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The majority of cellular proteins are targeted to organelles. Cytosolic ribosomes produce these proteins as precursors with cleavable or non-cleavable targeting sequences that direct them to receptor proteins on the organelle surface. Multiple targeting factors ensure cellular sorting of the precursor proteins. In co-translational protein import, the ribosome-nascent chain complex is transported to the organellar protein translocase to couple protein synthesis and protein import. In post-translational mode, targeting factors like molecular chaperones guide the precursor proteins from ribosomes to the cell organelle. Defects in protein targeting and import cause mistargeting of proteins to different cellular compartments and challenge the balance of cellular proteostasis. Specific dislocases and degradation machineries remove such mislocalized proteins from the membrane to allow retargeting or their proteasomal turnover. In this review, we discuss targeting and quality control factors that ensure fidelity of protein targeting to mitochondria.  相似文献   

Protein targeting signals   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) play a critical role in translation and are thus required in three plant protein-synthesizing compartments: cytosol, mitochondria and plastids. A systematic study had previously shown extensive sharing of organellar AARSs from Arabidopsis thaliana, mostly between mitochondria and chloroplasts. However, distribution of AARSs from monocot species, such as maize, has never been experimentally investigated. Here we demonstrate dual targeting of maize seryl-tRNA synthetase, SerZMo, into both mitochondria and chloroplasts using combination of complementary methods, including in vitro import assay, transient expression analysis of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions and immunodetection. We also show that SerZMo dual localization is established by the virtue of an ambiguous targeting peptide. Full-length SerZMo protein fused to GFP is targeted to chloroplast stromules, indicating that SerZMo protein performs its function in plastid stroma. The deletion mutant lacking N-terminal region of the ambiguous SerZMo targeting peptide was neither targeted into mitochondria nor chloroplasts, indicating the importance of this region in both mitochondrial and chloroplastic import.  相似文献   

Proton ATPases function in biological energy conversion in every known living cell. Their ubiquity and antiquity make them a prime source for evolutionary studies. There are two related families of H(+)-ATPases; while the family of F-ATPases function in eubacteria chloroplasts and mitochondria, the family of V-ATPases are present in archaebacteria and the vacuolar system of eukaryotic cells. Sequence analysis of several subunits of V- and F-ATPases revealed several of the important steps in their evolution. Moreover, these studies shed light on the evolution of the various organelles of eukaryotes and suggested some events in the evolution of the three kingdoms of eubacteria, archaebacteria and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Import of nuclear-encoded proteins into mitochondria and chloroplasts is generally organelle specific and its specificity depends on the N-terminal signal peptide. Yet, a group of proteins known as dual-targeted proteins have a targeting peptide capable of leading the mature protein to both organelles. We have investigated the domain structure of the dual-targeted pea glutathione reductase (GR) signal peptide by using N-terminal truncations. A mutant of the GR precursor (pGR) starting with the second methionine residue of the targeting peptide, pGRdelta2-4, directed import into both organelles, negating the possibility that dual import was controlled by the nature of the N terminus. The deletion of the 30 N-terminal residues (pGRdelta2-30) inhibited import efficiency into chloroplasts substantially and almost completely into mitochondria, whereas the removal of only 16 N-terminal amino acid residues (pGRdelta2-16) resulted in the strongly stimulated mitochondrial import without significantly affecting chloroplast import. Furthermore, N-terminal truncations of the signal peptide (pGRdelta2-16 and pGRdelta2-30) greatly stimulated the mitochondrial processing activity measured with the isolated processing peptidase. These results suggest a domain structure for the dual-targeting peptide of pGR and the existence of domains controlling organellar import efficiency therein.  相似文献   

Different legumin protein domains act as vacuolar targeting signals.   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Legumin subunits are synthesized as precursor polypeptides and are transported into protein storage vacuoles in field bean cotyledons. We expressed a legumin subunit in yeast and found that in these cells it is also transported into the vacuoles. To elucidate vacuolar targeting information, we constructed gene fusions of different legumin propolypeptide segments with either yeast invertase or chloramphenicol acetyltransferase as reporters for analysis in yeast or plant cells, respectively. In yeast, increasing the length of the amino-terminal segment increased the portion of invertase directed to the vacuole. Only the complete legumin alpha chain (281 amino acids) directed over 90% to the vacuole. A short carboxy-terminal legumin segment (76 amino acids) fused to the carboxy terminus of invertase also efficiently targeted this fusion product to yeast vacuoles. With amino-terminal legumin-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusions expressed in tobacco seeds, efficient vacuolar targeting was obtained only with the complete alpha chain. We conclude that legumin contains multiple targeting information, probably formed by higher structures of relatively long peptide sequences.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal enzymatic proteins contain targeting signals (PTS) to enable their import into peroxisomes. These targeting signals have been identified as PTS1 and PTS2 in mammalian, yeast, and higher plant cells; however, no PTS2-like amino acid sequences have been observed in enzymes from the genome database of Cyanidiochyzon merolae (Bangiophyceae), a primitive red algae. In studies on the evolution of PTS, it is important to know when their sequences came to be the peroxisomal targeting signals for all living organisms. To this end, we identified a number of genes in the genome database of the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which contains amino acid sequences similar to those found in plant PTS. In order to determine whether these sequences function as PTS in green algae, we expressed modified green fluorescent proteins (GFP) fused to these putative PTS peptides under the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. To confirm whether granular structures containing GFP–PTS fusion proteins accumulated in the peroxisomes of Closterium ehrenbergii, we observed these cells after the peroxisomes were stained with 3, 3′-diaminobenzidine. Our results confirm that the GFP–PTS fusion proteins indeed accumulated in the peroxisomes of these green algae. These findings suggest that the peroxisomal transport system for PTS1 and PTS2 is conserved in green algal cells and that our fusion proteins can be used to visualize peroxisomes in live cells.  相似文献   

In a bioinformatics based screen for chloroplast-localized protein kinases we noticed that available protein targeting predictors falsely predicted chloroplast localization. This seems to be due to interference with N-terminal protein acylation, which is of particular importance for protein kinases. Their N-myristoylation was found to be highly overrepresented in the proteome, whereas myristoylation motifs are almost absent in known chloroplast proteins. However, only abolishing their myristoylation was not sufficient to target those kinases to chloroplasts and resulted in nuclear accumulation instead. In contrast, inhibition of N-myristoylation of a calcium-dependent protein kinase was sufficient to alter its localization from the plasma membrane to chloroplasts and chloroplast localization of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and Rubisco activase could be efficiently suppressed by artificial introduction of myristoylation and palmitoylation sites.  相似文献   

Bhushan S  Kuhn C  Berglund AK  Roth C  Glaser E 《FEBS letters》2006,580(16):3966-3972
We have analysed 385 mitochondrial and 567 chloroplastic signal sequences of proteins found in the organellar proteomes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite overall similarities, the first 16 residues of transit peptides differ remarkably. To test the hypothesis that the N-terminally truncated transit peptides would redirect chloroplastic precursor proteins to mitochondria, we studied import of the N-terminal deletion mutants of ELIP, PetC and Lhcb2.1. The results show that the deletion mutants were neither imported into chloroplasts nor miss-targeted to mitochondria in vitro and in vivo, showing that the entire transit peptide is necessary for correct targeting as well as miss-sorting.  相似文献   

Global organellar proteomics   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cataloging the proteomes of single-celled microorganisms, cells, biological fluids, tissue and whole organisms is being undertaken at a rapid pace as advances are made in protein and peptide separation, detection and identification. For metazoans, subcellular organelles represent attractive targets for global proteome analysis because they represent discrete functional units, their complexity in protein composition is reduced relative to whole cells and, when abundant cytoskeletal proteins are removed, lower abundance proteins specific to the organelle are revealed. Here, we review recent literature on the global analysis of subcellular organelles and briefly discuss how that information is being used to elucidate basic biological processes that range from cellular signaling pathways through protein-protein interactions to differential expression of proteins in response to external stimuli. We assess the relative merits of the different methods used and discuss issues and future directions in the field.  相似文献   

Advances in the prediction of protein targeting signals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Schneider G  Fechner U 《Proteomics》2004,4(6):1571-1580
Enlarged sets of reference data and special machine learning approaches have improved the accuracy of the prediction of protein subcellular localization. Recent approaches report over 95% correct predictions with low fractions of false-positives for secretory proteins. A clear trend is to develop specifically tailored organism- and organelle-specific prediction tools rather than using one general method. Focus of the review is on machine learning systems, highlighting four concepts: the artificial neural feed-forward network, the self-organizing map (SOM), the Hidden-Markov-Model (HMM), and the support vector machine (SVM).  相似文献   

At least three different subcellular compartments, including peroxisomes, are involved in cholesterol synthesis. Recently, it has been demonstrated that peroxisomes contain a number of enzymes involved in cholesterol biogenesis that previously were considered to be cytosolic or located in the endoplasmic reticulum. Peroxisomes have been shown to contain acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, HMG-CoA synthase, HMG-CoA reductase, mevalonate kinase, phosphomevalonate kinase, phosphomevalonate decarboxylase, isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase and FPP synthase. Moreover, the activities of these enzymes are also significantly decreased in liver tissue and fibroblast cells obtained from patients with peroxisomal deficiency diseases. In addition, the cholesterol biosynthetic capacity is severely impaired in cultured skin fibroblasts obtained from patients with peroxisomal deficiency diseases. These findings support the proposal that peroxisomes play an essential role in isoprenoid biosynthesis. This paper presents a review of peroxisomal protein targeting and of recent studies demonstrating the localization of cholesterol biosynthetic enzymes in peroxisomes and the identification of peroxisomal targeting signals in these proteins.  相似文献   

Accumulating molecular data, particularly complete organellar genome sequences, continue to advance our understanding of the evolution of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNAs. Although the notion of a single primary origin for each organelle has been reinforced, new models have been proposed that tie the acquisition of mitochondria more closely to the origin of the eukaryotic cell per se than is implied by classic endosymbiont theory. The form and content of the ancestral proto-mitochondrial and proto-chloroplast genomes are becoming clearer but unusual patterns of organellar genome structure and organization continue to be discovered. The 'single-gene circle' arrangement recently reported for dinoflagellate chloroplast genomes is a notable example of a highly derived organellar genome.  相似文献   

Yeast adenylate kinase (Aky2p, Adk1p) occurs simultaneously in cytoplasm and mitochondrial intermembrane space. It has no cleavable mitochondrial targeting sequence, and the signal for mitochondrial import and submitochondrial sorting is largely unknown. The extreme N terminus of Aky2p is able to direct cytoplasmic passengers to mitochondria. However, an Aky2 mutant lacking this sequence is imported with about the same efficiency as the wild type. To identify possible import-relevant information in the interior, parts of Aky2p were exchanged by homologous in vitro recombination for the respective segments of the purely cytoplasmic isozyme, Ura6p. Import studies revealed an internal region of about 40 amino acids, which was sufficient to direct the chimera to mitochondria but not for correct submitochondrial sorting. The respective Ura6p hybrid was arrested in the mitochondrial membrane at a position where it was inaccessible to protease but was released by alkaline extraction, suggesting that it had entered an import channel and passed the initial steps of recognition and uptake. Site-specific mutations within the presumptive address-specifying segment identified the amphipathic helix 5. A Ura6 mutant protein in which helix 5 had been replaced with the respective sequence from Aky2p was imported, and this address sequence cooperates with the N terminus in the respective double mutant in a synergistic fashion.  相似文献   

Protein import into organelles: hierarchical targeting signals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A Colman  C Robinson 《Cell》1986,46(3):321-322

Recent insights about the transport mechanisms involved in the in and out of calcium ions in plant organelles, and their role in the regulation of cytosolic calcium homeostasis in different signaling pathways.

The transport of Ca2+ across the membranes of subcellular compartments contributes to cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis as well as environmental and developmental responses.  相似文献   

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