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In perfused rat liver a decrease of cytosol pH, determined with pH-sensitive microelectrodes7 from 7.2 to 6.85 is associated with a 50% fall in ureogenesis from ammonium chloride. In isolated rat hepatocytes the fall in ureogenesis due to acidosis is associated with decrease in the mitochondrial and cytosolic concentration of citrulline. Limitation of carbamoyl phosphate synthesis and thus citrulline supply could be responsible for the inhibition of ureogenesis observed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in ammonia uptake by rat liver cells and the effects of changes in extracellular pH have been investigated in vivo and in vitro. When NH4Cl solutions were infused in the hepatic portal vein, ammonia uptake by the liver was practically quantitative up to about 1 mM in afferent blood. Ammonia transfer into hepatocytes was extremely rapid: for 2 mM ammonia in external medium, the intracellular concentration reached 5 mM within 10 s. Comparatively, [14C]methylamine influx was slower and the cell concentrations did not reach a steady-state level, probably in relation with diffusion into the acidic lysosomal compartment. Intracellular accumulation of ammonia was dependent on the delta pH across the plasma membrane: the distribution ratio (internal/external) was about 1 for an external pH of 6.8 and about 5 at pH 8. Urea synthesis was maximal at physiological pH and markedly declined at pH 7.05. This inhibition was not affected by manipulation of bicarbonate concentrations in the medium, down to 10 mM. Additional inhibition of ureogenesis by 100 microM acetazolamide was also observed, particularly at low concentrations of bicarbonate in the medium. Inhibition of ureogenesis when extracellular pH is decreased could be ascribed to a lower availability of the NH3 form. Assuming that NH3 readily equilibrates between the various compartments, the availability of free ammonia for carbamoyl-phosphate synthesis could be tightly dependent on extracellular pH.  相似文献   

1. The effect of increased ureogenesis--provoked by NH4Cl and ornithine--on gluconeogenesis and aminopyrine oxidation was studied in isolated hepatocytes prepared from 24 hr starved mice; lactate or fructose was used as gluconeogenic precursor. 2. Increased ureogenesis caused about 40% inhibition both on aminopyrine oxidation and gluconeogenesis when lactate was added as gluconeogenic substrate. 3. On the other hand, only 10% inhibition of aminopyrine oxidation and about 15% inhibition of gluconeogenesis were observed when fructose was used as gluconeogenic precursor. 4. Aminopyrine has been reported to inhibit gluconeogenesis from fructose by 30% and from lactate by 85%. The inhibitory effect of the combined addition of aminopyrine, NH4Cl and ornithine on gluconeogenesis was also dependent on the applied gluconeogenic precursor. 5. The provoked ureogenesis by ammonia and ornithine was not inhibited by aminopyrine. N6, O2-dibutyryl cAMP known to cause an increase of gluconeogenesis a decrease of aminopyrine oxidation enhanced the inhibitory action of increased ureogenesis on aminopyrine oxidation and on gluconeogenesis further. 6. The role of NADPH in the regulation of drug oxidation and ureogenesis is underlined.  相似文献   

1. Neither alloxan-diabetes nor starvation affected the rate of glucose production in hepatocytes incubated with lactate, pyruvate, propionate or fructose as substrates. In contrast, glucose synthesis with either alanine or glutamine was increased nearly 3- and 12-fold respectively, in comparison with that in fed rabbits. 2. The addition of amino-oxyacetate resulted in about a 50% decrease in glucose formation from lactate in hepatocytes isolated from fed, alloxan-diabetic and starved rats, suggesting that both mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of rabbit phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase function actively during gluconeogenesis. 3. Alloxan-diabetes resulted in about 2-3-fold stimulation of urea production from either amino acid studied or NH4Cl as NH3 donor, whereas starvation caused a significant increase in the rate of ureogenesis only in the presence of alanine as the source of NH3. 4. As concluded from changes in the [3-hydroxybutyrate]/[acetoacetate] ratio, in hepatocytes from diabetic animals the mitochondrial redox state was shifted toward oxidation in comparison with that observed in liver cells isolated from fed rabbits.  相似文献   

1. Rats were exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (equivalent altitude 4500 m), 2 x 2 hr per day, for 5 days. Isolated hepatocytes were prepared on day 6 after 18 hr of fast and also from control normoxic animals. The hepatocytes were incubated (120 min) with various substrates. 2. ATP contents were lower in hepatocytes from exposed as compared to control animals whether at the beginning (14%) or at the end (-6 to -33%) of incubation depending on the substrate. 3. Gluconeogenesis from all precursors (lactate, alanine, pyruvate, glutamine) was significantly reduced (40-50%) in exposed as compared to control animals. 4. Ureogenesis from alanine and from pyruvate + NH4Cl was also markedly depressed in exposed animals but no differences were noticed with glutamine or lactate + NH4Cl and alanine + NH4Cl. 5. Results are discussed in relation to known effects of acute and chronic hypoxia, interrelationship between gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis, taking into account the inhomogeneity of liver and the metabolic properties of periportal and perivenous hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Vasopressin, angiotensin II, glucagon and epinephrine (through a cAMP-independent, alpha1adrenergic mechanism), stimulate ureogenesis in isolated rat hepatocytes. Mitochondria, isolated from hepatocytes which were previously treated with these hormones, displayed an enhanced rate of citrulline synthesis in the presence of NH4Cl as the nitrogen source. When mitochondria were incubated with glutamine as the nitrogen source, only those mitochondria isolated from hepatocytes previously treated with epinephrine or glucagon displayed an enhanced capacity to synthesize citrulline.When cells were incubated in the absence of extracellular calcium, the effects of vasopressin and angiotensin II on urea synthesis were abolished, whereas those of epinephrine and glucagon were only diminished. Mitochondria isolated from cells incubated under these conditions, showed that the effect of all these hormones on citrulline synthesis could still be observed. However, the effects of glucagon and epinephrine plus propranolol were larger than those of angiotensin II or vasopressin.Phosphatidylinositol labeling was significantly increased by epinephrine, vasopressin and angiotensin II both in the absence or presence of calcium. Cyclic AMP levels were significantly increased by glucagon or epinephrine but not by vasopressin or angiotensin II. The effect of epinephrine on cyclic AMP levels was blocked by propranolol both in the absence or presence of calcium.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes incubated with 2 mm ornithine-10 mm glutamine as substrates and challenged with either glucagon, epinephrine, or phenylephrine exhibited stimulated rates of urea production, and mitochondria isolated from these cells displayed an increased rate of energy-dependent citrulline formation. There was no change in the total carbamyl phosphate synthetase I activity, nor mitochondrial content of the positive effector N-acetyl glutamate after acute hormonal treatment. The time of onset of ureogenesis and its sensitivity to glucagon were compared with stimulation of glucose production from lactate-pyruvate. No apparent differences in time of onset or sensitivity of the responses were observed indicating both pathways may be stimulated by a common mechanism. Mitochondria prepared from cells treated with catecholamines exhibited increased rates of State 3 respiration and increased uncoupler-dependent ATPase activity, in addition to the increased rates of citrulline formation. There was also an elevated intramitochondrial content of ATP and an increased ATPADP ratio. The catecholamine-induced stimulation of ureogenesis was mediated by an α-adrenergic cyclic AMP independent mechanism. The addition of the α-adrenergic antagonist, dihydroergotamine, blocked both the epinephrine-induced stimulation of ureogenesis and also the stimulated functions in the isolated mitochondria. dl-Propranolol, a β-antagonist, inhibited the rise in cyclic AMP due to epinephrine, but had no effect on any of the other reactions measured. The effects of catecholamines on citrulline formation and urea production are correlated with the increased capacity of the mitochondria to generate ATP. It is suggested that both glucagon and catecholamines, acting via independent mechanisms, stimulate electron transport and the activity of the ATP-forming enzyme complex. The consequent elevated intramitochondrial ATP levels and ATPADP ratio enhance the rate of citrulline formation and hence ureogenesis.  相似文献   

A perifusion system has been developed for cultivation of adult rat hepatocytes, permitting continuous supply of medium to the cell monolayer instead of periodical changes as used in conventional culture technique (discontinuous culture). Additionally, a modification of Waymouth's MB 752/1 medium is described, which favoured the expression of several metabolic and regulatory events mentioned below and supported the maintenance of several enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism. The improved nutritional conditions accelerated early monolayer formation and metabolic recovery, and favoured long-term cultivation of metabolically active and hormone responsive hepatocytes. Urea formation from substrates contained in the medium was found to be 2- to 3-fold higher and preserved for a considerably longer time than with discontinuously cultured cells, and was further enhanced by addition of tryptose phosphate broth or 4 mM NH4Cl even after 10 days in culture. In the presence of glucagon (10−7 M) the urea production was more than doubled during a 24 h incubation period on the 4th day. Pretreatment with this hormone for 24 h also markedly stimulated the capacity of perifused cells for ureogenesis. Concomitantly, a rise in arginase activity up to 2-fold could be measured in response to glucagon, which was largely suppressed by simultaneous presence of leucine in concentrations between 5 and 10 mM.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. L-Glutamine conversion into ammonia, urea and glucose by the perfused liver of 48 hr starved guinea-pigs was concentration dependent attaining the maximal rate at 4 mM.
  • 2.2. The activity of glutaminase I (EC 3.5.12), measured in isolated liver mitochondria was high enough to account for the observed rate of ammonia, urea and glucose formation by the perfused liver. Neither NH4C1 (5 mM) nor aminooxyacetate (0.5 mM) affected the rate of glutamine conversion into glutamate by isolated liver mitochondria.
  • 3.3. Gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis from glutamine was inhibited by octanoate, Dt-3-hydroxybutyrate, aminooxyacetate, ethanol and p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate while ammonia formation was stimulated by aminooxyacetate. 2,4-Dinitrophenol stimulated the rate of the formation of all three metabolites from glutamine.
  • 4.4. The major changes induced by aminooxyacetate, as determined in livers perfused with glutamine and stopped by freeze-clamping technique, consisted in a decrease in the content of ATP, aspartate and malate and in a slight increase in the content of glutamate.
  • 5.5. Glutamine is an effective precursor of phosphoenolpyruvate in isolated liver mitochondria. Its formation was inhibited by octanoate and by DL-3-hydroxybutyrate.
  • 6.6. The data are discussed in terms of regulation of glutamine catabolism in liver with emphasis on ureogenesis and gluconeogenesis.

The air-breathing Singhi catfish Heteropneustes fossilis was kept inside moist peat for 1 month mimicking their normal habitat in summer and the role of ureogenesis for their survival in a water-restricted condition was studied. The ammonia excretion rate by the mud-dwelled fish increased transiently between 6 and 12 h of re-immersion in water to approximately between eight and 10-fold, followed by a sharp decrease almost to the normal level at the later part of re-immersion. The urea-N excretion by the mud-dwelled fish increased to approximately 11-fold within 0-3 h of re-immersion, followed by a gradual decrease from 9 h onwards. The rate of urea-N excretion by the mud-dwelled fish, however, remained significantly higher (approx. threefold more) than the control fish even after 36-48 h of re-immersion. Although there was a significant increase of both ammonia and urea levels in the plasma and other tissues (except ammonia in the brain), the level of accumulation of urea was higher than ammonia in the mud-dwelled fish as indicated by the decrease in the ratio of ammonia: urea level in different tissues including the plasma. The activities (units/g tissue and /mg protein) of glutamine synthetase and three enzymes of the urea cycle, carbamyl phosphate synthetase, argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase increased significantly in most of the tissues (except the brain) of the mud-dwelled fish as compared to the control fish. Higher accumulation of ammonia in vivo in the mud-dwelled Singhi catfish is suggested to be one of the major factors contributing to stimulation of ureogenesis. Due to this physiological adaptive strategy of ureogenesis, possibly along with other physiological adaptation(s), this air-breathing amphibious Singhi catfish is able to survive inside the moist peat for months in a water-restricted condition.  相似文献   

1. The effect of a redox cycler and arylator (menadione) and a pure arylator quinone (benzoquinone) was studied on different NADPH generating and consuming processes in isolated mouse hepatocytes. 2. Menadione inhibited gluconeogenesis from alanine but not from fructose or glycerol. 3. Drug oxidation measured as aniline hydroxylation and aminopyrine N-demethylation could be inhibited by menadione in microsomal membrane and in isolated hepatocytes both from fed or fasted animals. 4. Ureogenesis in isolated hepatocytes from fed mice could not be inhibited even by high concentration of menadione, while in cells from fasted animals menadione was inhibitory at high concentration in the presence of gluconeogenic precursor and at lower concentration in the absence of it. 5. Benzoquinone did not inhibit the above mentioned processes.  相似文献   

1. A peptide which enhances ureogenesis in primary cultured hepatocytes of rats was isolated from a tryptic digest of bovine beta-casein. 2. The structure of the peptide was Ala-Val-Pro-Tyr-Pro-Gln-Arg which is located from 177th to 183rd residues from N-terminal of beta-casein. 3. The peptide also showed the activity to inhibit protein synthesis and protein degradation. 4. It also inhibited DNA synthesis of hepatocytes induced by insulin and/or epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

Exposure of fish to alkaline conditions inhibits the rate of ammonia excretion, leading to ammonia accumulation and toxicity. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of ureogenesis via the urea cycle, to avoid the accumulation of ammonia to a toxic level during chronic exposure to alkaline conditions, for the air-breathing walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, where a full complement of urea cycle enzyme activity has been documented. The walking catfish can survive in water with a pH up to 10. At a pH of 10 the ammonia excretion rate by the walking catfish decreased by approximately 75% within 6 h. Although there was a gradual improvement of ammonia excretion rate by the alkaline-exposed fish, the rate remained 50% lower, even after 7 days. This decrease of ammonia excretion was accompanied by a significant accumulation of ammonia in plasma and body tissues (except in the brain). Urea-N excretion for alkaline-exposed fish increased 2.5-fold within the first day, which was maintained until day 3 and was then followed by a slight decrease to maintain a 2-fold increase in the urea-N excretion rate, even after 7 days. There was also a higher accumulation of urea in plasma and other body tissues (liver, kidney, muscle and brain). The activity of glutamine synthetase and three enzymes operating in the urea cycle (carbamyl phosphate synthetase, argininosuccinate synthetase, argininosuccinate lyase) increased significantly in hepatic and extra-hepatic tissue, such as the kidney and muscle in C. batrachus, during exposure to alkaline water. A significant increase in plasma lactate concentration noticed during alkaline exposure possibly helped in the maintenance of the acid-base balance. It is apparent that the stimulation of ureogenesis via the induced urea cycle is one of the major physiological strategies adopted by the walking catfish (C. batrachus) during chronic exposure to alkaline water, to avoid the in vivo accumulation of ammonia to a toxic level in body tissues and for the maintenance of pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes from hypothyroid, euthyroid and hyperthyroid rats have been employed to investigate the relative importance of reducing-equivalent shuttles for the transfer of hydrogen between cytoplasm and mitochondria during simultaneous ureogenesis and gluconeogenesis. In cells from hypothyroid animals, a 58% depression of glucose formation and 68% reduction in ureogenesis were induced by n-butylmalonate, an inhibitor of the malate shuttle. A more reduced state of the cytoplasmic compartment and a substantial fall in the concentrations of pyruvate, aspartate, alanine and glutamate accompanied this inhibition. Preincubation of cells with n-butylmalonate yielded greater inhibitory effects than observed in the absence of preincubation. The inhibitory effects on gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis were less in cells from euthyroid rats and were very much reduced in the case of glucose synthesis and absent in the case of ureogenesis, in cells from hyperthyroid rats. It is inferred that both the malate-aspartate and alpha-glycerophosphate shuttles may function in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytoplasm to mitochondria during ureogenesis in hepatocytes. The major inhibition by n-butylmalonate of glucose and urea synthesis in hepatocytes from hypothyroid rats is due to the diminished activity of the alpha-glycerophosphate shuttle in these cells. Moreover, it follows that the NADH arising from the cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase-catalysed reaction is accessible to both the malate-aspartate shuttle and the alpha-glycerophosphate shuttle.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of glutamine and ammonia was studied in isolated perfused rat liver in relation to its dependence on the direction of perfusion by comparing the physiological antegrade (portal to caval vein) to the retrograde direction (caval to portal vein). 2. Added ammonium ions are mainly converted to urea in antegrade and to glutamine in retrograde perfusions. In the absence of added ammonia, endogenously arising ammonium ions are converted to glutamine in antegrade, but are washed out in retrograde perfusions. When glutamine synthetase is inhibited by methionine sulfoximine, direction of perfusion has no effect on urea synthesis from added or endogenous ammonia. 3. 14CO2 production from [1-14C]glutamine is higher in antegrade than in retrograde perfusions as a consequence of label dilution during retrograde perfusions. 4. The results are explained by substrate and enzyme activity gradients along the liver lobule under conditions of limiting ammonia supply for glutamine and urea synthesis, and they are consistent with a perivenous localization of glutamine synthetase and a predominantly periportal localization of glutaminase and urea synthesis. Further, the data indicate a predominantly periportal localization of endogenous ammonia production. The results provide a basis for an intercellular (as opposed to intracellular) glutamine cycling and its role under different metabolic conditions.  相似文献   

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