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The SRY gene on the mammalian Y chromosome undoubtedly acts to determine testis, but it is still quite unclear how. It was originally supposed that SRY acts directly to activate other genes in the testis-determining pathway. This paper presents an alternative hypothesis that SRY functions indirectly, by interacting with related genes SOX3 (from which SRY evolved) and SOX9 (which appears to be intimately involved in vertebrate gonad differentiation). Specifically, I propose that in females SOX3 inhibits SOX9 function, but in males, SRY inhibits SOX3 and permits SOX9 to enact its testis-determining role. This hypothesis makes testable predictions of the phenotypes of XX and XY individuals with deficiencies or overproduction of any of the three genes, and is able to account for the difficult cases of XX(SRY−) males and transdifferentiation in the absence of SRY. The hypothesis also suggests a way that the dominant SRY sex-determining system of present-day mammals may have evolved from an ancient system relying on SOX3 dosage. BioEssays 20 :264–269, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The molecular evolution of DAX1, SRY, and SOX9, genes involved in mammalian sex determination, was examined in six primate species. DAX1 and SRY have been added to the X and Y chromosomes, respectively, during mammalian evolution, whereas SOX9 remains autosomal. We determined the genomic sequences of DAX1, SRY, and SOX9 in all six species, and calculated K(a), the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site, and compared this with the K(s), the number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by means of the DAX1, SRY, and SOX9 coding sequences, and phylogenetic analysis was performed using maximum likelihood. Overall measures of gene and protein similarity were closer for DAX1 and SOX9, but DAX1 exhibited nonsynonymous amino acid substitutions at an accelerated frequency relative to synonymous changes, similar to SRY and significantly higher than SOX9. We conclude that, at the protein level, DAX1 and SRY are under less selective pressure to remain conserved than SOX9, and, therefore, diverge more across species than does SOX9. These results are consistent with evolutionary stratification of the mammalian sex determination pathway, analogous to that for sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sox genes encode proteins related to each other, and to the sex determining gene Sry, by the presence of a DNA binding motif known as the HMG domain. Although HMG domains can bind to related DNA sequences, Sox gene products may achieve target gene specificity by binding to preferred target sequences or by interacting with specific partner proteins. To assess their functional similarities, we replaced the HMG box of Sry with the HMG box of Sox3 or Sox9 and tested whether these constructs caused sex reversal in XX mice. Our results indicate that such chimeric transgenes can functionally replace Sry and elicit development of testis cords, male patterns of gene expression, and elaboration of male secondary sexual characteristics. This implies that chimeric SRY proteins with SOX HMG domains can bind to and regulate SRY target genes and that potential SRY partner factor interactions are not disrupted by HMG domain substitutions. genesis 28:111-124, 2000.  相似文献   

In mammals, male sex is determined by the Y-chromosomal gene Sry (sex-determining region of Y chromosome). The expression of Sry and subsequently Sox9 (SRY box containing gene 9) in precursors of the supporting cell lineage results in the differentiation of these cells into Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells in turn orchestrate the development of all other male-specific cell types. To ensure that Sertoli cells differentiate in sufficient numbers to induce normal testis development, the early testis produces prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2)), which recruits cells of the supporting cell lineage to a Sertoli cell fate. Here we show that the gene encoding prostaglandin D synthase (Pgds), the enzyme that produces PGD(2), is expressed in Sertoli cells immediately after the onset of Sox9 expression. Promoter analysis in silico and in vitro identified a paired SOX/SRY binding site. Interestingly, only SOX9, and not SRY, was able to bind as a dimer to this site and transactivate the Pgds promoter. In line with this, a transgenic mouse model showed that Pgds expression is not affected by ectopic Sry expression. Finally, chromatin immunoprecipitation proved that SOX9 but not SRY binds to the Pgds promoter in vivo.  相似文献   

A major event in mammalian male sex determination is the induction of the testis determining factor Sry and its downstream gene Sox9. The current study provides one of the first genome wide analyses of the downstream gene binding targets for SRY and SOX9 to help elucidate the molecular control of Sertoli cell differentiation and testis development. A modified ChIP-Chip analysis using a comparative hybridization was used to identify 71 direct downstream binding targets for SRY and 109 binding targets for SOX9. Interestingly, only 5 gene targets overlapped between SRY and SOX9. In addition to the direct response element binding gene targets, a large number of atypical binding gene targets were identified for both SRY and SOX9. Bioinformatic analysis of the downstream binding targets identified gene networks and cellular pathways potentially involved in the induction of Sertoli cell differentiation and testis development. The specific DNA sequence binding site motifs for both SRY and SOX9 were identified. Observations provide insights into the molecular control of male gonadal sex determination.  相似文献   

The molecular background of the most frequent intersexuality syndrome in dogs (female-to-male sex reversal with the female karyotype and a lack of the SRY gene) is unknown. In this article, new cases of this syndrome are described in two unrelated American Staffordshire terrier dogs and one miniature pinscher dog subjected to cytogenetic and molecular analysis due to the presence of an enlarged clitoris. One dog was operated on and histological studies of the gonads revealed a testicular structure without signs of spermatogenesis, but the uterus wall appeared to be normal. All three dogs had female chromosome complements and lacked the Y-linked genes SRY and ZFY. Eight fragments, representing the vast majority of the coding sequence of the SOX9 gene, and two fragments of the 5' flanking region of this gene were analyzed. The studied fragments had identical DNA sequences when comparing the intersexual dogs with GenBank sequences (AY237827; NW139883). Thus a mutation in the coding sequence as well as the promoter region of the SOX9 gene might be excluded as a cause of this type of intersexuality. The importance of further studies of the 5' flanking region of this gene is discussed.  相似文献   

The testis-determining gene SRY is not well-conserved among mammals, particularly between mouse and other mammals, both in terms of protein structure and of expression regulation. To evaluate SRY phylogenic conservation in regards to its function, we expressed the goat gene (gSRY) in XX transgenic mouse gonads. Here, we show that gSRY induces testis formation, despite a goat expression profile. Our results demonstrate that sex-reversal can be induced in XX-mice by a non-mouse SRY thus suggesting a conserved molecular mechanism of action of this testis-determining gene across mammalian species.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of the testis determining gene product SRY   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied the expression of the human SRY protein (termed p27SRY) in two different cell lines by using specific antibodies. Confocal microscopy enabled us to localize p27SRY precisely in the nucleus in a discrete punctuate pattern. Furthermore, through microinjection experiments, we have demonstrated that the localization of the p27SRY protein into the nucleus was an event involving the NH2-terminal part of the high mobility group (HMG) domain. With the help of several synthetic peptides and various p27SRY mutants, we have characterized a bipartite basic motif in this part of the protein corresponding to a nuclear localization signal. This nuclear localization signal appears to be highly conserved in SRY box- and HMB box-containing proteins, suggesting common properties of nuclear targeting within the HMG box protein family.  相似文献   

In this report we present a case of the male-to-female sex reversal syndrome in a Dachshund bitch. The animal was subjected for examination due to the enlargement of clitoris and male-type behaviour. The cytogenetic analysis (Giemsa staining and FISH with sex chromosome specific probes) revealed a normal male chromosome complement (78,XY). The molecular analysis of the SRY and SOX9 genes with the use of SSCP technique did not reveal any polymorphism. Blood testosterone concentration was low (0.75 ng/ml), thus the androgen insensitivity syndrome could be excluded. We suggest that this case may represent a persistent Müllerian duct syndrome.  相似文献   

SRY (sex-determining region Y) is widely conserved in eutherian mammals as a sex-determining gene located on the Y chromosome. SRY proteins bind to the testis-specific enhancer of SOX9 (TES) with SF1 to upregulate SOX9 expression in undifferentiated gonads of XY embryos of humans and mice. The core region within TES, named TESCO, is an important enhancer for mammalian sex determination. We show that TESCO of the genus Tokudaia lost enhancer activity caused by mutations in its SRY and SF1 binding sites. Two species of Tokudaia do not have the Y chromosome or SRY, and one species has multiple SRYs located on the neo-Y chromosome consisting of the Y fused with an autosome. The sequence of Tokudaia TESCO exhibited more than 83% identity with mouse TESCO, however, nucleotide substitution(s) were found in two out of three SRY binding sites and in five out of six SF1 binding sites. TESCO of all species showed low enhancer activity in cells co-transfected with SRY and SF1, and SOX9 and SF1 in reporter gene assays. Mutated TESCO, in which nucleotide substitutions found in SRY and SF1 binding sites were replaced with mouse sequence, recovered the activity. Furthermore, SRYs of the SRY-positive species could not activate the mutated TESCO or mouse TESCO, suggesting that SRYs lost function as a sex-determining gene any more. Our results indicate that the SRY dependent sex-determining mechanism was lost in a common ancestor of the genus Tokudaia caused by nucleotide substitutions in SRY and SF1 binding sites after emergence of a new sex-determining gene. We present the first evidence for an intermediate stage of the switchover from SRY to a new sex-determining gene in the evolution of mammalian sex-determining mechanism.  相似文献   

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