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A Golgi-electron microscope method for insect nervous tissue.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Golgi's light microscope method of selective silver impregnation for nervous tissue combined with electron microscopy appears to offer a promising method for working out the detailed anatomy of individual neurons and their connections. Insect nervous tissue is fixed in a mixture of 2% paraformaldehyde and 2 1/2% glutaraldehyde in Millonig's buffer (pH 7.2) before postfixation for 12 hours in a solution brought to pH 7.2 with KOH containing 2% potassium dichromate, 1% osmium tetroxide and 2% D-glucose. The tissue is then transferred to a solution of 4% potassium dichromate for 1 day; and for 1-2 days to a 0.75% silver nitrate solution. After dehydration and embedding in Araldite, 50 mum sections are made. Areas of interest are cut from these sections and re-embedded in silicone molds. Ultrathin sections are then cut and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The Golgi method described here gives good results at the level of both light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

K H Roy 《Stain technology》1983,58(4):215-218
A modification of Gomori's hexamine silver technique is given as a simple, reliable method for the nonspecific demonstration of Legionella pneumophila in paraffin sections. When tested against serogroups I to VI it was found that pretreatment with potassium dichromate rendered L. pneumophila demonstrable by the Gomori-Burtner hexamine silver solution when buffered to pH 7.8. Tissue was fixed in 10% buffered formalin and sections were cut at 3-5 microns. After treatment with 10% potassium dichromate for 1 hour at room temperature, sections are placed in the silver solution at 56 C until they develop a pale golden yellow color, at which point they are checked periodically under the microscope for optimal staining (approximately 3-4 hours). Sections are then toned, fixed and counterstained in 1% neutral red. The L. pneumophila coccobacilli stain black against a clear background, while nuclei stain red/black.  相似文献   

A modification of Gomori's hexamine silver technique is given as a simple, reliable method for the nonspecific demonstration of Legionella pneumophila in paraffin sections. When tested against serogroups I to VI it was found that pretreatment with potassium dichromate rendered L. pneumophila demonstrable by the Gomori-Burtner hexamine silver solution when buffered to pH 7.8. Tissue was fixed in 10% buffered formalin and sections were cut at 3-5 μm. After treatment with 10% potassium dichromate for 1 hour at room temperature, sections are placed in the silver solution at 56 C until they develop a pale golden yellow color, at which point they are checked periodically under the microscope for optimal staining (approximately 3-4 hours). Sections are then toned, fixed and counterstained in 1% neutral red. The L. pneumophila coccobacilli stain black against a clear background, while nuclei stain red/black.  相似文献   

A great deal of information is available on the morphology of the claustrum in various animal species, as well as on its neuronal distribution and relationships with the cerebral cortex and other nuclei. However, no research has been performed on synaptic organization. Here we report an ultrastructural study performed on 7 male albino rats of the Wistar strain weighing 270-310 g. Five rats were sacrificed by prolonging general anesthesia with diethyl ether until death. Three of these rats were secured to the stereotaxic atlas coordinates of Paxinos and Watson (1982); the claustrum area was marked by injecting 1 microliter of a 10% Evans Blue solution into the nucleus. The brain was then removed from the skull, cut into 2-3 mm thick coronal sections, and tissue samples taken from the area immediately adjacent to the marked area were immersed in 2% OsO4 buffered with 2% potassium dichromate containing 0.2% CaCl2 at pH 7.7 (Gobel, 1968). After dehydration they were embedded in Durcupan and the ultrafine sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and observed with either a Zeiss 9S2 or a Hitachi H 800 electron microscope. The samples from two other rats, taken with the stereotaxic techniques described, were fixed for 12 h in 0.6 potassium permanganate solution buffered with veronal-acetate at pH 7.4 (Luft, 1956). After processing for electron microscopy, a portion of the sections were used without any contrast medium and the remainder were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick disease (types A and B), or acid sphingomyelinase deficiency, is an inherited deficiency of acid sphingomyelinase, resulting in intralysosomal accumulation of sphingomyelin in cells throughout the body, particularly within those of the reticuloendothelial system. These cellular changes result in hepatosplenomegaly and pulmonary infiltrates in humans. A knockout mouse model mimics many elements of human ASMD and is useful for studying disease histopathology. However, traditional formalin-fixation and paraffin embedding of ASMD tissues dissolves sphingomyelin, resulting in tissues with a foamy cell appearance, making quantitative analysis of the substrate difficult. To optimize substrate fixation and staining, a modified osmium tetroxide and potassium dichromate postfixation method was developed to preserve sphingomyelin in epon-araldite embedded tissue and pulmonary cytology specimens. After processing, semi-thin sections were incubated with tannic acid solution followed by staining with toluidine blue/borax. This modified method provides excellent preservation and staining contrast of sphingomyelin with other cell structures. The resulting high-resolution light microscopy sections permit digital quantification of sphingomyelin in light microscopic fields. A lysenin affinity stain for sphingomyelin was also developed for use on these semi-thin epon sections. Finally, ultrathin serial sections can be cut from these same tissue blocks and stained for ultrastructural examination by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Paraffin embedding was found to be satisfactory for brain stained by a modification of the Golgi dichromate-silver method. Nitrocellulose embedding caused fading in a few specimens. Several modifications in which the tissue was impregnated with silver nitrate before treating it with potassium dichromate were investigated. The following one is recommended. Fix pieces of brain 5-6 mm. thick for 2 days in: silver nitrate;0.5%, 90 ml.; formalin, comml. unneutralized (37-40% gas), 10 ml.; pyridine, pure, 0.05-0.1 ml. Mix in the order given and test for pH with brom cresol purple. A pH of 5.5-6.0 is about optimum and the amount of pyridine added can be varied to adjust it. A slight turbidity of the fixing fluid may be disregarded, but precipitation indicates too much alkalinity. Rinse the tissues with distilled water and place them in a mixture of potassium dichromate, 2.5%, 100 ml. and osmic acid, 1%, 1 ml., for 3-5 days. Wash in water, dehydrate with alcohol and embed in soft paraffin for thick sectioning. Greater intensity of staining (but with an increase in precipitate) can be secured by rinsing the blocks after the dichromate treatment and resilvering in a 0.5% solution of silver nitrate for a day or two, then washing, dehydrating and embedding. This modification of the Golgi method was worked out on brain of adult rat, guinea pig, cat and monkey. Results with fetal material were not good. All solutions used were aqueous, and staining was done at room temperature.  相似文献   

Paraffin embedding was found to be satisfactory for brain stained by a modification of the Golgi dichromate-silver method. Nitrocellulose embedding caused fading in a few specimens. Several modifications in which the tissue was impregnated with silver nitrate before treating it with potassium dichromate were investigated. The following one is recommended. Fix pieces of brain 5-6 mm. thick for 2 days in: silver nitrate;0.5%, 90 ml.; formalin, comml. unneutralized (37-40% gas), 10 ml.; pyridine, pure, 0.05-0.1 ml. Mix in the order given and test for pH with brom cresol purple. A pH of 5.5-6.0 is about optimum and the amount of pyridine added can be varied to adjust it. A slight turbidity of the fixing fluid may be disregarded, but precipitation indicates too much alkalinity. Rinse the tissues with distilled water and place them in a mixture of potassium dichromate, 2.5%, 100 ml. and osmic acid, 1%, 1 ml., for 3-5 days. Wash in water, dehydrate with alcohol and embed in soft paraffin for thick sectioning. Greater intensity of staining (but with an increase in precipitate) can be secured by rinsing the blocks after the dichromate treatment and resilvering in a 0.5% solution of silver nitrate for a day or two, then washing, dehydrating and embedding. This modification of the Golgi method was worked out on brain of adult rat, guinea pig, cat and monkey. Results with fetal material were not good. All solutions used were aqueous, and staining was done at room temperature.  相似文献   

A technique without negative effects on tissue preservation that allows precise identification and subsequent removal of central nervous system nuclei for ultrastructural analysis is described. The procedure uses 200 microns thick Vibratome-cut sections of glutaraldehyde fixed brains. These sections are stained for 25 seconds with a methylene blue solution and stored for 4 hours in 0.2 M pH 7.4 phosphate buffer in 4% sucrose for optimal visualization at the light microscopic level. The stock solution of 1 g methylene blue and 1 g sodium borate in 100 ml of distilled water, is filtered through a Millipore filter and diluted 5:95 with distilled water immediately prior to use. Regions of specific interest are then processed for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary After application of a rapid, selective silver impregnation procedure for light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy, individual neurons are distinguishable by a light silver precipitation. The silver content is sufficient that entire nerve cells can be observed light microscopically; on the other hand, electron microscopically the cytological details are still visible. Brains of mice were fixed by phosphate-buffered aldehyde perfusion, and pieces of tissue left in a 1 % K2Cr2O7 solution for 13 h before impregnation in a 0.5 % AgNO3 solution for 2h. Thick sections (30–50 m) of the impregnated tissue were cut; from these sections, suitably stained neurons were dissected out and re-embedded for ultrathin sectioning, thereby allowing observations on the same neurons at the EM level. A thin silver deposit was observed along the delimiting neuronal membrane, the microtubules and the smooth ER, including the spinal apparatus of the dendritic spines. The fine cytoplasmic details of the impregnated neurons and the surrounding tissue are well preserved and, therefore, suitable for subsequent determination of synaptic relationships of the impregnated neurons with the adjacent neuronal elements.  相似文献   

Polystyrene embedding: a new method for light and electron microscopy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polystyrene embedments of histological specimens can be obtained with a solution of 1:14 polystyrene-toluene, 5% benzyl alcohol and 1% dibutyl phthalate, allowing the solvent to evaporate in polyethylene containers for 2-3 days at 58 C. The resulting blocks are easily cut into truncated pyramids, each containing a piece of tissue, which are then glued to a Plexiglas support. Drying is completed at 80 C for 20 hr. The pyramids can then be sectioned to produce thick sections with a steel knife or to produce semi- or ultrathin sections with a glass knife. A 10% paraldehyde solution is used to mount the light microscopy sections on a slide heated on a hot plate to 80 C; these can be treated with the same techniques used with paraffin sections. The results are of high quality. Semithin sections of tissues fixed for electron microscopy can be stained directly after mounting, or by a wider range of stains once the polystyrene has been removed by organic solvents. In electron microscopy, the ultrathin sections obtained with the usual techniques are highly electron beam-resistant and given acceptable results.  相似文献   

Mammillary body (Mb) cell structures were compared following four different procedures for fixation, in order to find one procedure which would be suitable both for silver impregnation methods and electron microscopy. Fixatives compared were: (1) formaldehyde (4% pH 5.5), Mb from a frozen-section; (2) formaldehyde (4% pH 7.2.), Mb from a frozen-section; (3) glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde (1%-4% pH 6.0), Mb from a frozen-section; and (4) glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde (3%-2% pH 7.2), unfrozen Mb. All solutions were perfused into the left ventricle of the heart of anesthetized rats, except for the animal from which the unfrozen tissue was obtained. The Mb was excised from the fresh brain and immediately placed in a fixative solution. After aldehyde fixation, the tissues were further fixed in 1% OsO4 (pH 7.4), dehydrated, embedded in Epon-Araldite and double-stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Comparisons of mitochondria, myelin, synapses, neurofilaments and synaptic membranes indicated that the perfusion of 4% formaldehyde is suitable for both electron microscopy and silver impregnation, and was preferable to the other fixatives tested.  相似文献   

Staining of etched sections for light microscopy is described. Azan staining was successful after treatment with potassium dichromate and the use of concentrated dye solutions. To remove osmium for hematoxylin-eosin staining, removal by reduction with ferrocene was used instead of oxidation. Highly selective differentiation after hematoxylin staining was achieved using p-toluenesulfonic acid-DMSO. To enhance eosin staining, a 2-bromoethylamine link between eosin and the tissue was used. Ferrocene also facilitated counterstaining of nuclei with hematoxylin after the PAS reaction. Periodic acid-methenamine silver staining was carried out without modification.  相似文献   

Polystyrene embedments of histological specimens can be Obtained with a solution 1 : 4 polystyrene-toluene, 5% benzyl alcohol and 1% dibutyl phthalate, allowing the solvent to evaporate in polyethylene containers for 2-3 days at 58 C. The resulting blocks are easily cut into truncated pyramids, each containing a piece of tissue. which are then glued to a Plexiglas support Drying is completed at 80 C for 20 hr. The pyramids can then be sectioned to produce thick sections, with a steel knife or to produce semi- or ultrathin sections with a glass knife. A 10% paraldehyde solution is used to mount the light microscopy dons on a slide heated on a hot plate to 80 C; those can be treated with the same techniques used with paraffin sections. The results are of high quality. Semithin sections of tissues fired for electron microscopy can be stained directly after mounting, or by a wider range of stains once the polystyrene has been removed by organic solvents. In electron-microscopy, the ultrathin sections obtained with the usual techniques are highly electron beam-resistant and give acceptable results.  相似文献   

Summary Identification of argyrophilic cells, in pancreatic islets of normal rabbits, is accomplished by light and electron microscopy in osmium-fixed plastic-embedded tissues.Fixative, pretreatment and pH of silver nitrate solution were essential for the light microscopic study to reveal argyrophilic cells in osmium-fixed plastic-embedded pancreatic islet tissue. The best result was obtained with Dalton's osmium fixation and buffered silver nitrate methanamine solution at pH 9.O. The cytoplasmic granules of argyrophilic cells generally are densely packed but some of the cells show only sparse silver impregnated granules in the cytoplasm. Occasionally there are some non-argyrophilic granular cells in which, after silver impregnation, the cytoplasm appears clear. There are three kinds of cells in the pancreatic islets, i.e., argyrophilic granular cells, non-argyrophilic granular (clear) cells, and beta cells (situated centrally in the islet and stained light yellow in silver impregnated sections).The cells known as argyrophilic cells in light microscopy can be identified as alpha cells in electron micrographs by comparison of consecutive sections of the same cell.The author would like to express his appreciation to professor Roy C. Swan for his generous guidance.  相似文献   

Brains of cats that had been fixed 2 months or longer in 10% formalin were cut into 3-6 mm. slices and impregnated by Golgi's dichromate-silver procedure (6% dichromate solution, 4-6 days; 1.5% silver nitrate solution 2 days). Sections 100 µ thick were cut after embedding in low melting point paraffin. Three changes of xylene and three of absolute alcohol were followed by staining 3-5 minutes in a saturated solution of thionin in absolute alcohol. The sections were dipped quickly in absolute alcohol and cleared in xylene, then differentiation was effected by an equal-parts mixture of absolute alcohol and xylene. A final clearing in three changes of xylene and mounting in Permount completed the process. Counter-staining was most successful when applied to freshly cut sections.  相似文献   

A reduced silver technique using physical development to stain embryonic nervous tissue is described. Brains are fixed in Bodian's fixative. Paraffin sections are pretreated with 1% chromic acid or 5% formol. They are impregnated with 0.01% silver nitrate dissolved in 0.1 M boric acid/sodium tetraborate buffer of pH 8 or with silver proteinate. Finally they are developed in a special physical developer which contains 0.1% silver nitrate, 0.01-0.1% formol as reducing agent, 2.5% sodium carbonate to buffer the solution at pH 10.3, 0.1% ammonium nitrate to prevent precipitation of silver hydroxide, and 5% tungstosilicic acid as a protective colloid. The development takes several minutes in this solution, thus the intensity of staining can be controlled easily. The method yields uniform, complete and reproducible staining of axons at all developmental stages of the nervous tissue and is easy to handle.  相似文献   

To overcome the difficulty of obtaining compact slices or pieces of tissue from the rat testis, due to the scarcity of interstitial tissue, the fixation of the testis is started in the live anesthetized animal by injecting 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer at pH 7.2 under the albuginea; within a few minutes this causes sufficient hardening of the testis tissue to enable one to cut neat slices from it with a razor blade. Fixation is completed with the usual immersion method. The fixed tissue may then be processed for either light or electron microscopy. Preservation of structural detail is comparable to that obtained with perfusion-fixation. The main advantages of the method are speed and simplicity, which may be very important when dealing simultaneously with several animals.  相似文献   

A reduced silver technique using physical development to stain embryonic nervous tissue is described. Brains are fixed in Bodian's fixative. Paraffin sections are pretreated with 1% chromic acid or 5% formol. They are impregnated with 0.01% silver nitrate dissolved in 0.1 M boric acid/sodium tetraborate buffer of pH 8 or with silver proteinate. Finally they are developed in a special physical developer which contains 0.1% silver nitrate, 0.01-0.l% formol as developed agent, 25% sodium carbonate to buffer the solution at pH 10.3, 0.1% ammonium nitrate to prevent precipitation of silver hydroxide, and 5% tungstosilicic acid as a protective colloid. The development takes several minutes in this solution, thus the intensity of staining can be controlled easily. The method yields uniform, complete and reproducible staining of axons at all developmental stages of the nervous tissue and is easy to handle.  相似文献   

Summary A simultaneous light and electron microscopic study of mouse gastric mucosa was made to determine whether the silver nitrate methenamine stain of Duk-Ho Lee could be used to stain gastric endocrine-like cells in plastic embedded tissue. Examination of consecutive thick and thin sections showed that this stain blackened the granules of the predominant type of endocrine-like cell present. Blackening of the granules with silver occured in tissue fixed in osmium tetroxide solution with or without dichromate salt or in tissue fixed in glutaraldehyde then treated with osmium. The intensity of staining was deepest in the osmium-dichromate fixed tissue, but the glutaraldehyde-osmium procedure gave less interference from diffuse silver impregnation and better preservation of detail for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A modification of the Del Rio-Hortega method for the demonstration of central nervous system elements is presented. This silver impregnation technique is particularly useful for the classification of cell types for quantitative differential cell counts. Formalin fixed paraffin sections are immersed in formol-ammonium bromide for 1 1/2 hours; this solution is an excellent mordant for various silver nitrate stains. The samples are stained for 20 to 60 minutes in a silver carbonate solution (25 ml of 25% silver nitrate combined with 200 ml of 5% sodium carbonate) and then reduced in a 1% formaldehyde solution to which 20 drops of acetic acid have been added. Finally, the slides are fixed in sodium thiosulfate, rinsed in tap water, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted. This procedure will enable this investigator to identify neurons, oligodendroglia, and astrocytes on the basis of their nuclear staining as well as to demonstrate the laminae of brain tissue since the method allows differentiation of cell layers and fiber tracts.  相似文献   

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