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大、小苏干湖浮游藻类的群落组成特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大小苏干湖是位于柴达木盆地北缘的一个内陆封闭的生态系统,本文对湖泊的浮游植物多样性及其季节变化特征进行了初步研究。通过春季(5月)、夏季(8月)和秋季(10月)的采样分析,发现大苏干湖中共有浮游植物61种,小苏干湖中共有68种;在3次所采水样中,浮游植物的密度春季最低,夏季最高;大苏干湖中硅藻门一直占据着绝对的优势,即使在相对少的8月份,也占到了总体的41.5%左右;其次是蓝藻门,在8月份占总量的56.1%;而小苏干湖中硅藻门也是一直占据着绝对的优势,占到了总量的70%左右;其次是蓝藻门,在8月份占总量的20.1%。大苏干湖的绿藻指数为4.00,小苏干湖的绿藻指数为3.67,大苏干湖样品的藻类综合指数为5.00,小苏干湖样品的藻类综合指数为8.67,说明水体属于中度以上富营养型;大苏干湖相同月份各区的Shannon指数差别不明显,Pielou均匀度指数的差别也不大,全湖的变化不显著。Shannon指数 H' 在各月的变动范围平均在1.823-2.192之间,小苏干湖的Shannon指数 H' 在各月的变动范围平均在2.068-3.036之间。两湖相比,无论从Shannon指数还是Pielou指数来看,小苏干湖生物多样性指数高于大苏干湖。  相似文献   

滇池入湖河口生态浮床植物筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过植物适应性试验、植物抗逆性试验、植物根系氧化力测定及水体水质指标检测等方法,研究了美人蕉(Canna generalis Bailey)、香根草(Vetivaria zizanioides.)、茭白(Zizania latifolia.)、香蒲(Typha angustata Boryet Chaub)等4种植物对污染水体主要污染物(有机污染物、总磷、总氮)的去除效果,以选择适用于滇池大清河入湖河段污染水体修复的生物浮床植物种。各项指标综合分析结果表明,四种备选植物在对污染胁迫的适应性以及对水体污染物的去除能力均存在较大差异,其中美人蕉对污水环境的适应性最强,对污染物的去除效果也较理想。经比较认为以美人蕉为主,辅以香蒲(T.angustata Boryet Chaub)及其他伴生种是构建大清河生物浮床较合理的群落结构。  相似文献   

流溪河和潖江河从化段浮游植物群落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年9月至2008年9月对广州流溪河和琶江河从化段浮游植物进行周年调查,分析其种类组成、细胞数量、优势种类组成、种类多样性等群落结构特征及其季节变化。广州流溪河和琶江河从化段浮游植物种类丰富,共鉴定了隶属于90属的218种(包含变种和变型),其中绿藻为优势种类,共31属92种,占总种类数的42.20%。浮游植物细胞数量的变化范围是5.1~2090×103cell/L之间,平均值为152×103cell/L,最高值出现在春季,最低值出现在夏季。多样性H’指数较高,各站平均值变化范围为1.03~4.22,丰富度的变化范围为1.00~7.83,均匀度变化范围为0.63~0.85。多样性指数的最高值都出现在夏季,最低值出现在冬季。  相似文献   

马煜  陆欣鑫  范亚文 《生态学报》2021,41(1):224-234
松花江是黑龙江在我国境内的最大支流,流经吉林、黑龙江两省。松花江哈尔滨段是哈尔滨市工农业生产与生活用水的重要水资源,近年来由于人类活动的频繁影响,水体质量有所下降。鉴于此,于2018年春、夏、秋三季(4月、8月和10月),在松花江哈尔滨段设置14个采样点,对电导率、总氮和总磷等理化指标进行测定,同时对其浮游植物群落结构及环境因子相关性进行研究。利用群落相似性分析(ANOSIM)探讨浮游植物群落时空分布差异;通过SIMPER分析筛选出影响群落时空格局的关键物种。基于优势种和10项理化指标的冗余分析(RDA)揭示了浮游植物群落生态分布特征并对关键影响因子进行识别。研究结果表明,调查期间共鉴定浮游植物136种,其中优势种15种,群落结构主要以硅藻门和绿藻门的物种构成。松花江哈尔滨段浮游植物群落结构与过去10余年间相比较为稳定。ANOSIM和SIMPER分析表明,季节变化和人为活动干扰对浮游植物群落时空格局具有一定驱动作用,蓝藻门物种的空间分布活动干扰影响明显。RDA分析表明,浮游植物分布特征与水环境时空异质性关系密切,驱动松花江哈尔滨段浮游植物群落时空分布的主要水环境因子为电导率、总磷、浊度和pH。  相似文献   

万峰湖浮游植物群落的时空分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2009年9月(夏季)和2010年1月(冬季)对万峰湖(水库)的浮游植物群落结构时空分布特征进行研究.在万峰湖共监测到浮游植物49种,其中夏季水库表层(0-10 m)浮游植物优势种为蓝藻门中的拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis rackiborskii),底层为硅藻门中肘状针杆藻(Synedra ulna)和梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana);在冬季以硅藻门中的小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)和梅尼小环藻为主.夏季,浮游植物表层丰度为13.0×104~54.6×104 cells·L-1,野鸭滩(S2)最高,而以坝艾(S4)浮游植物丰度最低;浮游植物主要集中在表层(0~10 m),以蓝藻组成为主,蓝藻丰度百分数在大坝(S1)最高,达到90.3%,香浓多样性指数夏季高于冬季,夏季表层均匀度指数最低.冬季,浮游植物丰度为17.43×104~25.28×104 cells·L-1,浮游植物主要集中在表层(0~10 m)和中层(10~50 m),水体的各层硅藻所占比例均在90%以上.从浮游植物群落结构和丰度看,万峰湖处于中营养状态,冬季水质好于夏季.夏冬两季浮游植物丰度与水体的温度及水深都表现出了较强的相关关系.  相似文献   

铜陵市河流冬季浮游植物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铜陵是我国重要的有色金属矿业基地,矿业开采对区域内河流生态系统生物多样性产生严重影响.2010年冬季对铜陵主要河段浮游植物群落结构进行调查,探讨其与环境因子之间的关系.结果表明:铜陵市河流生态系统中共鉴定浮游植物8门96属203种(含变种),不同河段浮游植物群落组成存在差异,但均以硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻为主;浮游植物细胞密度在9.1×103~6.5×107 cells·L-1,直接承接矿业废水河段细胞密度明显低于未直接承接矿业废水河段;各采样点Shannon物种多样性指数为0~3.45,不同河段存在显著差异.浮游植物密度及属类数与CODcr、Cd、Cu和Zn呈显著相关性,全氮(TN)、NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度以及CODcr、pH和Cu是影响该区域河流浮游植物物种分布的重要因素.尽管水体营养状况对浮游植物的影响大于重金属,但来自矿山企业的重金属对其群落结构的影响也不容忽视.  相似文献   

文章分析了仙女湖及入湖河流浮游植物群落结构和功能类群的时空分布特征, 探讨了影响其时空分布规律的关键环境因子。调查期间共鉴定表层水体中浮游植物82种(属), 包括蓝藻15种(属), 绿藻33种(属), 硅藻23种(属), 甲藻3种(属), 裸藻5种(属), 隐藻2种(属), 金藻1种(属)。各季节平均密度和生物量分别在7.95×106—2.19×109 cells/L和10.52—792.91 mg/L变化。群落功能类群的结果表明, 冬、春河流生境中具硅质结构的无鞭毛个体浮游植物(硅藻门)占据主导地位(Ⅵ功能群), 而湖区生境中具鞭毛、中等到大型的单细胞或群体浮游植物(如隐藻和甲藻)具有明显优势(Ⅴ功能群); 而夏秋季节不同生境中虽然Ⅵ型浮游植物数量仍然相对较高, 但是具伪空胞的、较大表面积/体积比的丝状个体浮游植物(Ⅲ型)以及具胶质鞘、小的表面积/体积比的群体类的浮游植物(如蓝藻, Ⅶ功能群)在某些河流和湖泊生境中的比重有显著增长。功能类群与环境因子的相关分析表明: 冬、春季Ⅴ与Ⅵ功能群浮游植物生物量主要受到总氮和总磷水平影响; 而夏、秋季节Ⅲ与Ⅶ功能群浮游植物受到水温、浊度、总氮和总磷水平的多重影响。  相似文献   

为探究西安市城市河流浮游植物群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系,分别于2020年10月和2021年6月对灞河、浐河、沣河及黑河共计24个采样点进行了浮游植物群落组成、细胞密度和生物量的调查研究,并利用冗余分析(RDA)研究环境因子对浮游植物群落结构的影响。调查结果显示,枯水期共鉴定出浮游植物6门115种,主要包括蓝藻门(11.30%)、硅藻门(54.78%)及绿藻门(26.96%),浮游植物细胞密度均值为(3.36±3.50)×106 cells/L,生物量均值为(1.79±3.59) mg/L。丰水期共鉴定出浮游植物7门168种,主要包括蓝藻门(7.74%)、硅藻门(51.79%)及绿藻门(29.76%),浮游植物细胞密度均值为(9.17±9.73)×106 cells/L,生物量均值为(6.54±11.57) mg/L。与枯水期相比,丰水期在物种数量、细胞密度和生物量都大于枯水期。聚类分析结果表明,西安城市河流大部分采样点之间浮游植物群落结构及水环境状况具有相似性,而人类活动可能是导致其余点位具有空间差异性的主要原因。冗余分析(RNA)结果表明影响西安市城市河流...  相似文献   

浮游植物是湿地生态系统的重要组成成分,其数量及群落结构变化会对湿地生态系统的结构和功能产生重要影响。为了解海珠国家湿地公园浮游植物群落结构及时空动态变化特征,于2017年冬、2018年夏两季分别进行了调查。结果表明:海珠国家湿地公园共检到浮游植物171种,隶属7门64属,其中绿藻门、硅藻门和蓝藻门种类分别占总种类的44%、26%和13%;广州平裂藻(Merismopedia cantonensis)和细小平裂藻(Merismopedia minima)在两季均为优势种,冬季啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa)也较多;浮游植物群落结构、丰度与生物多样性指数具有明显季节变化,冬季硅藻和绿藻占优,分别占藻类总丰度的32%和29%;夏季蓝藻占绝对优势,占68%;夏季浮游植物平均丰度达(25.58±18.47)×106cells·L-1,约为冬季的3倍; Shannon物种多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数冬季分别为4.38和0.77,夏季分别为2.92和0.51;从空间上看,海珠湖浮游植物种类、多样性指数均较低,而丰度较高;塘涌和西江涌硅藻...  相似文献   

青岛棘洪滩水库浮游藻类状况及水质评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2003年5月至2004年5月对棘洪滩水库藻类的群落结构进行了研究。共发现藻类49属63种。水库进水口、水库中心、出水口藻类的种类组成没有明显差异,群落季节变化明显,冬春季以硅藻、隐藻为主,其优势种分别为小环藻和尖尾蓝隐藻。金藻有短时大规模出现,主要是分歧锥囊藻。夏秋季以蓝藻、绿藻为主。藻类周年变动模式为单峰型,藻类细胞密度最低值出现在1月份出水口,为0.05×106ind./L,主要是硅藻类的小环藻和隐藻,占总数的92.8%;最高值出现在10月份进水口,为196.7×106ind/L,主要是丝状蓝藻包括伪鱼腥藻、颤藻等占总数的81.2%。藻类生物量在0.34-7.77mg/L内变动,最低值出现在1月份出水口,此时硅藻门的小环藻占69.6%;最高值出现在8月份进水口,其中丝状蓝藻占71.44%;年均值进水口为1.82mg/L,出水口为1.09mg/L。Shannon-Weaver多样性指数变化范围为0.93-3.30,最低值和最高值分别出现在2004年1月进水口和2003年11月水库中心。年均值进水口为1.88,出水口为2.15。水质总体状况较好,处于中营养,但有向富营养转变的趋势,应注意加强对水源及水库的管理和保护。    相似文献   

王启名  杨昆  李立晓  朱彦辉  樊贤 《生态学报》2023,43(12):4876-4891
城市化扩张影响流域水文生态系统服务供给,导致水文生态环境压力增加。明晰滇池流域水文生态系统服务权衡与协同关系及归因,对于滇池流域社会经济发展与生态可持续管理的双赢具有重要意义。基于InVEST模型估算了滇池流域2000、2010、2018年碳存储、氮输出、土壤保持和产水量4种水文生态系统服务,分析了水文生态系统服务时空格局变化,利用双变量Moran′s I指数分析了滇池流域水文生态系统服务间时空异质性,通过冗余分析和条件效应分析等方法识别水文生态系统服务归因。结果表明:(1)水文生态系统服务的高值分布与土地利用覆盖有密切关系。(2)水文生态系统服务空间变化主要体现在滇池周边人类活动干扰强烈的区域,表现为氮输出、土壤保持和产水量增加,碳存储减小。(3)水文生态系统服务权衡与协同关系变化明显。碳存储和土壤保持为协同;氮输出和产水量先呈协同后呈权衡;产水量、氮输出均与碳存储和土壤保持为权衡,前者空间变化不明显,后者协同范围扩大,权衡范围缩小。(4)水文生态系统服务主要受多个因素共同影响,主要包括:高程、耕地比例、林地比例、建设用地比例。研究结果可为研究区水文生态系统环境治理和土地利用优化配置...  相似文献   

为弄清滇池外海蓝藻水华暴发时空变化规律及其影响因素,将滇池外海分为北、中、南3个区域,基于2002—2018年期间中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)反演的水华面积,分析了上述3个区域蓝藻水华的时空变化特征。基于2007—2018年水文、气象和出入流数据,构建了外海三维水动力生态模型(AEM3D),并计算了各区域的水力滞留时间。通过冗余分析(RDA)、随机森林(RF)和斯皮尔曼相关分析方法,分析了影响以上区域蓝藻水华暴发的主要驱动因子。结果表明:2002—2018年期间,整个滇池外海区域年平均水华面积比(水华面积占该区域总面积比例)呈缓慢下降趋势,空间上由北向南依次递减,整个外海水华暴发面积最大主要发生在秋季。在外海北部区域,其东部水华较西部更为严重,而在中部和南部区域,呈现西部水华较东部更为严重的空间分布模式。通过对各影响因子的统计分析发现,风速、水温和日照时长是上述各区域中蓝藻水华暴发的主要决定性因素。水华暴发期间以西南风为主导风向,且上述区域的水华面积比随风速增加呈下降趋势。在外海各区域,水力滞留时间与水华暴发面积均呈显著正相关,空间上水力滞留时间由北向南逐渐增大,风速和风向是影响蓝...  相似文献   

Small intermittent rivers play an important role in the limnology of African lakes. The Mwenda River occurs on the southern shore of Lake Kariba. Its flow is governed by the incidence of tropical thunderstorms. During the dry period the river is reduced to a series of turbid pools. Physicochemically the river behaves similarly to a sheltered region of the lake. One river station deviates from the normal pattern because of the insulating effect of a Salvinia mat, and because of its permanent connection with the lake. River flooding flushes both nutrients and major ions into the lake. River phytoplankton populations peak prior to the flushing out of the river. Diatom populations are composed of cosmopolitan tropical taxa.  相似文献   

Drivers of phytoplankton diversity in Lake Tanganyika   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In keeping with the theme of this volume, the present article commemorates the 50 years of Hutchinson’s (Am Nat 93:145–159, 1959) famous publication on the ‘very general question of animal diversity’, which obviously leads to the more important question regarding the driving forces of biodiversity and their limitation in various habitats. The study of phytoplankton in large lakes is a challenging task which requires the use of a wide variety of techniques to capture the range of spatial and temporal variations. The analysis of marker pigments may provide an adequate tool for phytoplankton surveys in large water bodies, thanks to automated analysis for processing numerous individual samples, and by achieving sufficient taxonomic resolution for ecological studies. Chlorophylls and carotenoids were analysed by HPLC in water column samples of Lake Tanganyika from 2002 through 2006, at two study sites, off Kigoma (north basin) and off Mpulungu (south basin). Using the CHEMTAX software for calculating contributions of the main algal groups to chlorophyll a, variations of phytoplankton composition and biomass were determined. We also investigated selected samples according to standard taxonomic techniques for elucidating the dominant species composition. Most of the phytoplankton biomass was located in the 0–40 m layer, with maxima at 0 or 20 m, and more rarely at 40 m. Deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM) and surface ‘blooms’ were occasionally observed. The phytoplankton assemblage was essentially dominated by chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, with diatoms developing mainly in the dry season. The dominant cyanobacteria were very small unicells (mostly Synechococcus), which were much more abundant in the southern basin, whereas green algae dominated on average at the northern site. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) including the main limnological variables, dissolved nutrients and zooplankton abundance was run to explore environment–phytoplankton relations. The CCA points to physical factors, site and season as key determinants of the phytoplankton assemblage, but also indicates a significant role, depending on the studied site, of calanoid copepods and of nauplii stages. Our data suggest that the factors allowing coexistence of several phytoplankton taxa in the pelagic zone of Lake Tanganyika are likely differential vertical distribution in the water column, which allows spatial partitioning of light and nutrients, and temporal variability (occurring at time scales preventing long-term dominance by a single taxon), along with effects of predation by grazers.  相似文献   

To diagnose the nutritional status of phytoplankton in Lake Baikal, surveys for the determination of concentrations of particulate carbon (PC), nitrogen (PN) and phosphorus (PP) and their ratios were conducted at six stations in March, June, August and October 1999. The concentrations of PC and PN were lower than, and those of PP were similar to, those in another mesotrophic lake except at the station near the mouth of the largest input river, Selenga River, of Lake Baikal. The PC : PN : PP ratio was 102 : 13 : 1, considerably close to the Redfield ratio. The ratio was constant against spatiotemporal changes. These indicate that phytoplankton in Lake Baikal were exposed to no deficiency in nitrogen nor phosphorus. From a viewpoint of the nutritional status of phytoplankton, Lake Baikal might be viewed as an ocean rather than as a lake.  相似文献   

Tamar Zohary 《Freshwater Biology》2004,49(10):1355-1371
1. Phytoplankton abundance and species composition in Lake Kinneret, Israel, have been monitored at weekly or fortnightly intervals since 1969. This paper summarises the resulting 34‐year phytoplankton record with a focus on the last 13 years of new data, and reassesses an earlier conclusion that the lake phytoplankton shows remarkable stability despite a wide range of external pressures. 2. The Kinneret phytoplankton record can be split into two major periods. The first, from 1969 till 1993, was a period of distinct stability expressed by a typical annual pattern revolving around a spring bloom of the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense that repeated each year. The second period, starting around 1994 and ongoing, is characterised by the loss of the previously predictable annual pattern, with both ‘bloom years’ and ‘no‐bloom years’. 3. In the second period, deviations from the previous annual pattern include: the absence of the prevailing spring P. gatunense blooms in some years and increased variability in the magnitude of the bloom in others; intensification of winter Aulacoseira granulata blooms; higher summer phytoplankton biomass with replacement of mostly nanoplanktonic, palatable forms by less palatable forms; new appearance and establishment of toxin‐producing, nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria in summer; increase in the absolute biomass and percentage contribution of cyanobacteria to total biomass; and fungal epidemics attacking P. gatunense. 4. The 34‐year record serves to validate Schindler's (1987) assessment that phytoplankton species composition will respond to increased anthropogenic stress before bulk ecosystem parameters.  相似文献   

Columnar sediment samples were collected from five representative river inflow areas of Dianchi Lake, China. The vertical distribution of each form of P were tested. Results showed that the concentration of TP in the sediments from areas A, B, C, D and E in the order of D > B > A > C > E, and the average concentration of D, B, A, C and E were 2991, 2064, 1308, 879, and 759 mg?kg?1, respectively. The concentration of Ex-P, Fe/Al-P, Ca-P and Org-P all decreased with increasing depth. The release of Ex-P was significantly related to TP whereas the Fe/Al-P was not significantly related to TP in the samples from areas polluted by domestic sewage. However, the release of Ex-P and Fe/Al-P were both significantly related to TP in the samples from areas polluted by phosphate mining and phosphate fertilizer application. The results of equilibrium P concentration (EPC0) analysis showed that P in the sediments of areas A, D and E were the source of P in Dianchi Lake, and the P in the sediments of areas B and C were in relative equilibrium with the overlying water.  相似文献   

威宁草海的浮游植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘鸿  唐宇宏  王洋  晏妮  陈椽 《生态科学》2008,27(5):421-423
从2004年1月至2005年1月,对贵州威宁草海的浮游植物进行采集和鉴定,共鉴定出浮游植物390种(含变型和变种),分属7门10纲23目41科96属。其中绿藻门种类最多,达205种,占总种数的52.56%;其次是蓝藻门的种类,有85种,占21.79%;硅藻门的种类有55种,占14.10%;其他藻类有45种,占11.15%。全年均能采集到的有60种,多数为小型的、富营养湖泊种常见的水华藻类,如铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、铜绿微囊藻小型变种(M. aeruginosa var. minor)。鉴定出的藻类植物种有105种为污染指示种,其中全年出现的多污性(ps)指示种有6种,β-多污性(β-ps)指示种有44种,α-中污性(α-ms) 指示种有78种,β-中污性(β-ms) 指示种有64种,寡污性(os) 指示种有17种,分别占总污染指示种总数的5.71%,41.90%、74.29%、60.95%、16.19%(有的种类具有多种污染级别的指示,在统计过程中均分别计算),草海的污染指示种以α-中污染和β-污染指示种为主。根据草海浮游植物种类组成的历史演变来看,硅藻门的种类减少较多,其他一些适宜生活于清洁水体种的藻类,如小黄丝藻(Heterotrichales minus)从1989年以后就未曾发现。所有结果都显示出草海已受到严重污染,属于富营养型的湖泊。  相似文献   

The factors influencing the abundance of phytoplankton in the Yellowknife River, in the Canadian subarctic, were determined from collections made for 42 consecutive months from June 1975 to November 1978. The spring bloom of plankton occured during April of each year in response to changing light conditions. WhileChlamydomonas lapponica was dominant during this period, it was replaced during the early part of the summer by a rapid succession ofDinobryon species in whichD. cylindricum was followed byD. sociale and in turn byD. bavaricum andD. divergens. Although low nutrient levels permitted the development ofDinobryon during the summer, the abundance of diatoms was greatly limited by the concentrations of SiO2 (< 0.1 g/m3). Algal densities began to decline in August and reached low overwintering levels by November. The absence of a fall bloom in densities was due to a combination of low temperatures and nutrient levels.P.O. Box 2310, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, X1A 2P7, Canada  相似文献   

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