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A total of 242 larval forms of Anisakis collected from marine fishes at different sites off the Moroccan and Mauritanian coasts, recognised as belonging to Type I and Type II larvae, were identified by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) of the ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacers) region (ITS-1, 5.8 subunit rRNA gene and ITS-2), using a previously established molecular key. The Type I larvae were found with a frequency of 98.34% and were identified as belonging to the following species: A. simplex s.str., A. pegreffii, A. simplex s.str/A. pegreffii heterozygote genotypes, A. typica, A. ziphidarum and Anisakis sp. A. The Type II larvae were found to belong to A. physeteris, with the frequency of 1.65%. The results reported in the present study provide further epizootiological and biological data on the Anisakis spp. in marine fishes off the Moroccan and Mauritanian coasts, improving the picture of the occurrence of these species in the central Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   

Five species of philometrid nematodes (subfamily Philometrinae) are redescribed on the basis of newly collected materials from marine fishes from Japan. The species Philometra sciaenae Yamaguti, 1941, considered by Rasheed (1963) a synonym of P. lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), is re-established as a valid species and the male of this nematode, collected from the ovary of the type-host, Argyrosomus argentatus, is described for the first time; the latter is characterised mainly by the length of equally long spicules (0.108–0.126 mm) and the length ratio of the gubernaculum and spicules (1:2.25). Other species redescribed on females include Philometra inimici Yamaguti, 1941 and P. sebastisci Yamaguti, 1941 from the ovary of their type-hosts, Inimicus japonicus and Sebastiscus marmoratus, respectively, and also Philometroides seriolae (Ishii, 1931) from the musculature of Seriola quinqueradiata (type-host), and Clavinema mariae (Layman, 1930) from the subcutaneous tissue of Pleuronectes schrenki and Acanthogobius flavimanus (a new host record). For the first time, cephalic ends of some of these species were studied under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the character of their cephalic papillae was described. The importance of a knowledge of male morphology for the taxonomy of philometrids is stressed.  相似文献   

One new and one known species of the ascaridoid family Anisakidae are reported from marine fishes off the southwestern coast of New Caledonia: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) nemipteri n. sp. from the intestine of the forked-tailed threadfin bream Nemipterus furcosus (Nemipteridae, Perciformes) and Hysterothylacium cenaticum (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) from the intestine of the striped marlin Tetrapturus audax (Istiophoridae, Perciformes). R. nemipteri is characterised mainly by the shape (wider than long) of the lips, the length of the spicules (225–399 μm, which represent 2.7–4.2% of the body length), the number (22–33) of caudal pre-anal papillae, the position of the vulva (at 16–20% of the body length), and the presence of cuticular spines on the tip of the female tail. Specimens of H. cenaticum from New Caledonia generally exhibited smaller body measurements than those originally described from Australian waters; the deirids and eggs are described for the first time. Maricostula Bruce & Cannon, 1989 is considered a junior synonym of Hysterothylacium, to which three species are transferred as H. cenaticum (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) n. comb., H. makairi (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) n. comb. and H. tetrapteri (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) n. comb.  相似文献   

Parasites of the nematode genus Anisakis are associated with aquatic organisms. They can be found in a variety of marine hosts including whales, crustaceans, fish and cephalopods and are known to be the cause of the zoonotic disease anisakiasis, a painful inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract caused by the accidental consumptions of infectious larvae raw or semi-raw fishery products. Since the demand on fish as dietary protein source and the export rates of seafood products in general is rapidly increasing worldwide, the knowledge about the distribution of potential foodborne human pathogens in seafood is of major significance for human health. Studies have provided evidence that a few Anisakis species can cause clinical symptoms in humans. The aim of our study was to interpolate the species range for every described Anisakis species on the basis of the existing occurrence data. We used sequence data of 373 Anisakis larvae from 30 different hosts worldwide and previously published molecular data (n = 584) from 53 field-specific publications to model the species range of Anisakis spp., using a interpolation method that combines aspects of the alpha hull interpolation algorithm as well as the conditional interpolation approach. The results of our approach strongly indicate the existence of species-specific distribution patterns of Anisakis spp. within different climate zones and oceans that are in principle congruent with those of their respective final hosts. Our results support preceding studies that propose anisakid nematodes as useful biological indicators for their final host distribution and abundance as they closely follow the trophic relationships among their successive hosts. The modeling might although be helpful for predicting the likelihood of infection in order to reduce the risk of anisakiasis cases in a given area.  相似文献   

Summary Two new species of free-living marine nematodes, found among the holdfasts of Laminaria saccharina off the West Coast of Scotland, are described. Bolbella gallanachmorae sp. nov. is characterized by a short gubernaculum and regularly curved spicules while Sabatiera scotlandia sp. nov. is characterized by long cervical setae, lightly built spicules with broad alae and a rather lightly built gubernaculum.
Zusammenfassung Zwei neue Arten freilebender Nematoden, gefunden zwischen den Haftwurzeln von Laminaria saccharine an der Westküste Schottlands, werden beschrieben. Bolbella gallanchmorae sp. nov. ist durch ein kurzes Gubernaculum and regular gebogene Spiculi charakterisiert. Sabatiera scotlandia sp. nov. ist durch lange cervicale Borsten, leicht gebaute Spiculi mit breiten Alae, and ein ziemlich leicht gebautes Gubernaculum charakterisiert.

Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) (with 9 figs.)  相似文献   

Two new species of lepocreadiid trematodes are reported from marine fishes from the Taiwan Straits, China: Diploproctodaeum spinosus n. sp. from the intestine of Takifugu oblongus (= Fugu oblongus) and Preptetos parapristipomae n. sp. from Parapristipoma trilineatum. Diploproctodaeum spinosus differs from the known species of Diploproctodaeum, with 1 spine at the base of the ejaculatory duct. Preptetos parapristipomae is most similar to Preptetos rotto in having an entire ovary but differs from it in the sucker ratio, distribution of the uterus, position of the cirrus sac, and locality.  相似文献   

A new lectin, named UPL1, was purified from a green alga Ulvapertusa by an affinitychromatography on the bovine-thyroglobulin-Sepharose 4B column. The molecular mass of the algal lectinwas about 23 kD by SDS-PAGE, and it specifically agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes. The hemagglutinatingactivity for rabbit erythrocytes could be inhibited by bovine thyroglobulin and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Thelectin UPL1 required divalent cations for maintenance of its biological activity, and was heat-stable, and hadhigher activity within pH 6-8. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified lectin was determined(P83209) and a set of degenerate primers were designed. The full-length cDNA of the lectin was cloned byrapid amplification ofcDNA ends (RACE) method (AY433960). Sequence analysis of upll indicated it was! 084 bp long, and encoded a premature protein of 203 amino acids. The N-terminal sequence of the matureUPL1 polypeptide started at amino acid 54 of the deduced sequence from the cDNA, indicating 53 aminoacids lost due to posttranslational modification. The primary structure of the Ulva pertusa lectin did not showamino acid sequence similarity with known plant and animal lectins. Hence, this protein may be the paradigmof a novel lectin family.  相似文献   

Villarrealina peruanus (syn. Pirupalkia queulensis) is described from Cilus gilberti, off the Talcahuano region, Chile. It is considered an opecoelid and is distinguishable by the combination of its extensive uterus, which reaches to the posterior extremity, and the vitellarium restricted to the hindbody. Jerguillicola leonora n. g., n. sp. from Aplodactylus punctatus, off the Talcahuano region, Chile, is distinguished by the uterus reaching into the post-testicular region, the lack of a seminal receptacle, the eggs attached together is strings formed by a matrix, the large cirrus-sac filled mainly with fairly dense connective tissue, a long coiled seminal vesicle and a long coiled ejaculatory duct. Neolebouria georgenascimentoi n. sp. from Pinguipes chilensis and Prolatilus jugularis, off the Talcahuano region, Chile, can be distinguished from its congeners by a its elongate cirrus-sac and oblique entire to weakly lobed testes.  相似文献   

I tested jetski-based plankton towing as a new method of sampling larval fishes in a shallow marine environment in warm temperate South Africa. Larval fishes were collected by towing a stainless-steel ring net behind a three-man jetski. The sampling technique was designed and tested to overcome problematic sampling of shallow sandy beach surf zones and the adjacent, shallow nearshore immediately seaward of the surf zone (behind the breaker line) with the same type of equipment. The composition, density, stage of development, estuary association, and length frequency of larval fish catches obtained by the new sampling method in the surf zone and in the adjacent shallow nearshore were compared. The success of the technique was evaluated by determining the extent of replication of known trends observed in other surf studies in the same climatic region of South Africa using either a seine or pushnet. Preflexion and postflexion larval fishes were collected. Larvae of the family Sparidae dominated the catches. Trends in catch composition, estuary association, and length frequency of the larvae were similar to those found in other studies of warm temperate South African surf zones. Density of larvae varied depending on the type of equipment used, although these results are tentative given the subjectivity of calculation of the water volume sampled and the extent of nursery use by larvae in the habitats sampled in each study. Increased towing times are recommended. Jetski-based plankton towing is a useful alternative technique for sampling larval fishes in shallow habitats and can easily be applied in surf zones, shallow nearshore areas, and estuaries. The technique greatly increases sampling agility in previously problematic sampling areas.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the efficiency of a simple technique for recovering larval ascaridoid nematodes (Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova decipiens) from the flesh of marine fish. The technique involves mechanical disintegration of the flesh in a domestic food processor, followed by visual inspection of diluted portions of the resulting homogenate under short-wave ultraviolet light. The nematodes, which remain intact, fluorescence brightly and are easily detected, particularly if the musculature has been frozen and thawed previously. The technique recovers a much higher proportion of the total number of nematodes than candling and slicing, is more rapid than pepsin-HCl digestion, and would therefore be suitable for large-scale surveys of ascaridoid nematodes in the flesh of marine fish.  相似文献   

Quinaldine sulphate is demonstrated in this study to be a convenient and safe anaesthetic for use with tropical marine fishes. Both onset of anaesthesia and recovery are significantly more rapid than with the parent compound, quinaldine.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of free-living marine nematodes from sediments in the coastal zone of the South China Sea (Vietnam) are described. Cyartonemoides gen. n. morphologically resembles Cyartonema Cobb, 1920, but differs from it in having a well-developed cephalic capsule. Cyartonemoides foetidus gen. n., sp. n. is the type and the only species of the genus. Campylaimus abnormis sp. n. differs from all species of the genus Campylaimus Cobb, 1920 by the shape of the amphidial fovea and shorter lateral fields.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe 2 new species of Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871 (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), found in fishes from southern Chile. Ascarophis carvajali n. sp. was found in Austrolycus depressiceps and Patagonotothen cornucola, whereas Ascarophis draconi n. sp. was taken from Champsocephalus gunnari. These new Ascarophis species differ from other species in a combination of several morphometric and morphological characteristics. Although A. carvajali n. sp. was morphologically close to Ascarophis minuta, the new species has a larger ratio between glandular and muscular esophagus, filaments on both egg poles, and a shorter right spicule than A. minuta. Ascarophis draconi n. sp. was morphologically similar to Ascarophis adioryx and Ascarophisfiliformis. However, A. adioryx has eggs without filaments, a smaller ratio between glandular and muscular esophagus length, and a smaller ratio between left and right spicule lengths in contrast to A. draconi n. sp., whereas A. filiformis has a shorter glandular esophagus and left spicule length than A. draconi n. sp. Only 1 Ascarophis species has been recorded in a single fish from Chile (i.e., Ascarophis sebastodis in Sebastes capensis). Consequently, this study constitutes not only new species and records of Ascarophis in fishes from Chile, but also new records for the Pacific coast of South America.  相似文献   

Ronald  Sluys 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(4):433-443
A new species of terrestrial planarian from Madeira, Kontikia bulbosa sp. nov. , is described. The genus Kontikia is redefined and its scope and status reviewed.  相似文献   

Several isolates of aquatic birnaviruses were recovered from different species of wild fish caught in the Flemish Cap, a Newfoundland fishery close to the Atlantic coast of Canada. The nucleotide sequence of a region of the NS gene was identical among the isolates and was most similar to the Dry Mills and West Buxton reference strains of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence of a region of the VP2 gene demonstrated that the isolates were most closely aligned with the American strains of IPNV serotype A1. Electron microscopy of virus structures clarified and concentrated from cultures of infected chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214) cells revealed a majority of typical IPNV-like icosahedral particles, as well as a low proportion of type I tubules having a diameter of approximately 55 nm and a variable length of up to 2 microm. The tubules could be propagated in cell cultures, but always in the presence of low proportions of icosahedral particles. Cloning of selected isolates by serial dilution yielded preparations with a high proportion of the tubular structures with a density in CsCl gradients of approximately 1.30 g cm(-3). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the material in the band was composed of the IPNV pVP2 and VP2 proteins.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species of the family Cystidicolidae, each representing a new genus, were recovered from marine perciform fishes off New Caledonia, South Pacific: Ascarophisnema tridentatum n. gen., n. sp. from the stomach of the Japanese large-eye bream, Gymnocranius euanus (Günther) (Lethrinidae) and Metabronemoides mirabilis n. gen., n. sp. from the stomach of the painted sweetlip, Diagramma pictum (Thunberg) (Haemulidae). Ascarophisnema is characterized mainly by its cephalic structures (presence of two tooth-like projections on either side of the base of each pseudolabium, dorsal and ventral inner extensions of each pseudolabium recurved laterally in apical view, and submedian sublabia fused together dorsally and ventrally) and the presence of trident-like deirids, and Metabronemoides by its unique cephalic structures (presence of one dorsal and one ventral labium and four large dorsolateral and ventrolateral labia, and absence of sublabia). Rhabdochona gymnocranius (considered a species inquirenda) is provisionally transferred to the former genus as Ascarophisnema gymnocranius (Yamaguti, 1935) n. comb. To date, a total of seven species of cystidicolids are reported from marine fishes off New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Two new species of microcotylid monogeneans are described. Solostamenides platyorchis n. sp. was obtained from the gills of Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae) and Polylabroides guangdongensis n. sp. from the gills of Sparus macrocephalus, S. berda and Acanthopagrus latus (Sparidae). Solostamenides platyorchis is morphologically similar to S. mugilis (Vogt, 1878) Unnithan, 1971 and S. pseudomugilis (Hargis, 1956) Unnithan, 1971 in the structure of the copulatory organ, but differs from them in the number, arrangement and shape of the testes. Features of P. guangdongensis distinguishing it from other species of the genus include a copulatory organ lacking small spines and an extremely long polar filament on the egg. In view of this species, we suggest omitting the presence of small spines on the copulatory organ as a diagnostic character of the genus Polylabroides Mamaev & Parukhin, 1976.  相似文献   

Pycnadenoides pagrosomi Yamaguti, 1938 and P. reversati n. sp. from Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and P. invenustus n. sp. from Nemadactylus valenciennesi (Cheilodactylidae) are described from the temperate marine waters off south-west Western Australia and south-east Queensland. The difference in the anterior extent of the vitelline follicles observed in P. reversati n. sp. recovered from off south-east Queensland waters and the material from off Western Australia is discussed. P. reversati n. sp. is distinguished from P. pagrosomi mainly in the position of the genital pore and in the arrangement of the testes, and from P. invenustus n. sp. in the posterior extent of the cirrus-sac. P. reversati belongs to the group of species with a short cirrus-sac and P. invenustus to the group with the cirrus-sac reaching into the anterior hindbody.  相似文献   

Of 2,122 marine fishes representing 36 species collected in the northeastern Pacific Ocean in the vicinity of Newport, Oregon from 1971 to 1973, 541 individuals (25.5%) representing 8 species (22.2%) were infected with hemoflagellates. Four morphologically distinct trypanosomes and 3 distinct trypanoplasms were found in fishes collected offshore, but no hemoflagellates were observed in fishes from Yaquina Bay estuary. Trypanosoma pacifica was found in English sole Parophrys vetulus, Pacific sanddab Citharichthys sordidus, and slender sole Lyopsetta exilis, and survived in 5 other species after intraperitoneal injection. Trypanosoma gargantua was found in big skate Raja binoculata, and the leech Orientobdella confluens was able to transmit the trypanosome in experimental conditions. Trypanosoma khani n. sp. occurred in P. vetulus, petrale sole Eopsetta jordani, and Dover sole Microstomus pacificus. Trypanosoma murmanense was found in L. exilis collected from 200 m, but not in L. exilis collected from 80 m. Trypanoplasma beckeri parasitized the cabezon Scorpaenichthys marmoratus. Trypanoplasma bobolsoni n. sp. was found in E. jordani, L. exilis, and P. vetulus, and survived in 2 other species after intraperitoneal injection. A distinct, but unnamed trypanoplasm, was found in P. vetulus.  相似文献   

SEM evidence for a new species, Giardia psittaci   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genus Giardia has been subdivided by Filice (1952) into 3 species, G. agilis, G. muris, and G. duodenalis, based on the morphology of the median body and subtle variations in the dimensions of trophozoites. Giardia trophozoites were isolated from the small intestine of budgerigars (parakeets) and examined morphologically with light and scanning electron microscopy. These trophozoites, like other Giardia spp., possessed a flattened dorso-ventral shape, 8 flagella, and an adhesive disc on the ventral surface. The presence of a claw hammer-shaped median body suggested classification of these trophozoites as G. duodenalis. However, unlike any known members of G. duodenalis, the Giardia trophozoites from budgerigars were morphologically distinct in that they lacked the ventrolateral flange and therefore did not have a marginal groove bordering the anterior and lateral border of the adhesive disc. This distinct morphology clearly indicated that trophozoites from budgerigars should be considered as a separate species, G. psittaci. Our evidence has demonstrated that median body shape cannot serve as a sole criterion for speciation of Giardia. In addition, if other avian species of Giardia also resemble G. psittaci, then this would suggest that evolutionary divergence has occurred in the genus Giardia.  相似文献   

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