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The FSSP database of structurally aligned protein fold families.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
L Holm  C Sander 《Nucleic acids research》1994,22(17):3600-3609
FSSP (families of structurally similar proteins) is a database of structural alignments of proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The database currently contains an extended structural family for each of 330 representative protein chains. Each data set contains structural alignments of one search structure with all other structurally significantly similar proteins in the representative set (remote homologs, < 30% sequence identity), as well as all structures in the Protein Data Bank with 70-30% sequence identity relative to the search structure (medium homologs). Very close homologs (above 70% sequence identity) are excluded as they rarely have marked structural differences. The alignments of remote homologs are the result of pairwise all-against-all structural comparisons in the set of 330 representative protein chains. All such comparisons are based purely on the 3D co-ordinates of the proteins and are derived by automatic (objective) structure comparison programs. The significance of structural similarity is estimated based on statistical criteria. The FSSP database is available electronically from the EMBL file server and by anonymous ftp (file transfer protocol).  相似文献   

The Conserved Key Amino Acid Positions DataBase (CKAAPs DB) provides access to an analysis of structurally similar proteins with dissimilar sequences where key residues within a common fold are identified. The derivation and significance of CKAAPs starting from pairwise structure alignments is described fully in Reddy et al. [Reddy,B.V.B., Li,W.W., Shindyalov,I.N. and Bourne,P.E. (2000) PROTEINS:, in press]. The CKAAPs identified from this theoretical analysis are provided to experimentalists and theoreticians for potential use in protein engineering and modeling. It has been suggested that CKAAPs may be crucial features for protein folding, structural stability and function. Over 170 substructures, as defined by the Combinatorial Extension (CE) database, which are found in approximately 3000 representative polypeptide chains have been analyzed and are available in the CKAAPs DB. CKAAPs DB also provides CKAAPs of the representative set of proteins derived from the CE and FSSP databases. Thus the database contains over 5000 representative poly-peptide chains, covering all known structures in the PDB. A web interface to a relational database permits fast retrieval of structure-sequence alignments, CKAAPs and associated statistics. Users may query by PDB ID, protein name, function and Enzyme Classification number. Users may also submit protein alignments of their own to obtain CKAAPs. An interface to display CKAAPs on each structure from a web browser is also being implemented. CKAAPs DB is maintained by the San Diego Supercomputer Center and accessible at the URL http://ckaaps.sdsc.edu.  相似文献   

Selection of representative protein data sets.   总被引:37,自引:17,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
The Protein Data Bank currently contains about 600 data sets of three-dimensional protein coordinates determined by X-ray crystallography or NMR. There is considerable redundancy in the data base, as many protein pairs are identical or very similar in sequence. However, statistical analyses of protein sequence-structure relations require nonredundant data. We have developed two algorithms to extract from the data base representative sets of protein chains with maximum coverage and minimum redundancy. The first algorithm focuses on optimizing a particular property of the selected proteins and works by successive selection of proteins from an ordered list and exclusion of all neighbors of each selected protein. The other algorithm aims at maximizing the size of the selected set and works by successive thinning out of clusters of similar proteins. Both algorithms are generally applicable to other data bases in which criteria of similarity can be defined and relate to problems in graph theory. The largest nonredundant set extracted from the current release of the Protein Data Bank has 155 protein chains. In this set, no two proteins have sequence similarity higher than a certain cutoff (30% identical residues for aligned subsequences longer than 80 residues), yet all structurally unique protein families are represented. Periodically updated lists of representative data sets are available by electronic mail from the file server "netserv@embl-heidelberg.de." The selection may be useful in statistical approaches to protein folding as well as in the analysis and documentation of the known spectrum of three-dimensional protein structures.  相似文献   

PASS2 is a nearly automated version of CAMPASS and contains sequence alignments of proteins grouped at the level of superfamilies. This database has been created to fall in correspondence with SCOP database (1.53 release) and currently consists of 110 multi-member superfamilies and 613 superfamilies corresponding to single members. In multi-member superfamilies, protein chains with no more than 25% sequence identity have been considered for the alignment and hence the database aims to address sequence alignments which represent 26 219 protein domains under the SCOP 1.53 release. Structure-based sequence alignments have been obtained by COMPARER and the initial equivalences are provided automatically from a MALIGN alignment and subsequently augmented using STAMP4.0. The final sequence alignments have been annotated for the structural features using JOY4.0. Several interesting links are provided to other related databases and genome sequence relatives. Availability of reliable sequence alignments of distantly related proteins, despite poor sequence identity and single-member superfamilies, permit better sampling of structures in libraries for fold recognition of new sequences and for the understanding of protein structure–function relationships of individual superfamilies. The database can be queried by keywords and also by sequence search, interfaced by PSI-BLAST methods. Structure-annotated sequence alignments and several structural accessory files can be retrieved for all the superfamilies including the user-input sequence. The database can be accessed from http://www.ncbs.res.in/%7Efaculty/mini/campass/pass.html.  相似文献   

The database reported here is derived using the Combinatorial Extension (CE) algorithm which compares pairs of protein polypeptide chains and provides a list of structurally similar proteins along with their structure alignments. Using CE, structure-structure alignments can provide insights into biological function. When a protein of known function is shown to be structurally similar to a protein of unknown function, a relationship might be inferred; a relationship not necessarily detectable from sequence comparison alone. Establishing structure-structure relationships in this way is of great importance as we enter an era of structural genomics where there is a likelihood of an increasing number of structures with unknown functions being determined. Thus the CE database is an example of a useful tool in the annotation of protein structures of unknown function. Comparisons can be performed on the complete PDB or on a structurally representative subset of proteins. The source protein(s) can be from the PDB (updated monthly) or uploaded by the user. CE provides sequence alignments resulting from structural alignments and Cartesian coordinates for the aligned structures, which may be analyzed using the supplied Compare3D Java applet, or downloaded for further local analysis. Searches can be run from the CE web site, http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce.html, or the database and software downloaded from the site for local use.  相似文献   

To improve secondary structure predictions in protein sequences, the information residing in multiple sequence alignments of substituted but structurally related proteins is exploited. A database comprised of 70 protein families and a total of 2,500 sequences, some of which were aligned by tertiary structural superpositions, was used to calculate residue exchange weight matrices within alpha-helical, beta-strand, and coil substructures, respectively. Secondary structure predictions were made based on the observed residue substitutions in local regions of the multiple alignments and the largest possible associated exchange weights in each of the three matrix types. Comparison of the observed and predicted secondary structure on a per-residue basis yielded a mean accuracy of 72.2%. Individual alpha-helix, beta-strand, and coil states were respectively predicted at 66.7, and 75.8% correctness, representing a well-balanced three-state prediction. The accuracy level, verified by cross-validation through jack-knife tests on all protein families, dropped, on average, to only 70.9%, indicating the rigor of the prediction procedure. On the basis of robustness, conceptual clarity, accuracy, and executable efficiency, the method has considerable advantage, especially with its sole reliance on amino acid substitutions within structurally related proteins.  相似文献   

Reddy BV  Li WW  Shindyalov IN  Bourne PE 《Proteins》2001,42(2):148-163
An all-against-all protein structure comparison using the Combinatorial Extension (CE) algorithm applied to a representative set of PDB structures revealed a gallery of common substructures in proteins (http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce.html). These substructures represent commonly identified folds, domains, or components thereof. Most of the subsequences forming these similar substructures have no significant sequence similarity. We present a method to identify conserved amino acid positions and residue-dependent property clusters within these subsequences starting with structure alignments. Each of the subsequences is aligned to its homologues in SWALL, a nonredundant protein sequence database. The most similar sequences are purged into a common frequency matrix, and weighted homologues of each one of the subsequences are used in scoring for conserved key amino acid positions (CKAAPs). We have set the top 20% of the high-scoring positions in each substructure to be CKAAPs. It is hypothesized that CKAAPs may be responsible for the common folding patterns in either a local or global view of the protein-folding pathway. Where a significant number of structures exist, CKAAPs have also been identified in structure alignments of complete polypeptide chains from the same protein family or superfamily. Evidence to support the presence of CKAAPs comes from other computational approaches and experimental studies of mutation and protein-folding experiments, notably the Paracelsus challenge. Finally, the structural environment of CKAAPs versus non-CKAAPs is examined for solvent accessibility, hydrogen bonding, and secondary structure. The identification of CKAAPs has important implications for protein engineering, fold recognition, modeling, and structure prediction studies and is dependent on the availability of structures and an accurate structure alignment methodology. Proteins 2001;42:148-163.  相似文献   

Newly determined protein structures are classified to belong to a new fold, if the structures are sufficiently dissimilar from all other so far known protein structures. To analyze structural similarities of proteins, structure alignment tools are used. We demonstrate that the usage of nonsequential structure alignment tools, which neglect the polypeptide chain connectivity, can yield structure alignments with significant similarities between proteins of known three-dimensional structure and newly determined protein structures that possess a new fold. The recently introduced protein structure alignment tool, GANGSTA, is specialized to perform nonsequential alignments with proper assignment of the secondary structure types by focusing on helices and strands only. In the new version, GANGSTA+, the underlying algorithms were completely redesigned, yielding enhanced quality of structure alignments, offering alignment against a larger database of protein structures, and being more efficient. We applied DaliLite, TM-align, and GANGSTA+ on three protein crystal structures considered to be novel folds. Applying GANGSTA+ to these novel folds, we find proteins in the ASTRAL40 database, which possess significant structural similarities, albeit the alignments are nonsequential and in some cases involve secondary structure elements aligned in reverse orientation. A web server is available at http://agknapp.chemie.fu-berlin.de/gplus for pairwise alignment, visualization, and database comparison.  相似文献   



While the pairwise alignments produced by sequence similarity searches are a powerful tool for identifying homologous proteins - proteins that share a common ancestor and a similar structure; pairwise sequence alignments often fail to represent accurately the structural alignments inferred from three-dimensional coordinates. Since sequence alignment algorithms produce optimal alignments, the best structural alignments must reflect suboptimal sequence alignment scores. Thus, we have examined a range of suboptimal sequence alignments and a range of scoring parameters to understand better which sequence alignments are likely to be more structurally accurate.  相似文献   

PALI (release 1.2) contains three-dimensional (3-D) structure-dependent sequence alignments as well as structure-based phylogenetic trees of homologous protein domains in various families. The data set of homologous protein structures has been derived by consulting the SCOP database (release 1.50) and the data set comprises 604 families of homologous proteins involving 2739 protein domain structures with each family made up of at least two members. Each member in a family has been structurally aligned with every other member in the same family (pairwise alignment) and all the members in the family are also aligned using simultaneous super-position (multiple alignment). The structural alignments are performed largely automatically, with manual interventions especially in the cases of distantly related proteins, using the program STAMP (version 4.2). Every family is also associated with two dendrograms, calculated using PHYLIP (version 3.5), one based on a structural dissimilarity metric defined for every pairwise alignment and the other based on similarity of topologically equivalent residues. These dendrograms enable easy comparison of sequence and structure-based relationships among the members in a family. Structure-based alignments with the details of structural and sequence similarities, superposed coordinate sets and dendrograms can be accessed conveniently using a web interface. The database can be queried for protein pairs with sequence or structural similarities falling within a specified range. Thus PALI forms a useful resource to help in analysing the relationship between sequence and structure variation at a given level of sequence similarity. PALI also contains over 653 'orphans' (single member families). Using the web interface involving PSI_BLAST and PHYLIP it is possible to associate the sequence of a new protein with one of the families in PALI and generate a phylogenetic tree combining the query sequence and proteins of known 3-D structure. The database with the web interfaced search and dendrogram generation tools can be accessed at http://pauling.mbu.iisc.ernet. in/ approximately pali.  相似文献   

Shindyalov IN  Bourne PE 《Proteins》2000,38(3):247-260
Comparing and subsequently classifying protein structures information has received significant attention concurrent with the increase in the number of experimentally derived 3-dimensional structures. Classification schemes have focused on biological function found within protein domains and on structure classification based on topology. Here an alternative view is presented that groups substructures. Substructures are long (50-150 residue) highly repetitive near-contiguous pieces of polypeptide chain that occur frequently in a set of proteins from the PDB defined as structurally non-redundant over the complete polypeptide chain. The substructure classification is based on a previously reported Combinatorial Extension (CE) algorithm that provides a significantly different set of structure alignments than those previously described, having, for example, only a 40% overlap with FSSP. Qualitatively the algorithm provides longer contiguous aligned segments at the price of a slightly higher root-mean-square deviation (rmsd). Clustering these alignments gives a discreet and highly repetitive set of substructures not detectable by sequence similarity alone. In some cases different substructures represent all or different parts of well known folds indicative of the Russian doll effect--the continuity of protein fold space. In other cases they fall into different structure and functional classifications. It is too early to determine whether these newly classified substructures represent new insights into the evolution of a structural framework important to many proteins. What is apparent from on-going work is that these substructures have the potential to be useful probes in finding remote sequence homology and in structure prediction studies. The characteristics of the complete all-by-all comparison of the polypeptide chains present in the PDB and details of the filtering procedure by pair-wise structure alignment that led to the emergent substructure gallery are discussed. Substructure classification, alignments, and tools to analyze them are available at http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce.html.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction is based mainly on the modeling of proteins by homology to known structures; this knowledgebased approach is the most promising method to date. Although it is used in the whole area of protein research, no general rules concerning the quality and applicability of concepts and procedures used in homology modeling have been put forward yet. Therefore, the main goal of the present work is to provide tools for the assessment of accuracy of modeling at a given level of sequence homology. A large set of known structures from different conformational and functional classes, but various degrees of homology was selected. Pairwise structure superpositions were performed. Starting with the definition of the structurally conserved regions and determination of topologically correct sequence alignments, we correlated geometrical properties with sequence homology (defined by the 250 PAM Dayhoff Matrix) and identity. It is shown that both the topological differences of the protein backbones and the relative positions of corresponding side chains diverge with decreasing sequence identity. Below 50% identity, the deviation in regions that are structurally not conserved continually increases, thus implying that with decreasing sequence identity modeling has to take into account more and more structurally diverging loop regions that are difficult to predict. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The functional selection and three-dimensional structural constraints of proteins in nature often relates to the retention of significant sequence similarity between proteins of similar fold and function despite poor sequence identity. Organization of structure-based sequence alignments for distantly related proteins, provides a map of the conserved and critical regions of the protein universe that is useful for the analysis of folding principles, for the evolutionary unification of protein families and for maximizing the information return from experimental structure determination. The Protein Alignment organised as Structural Superfamily (PASS2) database represents continuously updated, structural alignments for evolutionary related, sequentially distant proteins.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that similarities between the sequences of two proteins infer similarities between their structures. Sequence alignments reliably recognize pairs of protein of similar structures provided that the percentage sequence identity between their two sequences is sufficiently high. This distinction, however, is statistically less reliable when the percentage sequence identity is lower than 30% and little is known then about the detailed relationship between the two measures of similarity. Here, we investigate the inverse correlation between structural similarity and sequence similarity on 12 protein structure families. We define the structure similarity between two proteins as the cRMS distance between their structures. The sequence similarity for a pair of proteins is measured as the mean distance between the sequences in the subsets of sequence space compatible with their structures. We obtain an approximation of the sequence space compatible with a protein by designing a collection of protein sequences both stable and specific to the structure of that protein. Using these measures of sequence and structure similarities, we find that structural changes within a protein family are linearly related to changes in sequence similarity.  相似文献   

Although a quantitative relationship between sequence similarity and structural similarity has long been established, little is known about the impact of orthology on the relationship between protein sequence and structure. Among homologs, orthologs (derived by speciation) more frequently have similar functions than paralogs (derived by duplication). Here, we hypothesize that an orthologous pair will tend to exhibit greater structural similarity than a paralogous pair at the same level of sequence similarity. To test this hypothesis, we used 284,459 pairwise structure‐based alignments of 12,634 unique domains from SCOP as well as orthology and paralogy assignments from OrthoMCL DB. We divided the comparisons by sequence identity and determined whether the sequence‐structure relationship differed between the orthologs and paralogs. We found that at levels of sequence identity between 30 and 70%, orthologous domain pairs indeed tend to be significantly more structurally similar than paralogous pairs at the same level of sequence identity. An even larger difference is found when comparing ligand binding residues instead of whole domains. These differences between orthologs and paralogs are expected to be useful for selecting template structures in comparative modeling and target proteins in structural genomics.  相似文献   

G Vriend  C Sander 《Proteins》1991,11(1):52-58
We present a fully automatic algorithm for three-dimensional alignment of protein structures and for the detection of common substructures and structural repeats. Given two proteins, the algorithm first identifies all pairs of structurally similar fragments and subsequently clusters into larger units pairs of fragments that are compatible in three dimensions. The detection of similar substructures is independent of insertion/deletion penalties and can be chosen to be independent of the topology of loop connections and to allow for reversal of chain direction. Using distance geometry filters and other approximations, the algorithm, implemented in the WHAT IF program, is so fast that structural comparison of a single protein with the entire database of known protein structures can be performed routinely on a workstation. The method reproduces known non-trivial superpositions such as plastocyanin on azurin. In addition, we report surprising structural similarity between ubiquitin and a (2Fe-2S) ferredoxin.  相似文献   

C Sander  R Schneider 《Proteins》1991,9(1):56-68
The database of known protein three-dimensional structures can be significantly increased by the use of sequence homology, based on the following observations. (1) The database of known sequences, currently at more than 12,000 proteins, is two orders of magnitude larger than the database of known structures. (2) The currently most powerful method of predicting protein structures is model building by homology. (3) Structural homology can be inferred from the level of sequence similarity. (4) The threshold of sequence similarity sufficient for structural homology depends strongly on the length of the alignment. Here, we first quantify the relation between sequence similarity, structure similarity, and alignment length by an exhaustive survey of alignments between proteins of known structure and report a homology threshold curve as a function of alignment length. We then produce a database of homology-derived secondary structure of proteins (HSSP) by aligning to each protein of known structure all sequences deemed homologous on the basis of the threshold curve. For each known protein structure, the derived database contains the aligned sequences, secondary structure, sequence variability, and sequence profile. Tertiary structures of the aligned sequences are implied, but not modeled explicitly. The database effectively increases the number of known protein structures by a factor of five to more than 1800. The results may be useful in assessing the structural significance of matches in sequence database searches, in deriving preferences and patterns for structure prediction, in elucidating the structural role of conserved residues, and in modeling three-dimensional detail by homology.  相似文献   

Structure comparisons of all representative proteins have been done. Employing the relative root mean square deviation (RMSD) from native enables the assessment of the statistical significance of structure alignments of different lengths in terms of a Z-score. Two conclusions emerge: first, proteins with their native fold can be distinguished by their Z-score. Second and somewhat surprising, all small proteins up to 100 residues in length have significant structure alignments to other proteins in a different secondary structure and fold class; i.e. 24.0% of them have 60% coverage by a template protein with a RMSD below 3.5 Å and 6.0% have 70% coverage. If the restriction that we align proteins only having different secondary structure types is removed, then in a representative benchmark set of proteins of 200 residues or smaller, 93% can be aligned to a single template structure (with average sequence identity of 9.8%), with a RMSD less than 4 Å, and 79% average coverage. In this sense, the current Protein Data Bank (PDB) is almost a covering set of small protein structures. The length of the aligned region (relative to the whole protein length) does not differ among the top hit proteins, indicating that protein structure space is highly dense. For larger proteins, non-related proteins can cover a significant portion of the structure. Moreover, these top hit proteins are aligned to different parts of the target protein, so that almost the entire molecule can be covered when combined. The number of proteins required to cover a target protein is very small, e.g. the top ten hit proteins can give 90% coverage below a RMSD of 3.5 Å for proteins up to 320 residues long. These results give a new view of the nature of protein structure space, and its implications for protein structure prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

Cheng H  Kim BH  Grishin NV 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1162-1166
We describe MALIDUP (manual alignments of duplicated domains), a database of 241 pairwise structure alignments for homologous domains originated by internal duplication within the same polypeptide chain. Since duplicated domains within a protein frequently diverge in function and thus in sequence, this would be the first database of structurally similar homologs that is not strongly biased by sequence or functional similarity. Our manual alignments in most cases agree with the automatic structural alignments generated by several commonly used programs. This carefully constructed database could be used in studies on protein evolution and as a reference for testing structure alignment programs. The database is available at http://prodata.swmed.edu/malidup.  相似文献   

Left-handed polyproline II (PPII) helices commonly occur in globular proteins in segments of 4-8 residues. This paper analyzes the structural conservation of PPII-helices in 3 protein families: serine proteinases, aspartic proteinases, and immunoglobulin constant domains. Calculations of the number of conserved segments based on structural alignment of homologous molecules yielded similar results for the PPII-helices, the alpha-helices, and the beta-strands. The PPII-helices are consistently conserved at the level of 100-80% in the proteins with sequence identity above 20% and RMS deviation of structure alignments below 3.0 A. The most structurally important PPII segments are conserved below this level of sequence identity. These results suggest that the PPII-helices, in addition to the other 2 secondary structure classes, should be identified as part of structurally conserved regions in proteins. This is supported by similar values for the local RMS deviations of the aligned segments for the structural classes of PPII-helices, alpha-helices, and beta-strands. The PPII-helices are shown to participate in supersecondary elements such as PPII-helix/alpha-helix. The conservation of PPII-helices depends on the conservation of a supersecondary element as a whole. PPII-helices also form links, possibly flexible, in the interdomain regions. The role of the PPII-helices in model building by homology is 2-fold; they serve as additional conserved elements in the structure allowing improvement of the accuracy of a model and provide correct chain geometry for modeling of the segments equivalenced to them in a target sequence. The improvement in model building is demonstrated in 2 test studies.  相似文献   

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