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The cytologic features of a pancreatoblastoma (infantile adenocarcinoma), a rare pancreatic neoplasm of childhood, are described. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) under ultrasound guidance produced a hypercellular specimen consisting of numerous oval-to-cuboidal cells that had a moderate amount of granular cytoplasm. Spindle-shaped, elongated and triangular-shaped epithelial cells were also seen, along with smaller cells that had a higher nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and a denser cytoplasm. In addition, there were abundant fragments of stroma present, including some surrounded by epithelial cells. Immunoperoxidase studies performed on the aspirated material revealed positive staining of the epithelial cells for cytokeratin (AE1/3), including high and low molecular weight cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, neuron-specific enolase and alpha-1-antitrypsin. Ultrastructural examination demonstrated epithelial cells containing either large electron-dense zymogen granules in the range of 400 nm to 600 nm or small dense neuroendocrine granules measuring from 100 nm to 200 nm. This finding, in concert with the immunocytochemical studies, supported a "blastemal" cell origin with bidirectional differentiation for this unusual pancreatic neoplasm and enabled a specific preoperative diagnosis of pancreatoblastoma to be made. The differential diagnosis of pancreatoblastoma from other pediatric neoplasms involving the pancreas, including neuroendocrine tumors and neoplasms of acinar cell derivation, is presented. We believe that the FNA cytologic findings can lead to a correct diagnosis of pancreatoblastoma, especially when coupled with immunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies performed on the aspirated material.  相似文献   

R. S. RANA  P. DEY  A. DAS 《Cytopathology》1997,8(2):108-113
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of extra-adrenal paragangliomas We studied nine histologically proved cases of extra-adrenal paragangliomas. Of these, eight cases were correctly diagnosed preoperatively by FNA cytology. Salient cytological features included clusters and discretely scattered cells, with occasional acinar configuration. The cells showed moderate to abundant slightly basophilic cytoplasm with ill-defined margins and round to oval nuclei with mild to marked nuclear pleomorphism. Fine reddish intracytoplasmic granules were also noted (six cases). Cytological features along with clinical data are quite diagnostic of paragangliomas. A correct preoperative cytological diagnosis helps to prevent undue surgical complications. Cytologie par ponction aspiration à l'aiguille fine des paragangliomes extra-surrénaliens Nous avons étudié 9 cas de paragangliomes extra-surrénaliens histologiquement prouvés. Huit cas sur 9 ont été correctement diagnostiqués, à titre pré-opératoire, par cytologie par ponction aspiration à l'aiguille fine. Les caractéristiques cytologiques principales sont la présence d'amas, une dispersion cellulaire modérée et d'occasionnelles formations acineuses. Les cellules comportent un cytoplasme légèrement basophile, moyennement à très abondant, avec des limites mal définies ainsi qu'un noyau rond ou ovale, dont le pléomorphisme nucléaire est modéré ou plus nettement marqué. Le présence de fines granulations rougeâtres intra-cytoplasmiques a également été notée (6 cas). Ces caractères cytologiques, associés aux données cliniques, permettent pratiquement le diagnostic des paragangliomes. Un diagnostic cytologique pré-opératoire correct favorise la prévention des complications chirurgicales indésirables. FNP extraadrenaler Paragangliome Neun histologisch gesicherte Fälle extraadrenaler Paragangliome werden vorgestellt. Präoperativ waren 8 der Fälle zytologisch durch FNP richtig diagnostiziert worden. Charakteristisch waren Einzelzellen und z.T. azinäre Verbände. Die Zellen zeigten mässig bis reichlich, leicht basophiles, unscharf begrenztes Zytoplasma und rund-ovale Kerne mit leichter bis ausgeprägter Pleomorphie. In 6 Fällen lagen feine, rote Granula im Zytoplasma vor. Das zytologische Bild in Zusammenschau mit den klinischen Daten erlaubt eine sichere Diagnose. Auf diese Weise können die operativen Risiken vermindert werden.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) was performed on small lumps in three female patients in the reproductive age group. One lump in the axilla and one on the chest wall were clinically suspected of being a lipoma or an angioma while another axillary lump was thought to be an enlarged lymph node. Cytologically, the aspirates revealed the presence of ectopic breast tissue. These cases show yet another instance in which FNA cytology can make the diagnosis of lumps of unknown origin, avoiding the need for open biopsy.  相似文献   

The cytologic appearance of cells in fine needle aspiration biopsies of two cases of well-differentiated renal oncocytoma (grade 1) and one case of moderately well differentiated renal oncocytoma (grade 2) is presented. In grade 1 renal oncocytoma, the tumor cells were seen mainly singly or in small clusters; they were round or polygonal, with abundant granular and eosinophilic cytoplasm and small, regular, round, hyperchromatic nuclei. Aspirated cells from the grade 2 renal oncocytoma were seen mainly in large sheets. These cells were polygonal, with eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm and slightly irregular vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology of major salivary glands   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the major salivary glands was performed on 160 patients. In 146 patients with satisfactory samples, the cytologic diagnosis was correlated with clinical follow-up and histologic findings. There were 122 benign lesions, including 47 tumors. There were 24 malignant lesions, 10 of which were primary and 14 metastatic. The overall accuracy was 98%. The sensitivity of the technique was 87.5%. There was no false-positive diagnosis. There were three false-negative diagnoses due to sampling errors and inexperience during the initial period of the study. This study documents that needle aspiration biopsy cytology of the salivary glands is accurate, simple, rapid, inexpensive, well tolerated and harmless to the patient.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) was performed under ultrasound guidance on 17 abdominal masses in 16 pediatric patients at Baragwanath Hospital. The aspirated cellular material was assessed by conventional cytomorphology and by electron microscopy (EM). A diagnosis of malignancy was rendered for all 15 tumors that were adequately sampled (88.2%); the remaining 2 masses yielded insufficient material for either light microscopy or EM. Cytologic cell typing (including the use of EM) was successful in 12 of the 15 tumors (80%) as compared with the histologic diagnosis. EM was in agreement with the initial cytologic diagnosis in eight tumors, but corrected the initial impression in four tumors. The tumors with adequate aspirates included nine nephroblastomas and single examples of neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, renal carcinoma and malignant rhabdoid tumor. The last three were not accurately typed by cytology plus EM. These preliminary results suggest that FNA cytology with adjunctive EM could become a useful technique in the preoperative assessment of pediatric abdominal tumors.  相似文献   

The fine needle aspiration (FNA) findings are presented for a case of perineurioma, a benign soft tissue tumor composed of perineurial cells, which are epithelial-like and ensheath the endoneurial connective tissue space of nerve fibers. A subcutaneous FNA performed on a posterior thigh mass of a 14-month-old boy produced a specimen consisting of numerous spindle-shaped tumor cells with bipolar cytoplasmic extensions and occasional pseudosignet-ring cells in a prominent myxoid background. Cytologically, a diagnosis of benign myxoid tumor was made. Histologic examination of the resected tumor revealed the characteristic features that have been described for perineurioma; the diagnosis was confirmed with immunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies. Perneurioma should be included in the differential diagnosis of benign myxoid neoplasms seen in FNA biopsy specimens.  相似文献   

G K Nguyen 《Acta cytologica》1988,32(3):409-414
Sixteen cases of metastatic renal cell carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy were reviewed. Polygonal malignant epithelial cells present in sheets with loose or strong cellular cohesiveness and granular, vacuolated or filmy cytoplasm were the characteristic findings of this type of tumor.  相似文献   

Six cases of lactating adenoma of the female breast diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) were reviewed. The FNA cytologic diagnostic features included a usually moderately cellular aspirate with an abundant foamy background material, intact epithelial lobules or acini and small groups and solitary epithelial cells that contained uniform nuclei, fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli. When present, the cytoplasm was finely vacuolated or wispy; many nuclei appeared stripped of their cytoplasm. These features were compared light microscopically with the cytopathologic features of six cases of invasive well-differentiated ductal adenocarcinoma, seven cases of invasive lobular carcinoma, one case of granulocytic sarcoma and one case of primary histiocytic lymphoma of the breast. In addition, cytomorphometric analysis demonstrated no statistically significant differences in the nuclear areas of lactating adenoma as compared with those of well-differentiated ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology in lymphadenopathy of HIV-positive cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) material in 25 HIV-positive cases with lymphadenopathy. STUDY DESIGN: We selected 25 cases for the present study who were enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay positive for HIV (HIV-1). FNAB was performed as a routine, outdoor procedure with informed consent of the patient. For each case, along with routine May-Grünwald-Giemsa and hematoxylin and eosin staining, Ziehl-Neelsen staining for acid-fast bacilli and periodic acid-Schiff staining for fungi were performed wherever necessary. RESULTS: A total of 28 sites were aspirated from 25 HIV patients. All these patients were heterosexual, and none had a history of drug abuse. FNAB was performed under ultrasound guidance in all four cases of a retroperitoneal group of lymph nodes. The most common FNAB diagnosis was reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (10), followed by tuberculosis (8). There were three cases diagnosed as fungal infection (two, Cryptococcus; one, histoplasmosis). FNAB of a case of lymph node was suggestive of tuberculosis. There was one case each diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma (metastatic). One case of a small axillary lymph node did not yield representative material. CONCLUSION: FNAB is a relatively inexpensive initial investigative technique in the diagnosis and management of HIV-positive patients. It can obviate the need for surgical excision and enable immediate treatment of specific infections.  相似文献   

Cytologic findings of clear cell sarcoma obtained by fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a tumor are described. The tumor probably originated in the retroperitoneal tissue, and the diagnosis was confirmed histologically by open biopsy. Percutaneous needle aspirates of the intraabdominal tumor and touch preparations obtained from the open biopsy specimen revealed numerous atypical cells with an extremely hyperchromatic nucleus, prominent nucleoli and clear cytoplasm. The cytoplasm was rich in glycogen. The immunocytochemical technique demonstrated S-100 protein and neuron-specific enolase in the cytoplasm, both of which were exhibited also in the histologic specimen. Clear cell sarcoma is a rare tumor of soft tissue, and to our knowledge, detailed cytologic appearances of this tumor obtained by FNA have not been reported. In addition, the present tumor was unique in location. It is possible to diagnose clear cell sarcoma accurately on an FNA cytologic specimen if the periodic acid-Schiff stain and immunocytochemical technique are utilized in addition to the routine Papanicolaou method.  相似文献   

In 42 fine needle aspirations (FNA), the cytologic findings were interpreted as either suppurative or granulomatous inflammation. The majority of these FNAs were performed in patients with a known history of malignancy in whom recurrent or residual malignancy was suspected clinically. In 13 cases, a specific microbiologic diagnosis was made on the basis of the aspirate, either by cytology or by culture. In the remaining 29 cases, no specific diagnosis was possible. Open biopsies were later performed in 9 of the 29 cases, revealing the presence of actinomycosis of the parotid in one case and of carcinoma of the breast in a second. Five additional patients in whom only inflammation was diagnosed on the aspirate subsequently proved to have tumor at the FNA site. FNA therefore is not absolutely reliable for the exclusion of malignancy and requires correlation with other data and appropriate follow-up. Aspiration did, however, rapidly provide solutions to otherwise confusing clinical problems in the majority of instances.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma is a rare, low grade malignant tumor of the salivary glands. Histologically, it has a biphasic cellular composition and exhibits a high degree of differentiation. The fine needle aspiration cytology of this rare tumor is rarely described in the literature. CASES: We report the fine needle aspiration cytology of three epithelial-myoepithelial carcinomas, arising in the right parotid, left parotid and minor salivary gland of the hard palate. Cytology showed a biphasic population consisting of cells of ductal epithelial and myoepithelial origin arranged in small clusters and sheets. The myoepithelial cells had small, uniform nuclei; ample, clear cytoplasm and distinct cell borders, while the ductal epithelial cells had larger, mildly pleomorphic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. These ductal cells tended to form tubules among background sheets of clear myoepithelial cells. This feature, if present, was an important diagnostic clue. Hyaline material surrounding cell clusters and focal adenoid cystic carcinoma-like areas with orangeophilic globules were also not uncommon. CONCLUSION: While the cytologic appearance of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma may closely mimic that of other salivary gland tumors, such as adenoid cystic carcinoma, pleomorphic adenoma and basal cell adenoma, certain peculiar cytologic features may allow a distinction to be made on fine needle aspiration biopsy.  相似文献   

A lipoblastoma, an uncommon tumor of childhood that can be mistaken for a liposarcoma, was preoperatively diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. The characteristic features on the cytologic smears were the presence of immature fat cells in the form of spindle-shaped cells, stellate cells and vacuolated lipoblasts along with lipocytes. The cytologic diagnosis was confirmed by histologic study of the excised tumor.  相似文献   

This paper presents the cytologic features of fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens from three cases of ductal carcinoma in situ characterized by small and uniform tumor cells growing in a predominantly cribriform pattern without comedo necrosis (low-grade cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ). On cytology, most of the tumor cells were clustered in three-dimensional ductal structures. Occasionally in the clusters the tumor cells were seen bordering central lumina, quite similar to the architecture in histology. A few single tumor cells and no myoepithelium were seen. The background was clear or slightly hemorrhagic, without necrosis. The tumor cells were uniform and had a cylindroid shape, with round or oval nuclei. Morphometrically the mean largest nuclear diameter was 1.5-1.6 times that of a red blood cell. The chromatin was finely granular, with a minute nucleolus and slight condensation along the nuclear membrane. In cut sections all three tumors showed strong immunoreactivity for neuron-specific enolase. Unless the cribriform growth pattern is recognized in the smear, the cytologic diagnosis of this entity is difficult.  相似文献   

The cytologic features of a hemangioblastoma of the spinal cord diagnosed by an intraoperative fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy are reported in a 66-year-old man with a long-standing history of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. A dual population of delicate branching vascular channels associated with nearby coarsely vacuolated stromal cells was appreciated in the smears. Histologic, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies demonstrated three cell types comprising the tumor: endothelial cells, pericytes and stromal cells. Factor VIII-related antigen positivity, vimentin positivity and glial fibrillary acid protein negativity support the contention that all three types of tumor cells may arise from a common angiogenic mesenchymal ancestry. A discussion of the expected aspiration cytologic findings of other tumors of the spinal cord is also presented. FNA biopsy of suspected hemangioblastoma should be performed with utmost caution due to the possibility of extensive intraoperative bleeding, such as we experienced following sampling of this tumor.  相似文献   

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