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We conducted a screen for glossy-eye flies that fail to incorporate BrdU in the third larval instar eye disc but exhibit normal neuronal differentiation and isolated 23 complementation groups of mutants. These same phenotypes were previously seen in mutants for cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va. We have molecularly characterized six complementation groups and, surprisingly, each encodes a mitochondrial protein. Therefore, we believe our screen to be an efficient method for identifying genes with mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Analysis of microtubule proteins from several sources has revealed a molecular complexity consistent with the proposed multi-functional nature of tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins (MAP). Less certain is the actual range of functions attributable to microtubules and how the variability exhibited by the microtubule proteins translates into functional specificity. In spite of the conceptual difficulties, an exciting picture of structure/function integration is emerging from the study of microtubules.  相似文献   

We have found that mutations in the enhancer of yellow, 1,2 and 3 loci strongly enhance the effect of zv77h-mutation (full inactivation of the zeste locus) on the white locus expression. Their effect is realized through the distal white enhancer which is located 1,1 kb upstream to the promoter. It is suggested that the protein products of enhancers of yellow 1,2 and 3 represent a family of proteins which, like zeste protein, are responsible for formation of contacts between elements located at a large distance in the genome.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,133(6):1331-1346
KAR1 is required for duplication of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae microtubule organizing center, the spindle pole body (SPB) (Rose, M.D., and G.R. Fink, 1987. Cell. 48:1047-1060). Suppressors of a kar1 allele defective for SPB duplication were isolated in two genes, CDC31 and DSK2 (Vallen, E.A., W.H., M. Winey, and M.D. Rose. 1994. Genetics. 137:407-422). To elucidate the role of DSK2 in SPB duplication, we cloned the gene and found it encodes a novel ubiquitin-like protein containing an NH2 terminus 36% identical to ubiquitin. The only other known yeast ubiquitin-like protein is encoded by the nucleotide excision repair gene RAD23 (Watkins, J.F.,P. Sung, L. Prakash, and S. Prakash. 1993. Mol. Cell. Bio. 13:7757-7765). Unlike ubiquitin, the NH2- terminal domain of Dsk2p is not cleaved from the protein, indicating that Dsk2p is not conjugated to other proteins. Although the DSK2-1 mutation alters a conserved residue in the Dsk2p ubiquitin-like domain, we detect no differences in Dsk2p or Cdc31p stability. Therefore, DSK2 does not act by interfering with ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation of these proteins. Although DSK2 is not essential, a strain deleted for both DSK2 and RAD23 is temperature sensitive for growth due to a block in SPB duplication. In addition, overexpression of DSK2 is toxic, and the DSK2-1 allele causes a block in SPB duplication. Therefore, DSK2 dosage is critical for SPB duplication. We determined that CDC31 gene function is downstream of DSK2 and KAR1. Dsk2p is a nuclear-enriched protein, and we propose that Dsk2p assists in Cdc31 assembly into the new SPB.  相似文献   

Microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) are a diverse group of molecules that regulate microtubule dynamics and interactions of microtubules with other cellular structures. Many +TIPs have affinity for each other but the functional significance of these associations is unclear. Here we investigate the physical and functional interactions among three +TIPs in S. cerevisiae, Stu2, Bik1, and Bim1. Two-hybrid, coimmunoprecipitation, and in vitro binding assays demonstrate that they associate in all pairwise combinations, although the interaction between Stu2 and Bim1 may be indirect. Three-hybrid assays indicate that these proteins compete for binding to each other. Thus, Stu2, Bik1, and Bim1 interact physically but do not appear to be arranged in a single unique complex. We examined the functional interactions among pairs of proteins by comparing cytoplasmic and spindle microtubule dynamics in cells lacking either one or both proteins. On cytoplasmic microtubules, Stu2 and Bim1 act cooperatively to regulate dynamics in G1 but not in preanaphase, whereas Bik1 acts independently from Stu2 and Bim1. On kinetochore microtubules, Bik1 and Bim1 are redundant for regulating dynamics, whereas Stu2 acts independently from Bik1 and Bim1. These results indicate that interactions among +TIPS can play important roles in the regulation of microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   

Homer蛋白是一类联系突触内细胞骨架蛋白、信号蛋白的重要物质。Homer家族蛋白可和mGluRI、IP3R、Shank、RyR中富含脯氨酸的序列结合。Homer蛋白可以自我交联形成同聚或异聚体 ,此多聚体通过与多种蛋白、受体形成复合体并相互作用 ,在信号转导、突触形成、受体在细胞定位起重要作用。  相似文献   



Microtubules (MTs) are assembled by heterodimers of α- and β-tubulins, which provide tracks for directional transport and frameworks for the spindle apparatus and the phragmoplast. MT nucleation and dynamics are regulated by components such as the γ-tubulin complex which are conserved among eukaryotes, and other components which are unique to plants. Following remarkable progress made in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana toward revealing key components regulating MT activities, the completed rice (Oryza sativa) genome has prompted a survey of the MT cytoskeleton in this important crop as a model for monocots.


The rice genome contains three α-tubulin genes, eight β-tubulin genes and a single γ-tubulin gene. A functional γ-tubulin ring complex is expected to form in rice as genes encoding all components of the complex are present. Among proteins that interact with MTs, compared with A. thaliana, rice has more genes encoding some members such as the MAP65/Ase1p/PRC1 family, but fewer for the motor kinesins, the end-binding protein EB1 and the mitotic kinase Aurora. Although most known MT-interacting factors have apparent orthologues in rice, no orthologues of arabidopsis RIC1 and MAP18 have been identified in rice. Among all proteins surveyed here, only a few have had their functions characterized by genetic means in rice. Elucidating functions of proteins of the rice MT cytoskeleton, aided by recent technical advances made in this model monocot, will greatly advance our knowledge of how monocots employ their MTs to regulate their growth and form.Key words: Cytoskeleton, kinesins, microtubules (MTs), microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), motors, rice, Oryza sativa  相似文献   

Identification of autosomal regions involved in Drosophila Raf function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li W  Noll E  Perrimon N 《Genetics》2000,156(2):763-774
Raf is an essential downstream effector of activated p21(Ras) (Ras) in transducing proliferation or differentiation signals. Following binding to Ras, Raf is translocated to the plasma membrane, where it is activated by a yet unidentified "Raf activator." In an attempt to identify the Raf activator or additional molecules involved in the Raf signaling pathway, we conducted a genetic screen to identify genomic regions that are required for the biological function of Drosophila Raf (Draf). We tested a collection of chromosomal deficiencies representing approximately 70% of the autosomal euchromatic genomic regions for their abilities to enhance the lethality associated with a hypomorphic viable allele of Draf, Draf(Su2). Of the 148 autosomal deficiencies tested, 23 behaved as dominant enhancers of Draf(Su2), causing lethality in Draf(Su2) hemizygous males. Four of these deficiencies identified genes known to be involved in the Drosophila Ras/Raf (Ras1/Draf) pathway: Ras1, rolled (rl, encoding a MAPK), 14-3-3epsilon, and bowel (bowl). Two additional deficiencies removed the Drosophila Tec and Src homologs, Tec29A and Src64B. We demonstrate that Src64B interacts genetically with Draf and that an activated form of Src64B, when overexpressed in early embryos, causes ectopic expression of the Torso (Tor) receptor tyrosine kinase-target gene tailless. In addition, we show that a mutation in Tec29A partially suppresses a gain-of-function mutation in tor. These results suggest that Tec29A and Src64B are involved in Tor signaling, raising the possibility that they function to activate Draf. Finally, we discovered a genetic interaction between Draf(Su2) and Df(3L)vin5 that revealed a novel role of Draf in limb development. We find that loss of Draf activity causes limb defects, including pattern duplications, consistent with a role for Draf in regulation of engrailed (en) expression in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Retroviral integrations have been used for many years to identify genes involved in cancer. The recently published mouse genome sequence has allowed large-scale identification of potential human cancer genes and their classification into distinct signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Chk2 is a well characterized protein kinase with key roles in the DNA damage response. Chk2 is activated by phosphorylation following DNA damage, and relays that signal to various substrate proteins to induce cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis. In order to identify novel components of the Chk2 signaling pathway in Drosophila, we screened 2,240 EP misexpression lines for dominant modifiers of an adult rough eye phenotype caused by Chk2 overexpression in postmitotic cells of the eye imaginal disc. The rough eye phenotype was suppressed by mutation of the ATM kinase, a well-described activator of Chk2. Twenty-five EP modifiers were identified (three enhancers and 22 suppressors), none of which correspond to previously known components of Chk2 signaling. Three EPs caused defects in G2 arrest after irradiation with incomplete penetrance when homozygous, and are likely directly involved in the response to DNA damage. Possible roles for these modifiers in the DNA damage response and Chk2 signaling are discussed.  相似文献   

Coordination of fetal maturation with birth timing is essential for mammalian reproduction. In humans, preterm birth is a disorder of profound global health significance. The signals initiating parturition in humans have remained elusive, due to divergence in physiological mechanisms between humans and model organisms typically studied. Because of relatively large human head size and narrow birth canal cross-sectional area compared to other primates, we hypothesized that genes involved in parturition would display accelerated evolution along the human and/or higher primate phylogenetic lineages to decrease the length of gestation and promote delivery of a smaller fetus that transits the birth canal more readily. Further, we tested whether current variation in such accelerated genes contributes to preterm birth risk. Evidence from allometric scaling of gestational age suggests human gestation has been shortened relative to other primates. Consistent with our hypothesis, many genes involved in reproduction show human acceleration in their coding or adjacent noncoding regions. We screened >8,400 SNPs in 150 human accelerated genes in 165 Finnish preterm and 163 control mothers for association with preterm birth. In this cohort, the most significant association was in FSHR, and 8 of the 10 most significant SNPs were in this gene. Further evidence for association of a linkage disequilibrium block of SNPs in FSHR, rs11686474, rs11680730, rs12473870, and rs1247381 was found in African Americans. By considering human acceleration, we identified a novel gene that may be associated with preterm birth, FSHR. We anticipate other human accelerated genes will similarly be associated with preterm birth risk and elucidate essential pathways for human parturition.  相似文献   

A versatile green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression cassette containing the replication origins of the monopartite begomovirus Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) is described. Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants containing one copy of the cassette stably integrated into their genome were superinfected with TYLCSV, which mobilized and replicated the cassette as an episomal replicon. The expression of the reporter gene (the GFP gene) was thereby modified. Whereas GFP fluorescence was dimmed in the intercostal areas, an increase of green fluorescence in veins of all leaves placed above the inoculation site, as well as in transport tissues of roots and stems, was observed. The release of episomal trans replicons from the transgene and the increase in GFP expression were dependent on the cognate geminiviral replication-associated protein (Rep) and required interaction between Rep and the intergenic region of TYLCSV. This expression system is able to monitor the replication status of TYLCSV in plants, as induction of GFP expression is only produced in those tissues where Rep is present. To further confirm this notion, the expression of a host factor required for geminivirus replication, the proliferating cellular nuclear antigen (PCNA) was transiently silenced. Inhibition of PCNA prevented GFP induction in veins and reduced viral DNA. We propose that these plants could be widely used to easily identify host factors required for geminivirus replication by virus-induced gene silencing.  相似文献   

The Methoprene-tolerant (Met) bHLH-PAS gene is involved in juvenile hormone (JH) action in Drosophila melanogaster as a likely component of a JH receptor. We expressed Met in Drosophila S2 cells and explored for MET partners using pull-down assays. MET-MET interaction was found to occur. The germ-cell expressed (gce) gene is another D. melanogaster bHLH-PAS gene with high homology to Met, and GCE formed heterodimers with MET. In the presence of JH or either of two JH agonists, MET-MET and MET-GCE formation was drastically reduced. Interaction between GCE and MET having N- or C-terminus truncations, bHLH or PAS-A domain deletions, or a point mutation in the PAS-B domain failed to occur. However, JH-dependent interaction occurred between GCE and MET having point mutations in bHLH or PAS-A. During development, changes in JH titer may alter partner binding by MET and result in different gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

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