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The effect of changes in pH of the medium from 4 to 10 on the action potential and its first derivative was studied at the original resting potential and during hyperpolarization of the membrane in experiments on single nodes of Ranvier. Raising the pH of the medium from 7 to 9 led to a decrease in amplitude of the action potential and of its derivative (Vmax). During hyperpolarization of the membrane these parameters were fully restored. Lowering the pH of the solution led to an increase in the action potential and a decrease in Vmax. During hyperpolarization of the membrane the action potential and its derivative were not completely restored. Under the influence of solutions with low and high pH values the duration of the action potential was increased. Changes in the action potential and in Vmax with an increase in pH can be attributed to increased inactivation of the sodium permeability of the membrane, and in solutions with low pH to a decrease in the maximal sodium permeability and to weakening of its inactivation.A. V. Vishnevskii Institute of Surgery, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 205–210, March–April, 1974.  相似文献   

Adding a potassium permeability with slow kinetics to the Frankenhaeuser-Huxley equations describing action potential generation at a frog node of Ranvier has a twofold effect on the maintained repetitive firing the model can show. If the contribution of the slow to the total potassium permeability is increased, the maintained discharge frequency for a given stimulating current experiences a decrease. On the other hand, addition of the slow channel narrows the range of currents for which the model can generate repetitive activity. If as little as 6.2% of the total potassium permeability are provided by the slow channels, the Frankenhaeuser-Huxley equations completely lose the ability to show maintained firing. The introduction of the slow potassium current abolishes especially repetitive activity at low values of stimulating current. This effect is so marked that the minimal discharge frequency the model can maintain increases with increasing contribution of the slow channel. Therefore, an important purpose of the slow potassium channel present at the frog nodal membrane could consist of preventing the node of Ranvier from generating consistent firing on its own.  相似文献   

Aconitine causes the appearance of two types of modified channels in the Ranvier node membrane. Channels of the first type are activated at high negative potentials and are inactivated only partly or not at all; their selectivity is sharply reduced: The mean ratio of potassium to sodium permeability is 0.72. The properties of these channels are stable with time. The second type of modified channels lose their conductivity during the action of aconitine, and their kinetic characteristics and region of activation are similar to those of normal sodium channels. They are less selective than normally: the ratio of potassium to sodium permeability is 0.22. The sensitivity of the modified channels to tetrodotoxin is at the same level as that of normal sodium channels.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 152–160, March–April, 1976.  相似文献   

The displacement current was recorded in the Ranvier node membrane ofRana ridibunda. This current was shown to be due to conversion of charges from the initial state in which they were when a high negative voltage was present on the membrane into the final state. The dependence of the displacement charge on the membrane potential and state of activation of the sodium channels suggests that the displacement current is connected with activation of the m gates of the sodium channels. Considering the density of the displaced charges, the density of the sodium channels can be estimated to be 5000 channels/µ2.A. A. Ukhtomskii Institute of Physiology, A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 410–417, July–August, 1976.  相似文献   

Ionic current through batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified sodium channels within a wide range of membrane potentials were measured by the voltage clamp method on the membrane of a myelinated frog nerve fiber. At high positive voltages (above +80 mV) the current decreased with time; with an increase in voltage the steady-state level of the currents fell. The results of measurement of "instant" currents showed that this phenomenon is connected with a decrease in overall conductivity of the modified channels. Scorpion toxin had no significant effect on the kinetics of decline of the currents. This indicates that they are due to processes which differ from ordinary inactivation. In the presence of procaine, at high positive voltages slow (tens of milliseconds) potential-dependent blocking of BTX-modified channels was observed. An increase in negative potentials above ?100 mV caused a decrease in "instant" currents, connected with rapid potential-dependent blocking of BTX-modified sodium channels by calcium ions.  相似文献   

Changes in electrical activity of the isolated frog muscle spindle were investigated in hypertonic solutions obtained by adding 400 mM sucrose, glucose, or glycerol to Ringer's solution. The spontaneous firing rate in hypertonic sucrose and glucose solutions increased at first (for 3–5 min) and then fell rapidly to zero; the receptor potential and evoked spike activity diminished under these conditions and disappeared. In the hypertonic solution with glycerol a similar effect was observed but, unlike in the first two media, in this case spike activity returned after its initial increase to the normal level; a second rise in the firing rate was then observed up to a steady value which was higher than normal. After rinsing out the hypertonic sucrose and glucose solutions with ordinary Ringer's solution the spontaneous and evoked activity gradually returned to normal with a small overshoot. During the rinsing out of the hypertonic glycerol solution a sharp and considerable rise in spontaneous activity was first observed, while the changes in frequency of the evoked activity were negligible. The spike activity then returned to normal. The observed changes in electrical activity of the muscle spindle in hypertonic media are attributed to deformation of the sensory terminals and intrafusal muscle fibers (in the glycerol medium), leading to depolarization of the receptor membrane.P. K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 291–299, May–June, 1976.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and the calcium ions of the surrounding medium on the receptor potential and unit activity of the isolated frog muscle spindle was investigated. With a decrease in pH of the medium the amplitude and duration of the hyperpolarization phase of the receptor potential increased and the amplitude of its depolarization phase decreased. The frequencies of the spontaneous and evoked activity were reversibly reduced under these conditions. A change in pH of the surrounding medium toward the alkaline side led to a decrease in the amplitude and duration of the hyperpolarization phase of the receptor potential. The firing rate initially increased and then decreased to 30–50% of normal. An increase in the calcium concentration in an alkaline medium led to an increase, but in an acid and normal medium to a decrease, in firing rate. The observed changes in electrical activity of the muscle spindle in solutions can be explained by changes in the velocity of active (electrogenic) and passive transport of sodium and calcium ions.  相似文献   

The Thermotoga neapolitana xylose isomerase (TNXI) is extremely thermostable and optimally active at 95 degrees C. Its derivative, TNXI Val185Thr (V185T), is the most active type II xylose isomerase reported, with a catalytic efficiency of 25.1 s(-1) mM(-1) toward glucose at 80 degrees C (pH 7.0). To further optimize TNXI's potential industrial utility, two rounds of random mutagenesis and low temperature/low pH activity screening were performed using the TNXI V185T-encoding gene as the template. Two highly active mutants were obtained, 3A2 (V185T/L282P) and 1F1 (V185T/L282P/F186S). 1F1 was more active than 3A2, which in turn was more active than TNXI V185T at all temperatures and pH values tested. 3A2 and 1F1's high activities at low temperatures were due to significantly lower activation energies (57 and 44 kJ/mol, respectively) than that of TNXI and V185T (87 kJ/mol). Mutation L282P introduced a kink in helix alpha7 of 3A2's (alpha/beta)8 barrel. Surprisingly, this mutation kinetically destabilized 3A2 only at pH 5.5. 1F1 displayed kinetic stability slightly above that of TNXI V185T. In 1F1, mutation F186S creates a cavity that disrupts a four-residue network of aromatic interactions. How the conformation of the neighboring residues is affected by this cavity and how these conformational changes increase 1F1's stability still remain unclear.  相似文献   

Thermal and low pH stabilities of matrix porin (Omp F) solubilized in the micellar solutions of ionic (SDS) and nonionic detergents were investigated by the methods of circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, light scattering and sedimentation velocity. The stability of porin structure in solution is much higher in the presence of beta-octyl glucoside than with SDS. In the presence of SDS, sharp transitions were detected by all parameters measured, above 55 degrees C at neutral pH and below pH 4.5 at 20 degrees C. These transitions involve at least three concomitant processes: unfolding of protein, dissociation of trimers to monomers and the disruption of the protein-detergent micellar complexes, all events being irreversible in the presence of SDS. The nonionic detergent, beta-octyl glucoside, increases the stability of porin in acidic conditions, since neither dissociation nor denaturation was observed in the pH region between 7.5 and 2.0. However, at pH less than 3.5, small, reversible changes in protein structure became evident. The thermal stability of porin is also increased by beta-octyl glucoside as evidenced by a transition temperature 15-20 degrees C higher as compared to SDS. A considerable degree of native porin structure was regained after heat treatment in the presence of beta-octyl glucoside, though the reconstituted trimers were not identical to the native ones. The addition of lipopolysaccharide and divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+) to the experimental system did not improve the thermal reversibility.  相似文献   

Brain electrical activity during habituation to repeated verbal stimulus was recorded in subjects with high and low levels of personal anxiety. During habituation of subjects with low anxiety, the spectral power of EEG alpha and theta bands increased in the frontal cortical areas. Such a reaction was not observed in subjects with high anxiety level. Moreover, during habituation traces, the latency of P300 of the auditory evoked potential increased. This parameter did not depend on anxiety level. The amplitude of P300 in the right temporal region was shown to be related to anxiety level: it increased after habituation in subjects with low anxiety and did not change in subjects with high anxiety.  相似文献   

Effects of different local anesthetics of sodium permeability were studied in single nerve fibres of frog by the method of voltage clamp. Inhibition of sodium current by externally applied tertiary anesthetics, procaine and trimecaine, was the sum of a potentially independent block (reduced PrmNa) and slow sodium inactivation with time constants ranging from tens to hundreds of ms depending on membrane potential (at room temperature). Externally applied uncharged benzocaine produced a potentially independent block only. According to dose-response curves both processes are one-to-one reactions. In the case of trimecaine equilibrium constant the reaction responsible for reduction of PNa is about 0.3 mM, while that for slow inactivation is more than ten times less (0.02 mM). Increasing pH from 5.6 to 8.5 markedly accelerated the slow inactivation process at all potential values. Divalent cations Ca2+ and Ni2+ shifted the steady-state slow inactivation curve along the potential axis and simultaneously reduced slow inactivation at the saturation level. Permanently charged quaternary trimecaine was ineffective when applied externally. Internally applied tertiary anesthetics and quaternary trimecaine as well as externally applied quaternary derivative of lidocaine QX-572 produced a progressively irreversible block enhanced by depolarization and inhibition reversibly increased by repetitive short-term depolarization (frequency-dependent inhibition). Inhibition of sodium currents by repetitive stimulation observed also in the case of externally applied tertiary anesthetics is due mainly to slow inactivation. The data suggests the existence of several types of receptor sites through which local anesthetics exert their blocking action on sodium permeability.  相似文献   

Two novel phytase genes belonging to the histidine acid phosphatase family were cloned from Yersinia rohdei and Y. pestis and expressed in Pichia pastoris. Both the recombinant phytases had high activity at pH 1.5-6.0 (optimum pH 4.5) with an optimum temperature of 55 degrees C. Compared with the major commercial phytases from Aspergillus niger, Escherichia coli, and a potential commercial phytase from Y. intermedia, the Y. rohdei phytase was more resistant to pepsin, retained more activity under gastric conditions, and released more inorganic phosphorus (two to ten times) from soybean meal under simulated gastric conditions. These superior properties suggest that the Y. rohdei phytase is an attractive additive to animal feed. Our study indicated that, in order to better hydrolyze the phytate and release more inorganic phosphorus in the gastric passage, phytase should have high activity and stability, simultaneously, at low pH and high protease concentration.  相似文献   

The substitution of each constituent amino acid residue of gratisin (GR) with Ala residue indicated that each side chain structure of the constituent amino acid residues affect largely the antibiotic and hemolytic activities of GR. Among them, the substitution of Pro residues at positions 5 and 5′ with a cationic amino acid residues (Lys and Arg) results the high antibiotic activity and the low toxicity against human blood cells. Thus, we have found a novel position on the scaffold of GR at Pro5,5′ residues whose modification will significantly lower the unwanted hemolytic activity and enhance the desired antibiotic activity.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to external pH of Cl- absorption was studied in isolated stripped intestinal mucosa of the eel, Anguilla anguilla, mounted in Ussing chambers. Short-circuit current, transepithelial potential difference and conductance were measured in bathing solutions containing various combinations of HCO3 --concentration (0–25 mmol·l-1), partial pressure of CO2 (0–76 mm Hg) and pH (6.9–7.9). A linear relationship was found between pH and short-circuit current in the range of pH studied both in HCO3 -/CO2 Ringer and in Hepes Ringer. The pH effect was almost completely reversible. It was not affected by the presence of mucosal Ba2+ (10-3 mol·l-1) but it was inhibited by the presence of luminal (10-5 mol·l-1) or serosal (10-4 mol·l-1) bumetanide. The results obtained suggest that the Cl- absorption in the European eel intestine is pH sensitive. The data do not indicate whether the pH affects directly the Na+–K+–Cl- cotransport and/or the basolateral Cl- conductance or other mechanisms indirectly linked to Cl- absorption.Abbreviations g t transepithelial conductance - Hepes N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid - I sc short circuit current - R t transepithelial resistence - V t transepithelial potential difference  相似文献   

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