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Interest in retinoids and craniofacial development originated independently from nutritional and teratological studies; however, the site of action of retinoids in normal development remains contentious. Recent transgenic strategies have shown that retinoic acid and nuclear retinoid receptors are required for the morphogenetic specification of cranial neural crest cells and their mesenchymal derivatives during craniofacial development. Interestingly, while some aspects of the RA teratogenicity have been shown to be receptor-mediated, there is as yet no clear evidence that this is the case for the embryonic head and face. Hox genes are one important set of targets for RA in the developing neural primordium and cranial neural crest, but it remains unclear as to how retinoid-mediated regulation of such targets is realized as the morphogenetic specification of cell fate.  相似文献   

Murine embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into a varied spectrum of cell types. We observed the abundant and precocious development of neuronlike cells when embryonal carcinoma cells of various pluripotent lines were aggregated and cultured in the presence of nontoxic concentrations of retinoic acid. Neuronlike cells were also formed in retinoic acid-treated cultures of the embryonal carcinoma line, P19, which does not differentiate into neurons in the absence of the drug. The neuronal nature of these cells was confirmed by their staining with antiserum directed against neurofilament protein in indirect immunofluorescence experiments. Retinoic acid-treated cultures also contained elevated acetylcholinesterase activity. Glial cells, identified by immunofluorescence analysis of their intermediate filaments, and a population of fibroblastlike cells were also present in retinoic acid-treated cultures of P19 cells. We did not observe embryonal carcinoma, muscle, or epithelial cells in these cultures. Neurons and glial cells appeared in cultures exposed to retinoic acid for as little as 48 h. We found no evidence for retinoic acid toxicity, suggesting that the effect of the drug was to induce the development of neurons and glia rather than to select against cells differentiating along other developmental pathways.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is thought to be involved in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis, as well as various pathological processes. However, little information is available about the regulation of apoptosis during the aggregation stage of P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells. Here we report that aggregation-induced apoptosis is markedly attenuated by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) expression was down-regulated during the aggregation phase of P19 EC cells in the presence, but not in the absence, of RA. Suppression of PTEN expression during the aggregation was accompanied by increased phosphorylation of serine/threonine kinase Akt and glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta). Our results suggest that RA attenuates the induction of apoptosis during the aggregation phase of P19 EC cells, probably by suppressing PTEN expression.  相似文献   

In five lines of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells, PCC3/A1, PCC4, PCC4/Aza-R1, and F9, collagen synthesis was examined by immunofluorescence reaction using specific antibodies directed against collagen. All the embryonal carcinoma cell lines showed type IV collagen, and PCC7-S/Aza-R1 revealed the additional presence of type III collagen. When the F9 and PCC3/A1 EC cells were treated with retinoic acid and dibutyryl-cAMP, they differentiated into morphologically different cellular types. These cellular types showed new types of collagen. Thus, in treated F9 cells, type I, type III, and type V collagen were detected and in treated PCC3/A1 cells, type III and type V collagen were detected. In two established cellular strains, PYS-2 corresponding to parietal endoderm and 3TDM-1 corresponding to trophoblastoma, collagen was identified by immunological reaction and electrophoretic mobility. The trophoblastoma cell line was characterized by the production of type I, type III, and type IV collagen, whereas endodermal PYS-2 revealed type IV collagen.  相似文献   

Differentiation of P19 EC cells along different pathways into derivatives resembling cells of the three embryonic germ layers is accompanied by characteristic differences in modulation of expression of each of the three retinoic acid receptor genes, RAR alpha, -beta and -gamma. Differentiation induced by addition of RA to P19 EC cells cultured in monolayer is accompanied by a rapid increase in expression of both RAR alpha and -beta. Induction of RAR beta occurs in a characteristic biphasic manner, suggesting that multiple factors and/or different mechanisms are involved in controlling its expression. RAR beta mRNA is induced to a far higher level during early aggregation in the presence of RA than during early differentiation in monolayer, suggesting that the direction of differentiation depends on the number and/or ratio of alpha and beta type of RA receptors. Aggregation of P19 EC cells in the presence of RA, but not DMSO, is accompanied by repression of RAR gamma, suggesting that the expression of RAR beta and RAR gamma during neuroectodermal differentiation is mutually exclusive. The effects of RA on RAR expression are significantly greater in G1 than in S-phase of the cell cycle. These results extend previous observations that commitment to differentiation is cell cycle dependent and indicates that critical target gene regulation in response to RA has to take place in G1 for differentiation to occur.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid induced differentiation of TERA-2-derived human embryonal carcinoma cells is accompanied by a dramatic reduction of extended globo-series glycolipids, including galactosyl globoside, sialylgalactosyl globoside, and globo-A antigen (each recognized by specific MoAbs). Associated with these glycolipid changes, the activities of two key enzymes, alpha 1----4 galactosyltransferase (for synthesis of globotriaosyl core structure) and beta 1----3 galactosyltransferase (for synthesis of galactosyl globoside), were found to be reduced 3- to 4-fold. The latter enzyme plays a key role in the synthesis of extended globo-series structures, and its characterization has not been reported previously. Therefore, its catalytic activity was studied in detail, including substrate specificity, detergent and phospholipid effects, pH and cation requirements, and apparent Km. During retinoic acid induced differentiation, a series of Lex glycolipid antigens (recognized by anti-SSEA-1 antibody) and their core structures (lacto-series type 2 chains) increase dramatically. In parallel with these changes in glycolipid expression, the activities of two key enzymes, beta 1----3 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (for extension of lacto-series type 2 chain) and alpha 1----3 fucosyltransferase (for synthesis of Lex structure), were found to increase by 4- and 2-fold, respectively. Similarly, an increase in the expression of several gangliosides (e.g., GD3 and GT3) during retinoic acid induced differentiation was mirrored by a 4-fold increase in the activity of alpha 2----3 sialyltransferase (for synthesis of ganglio core structure, GM3). The results suggest a coordinate regulation of key glycosyltransferases involved in core structure assembly and terminal chain modification.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied the expression of 38 human homeobox genes belonging to the four HOX complex loci in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells induced to differentiate by culturing them in a medium containing retinoic acid (RA). Genes located at the 3' end of each one of the four HOX loci are activated by RA in a sequential order colinear with their 3' to 5' arrangement in the cluster: 3' HOX genes respond early to the drug while upstream genes respond progressively later. Among the genes located at the 5' end of HOX loci RNase protection analysis reveals that one HOX3 gene and four HOX4 genes are weakly expressed in EC stem cells and downregulated upon treatment with 10(-5) M RA. While activation of early responding genes does not require continuous protein synthesis, the observed timing and polarity of gene activation is disrupted in the absence of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA), a derivative of vitamin A, is essential for normal patterning and neurogenesis during development. Until recently, studies have been focused on the physiological roles of RA receptors (RARs), one of the two types of nuclear receptors, whereas the functions of the other nuclear receptors, retinoid X receptors (RXRs), have not been explored. Accumulating evidence now suggests that RXRalpha is a critical receptor component mediating the effects of RA during embryonic development. In this study, we have examined the expression profiles of RXRalpha and RARs during the RA-induced neuronal differentiation in a human embryonal carcinoma cell line, NT2. Distinct expression profiles of RXRalpha, RARalpha, RARbeta, and RARgamma were observed following treatment with RA. In particular, we found that RA treatment resulted in a biphasic up-regulation of RXRalpha expression in NT2 cells. The induced RXRalpha was found to bind specifically to the retinoid X response element based on gel mobility retardation assays. Furthermore, immunocytochemical analysis revealed that RXRalpha expression could be localized to the somatoaxonal regions of the NT2 neurons, including the tyrosine hydroxylase- and vasoactive intestinal peptide-positive neurons. Taken together, our findings provide the first demonstration of the cellular localization and regulation of RXRalpha expression in NT2 cells and suggest that RXRalpha might play a crucial role in the cellular functions of human CNS neurons.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the P19 line of embryonal carcinoma cells develops into neurons, astroglia, and fibroblasts after aggregation and exposure to retinoic acid. The neurons were initially identified by their morphology and by the presence of neurofilaments within their cytoplasm. We have more fully documented the neuronal nature of these cells by showing that their cell surfaces display tetanus toxin receptors, a neuronal cell marker, and that choline acetyl-transferase and acetyl cholinesterase activities appear coordinately in neuron-containing cultures. Several days before the appearance of neurons, there is a marked decrease in the amount of an embryonal carcinoma surface antigen, and at the same time there is a substantial decrease in the volumes of individual cells. Various retinoids were able to induce the development of neurons in cultures of aggregated P19 cells, but it did not appear that polyamine metabolism was involved in the effect. We have isolated a mutant clone which does not differentiate in the presence of any of the drugs which are normally effective in inducing differentiation of P19 cells. This mutant and others may help to elucidate the chain of events triggered by retinoic acid and other differentiation-inducing drugs.  相似文献   

The ability of retinoic acid (RA) to induce differentiation in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells was examined by growing mouse F9 cells in a medium containing 1 μM RA. The altered properties of the cells became apparent after a lag period of approx. 24 h and were fully expressed after 5 days. The RA-induced phenotype was characterized by changes in cell morphology, slowing of the rate of cell multiplication, reduced DNA and protein synthesis, altered pattern of polypeptide synthesis and changes in cell surface components. The slowing of cell multiplication and general reduction in the rate of protein synthesis was paralleled by changes in the relative rates at which different polypeptides were synthesized. Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of [35S]methioninelabelled cell proteins showed an altered relative synthesis of at least fifty polypeptides. The relative rate of synthesis of two components of the cytoskeleton identified as vimentin and tropomyosin were shown to increase.  相似文献   

Single cells of the feeder-layer-dependent mouse embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell line, NG2, can spontaneously give rise to colonies containing a wide variety of differentiated cell types in vitro. When cultured with retinoic acid at a concentration of 10(-7) M, single NG2 cells irreversibly differentiated to parietal endoderm, as identified by morphological criteria and immunohistochemical staining. Parietal endoderm was also the first product of spontaneous differentiation. However, when retinoic acid was added to monolayer groups of NG2 cells, not all of the cells were induced to differentiate. The parietal-endoderm cells which did form were generally found at the periphery of cell colonies, as is the case during spontaneous differentiation. Differentiation in the centre of these colonies yielded a variety of cell types over a 21-day period. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that retinoic acid induces the differentiation of EC cells by accelerating cellular response to intrinsic stimuli, rather than by overriding these stimuli.  相似文献   

We have generated by mutagenesis eight differentiation-defective sublines from three murine embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell lines. These mutants grossly resemble parental cells in the absence of inducers of differentiation. Based upon response to retinoic acid (RA) or hexamethylenebisacetamide (HMBA), the mutants can be grouped into three types: (a) RA-selected cells that lack cellular RA binding protein (cRABP) activity and fail to differentiate in response to RA or HMBA; (b) RA- or HMBA-selected cells that possess cRABP but differentiate poorly, if at all, in the presence of RA or HMBA; and (c) cells originally selected for lack of response to HMBA but which retain cRABP and the ability to differentiate in response to RA.  相似文献   

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