方法对与大分舌蜂共用筑巢场所的另一种分舌蜂进行了鉴定。研究发现大分舌蜂喜欢在沙土中筑巢, 并且有集中筑巢的习性。大分舌蜂的巢穴由一条主道和几条虫室道组成, 虫室建在主道及各个虫室道的末端。大分舌蜂往年的巢穴可以被翌年羽化的大分舌蜂再次利用, 沿主道重新建造自己的虫室道或扩展原有的虫室道。大分舌蜂在中国南方专性取食山茶科植物尤其是油茶的花粉及花蜜, 蜂粮由于花蜜含量较多而呈液体状。通过进一步比较COI与28S D2区数据, 甄别出同一巢区中还存在另一种分舌蜂属物种, 表明大分舌蜂可以与另一种分舌蜂Colletes sp.共用筑巢场所。  相似文献   

利用人工巢管(Trap-nest)对我国南方林区捕食性天敌昆虫黄缘蜾蠃Anterhynchium flavomarginatum Smith的营巢生物学进行研究,以期更好的保护和利用该蜂对农林害虫的生物防治作用。2021年4月至2022年12月在江西省选取5个典型样地放置人工巢管收集黄缘蜾蠃,野外观察并记录该蜂雌性成虫活动规律的相关数据,并通过室内解剖筑巢巢管对该蜂的巢管进行观察并测量获取巢管结构的相关数据。研究发现黄缘蜾蠃偏爱巢口朝向东南方向的巢箱筑巢,该蜂巢管内部结构由前庭(Vestibular cell)、虫室(Brood cell)和空室(Empty space)等结构组成,也观察记录了巢管内部结构的相关参数和雌蜂的筑巢行为,其中包括巢管长度、内径以及前庭、虫室、空室的数量和长度;而筑巢行为主要包括日平均出巢次数、单次捕食时间、采泥时间、处理猎物的时间以及筑巢时间。每年5月、7月和10月是黄缘蜾蠃营巢最活跃的时期。黄缘蜾蠃的筑巢习性在不同个体之间无明显差异,但后代雌雄发育情况在不同巢管结构中存在差异;雌性成虫个体较雄性大,其幼虫期所需食物更多;该蜂可能会根据虫室大小及储备食物的多少来决定后代的性别分配。  相似文献   

沙地毛足蜂筑巢生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】调查毛乌素沙地的一种群居独栖性野生毛足蜂Dasypoda hirtipes Panzer的巢穴结构及其日活动规律。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对沙地毛足蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观测;采用挖掘、测量方法对毛足蜂巢内结构进行了观测。【结果】2008和2009年共挖掘巢穴22个,巢口直径为6.32~10.35 mm,巢穴具有多分枝的支道,一般有4~16个分支道,主道的深度为84~112 cm,巢室分布在主道周围的支道里面,每个支道里面仅有1个巢室,巢室深度为22~54 cm。巢室内壁无蜡层,较光滑,巢室内的花粉球底部有3个均匀大小的用来支撑花粉球的突起。对雌性成蜂日活动行为的观察结果显示,雌性个体一天内采集粉蜜的次数在6~8次,最后一次一般不携带花粉归巢。【结论】在内蒙古毛乌素沙地,该蜂一年1代,日活动时间与菊科植物抱茎苦荬菜Ixeris sonchifolia花序中的单花期相对应,主要的蜜源植物为菊科植物和蒺藜属植物。  相似文献   

Megachile Latreille is a conspicuous genus of solitary bees distributed worldwide. However, the biology of tropical species is still little known. We present data on biology of Megachile brasiliensis Data Torre, Megachile sejuncta Cockerell and Megachile stilbonotaspis Moure found in two remnants of eastern Amazonian forest in northeastern Brazil. The study was conducted using the trap-nest methodology in two different areas during four periods. We collected a total of 24 nests of M. brasiliensis, 26 of M. sejuncta and 28 of M. stilbonotaspis. The differential abundance of collected nests may reflect the population size in each sampled place. The nesting activity was concentrated mainly between July and January and species presented a multivoltine pattern, except for M. sejuncta, which was partly univoltine. Assessed pollen use showed a predominant use of Attalea sp. (Arecaceae) and, for M. stilbonotaspis, Tylesia sp. and Lepidaploa sp. (Asteraceae). Babassu is a very common palm in the studied areas and the studied species seem to have a strong link with it. We also reported change of pollen use by M. sejuncta, probably due to competition with M. brasiliensis, which may have influenced the biased sex ratio observed in M. sejuncta toward males. Parasites reported here were also recorded for other Megachile species, such as Coelioxys, Brachymeria, Meloidae and Pyralidae species. Mites were observed in association with M. stilbonotaspis. The data presented here set up a background that encourages new studies on the ecology of these three Amazonian species, providing tools for proper biodiversity management and conservation.  相似文献   

A total of 67 nests of Centris tarsata were obtained from wood trap-nests of different diameters, consisting of a linear series of brood cells built with sand mixed with oil. This species showed a preference for open habitats, since it occurred only in Swamp and Grassland areas and has never been found in the Araucaria forest. Nesting activity was bigger during the hot season, especially in December and January. The Sex ratio was of 1.48:1 (females/males), significantly different from 1:1. The females were larger than the males and these showed no dimorphism. Males were produced in the outermost cells and females in the innermost cells. C. tarsata presented a direct development without diapause in larval stage. They overwinter as adults. Development time was similar for males and females. Natural enemies are Bombyliidae Mesocheira bicolor, Coelioxys sp. and Meloidae.  相似文献   

This study was carried in the Parque Municipal das Araucárias in the municipality of Guarapuava, state of Paraná, Southern Brazil. Three hundred and sixty five nests of T. lactitarse were obtained using trap-nests of 0.7, 1.0, and 1.3 cm in diameter. All of them had similar architecture, regardless of the diameter of the trap-nest. Completed nests consisted of a linear series of brood cells whose average number per nest was of 3.3, 4.0 and 3.6 for the nests with 0.7 cm, 1.0 cm and 1.3 cm in diameter, respectively. They were constructed more often during the summer. T. lactitarse had two types of life cycles: direct development (without diapause), and delayed development (with diapause during winter). Natural enemies included Chrysididae, Sarcophagidae, Dolichopodidae and Ichneumonidae. Out of 1,353 identified spider prey, 1,313 belonged to the Araneidae family.  相似文献   

The Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps and sawflies) display a great variety of social systems and sex ratios and have played a key role in the development and testing of many evolutionary models. Traditionally, considerable emphasis was placed on the fact that hymenopterans have haploid males and diploid females but it is now clear that many species also regularly produce sterile, diploid males. Recent studies explore the diverse ways in which production of these diploid males influences selection on mating systems, sex ratios and social behaviour.  相似文献   

The fish diet of young Kingfishers Alcedo atthis on the River Roding near Abridge, Essex was assessed by analysing regurgitated bones collected from the nest tunnel. More than 3000 bones recovered from two nest sites in 1979, 1981 and 1982 revealed that nine fish species were eaten. Despite variation between samples, cyprinids consistently represented the main prey, with Minnow Phoxinus phoxinus the single most important species. Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus was also a prominent prey item, particularly in 1981. Ignoring Stoneloach Noemacheilusbarbatulus, the proportion of fish species found in riffles within the study area was similar to that gleaned from the nest tunnel samples. Strong correlation of live fork-length and wet weight to pharyngeal bone length enabled the size of Minnow prey to be determined accurately: analysis of 2276 pharyngeal bones produced a mean size of 54 mm fork-length and 1.5 g wet weight. The mean length was comparable to that of Bullheads Cottus gobio eaten by chicks more than 10 days old on the River Lesse in Belgium.  相似文献   

Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) (Crabronidae) wasps are solitary spider predators that can build their nests in artificial trap-nests, which enables study of their nesting architecture and biology. Twenty traps (each containing 15-30 internodes of cane) were placed in each of nine sites of Chaco Serrano Woodland in Central Argentina (Córdoba) in October 2005, and were recovered in June 2006. We obtained 91 nests of four species of Trypoxylon (Trypargilum). In the laboratory, each Trypoxylon nest was sectioned longitudinally to study its architecture. The number of brood cells was counted, and the occurrence and length of vestibular and intercalary cells and the pre-closing plug space were recorded. We measured the diameter of the cane entrance, total length of the nest, length of each brood cell, maximum thickness of mud partitions and closing plug thickness. We also recorded the cell contents: the wasps, their natural enemies and the prey spiders. Mortality was assessed and the sex ratio calculated for each species. Finally, the nests were examined to help clarify the function of the vestibular cell. The nest architecture was similar in the four species, with linear brood cells located one after the other separated by mud partitions, as in other species of the subgenus Trypargilum. Forty-eight percent of the nests had vestibular cells, but only two had intercalary cells. The thickness of the mud partitions and the length of the brood cells differed among species and were related to the size of the emerged wasp. The diameter of the nest entrance was directly related to the average length of the fore-tibia. Sex ratios of all species did not deviate from 0.5. Mortality due to parasitoids (Eulophidae; Melittobia sp.) was similar among species, while the mortality due to cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae) in T. lactitarse was higher than in the other species. The presence of vestibular cells was not related either to the mortality due to natural enemies or to the orientation of the trap in the field. Spiders in the family Araneidae were the most frequently collected prey.  相似文献   

The nests used in this study were obtained from trap-nests (tubes of cardboard and cut bamboo stems) placed on Santa Carlota Farm (Itaoca Section-IS, Santana Section-SS and Cerrado-Ce), Cajuru, SP, Brazil. The number of nests and corresponding species obtained were as follows: 516 nests of T. curvitarsis, 104 of T. rugulosa, 399 of T. diversipes and 98 of T. gamfaloi. The most abundant species from SS and Ce was T. curvitarsis, and from IS it was T. diversipes. In general, most nests were collected during the hot and wet season (September to April). The nests were constructed with sand and an oily substance, and a single female established them. The cells were constructed in a linear series, sometimes followed by a vestibular cell. The number of brood cells ranged from 1 to 10 in T. curvitarsis (n=200), and in T. garofaloi (n-51), from 1 to 8 (n-30) in T. rugulosa, and from 1 to 6 (n=37) in T. diversipes. The pollen mass (pollen + oily substance) contained a hollow, sometimes divided by a transverse ridge, on the exposed face of the pollen mass. The egg was vertically positioned in the lower part of the hollow. At times, the closing of a cell was initiated before provisioning was completed, with a construction of a collar at the cell limit. In some nests the final cellular partition also acted as a closure plug. Females began activities at 6:18 a.m. and ended between 3:31 and 6:26 p.m. Some females (T. curvitarsis, T. rugiulosa and T. ganrfaloi) did not spend the nights at their nests, returning to them only the following morning with additional material. In general, the development period (for males and females) was greater in nests collected near the end of the hot and wet season than it was for nests collected in other months. Sex ratios for each species were as follows: T. curvitarsis. 1:1: T. rugulosa, 1.6:1 female; T. diversipes, 1.9:1: T. garofaloi, 2.8:1. Males and females of T. diversipes exhibited statistically similar sizes and in the other three species the females were larger than the males. The mortality rates were statistically similar: 33.2% for T. curvitarsis, 25.8% for T. rugulosa, 26.8% for T. diversipes and 38.2% for T. garnfaloi. The parasitoids were: Coelioxoides exulans, Leucospis cayenensis, Anthrax sp., Coelioxys sp., Coelioxoides sp. and individuals of the family Meloidae.  相似文献   

Synopsis Triggerfishes construct nests by excavating depressions in sand. Eggs are laid in an adhesive mass and anchored with rubble. A photograph of a newly-hatched embryo is included.  相似文献   

Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus) is a well-known raptor that inhabits open areas such as oil palm plantation or paddy field. To determine preferable habitat and nesting site of Black-shouldered Kite in oil palm landscape, we conducted a study on Black-shouldered Kite’s nesting biology in Carey Island, Selangor, Malaysia. We divided the island into six types of habitat and conducted road-side count of Black-shouldered Kite from April 2009 to February 2011. Whenever the Black-shouldered Kite was detected, we thoroughly searched the surrounding area for their nest. In total, we have recorded forty nests. The nests were built on 15 species of trees but most of the trees shared common physical characteristics. Some novice breeders also used oil palm tree as their nesting site. Structure and building materials of nests constructed on oil palm trees were different from nests built on other trees. Of all breeding attempts, only four nests which were located in residential area adjacent to young oil palm habitat were successful. Among important characteristics of successful nesting site include taller trees with strong branches and good leaf coverage. These trees not only protect nests from predator detection (except from other predatory birds) and physical environment but also facilitate Black-shouldered Kite’s foraging activities by providing good vantage point.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The nesting biology of the Eastern Yellow Wagtail ( Motacilla tschutschensis ) was studied at Cape Romanzof, Alaska, an arctic tundra site on the Bering Sea coast near the northeastern limit of the breeding distribution of the Yellow Wagtail ( Motacilla flava/citreola/tschutschensis ) species complex. Ninety-four nests were located and monitored from 1996 to 1999. Females built nests in 5–7 d, and nests were located on the ground. The mean clutch size was 5.6 eggs, and the mean incubation period was 11 d. Both adults incubated, and some males had a partial brood patch. The mean duration of the nestling period was 11.6 d, and both parents brooded and fed the young. Some adults began the complete prebasic molt (including primaries) while their young were still in the nest. Nestling development was similar to that reported for other Yellow Wagtails ( sensu lato ), but the breeding cycle and breeding season of Eastern Yellow Wagtails was compressed relative to Western Yellow Wagtails in Europe and to other passerine species breeding in western Alaska. Some breeding events overlapped, including initiation of egg laying before completion of nest building and initiation of adult molt while young were still in the nest. Clutch sizes were larger than reported for most European relatives. Clutch size generally fit with models predicting an increase of about one egg per 19 degrees of increased latitude. Rapid nest initiation, overlap of breeding cycle events, nest attendance (including incubation) by males, and slightly larger clutches appear to be adaptations to high-latitude breeding in this long-distance migrant.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1275-1285
Nests of Pareumenes quadrispinosus (de Saussure, 1855) were obtained at Me Linh Station for Biodiversity (323 nests) and Tam Dao Town (283 nests), Vinh Phuc Province, as well as at Phu Luong, Thai Nguyen Province (9 nests) and Kim Boi, Hoa Binh Province (62 nests). The wasps nested in segments of bamboo canes and reed stems, 5 to 18 mm in internal diameter. Each nest consisted of a linear series of one to four cells, separated by mud partitions. Brood cells were provisioned with caterpillars and eggs were attached to the ceiling of the cells by thin threads. The life history and sex ratio of this species nesting in trap nests in North Vietnam were recorded from mid-April to last October. The species is multivoltine, with likely up to four generations per year. It has two alternative life histories (diapause and direct development) and overlapping generations. The sex ratio is strongly female-biased. Only 46% of the provisioned cells were successful; the others were damaged by nine parasitoid species or died during development for unknown reasons.  相似文献   

Six nesting attempts of a ringed Short-tailed Paradigalla Paradigalla brevicauda between September 1986 and February 1989 in Papua New Guinea are reported. Nests are described and one illustrated. Previously undescribed eggs, of two single-egg clutches from the same female, lack broad longitudinal streaks typical of most Paradisaeinae eggs. The hatchling is naked, dark-skinned, with fully formed facial wattles. Fifty seven hours of observation at one nest confirmed single parent attendance. Of 66 identified nestling meals 65% were animal, including frogs and skinks, the remainder fruit. Growth and development of a nestling, that fledged at 26 days old, are described. Another young was fed by its parent 108 days after leaving the nest. Breeding and feeding of P. brevicauda are reviewed. The presumed female studied attended six nests within 100 m2 over 29 months. Uniparental nesting suggests males are promiscuous, which is discussed with respect to proposed Paradigalla hybrids.  相似文献   

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