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Gorelova OA 《Mikrobiologiia》2006,75(4):538-543
Data are presented on the physiological diagnostics of cyanobacterial communication with higher plants in natural symbioses (plant syncyanoses) and in model associations, as well as on the interaction of the partners without spatial integration. Emphasis is placed on changes in cyanobacterial features important for symbiogenesis. The multicomponent structure and the possible nature of the factors that enable partner communications are discussed with hormogonia formation and taxis as an example.  相似文献   

The potential of pyrolysis mass spectrometry to distinguish closely related cyanobacterial strains was assessed by using the technique to compare symbiotic cyanobacteria isolated from the hornwort Phaeoceros laevis and free-living cyanobacterial strains at the same field site. The same strains had previously been compared using polymerase chain reaction-based DNA fingerprinting techniques (West & Adams 1997, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63: 4479–4484). Many of the strains were grouped identically by the two techniques, although there were some differences, possibly resulting from the ability of these cyanobacteria to develop a range of specialised cell types having different chemical compositions to the vegetative cells. Although growth conditions were chosen to suppress cellular differentiation, this may not always have been completely successful. With careful control of growth conditions pyrolysis mass spectrometry has considerable potential as an additional tool for the phenetic comparison of cyanobacterial strains. It has the advantage that analysis is directly derived from whole cells, and hence is simpler and cheaper than DNA-based methods, although it does require the growth of axenic strains. The technique may be particularly useful in the study of some of the more cryptic unicellular and non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacterial groups, in which the lack of cellular differentiation should minimise any variability in the chemical composition of cells.  相似文献   

Gorelova  O. A.  Kleimenov  S. Yu. 《Microbiology》2003,72(3):318-326
Five different artificial associations of cyanobacterial cells with the cells or tissues of nightshade and rauwolfia were studied. The associations grown on nitrogen-containing media produced heterocysts. Cyanobacterial cells in the associations retained their ability to take up combined nitrogen from the medium, to store it in the form of cyanophycin granules, and to use them in the process of symbiotic growth. The synthesis and degradation of cyanophycin granules in cyanobacterial cells were more active in the associations than in monocultures. In the symbiotic associations of Chlorogloeopsis fritschii ATCC 27193 with Solanum laciniatum cells and of Nostoc muscorum CALU 304 with the Rauwolfia serpentina callus, heterocysts were produced with a 3- to 30-fold higher cyanophycin content than in pure cyanobacterial cultures. In contrast, in the association of N. muscorum CALU 304 with the Solanum dulcamara callus, heterocysts were produced with a lower cyanophycin content than in the N. muscorum CALU 304 pure culture. The degradation of cyanophycin granules in N. muscorum CALU 304 cells grown in associations with plant tissues or cells was subjected to mathematical analysis. The activation of cyanophycin degradation and heterocyst differentiation in the associations N. muscorum CALU 304–R. serpentinaand C.fritschii–S. laciniatum was accompanied by an enhanced synthesis of the nitrogen-containing alkaloids in plant cells. The data obtained suggest that an integrated system of nitrogen homeostasis can be formed in symbiotic associations. Depending on the growth stage of an association, its plant member can either stimulate the accumulation of combined nitrogen in vegetative cyanobacterial cells in the form of cyanophycin granules, activate their degradation, or initiate the formation of heterocysts independently of the cyanobacterial combined nitrogen deprivation sensing-signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Abstract The surfaces of cells of several species of cyanobacteria have been studied using low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and have been shown to be covered in a layer of hydrated mucilage. This mucilage is observed in specimens of Anabaena azollae adhering to plant cells in their natural symbiotic niche (the cavity of the fronds of Azolla species) and in samples of the various species of cyanobacteria immobilised on polyurethane and polyvinyl support matrices. The mucilage appears to maintain the close contact observed between the cyanobacteria and these surfaces. Comparable films observed surrounding plant cells immobilised on similar polymeric surfaces are considered to be performing a similar function.  相似文献   

Belov  A. P.  Giles  J. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,349(1-3):87-97
Mathematical modelling of microbial and algalpopulations has a long tradition (e.g. Hallam,1996), whereas modelling of cyanobacteria with itsability to regulate cellular buoyancy has only becomepossible in recent years after thorough experimentalinvestigation of the vacuolate cell's properties (Fay& Van Baalen, 1987). The dynamical model for buoyantcyanobacteria development (Belov & Wiltshire, 1995)consists of seven differential andintegro-differential equations of which thephenomenological function for algal growth and decay,the light attenuation, nutrient cycling and intake arediscussed here. Analysis of these equationsdemonstrates the strong coupling of the modelvariables. Using convenient simplifying assumptionsabout the isothermal, calm and nutrient reservoir, theremaining equations represent the light-driven buoyantcyanobacterial population dynamics in a water column.Diurnal cyclicity of light is an important factor forbuoyant behaviour of cyanobacteria. The simplifiedmodel comprises of the non-linear differentialequation for algal population density and is suitablefor modelling the evolution of the cell colony in awater column and bloom occurrence. In order toinvestigate the properties of this highly non-lineardifferential equation, it is assumed that the buoyancyof the cyanobacterial element varies with the diurnalcycle and declines with depth according to theBouguer-Beer Law. The analytical solution of theequation has been found, and several scenarios ofpopulation growth are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that form a fundamental part of soil biocrusts, enhance soil function and structure, and can promote plant growth. We assessed the potential of cyanobacteria as a seed bio‐primer for mine‐site restoration in an arid region in Western Australia, examining its effects on native plant growth and the characteristics of mine soil substrates used in dryland restoration. Cyanobacteria strains indigenous to the study region (Leptolyngbya sp., Microcoleus sp., Nostoc sp., and Scytonema sp.) were used to create an inoculant. Seeds of seven native plant species were bio‐primed with the inoculant, and their germination and growth assessed in a laboratory experiment. Seedling growth after bio‐priming was assessed in a glasshouse experiment for a subset of three species, in two different substrates (topsoil and mine waste). Soil properties related to soil function, e.g. total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and microbial activity, were also measured. Minor effects on germination were recorded with only significantly higher germination rates reported in E. gamophylla. Soil parameters were generally higher in topsoil than in mine waste, regardless of bio‐priming treatment. However, bio‐priming resulted in seedlings of four species producing longer radicles and/or shoots. For example, seedling root lengths of bio‐primed G. wickhamii were 57% larger than the control treatment (30.1 ± 4.3 and 13.0 ± 1.6 mm, respectively); and shoots of T. wiseana were 54% longer in the bio‐primed treatment (18.6 ± 1.6 mm) compared to the control (8.53 ± 1.4 mm). Overall, our results highlight that bio‐priming with cyanobacteria may improve plant growth for some species commonly used in dryland restoration.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological study was conducted ofNostoc muscorum CALU 304 grown either as a pure culture on standard media or as a mixed culture withRauwolfia callus tissue on a medium for plant tissue cultivation. The interaction of the cyanobacterial and plant partners results in their spatial integration into aggregates of specific anatomy, which arise periodically during the mixed culture growth. The morphology of the cyanobacterial cells varies depending on their localization in the mixed aggregate. The degree of cyanobacterial heteromorphism increases with the time of growth of the association. Evidence of the plant origin of the factors inducing heteromorphic changes inN. muscorum was obtained, as well as evidence indicating that these factors can rapidly diffuse in agarized medium. A conclusion is inferred that the heteromorphic cells correspond to bacterial forms that appear during unbalanced growth as an adaptation to altered environmental conditions.  相似文献   

  1. Shallow lakes can shift between stable states as a result of anthropogenic or natural drivers. Four common stable states differ in dominant groups of primary producers: submerged, floating, or emergent macrophytes or phytoplankton. Shifts in primary producer dominance affect key supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem services supplied by lakes. However, links between states and services are often neglected or unknown in lake management, resulting in conflicts and additional costs.
  2. Here, we identify major shallow lake ecosystem services and their links to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), compare service provisioning among the four ecosystem states and discuss potential trade‐offs.
  3. We identified 39 ecosystem services potentially provided by shallow lakes. Submerged macrophytes facilitate most of the supporting (86%) and cultural (63%) services, emergent macrophytes facilitate most regulating services (60%), and both emergent and floating macrophytes facilitate most provisioning services (63%). Phytoplankton dominance supports fewer ecosystem services, and contributes most to provisioning services (42%).
  4. The shallow lake ecosystem services we identified could be linked to 10 different SDGs, notably zero hunger (SDG 2), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), and climate action (SDG13).
  5. We highlighted several trade‐offs (1) among ecosystem services, (2) within ecosystem services, and (3) between ecosystem services across ecosystems. These trade‐offs can have significant ecological and economic consequences that may be prevented by early identification in water quality management.
  6. In conclusion, common stable states in shallow lakes provide a different and diverse set of ecosystem services with numerous links to the majority of SDGs. Conserving and restoring ecosystem states should account for potential trade‐offs between ecosystem services and preserving the natural value of shallow lakes.

蓝细菌是唯一可进行放氧光合作用的原核微生物,基于光合蓝细菌构建“自养型细胞工厂”具有广阔前景。但以蓝细菌作为底盘进行生物燃料及化学品的合成仍存在细胞耐受能力差、产量低等问题,导致实现工业化生产的经济可行性还比较低,亟需通过合成生物学等技术手段构建新的藻株。近年来,实验室适应性进化(adaptive laboratory evolution,ALE)已被用于底盘工程中,实现了优化生长速度、增加耐受性、加强底物利用和提高产品产量等目标。ALE在提高蓝细菌鲁棒性方面取得了一定进展,已获得了耐受高光、重金属离子、高盐和高浓度有机溶剂胁迫的进化藻株。但是,蓝细菌中的ALE策略效率相对较低,耐受各胁迫的分子机制并未阐释完全。本文综述了ALE相关技术策略及其在蓝细菌底盘工程中的应用,讨论了如何借鉴其他微生物中ALE手段,构建更大ALE突变文库、增加菌株的突变频率、缩短进化时间、探索多重胁迫耐受工程菌构建原则及研究策略等,高效解析进化菌株的突变体库,构建高产量、鲁棒性强的工程菌株等,以期未来促进蓝细菌底盘的改造及其工程菌的规模化应用。  相似文献   

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are continuously produced as a result of aerobic metabolism or in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. ROS are not only toxic by-products of aerobic metabolism, but are also signaling molecules involved in plant growth and environmental adaptation. Antioxidants can protect the cell from oxidative damage by scavenging the ROS. Thus, they play an important role in optimizing cell function by regulating cellular redox state and modifying gene expression. This article aims to review recent studies highlighting the role of redox signals in establishing and maintaining symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Specimens of the sponge Tethya orphei , collected in February 2005 on the underside of coral stones on Arì Athol (Maldives), have been processed for histological and ultrastructural investigations. The cortical layer of the sponge was found to be permeated by filamentous cyanobacteria, the trichomes of which measured 45–63 μm on average and were composed of 10–14 cells. The fine organization of the filaments was consistent with their taxonomic identification as Oscillatoria spongeliae. These filaments filled the cortical region of the sponge and penetrated inward into the upper choanosomal region, where they sometimes overlapped the siliceous spicule bundles. A budding specimen of T. orphei showed that the filaments were also present in the single bud protruding from the sponge surface, demonstrating that asexual reproduction can vertically transmit these symbionts from sponge to sponge. The occurrence of filaments in all the specimens studied is consistent with the assumption that filamentous cyanobacteria are not mere intruders but mutualistic symbionts with members of T. orphei.  相似文献   

The sizes of endonuclease digestion fragments of DNA from cyanobacteria in symbiotic association with Azolla caroliniana or Anthoceros punctatus, or in free-living culture, were compared by Southern hybridization using cloned nitrogenase (nif) genes from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 as probes. The restriction fragment pattern produced by cyanobacteria isolated from A. caroliniana by culture through symbiotic association with Anthoceros differed from that of the major symbiotic cyanobacterium freshly separated from A. caroliniana. The results indicate that minor cyanobacterial symbionts occur in association with Azolla and that the dominant symbiont was not cultured in the free-living state. Both the absence of hybridization to an xisA gene probe and the mapping of restriction fragments indicated a contiguous nifHDK organization in all cells of the symbiont in association with Azolla. On the other hand, in the cultured isolate from Azolla and in Nostoc sp. 7801, the nifD and nifK genes are nominally separated by an interval of unknown length, compatible with the interruption of the nifHDK operon by a DNA element as observed in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. In the above cultured strains, restriction fragments consistent with a contiguous nifHDK operon were also present at varying hybridization intensities, especially in Nostoc sp. 7801 grown in association with Anthoceros, presumably due to gene rearrangement in a fraction of the cells.Non-standard abbreviations bp base pairs - kb kilobase pairs - kd kilodaltons  相似文献   

T cell activation by nonself peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigenic complexes can be blocked by particular sequence variants in a process termed T cell receptor antagonism. The inhibition mechanism is not understood, although such variants are encountered in viral infections and may aid immune evasion. Here, we study the effect of antagonist peptides on immunological synapse formation by T cells. This cellular communication process features early integrin engagement and T cell motility arrest, referred to as the "stop signal." We find that synapses formed on membranes presenting antagonist-agonist complexes display reduced MHC density, which leads to reduced T cell proliferation that is not overcome by the costimulatory ligands CD48 and B7-1. Most T cells fail to arrest and crawl slowly with a dense ICAM-1 crescent at the leading edge. Similar aberrant patterns of LFA-1/ICAM-1 engagement in live T-B couples correlate with reduced calcium flux and IL-2 secretion. Hence, antagonist peptides selectively disable MHC clustering and the stop signal, whereas LFA-1 valency up-regulation occurs normally.  相似文献   

多年来微生物一直被认为是相对孤立的个体,在环境中独立地生存,但近些年的研究使人们认识到微生物也使用复杂多样的方式进行种内、种间,甚至与其他生物间的跨界信息交流。这些交流由特定的信号分子来完成,称之为微生物语言。借助这些交流语言使微生物在特定的生态位中与其相邻个体或种群建立了多样的互动关系,包括合作、竞争与资源共享等,通过协调群体行为,共同应对多变的环境。随着现代分子科学对自然微生物群落的不断深入研究,人们对微生物交流也逐渐有了更为清晰的认知。本综述总结了原核和真核微生物所使用的主要信号物质(如群体感应、群体猝灭、抗生素等)和交流方式,讨论了这些通讯语言在种内(同种微生物)、种间(异种微生物),以及跨界(微生物与宿主)交流上的表现。旨在更为深入地解读这一有趣的多学科交叉研究领域,更好地理解微生物交流语言的形式、机制和目的,为微生物行为的解读和生态事件的解析获取基于化学生态学的新思路。  相似文献   

During effective symbiosis, rhizobia colonize their hosts, and avoid plant defence mechanisms. To determine whether the host defence responses can be elicited by the symbiotic bacteria, specific markers involved in incompatible pathogenic interactions are required. The available markers of alfalfa defence mechanisms are described and their use in the study of the symbiotic interaction discussed. As defence-related gene expression in roots is not always related to defence mechanisms, other model systems have been established allowing confirmation of an important role of bacterial surface components in alfalfa-Rhizobium meliloti interactions. Nod factors at high concentrations have been shown to elicit defence-like responses in Medicago cell suspensions and roots. Elicitation of defence mechanisms by high levels of Nod factors in Rhizobium-infected roots may be a part of the mechanism by which nodulation is feed-back regulated.The authors are with the Institut des Sciences Végétales, CNRS, F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette cédex, France.  相似文献   

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