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Pigeon and human bands 1 and 2 (spectrin) and 5 (actin) are conserved. Band 3 anion porters have similar SDS positions, but the pigeon porter has a higher isoelectric point. Both anion porters are inhibited by similar doses of pyridoxal phosphate. Many differences are apparent in minor bands.  相似文献   

High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins.   总被引:2166,自引:0,他引:2166  

A two-dimensional electrophoresis method has been developed which solubilizes erythrocyte membrane proteins, and which resolves the components of the band that migrates in detergent gels as if its molecular mass were 95,000 daltons. This method uses gel electrophoresis with sodium dodecyl sulfate in the first dimension and phenol, aqueous urea, and acetic acid in the second dimension. The 95,000 dalton band is known to contain several different membrane proteins, including those associated with anion transport, glucose transport, and (Na+,K+) transport. Two-dimensional electrophoresis resolved this band into one major spot and several minor ones. Pronase digestion of whole erythrocytes, followed by preparation of ghosts and two-dimensional electrophoresis, showed that only the major component of this band was digested by pronase.  相似文献   

The proteins and glycoproteins of human blood platelets and platelet membranes in both the reduced and the unreduced states have been analysed by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulphate-discontinuosus polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a two-dimensional technique. Gels which had been stained with periodic acid-Schiff's reagent could be counter-stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue, simplifying the recognition of components which stain with both reagents. The major glycoproteins and some of the proteins have been identified and the characteristics of the membrance and of the whole platelet components established in this system.  相似文献   

The proteins and glycoproteins of human blood platelets and platelet membranes in both the reduced and the unreduced states have been analysed by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulphate-discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a two-dimensional technique. Gels which had been stained with periodic acid-Schiff's reagent could be counter-stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue, simplifying the recognition of components which stain with both reagents. The major glycoproteins and some of the proteins have been identified and the characteristics of the membrane and of the whole platelet components established in this system.  相似文献   

In the present study we extend previous work from this laboratory on the polypeptide composition of photosynthetic lamellae. Using a high resolution sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis technique, we show that both grana and stroma lamellae have qualitatively very similar polypeptide compositions although some clear quantitative differences are demonstrated.  相似文献   

A new separation method of human erythrocyte membrane proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate capillary gel electrophoresis (SDS–CGE) is described. In this method, a replaceable gel matrix was used. Seven major erythrocyte membrane proteins, α-and β-spectrin, ankyrin 2.1, band 3 (anion-exchanger), 4.1a and b, and 4.2 (pallidin), were separated and identified by SDS–CGE method. High reproducible migration times of these proteins (inter-assay coefficients of variation less than 2%), as well as quantification (inter-assay coefficients of variation less than 11%) were obtained. This new SDS–CGE method may provide important diagnostic evidence for hereditary spherocytosis. It can be a powerful diagnostic tool in place of SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for erythrocyte membrane protein analysis.  相似文献   

By applying two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (basic urea/acidic urea) in a mini-form yeast ribosomal proteins were separated with a high resolution. On basis of this separation pattern a standard nomenclature for the yeast ribosomal proteins is proposed.  相似文献   

A triple-spot pattern of polypeptides occurring in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins is described. The presence of a mutant protein, Pc 1 Duarte, which results in a splitting of all three polypeptides, is evidence that they are produced by the same gene. This pattern is seen in about 1% of the proteins from a variety of sources. Typically, about 50% of the protein occurs as a single major spot, the remainder occurring as two polypeptides with an additional negative charge and slightly different molecular weight. The reproducibility of this pattern implies a functional significance which is presently unknown. The implication of this configuration for patterns seen by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis is discussed.  相似文献   

Taylor CM  Pfeiffer SE 《Proteomics》2003,3(7):1303-1312
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) has become a powerful and widely used technique for proteomic analyses. However, the limited ability of 2-DE to resolve transmembrane and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins has slowed the identification of proteins from membrane-rich biological samples. Myelin is an unusually lipid-rich membrane with relatively few major proteins but many quantitatively minor proteins, most of which have an unknown identity and/or function. The goal of this study was to identify the optimal conditions of 2-DE for the separation of myelin proteins. We have identified two detergents, the nonionic n-dodecyl beta-D-maltoside and the zwitterionic amidosulfobetaine ASB-14, that are more effective in solubilizing myelin proteins than the commonly used zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)- dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS). These detergents significantly enhance the solubility of both transmembrane (e.g., the highly hydrophobic and multiply acylated myelin proteolipid protein) and GPI-anchored (e.g., contactin and neuronal cell adhesion molecule) myelin proteins and enable their resolution by 2-DE. We conclude that these detergents are effective tools for the 2-DE analysis of myelin, and that they may be more generally useful for the analysis of membrane-rich biological samples.  相似文献   

In order to separate hydrophobic membrane proteins, we have developed a novel two-dimensional electrophoresis system. For the iso-electric focusing, agarose was used as a supporting matrix and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltopyranoside was used as a surfactant. In combination with a previously developed Tris/MES electrophoresis system in the second dimension, distinct spots were reproducibly detected from hydrophobic membrane proteins whose grand average hydropathicity (GRAVY) exceed 0.3. In contrast to the immobilized pH gradient system, c-type heme was also visualized in this system.  相似文献   

A problem in proteomic analysis of lung cancer tissue is the presence of complex components of different histological backgrounds (squamous cell carcinoma, small cell lung carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma). The efficient solubilization of protein components before two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) is a very critical. Poor solubilization has been associated with a failure to detect proteins and diffuse, streaked and/or trailing protein spots. Here, we have optimized the solubilization of human lung cancer tissue to increase protein resolution. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) rehydration buffer containing a thiourea–urea mixture provided superior resolution, whereas a buffer without thiourea yielded consistently poor results. In addition, IEF rehydration buffers containing CHAPS and DTT gave superior resolution, whereas buffers containing Nonidet P-40 (NP-40) and/or Triton X-100 did not. A tributylphosphine-containing buffer gave consistently poor results. Using optimized conditions, we used 2-D gel analysis of human lung cancer tissue to identify 11 differentially-expressed protein spots by MALDI-mass spectrometry. This study provides a methodological tool to study the complex mammalian proteomes.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membrane and purified band 3 were separated initially by isoelectric focusing and then examined in a second dimension by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Band 3 was segregated into three major bands whether the protein was contained within the membranes or was present in the isolated state. The isoelectric points of these major bands were 5.25, 5.35 and 5.70. Of chymotryptic fragments of band 3, the 60-kDa fragment was also separated into three major bands whose pI values were 4.75, 5.10 and 5.30. The multiplicity of band 3 appears to be due to different charges carried by the peptide(s) and is not ascribed to oxidation of band 3 during its preparation. Isoelectric points of the purified 60-kDa fragment were different from the pI values of the fragment coexisting with the complementary 35-kDa fragment, in which case the pI values were exactly the same as those of intact band 3. This suggests that these fragments interact tightly in situ even after being cleaved by chymotrypsin, and the tight interaction must still be present during electrophoresis in the first dimension.  相似文献   

A previously described two-dimensional electrophoresis procedure (O'Farrell, 1975) combined isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecylsulfate slab gel electrophoresis to give high resolution of proteins with isoelectric points in the range of pH 4–7. This paper describes an alternate procedure for the first dimension which, unlike isoelectric focusing, resolves basic as well as acidic proteins. This method, referred to as nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEPHGE), involves a short time of electrophoresis toward the cathode and separates most proteins according to their isoelectric points. Ampholines of different pH ranges are used to optimize separation of proteins with different isoelectric points. The method is applied to the resolution of basic proteins with pH 7–10 Ampholines, and to the resolution of total cellular proteins with pH 3.5–10 Ampholines. Histones and ribosomal proteins can be readily resolved even though most have isoelectric points beyond the maximum pH attained in these gels. The separation obtained by NEPHGE with pH 3.5–10 Ampholines was compared to that obtained when isoelectric focusing was used in the first dimension. The protein spot size and resolution are similar (each method resolving more than 1000 proteins), but there is less resolution of acidic proteins in this NEPHGE gel due to compression of the pattern. On the other hand, NEPHGE gels extend the range of analysis to include the 15–30% of the proteins which are excluded from isoelectric focusing gels. The distribution of cell proteins according to isoelectric point and molecular weight for a procaryote (E. coli) was compared to that of a eucaryote (African green monkey kidney); the eucaryotic cell proteins are, on the average, larger and more basic.  相似文献   

We have examined yeast cell ghost preparations to assess their value in obtaining plasma membrane proteins. Ghosts prepared by two methods involving stabilization of spheroplast envelopes had similar protein patterns by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and approximately 200 proteins were resolved. Spheroplasts were lactoperoxidase iodinated, and recovery of label in ghost preparations was greater than 60%. Spheroplasts appeared to be impermeable to the lactoperoxidase reagents as judged by an examination of two-dimensional gel electrophoretic patterns of ghost proteins that had been iodinated in spheroplasts or in unsealed ghosts. Spheroplasts were also impermeable to pronase proteases. Surface iodination and surface proteolysis allowed us to identify exposed ghost proteins; the major ghost glycoprotein was exposed in spheroplasts.Two-dimensional patterns of ghost proteins were not heavily contaminated (?25% of all proteins) by proteins present in soluble or promitochondrial fractions, and estimates of surface label and total cell protein recovery suggested that the ghost fraction represents a cell envelope enrichment of 8–10 fold over whole cells.Resolution of ghost proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis appears to be a powerful aid toward identifying membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Solubilization of membrane proteins for two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) is very difficult. In this study, we report the use of 1,2-diheptanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatdiyl choline (DHPC) as a detergent to solubilize integral membrane proteins for 2DE. Rat ventricular microsomal fractions enriched with sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR) membrane proteins were used as a model system. Compatibility of DHPC with a high concentration of urea increases the solubility of proteins compared with sulphobetaines or ASB-14. Peptide mass analysis assisted in the identification of key SR membrane proteins including SR Ca(2+) ATPase and other membrane proteins, which have not previously been reported on 2DE. These results suggest that DHPC is a better detergent for solubilizing membrane proteins and may be useful in generating proteomic maps for most complex organelles including SR.  相似文献   

We have examined yeast cell ghost preparations to assess their value in obtaining plasma membrane proteins. Ghosts prepared by two methods involving stabilization of spheroplast envelopes had similar protein patterns by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and approximately 200 proteins were resolved. Spheroplasts were lactoperoxidase iodinated, and recovery of label in ghost preparations was greater than 60%. Spheroplasts appeared to be impermeable to the lactoperoxidase reagents as judged by an examination of two-dimensional gel electrophoretic patterns of ghost proteins that had been iodinated in spheroplasts or in unsealed ghosts. Spheroplasts were also impermeable to pronase proteases. Surface iodination and surface proteolysis allowed us to identify exposed ghost proteins; the major ghost glycoprotein was exposed in spheroplasts. Two-dimensional patterns of ghost proteins were not heavily contaminated (less than or equal to 25% of all proteins) by proteins present in soluble or promitochondrial fractions, and estimates of surface label and total cell protein recovery suggested that the ghost fraction represents a cell envelope enrichment of 8--10 fold over whole cells. Resolution of ghost proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis appears to be a powerful aid toward identifying membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A plasma membrane-enriched fraction prepared from barley roots was analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Four methods of sample solubilization were assessed on silver stained gels. When membranes were solubilized with 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate followed by addition of Nonidet P-40, gels had high background staining and few proteins because of incomplete solubilization. Gels of membranes solubilized in urea and Nonidet P-40 had a greater number of proteins but proteins with molecular weights greater than 85,000 were absent and proteins with low molecular weights were diffuse. High molecular weight proteins were present in gels of membranes solubilized in 4% sodium dodecyl sulfate followed by acetone precipitation but background staining and streaking remained a problem. Gels of the best quality were obtained when membrane proteins were extracted with phenol and precipitated with ammonium acetate in methanol; background staining and streaking were diminished and proteins were clearly resolved. This method makes possible the resolution required for meaningful qualitative and quantitative comparisons of protein patterns on two-dimensional gels of plant membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a genetic polymorphism of cytosol polypeptide with mol. wt. of 38,000 detected in phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Three different electrophoretic phenotypes (type 1-1, 2-1, 2-2) of the polypeptide have been identified in a Japanese population. Family and population studies indicate that three phenotypes are determined by two common alleles at a single autosomal locus. Since the polypeptide is mainly present in cytosol of cells, we propose that the polypeptide be temporarily designated as cytosol polypeptide with mol. wt. of 38,000 (CP 38) and that the gene for CP 38 be designated as CP 38. The gene frequencies of two common alleles (CP 38 1 and CP 38 2) are 0.899 and 0.101, respectively, in a Japanese population. The data on gel filtration of cytosol proteins on a Sephadex G-100 column suggest that CP 38 exists as a dimer in the cytosol. CP 38 was observed in the wide range of different cells, including B-lymphoblastoid cells, adult skin fibroblasts, HeLa cells, and erythrocytes. In 11 out of 72 individuals, the phenotypes of CP 38 were different from those of adenosine deaminase which is similar to CP 38 in subunit size, cell distribution, and allele frequencies. These data indicate that CP 38 is a new polymorphic polypeptide encoded by an autosomal locus.  相似文献   

1. Endogenous proteolysis in human erythrocyte membranes was studied in human erythrocyte membranes incubated at 37 degrees C by monitoring changes in 2-D electrophoretic pattern of membrane polypeptides and in the spectra of maleimide-spin labeled membranes. 2. A strong effect of exogenous proteases derived from contaminating other blood elements was found, resulting in formation of specific spots on 2-D electropherograms, requiring very careful leukocyte removal in investigations of red cell membrane protein composition and proteolysis. 3. Studies of the effects of protease inhibitors and Ca2+ confirmed a complex pattern of endogenous red cell membrane proteolysis ("self-digestion") involving many substrates and enzymes. 4. A promoting effect of high concentrations (150 mM) of Ca2+ on endogenous red cell membrane proteolysis was found.  相似文献   

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